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2478 Treffer,  Seite 9 von  13 
Oxford (Ohio) (Ohio)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL — Miami University Library
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 02074, 09068, M14345, M32602, M38725
Paceco (Trapani)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M26523 (4, def.)
Paderborn (Nordrhein-Westfalen)/Deutschland
AkadB — Erzbischöfliche Akademische Bibliothek: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden. Bestand im ISTC vollständig erfasst.
Erfasster Bestand 623 Ausgaben: 00299, 00310, 00327, 00399, 00413, 00479, 00493, 00510, 00770 (def.), 00771, 00589, 00597, 00603 (2 Ex.), 00604 (def.), 00623, 00707, 00785, 00876, 00998, 01059 (def.), 01159, 01196 (def.), 01599 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01683, 01689, 01695, 01707, 2 Sp.216c, 01757, 01837, 01926, 01927, 01929, 01933, 01938, 01943, 02034, 02186 (1.4, def.), 02190 (1.4.5), 02191, 02192 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. 1–3), 02201, 02085, 02137 (def.), 02139, 02397, 02431, 02444, 02502, 02511, 02660, 0272730N, 02752, 02760, 3 Sp. 56b, 02937 (2 Ex.), 03002, 02868 (2 Ex.), 02870, 02887 (def.), 02888 (2 Ex.), 02906, 02910, 02912, 02913, 02920 (1-4), 02925, 02928 (2 Ex.), 03051, 03185, 03199, 03218, 03243, 03266, 03272, 3 Sp.349b, 03307, 3 Sp.353a, 03322, 03326 (2 Ex.), 03426, 03427 (def.), 03686, 3 Sp.562a, 03758, 03866 (1.2, def.), 03882, 03887 (def.), 03926, 03929 (def.), 03937 (def.), 04004, 04060, 04100, 04172, 4 Sp. 57a, 04201 (Perg. Fragm. 1 Bl.: White: Paderborn Group I:151), 04204 (Perg. Fragm.), 04206 (def.), 04229, 04232 (def.), 04239, 04248 (def.), 04257, 04260 (def.), 04262 (Bl. 2 u. 3 fehlen), 04264 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04267, 04270 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04275 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 4 Sp.133d, 04284, 04285 (1.2.4-7), 04289 (3), 04292 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04332, 04333, 04568, 04644 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04646 (3 Ex.), 04648 (def.), 04706, 04799, 04801, 4 Sp.479a, 04810 (def.), 04814 (def.), 04882 (2 Ex.), 04898, 05062 (def.), 05068, 05075, 05383, 05392 (Fragm. 3 Bl.), 05402, 05485 (Fragm. 1 Bl.), 05102, 05167 (def.), 05179 (def.), 05241 (def.), 05533, 0554110N, 05610, 5 Sp.594a, 05691 (def.), 05805 (2 Ex.), 05807 (1, def.), 05829 (def.), 06054, 06057, 06069 (def.), 06074, 06162, 06283 (def.), 06291 (def.), 6 Sp.296a, 06546, 06688 (def.), 06692, 06997, 07021, 06880, 07095, 07100 (def.), 07105 (2 Ex.), 07228, 07229, 07230, 07231 (def.), 07410, 07412, 07418, 07419 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07477, 07507 (def.), 07513, 07514 (def.), 07516 (def.), 07574, 07596 (def.), 07615 (2 Ex.), 07636, 07666, 07686, 07690, 07710, 07822, 07887, 07894, 07989, 08167, 08198, 08247, 7 Sp.372a, 08269, 08308, 08414, 08416, 7 Sp.457b, 08648, 09069 (def.), 09074, 09075 (1, def.), 09084, 09109 (def.), 09110, 09114 (def.), 09118 (2 Ex.), 09125, 09132 (def.), 09134, 09135 (2 Ex.), 09150 (3.4), 09157 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 09356, 09359, 09439 (2 Ex.), 09682, 09808 (def.), 09836 (1.2. 2 def.), 09838 (1.2. 1 def.), 09840 (1–3. 1 def.), *10074, *10205†, 10221, 10259, 10313, 10409, 10673, 10682, 10683, 10687, 10690, 10713 (4), 10714 (2), 10715 (1.2), 10716, 10717 (2.3), 10730 (2 Ex.), 10811 (2 Ex.), 10830, 10831, 10892, 10897, 10951, 11360, 11362 (def.), 11368, 11373, 11374, 11377 (def.), 11382 (b), 11420, 11431, 11434, 11440, 11463, 11472, 11487 (3 Ex.), 11488, 11502, 11556, 11560, 11696, 11716, 11815, 11816, 11821, 11881 (Bl. 1 fehlt, Bl. 17 def.), 11884, 11886, 11895, *11915, 11954, 11963, 11966, 11981 (2 Ex.), 10 Sp.504f, 12048, 12050, 12053, 12118, 12141, 12188, 12206 (2 Ex.), 12233 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12331 (Bl. 150 fehlt), 12338, 12340 (3.4), 12342 (2-4), 12346, 12352 (def.), 12355 (def.), 12359 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 12364 (hsl. 1488), 12368 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 12372 (2 Ex.), 12379, 12424 (b), 12425 (Bl. 1–198), 12431 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2, 1 def., 2. Ex. 2, def.), 12433 (1), 12436 (def.), 12776, 12886, 12887, 12889, 12893 (2 Ex.), 12929, 12931, *ehem. 12953 (def.), ehem. 13004 (def.) (1981 gestohlen), *13404 (T. 3 Bl. 92 fehlt. T. 2 aus Nr 13406), *13498, *13511, *13517, *13521, 13569 (2 Ex.), 13571 (def.), 13579, 12 Sp. 77bP, 13729, 13842, 13865 (2 Ex.), 13879, 13880, 13942 (2 Ex.), 14006, 14027, 14030, 14035 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 222 fehlen), 14042 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 14046, 14102 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Kaufv. 1478), 14106, 14113 (def.), 14130, M12150, M12129, M12465 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M12470, M12496, M12632, M12652 (def.), M12654, M12667, M12956, M12957, M13108 (2 Ex.), M13174, M13305, M13778, M14181 (def.), M14223, M14225, M07820, M07821, M14584, M14691 (def.), M14759, M14865, M14892 (def.), M14943, M14945 (def.), M14965, M14969 (def.), M14980, M15123 (def.), M15260, M16282, M16283 (def.), M16552, M16718, M16775, M16771, M16780, M16784, M16917, M11503 (def.), M11217, M17797, M17803 (def.), M17800 (def.), M17886 (def.), M17915 (def.), M18631, M19009 (def.), M19010, M19002, M19022, M19215 (def.), M07947 (1), M01844, M20396 (def.), M20488 (def.), M20796, M20807, M20811, M20819, M21419, M21422 (2 Ex.), M21425, M21433 (3 Ex.), M21435, M21464, M21487, M21467 (def.), M21712, M21833, M22259, M22457, M22498 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M22657 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M22634 (3, def.), M22662, M23059 (def.), M23134 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M23142 (2 Ex.), M23227, M23251, M2340310, M24040, M24117 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Fragm.), M24127 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M24451 (def.), M24564 (def.), M25282, M26233, M26238, M26301, M26312, M48236, M26367 (1), M26425, M26513, M26582 (2 Ex.), M26870 (def.), M26872, M26911 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26912 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Fragm.), M26913, M26918, M26919, M26925, M26936, M26943 (Besitzv. 1487), M26961, M26967, M27010, M27176, M27202, M28245 (def.), M23202 (def.), M23205, M23219, M29007, M29307, M29358, M29380, M29382, M29413 (def.), M29594, M29618, M30480, M30704 (Perg.), M3070520 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. Fragm.), M31630, M32085, M32170 (def.), M32171, M32180, M32213 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), M32268, M32320 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M32466, M32480, M32509 (3.4), M32527 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. nur erweiterte Tabula, 2. Ex. 4, def., 3. Ex. 2.3.4, def.), M32579 (def.), M32602 (def.), M33153 (2 Ex.), M33156 (def.), M33286, M33538 (def.), M33699, M34208, M34796, M35127, M35229, M35499, M35774, M36219 (2 Ex.), M36498 (def.), M36940, M36978 (def.), M36968, M36906, M36911 (2 Ex.), M37420 (def.), M37933, M37942, M37945, M37947, M38537 (def.), M38680, M38725 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Kaufv. 1491, 3. Ex. def.), M38727 (3 Ex.), M38729, M38901, M08074, M39487 (def.), M40779 (def.), M41646, M41784, M41792, M41794, M41796, M41805 (def.), M41819 (def.), M41827, M41835, *M44597, M44601, M42190, M42949, M42951, M42959, M43310, M43458, M43481 (Fragm.), M43778, M43896, M44164, M44167, M44287, M44538, *[M45637], M45799, M45940, M46082, M46089 (def.), M46128, M46282, M46306, M46369 (2 Ex.), M46376, M46378 (2 Ex.), M46382, M46390 (def.), M46394 (2 Ex.), M46411, M46436 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M46464 (2 Ex.), M46474, M46496, M46506, M46556, M46615, M46672, M46802 (def.), M46907, M46921, *M24958 (def.), M24961, M24970, M47346, M47364, M47366, M47521, M47533, M47538, M47550, M47559, M47560, M47564, M47570 (7 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 4. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 5. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M47578, M47592, M47594, M47597, M47806 (3.4, def.), M47854, M47981 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M48014 (2 Ex.), M48041, M48204, M48213, M48217, M48219 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M48845, M48846, M48863, M49183, *[M49397], M49399, M49495, M50105, M50139, M50205, M50223, M50226, M50230, M50233, M50236, M50238, M50255, M50257, M50262, M50264, M50551 (def.), M50560, M50566, M50576, M50582 (def.), M50639, M50617, M50621, M50879 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), *M51133, M51160 (def.), M51168 (def.), M51180, M51438
Franzisk — Archiv und Vereinigte Bibliotheken der Sächsischen Franziskanerprovinz vom Heiligen Kreuz
Padova [Padua] (Padova)/Italien
ArchS — Archivio di Stato
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 02766, M28844
BAnton — Pontificia Biblioteca Antoniana: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 198 Ausgaben: 00604, 00677, 00683, 00717, 00840 (def.), 00844, 00867, 01665, 01668, 01670, 02073, 02260, 02292, 02294, 02302, 02334 (1), 02337 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), 02338 (2), 02339 (def.), 02351, 02353, 02505, 02521 (def.), 02754 (1), 02835, 02875, 02889, 02915, 02927, 03092, 03112, 03113, 03130, 03886, 03906, 03907, 04048, 04099, 04216, 04233 (def.), 04254, 04271, 04419, 04424, 04815, 04848 (Perg.), 04958, 05427 (def.), 05548, 05804, 05868, 06059, 06092, 06128, 06131, 06752, 06767, 06769, 06816, 06908, 07202, 07203, 07205, 07208, 07213, 07884 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 08197, 08384, 09065, 09066, 09067 (2 Ex.), 09073 (2-4), 09075 (2-4), 09076 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 42. Ex. 4), 09080, 09088 (2), 09091, 09092, 09101 (Perg.), 09429 (def.), 09433, 09443, 09458, 09872, 10098, 10598, 10657, 10716 (1.2), 10902, 10921, 10960 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11411, 11910, 11911, 11916, 12312, 12321, 12323, 12432, 12473, 12890, 12903, 12931 (def.), 13455, 13680, 14126, M12482 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M12677, M13145 (2 Ex.), M14655, M15153, M15168, M16552, M16553, M16561, M17910, M17924 (2 Ex.), M18852, M18862, M18913, M19385, M19835 (2 Ex.), M19845, M19849, M19878 (1), M20060 (def.), M20827, M20868, M21287, M21404, M22448, M22505, M25529 (def.), M25532, M25858 (2 Ex.), M25982, M26246, M26257, M26260 (def.), M26441, M26523 (1.2), M26565 (def.), M26590, M27220, M27708, M28104, M28124, M28131, M30234, M30270 (def.), M30287, M30309, M30357, M30375, M31420, M32499 (2 Ex.), M32995 (2 Ex.), M34317, M34480, M35389, M35391, M35487, M36209 (def.), M36362, M36431 (def.), M36820, M36944, M36973, M39252, M39267 (1), M39270, M39602, M40229 (2 Ex.), M42322 (def.), M42636, M44225, M4551510, M45954, M45990, M46109, M46646, M46816, M47017, M47233, M47624, M47628 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 1.2), M48188, M48292, M48799 (2 Ex.), M49173, M49185, M49235, M49311, M49408, M49947, M51350, M52098, M52111
BCap — Biblioteca Capitolare: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 433 Ausgaben: 00585, 00589, 00595, 00613, 00682, 00685, 00688, 00717, 00784, 00862, 00870 (2 Ex.), 00871 (1), 00912, 01591, 01599, 01600, 01605, 01607, 01611, 01613, 01617, 01621, 01627, 01629, 01633, 01729, 01731, 01734, 01739, 01933, 02032, 02187 (3), 02191 (5), 02195, 02068, 02106, 02290 (1), 02293, 02323, 02339, 02350, 02431, 02442, 02444, 02452, 02760, 02937, 02961, 03001, 02863, 02866, 02875, 02906, 02909, 02912, 02917, 02920, 03062, 03119, 03125, 03145, 03340, 03347, 03350, 03355, 03357, 03371, 03373, 03379, 03412, 03426, 03475, 03489, 03496, 03513, 03530, 03539, 03546, 03553, 03571, 03586, 03594, 03598, 03617, 03629, 03635, 03660, 03743, 03746, 03747, 03804, 03805, 03882, 03906, 03926, 03935, 04073, 04155, 04280, 04282, 04287, 04332, 04419, 04475, 04476 (def.), 04482, 04483, 04628, 04647, 04658, 04848 (Perg.), 04862, 04955, 04958, 05101, 05601, 05659, 05802, 05803, 05817, 05825, 05864, 05865, 05889, 05891, 05899, 06150, 06160, 06163, 06474, 06493, 06745, 06749, 06762, 06795, 06834, 06859, 06885, 06887, 06893, 06902, 07091 (2), 07288, 07419 (def.), 07702, 07785, 07786, 07789, 07810, 07884, 07885, 07959, 08197, 08204, 08208, 08210, 08337, 08347, 08374, 08379, 08423, 08650, 09035, 09073 (1.4), 09079, 09081, 09082, 09101 (Perg.), 09104, 09151, 09156, 09331, 09436, 09440, 09443, 09530, 09863, 09864, 09886, 10217, 10539, 10657, 10675, 10700, 10714, 10921, 11401, 11422, 11427, 11437, 11439, 11446, 11556, 11696, 11707, 11805, 11912, 11965, 12235, 12321, 12409 (2 Ex.), 12419, 12421 (2 Ex.), 12472, 12886, 12897, 12899, 13455, 13631, 13986, M12161, M12349, M12375, M12482, M12833, M12841, M13116, M13252, M13262, M13280, M13295, M13297, M13344, M13987, M14097, M14095, M14183 (def.), M15175, M15272, M15373, M15634, M15787, M15783, M16544, M16552, M16563, M16595, M17083, M17800, M17908, M17924, M18472, M18461, M18839, M19085, M19176, M19215, M19702 (Perg.), M19726, M19776, M19781, M20624, M21284, M22505, M22509, M22916, M22986, M22999, M23013, M2340310, M24049, M25112, M25282, M25372, M25858, M25944, M48244, M26485 (def.), M26523 (4.5), M26574, M26624, M26809, M26845, M26921, M34997 (2), M35002, M27813 (def.), M27816, M27825, M28419, M28561, M28601, M29866, M29967, M30029, M30375, M30448, M30455, M31369, M31865, M32009, M32028, M32343, M32527 (1.2), M32864, M32884, M32997, M33031, M33062, M33078, M33465, M33745, M33753, M33756, M00807, M33883, M33895, M33912, M34003, M34310, M34312, M34367, M34395, M34461, M34480, M34818, M34929, M35384, M36388, M36793, M36815, M37479, M38498, M38537, M38729, M38738, M39213, M39255, M39264, M39513, M39943, M39945 (def.), M39951, M39961, M39963, M39971, M40050, M40070, M40098, M40106, M40118, M40133, M40135, M40144, M40171, M40185, M40693, M40784, M41059, M41235, M41240, M41287, M41425, M41759, M42190, M42602, M42727 (def.), M42828, M4329910 (def.), M44025, M44100, M44225, M44712, M44898, M44941, M44945, M44980, M44982, M44986, M44990 (5), M45005 (2), M45034, M45160, M45259, M45433, M45728, M45754, M45920, M45925, M46094, M46129, M46397, M46454, M46501, M46568, M46615, M46816, M47056, M47350, M47750, M47773, M47780, M47951, M47967, M47985, M48001, M48009, M48021, M48029, M48219, M48279 (1), M48391, M48512 (1), M48536, M48473, M48508, M48544 (1–4), M48577, M48610, M48627, M48629, M48655, M48700, M48719, M48730, M49125, M49308, M49449, M49461, M49540, M49661, M50224, M50232, M50240, M50382, M50395, M50555, M50625, M50612, M51976, M51996, M25619, M52096
BCiv — Biblioteca Civica
Erfasster Bestand 316 Ausgaben: 00268, 00269, 00521, 00585, 00787, 00788, 00789, 01601, 01667, 01923, 02068, 02155, 02247, 02305 (2 Ex.), 02308, 02334 (1), 02349, 02355, 02357, 02388, 02423, 02427, 02430, 02443, 02521, 02628 (def.), 0263910N, 02833, 02951, 03007, 02878, 02892 (2 Ex.), 02923, 03116 (, 03117 (5), 03166, 03167, 03253, 03260, 03287, 03302, 03308, 03393, 03449, 03690, 03817, 03850, 03870, 03879, 04033, 04048, 04052 (def.), 04132, 04144, 04233 (def.), 04255, 04263, 04271, 04276 (def.), 04283 (4), 04291, 04317, 04419, 04423 (1), 04456, 04479, 04544, 04654, 04657, 04658, 04730, 04784, 04954, 04956, 04957, 04959 (def.), 04960, 05217 (def.), 05607 (2 Ex.), 05765, 05774, 05975, 05977, 05978, 05980, 05981, 05982, 06047, 06092, 06096, 0622010N, 06222 (2 Ex.), 06223, 06225 (2 Ex.), 06390, 06391, 06401, 06404, 06413, 06425, 06458, 06515 (3 Ex.), 06607, 06635, 06730, 06830, 06843, 06972, 07156, 07191, 07197, 07199, 07560, 07780, 07817 (def.), 07874, 07967, 07968 (2 Ex.), 07971 (2 Ex.), 07972 (3 Ex.), 07973 (def.), 08045, 08252, 08369, 08370, 08423, 09067, 09115, 09119, 09154 (1.5), 09433 (def.), 09458 (def.), 09471 (def.), 09535, 09783, 09874, 09888, 10173, 10226, 10231, 10454, 10616, 10622, 11345, 11437, 11438 (3 Ex.), 11637, 11799, 12409, 12413, 12419 (def.), 12435, 12437 (2 Ex.), 12483, 13457, 13679 (def.), 13755 (1. Perg. def.), 13810, 13827, 14130 (def.), M12407, M12415, M13138, M13409, M25328, M14294, M14646, M15153, M15168, M15200, M15221, M15272 (2 Ex.), M15332, M15373, M15564, M16555, M16595, M16596, M16694, M18338, M18480, M18518 (def.), M19139, M19228, M19775, M20042, M20306, M20568 (def.), M21158, M21292 (2 Ex.), M21637 (2 Ex.), M21883 (2 Ex.), M25089, M25286, M25332 (2 Ex.), M25372, M25858 (def.), M26441, M27470, M27822, M27823 (2 Ex.), M09673, M09674, M28570 (3), M28588, M28590 (1, def.), M28693, M28909 (def.), M29049, M30029, M30136, M30164, M30243, M30307, M30495, M31090 (def.), M31202, M31226, M31420 (def.), M31505 (def.), M31546, M31618, M31647, M31656, M31658 (def.), M31698, M31700 (2), M31702, M31705, M31717 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 1), M31726 (def.), M31730, M31735 (2), M31739, M31743, M31754, M31840 (2 Ex.), M31846, M31867 (2 Ex.), M31877, M32425, M32987, M32993, M33031, M33047, M33049, M33094, M33286 (1), M00813, M33883 (2 Ex.), M34010 (def.), M34304, M34342 (def.), M34661 (def.), M34724, M34782, M34873, M34931 (def.), M35678, M36372 (def.), M37462, M37533, M37552, M38022, M38025, M38077, M38621, M38645, M39255 (2 Ex.), M40693, M40721, M40784, M41240, M41292, M44604 (2 Ex.), M42113 (def.), M42208, M42220, M42830, M43701, M43731, M43767, M44117, M44198 (def.), M44233 (def.), M4425410 (def.), M44275 (2 Ex.), M4526410, M45739, M45951, M4598120, M46045, M46132, M46195, M46397, M46486 (def.), M46533, M46810, M46816, M46982 (def.), M47011, M47037, M47225, M47233, M47449, M48115, M48275, M48799, M48938 (Perg.), M49175 (def.), M49649 (def.), M50152, M50888, M50954, M51350, M52111
Botan — Biblioteca dell’Orto Botanico
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 02300, 03412, 07164, 12278, M14185, M42145
BU — Biblioteca Universitaria
Erfasster Bestand 1142 Ausgaben: 00128, 00130, 00143, 00148, 00264, 00410, 00440 (def.), 00495, 00521, 00525, 00763, 00779, 00585, 00586, 00587, 00589 (2 Ex.), 00595, 00604 (2 Ex.), 00606 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00609, 00610 (3 Ex.), 00611, 00613, 00675, 00676, 00677 (2 Ex.), 00685, 00688, 00711 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 00712, 00784 (3 Ex.), 00790 (2 Ex.), 00798, 00845, 00859, 00860 (2 Ex.), 00863, 00864, 00870 (2 Ex.), 00872 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-4. 3 def.2. Ex. 4), 00986, 00989, 01257, 01258, 01268, 01591, 01596, 01599 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2.32. Ex. 2.3, def.), 01600, 01601 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01611 (Bl. 99–128 fehlen), 01612, 01656, 01658, 01660 (2 Ex.), 01661, 01668 (def.), 01669 (2 Ex.), 01674, 01736 (letztes Bl. fehlt), 01737 (3 Ex.), 01901 (Fragm. Bl. 2 u. 3), 01923 (Bl. z12 fehlt), 01934 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), 01939, 01945 (Bl. 467-476 fehlen), 01954, 02016, 02032, 02033, 02185 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-4. 2 def.2. Ex. 1.3.4), 02187 (1.3, def.), 02194, 02195 (6 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02196 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02203, 02070 (def.), 02071, 02086, 02103, 02104 (2 Ex.), 02114, 02134, 02138, 02159 (def.), 02160, 02209, 02214, 02215, 02216 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02257, 02260 (7 Ex.), 02290 (1), 02291 (2 Ex.), 02295, 02305 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02333, 02334 (1, def.), 02339 (4.5), 02341, 02350, 02369, 02390, 02452 (Bl. 91-96 fehlen), 02478, 0249010N, 02608, 02678 (Bl. A1-10 fehlen), 02683 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 02740, 02754 (6 Ex. 4. Ex. Fragm.5. Ex. Fragm.6. Ex. Fragm.), 02760 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 02762, 02834, 02835, 02836, 02837 (2 Ex.), 02838, 02848, 02951, 02952, 02972 (Bl. 1–85 fehlen), 03000, 03003, 03004 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03005 (2 Ex.), 03007 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03018, 03019 (Bl. a1 u. f8 fehlen), 02863 (3 Ex.), 02864 (3 Ex.), 02866 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 02867 (3 Ex.), 02869, 02879 (2 Ex.), 02880 (3 Ex.), 02882, 02888, 02889, 02892 (2 Ex.), 02906 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02909, 02910 (2 Ex.), 02912 (2 Ex.), 02915 (2 Ex.), 02920 (def.), 02923, 02927 (3 Ex.), 02928, 03052, 03054 (3 Ex.), 03057 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. d1 fehlt), 03062, 03071, 03093 (2 Ex.), 03098, 03112, 03115, 03122, 03124 (4.5), 03130, 03149, 03167, 03188 (4 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 03246, 03253, 03256, 03260, 03276 (def.), 03287, 03290, 03302, 03304 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03308 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03317, 03324, 03325 (3 Ex.), 03326 (4 Ex.), 03340, 03341, 03344 (Bl. 3 u. 6 fehöen), 03354, 03363, 03366, 03369, 03400 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), 03426, 03456 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. z1–8 fehlen3. Ex. Bl. z1-8 fehlen), 03568, 03596, 03614, 03632, 03722, 3 Sp.587b, 03804, 03805 (Bl. 47-54 fehlen), 03821, 03838, 03839, 03907 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03908 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03935 (3 Ex.), 03945 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04017, 04032, 04033, 04046 (2 Ex.), 04047 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04088, 04091, 04093 (Bl. m5/6 fehlen), 04099 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04114, 04126 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04134, 04138, 04143, 04158, 04216 (def.), 04223 (Bl. 10 fehlt), 04231 (def.), 04238 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04241, 04271 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04274, 04276 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 2-10 fehlen), 04278 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04280, 04283 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04284 (1), 04285 (1-6), 04313 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. 2, 2. Ex. 1, 3. Ex. def.), 04392, 04404, 04405, 04406 (2 Ex.), 04407, 04410, 04419, 04420 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04423, 04425 (def.), 04475 (Bl. 11 fehlt), 04476 (Bl. 297 fehlt), 04477, 04478, 04479, 04482, 04566, 04588 (2 Ex.), 04511 (2 Ex.), 04512 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. 3), 04628, 04637 (4 Ex.), 04647, 04649 (2 Ex.), 04654, 04657, 04658 (2 Ex.), 04659, 04662, 04726, 04730 (2 Ex.), 04748, 04815, 04841, 04856, 04863, 04864 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 04871, 04875, 04876, 04885, 04901, 04938, 04954 (3 Ex.), 04955 (2 Ex.), 04956 (2 Ex.), 04958, 04960 (3 Ex.), 05536, 05601, 05603, 05607, 05613 (1.2, 1: Bl. 37-40 fehlen), 05625, 05657 (5 Ex.), 05659 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05765, 05767, 05768, 05778, 05802 (2 Ex.), 05804 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05807 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05817, 05821, 05828, 05851, 05853, 05871, 05892, 05893, 05898, 05899 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1-14), 05931, 05939 (def.), 05946, 05953, 05975, 05993 (def.), 06039, 06042 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), 06045 (2 Ex.), 06047, 06052, 06059, 06061 (2 Ex.), 06062, 06063 (3 Ex.), 06064 (2 Ex.), 06080, 06083 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 06088, 06110 (2 Ex.), 06115, 06128 (3 Ex.), 06129 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 06131 (2 Ex.), 06132, 06133 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt4. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06162, 06216, 06222, 06309, 06398, 06413, 06442, 06458, 06459, 06472 (Fragm.), 06489 (1), 06490, 06502, 06510, 06515 (2 Ex.), 06545, 06549, 06607, 06609 (Bl. 37-72 fehlen), 06729 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06730, 06731, 06732, 06737 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06750, 06751 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06752 (Bl. F4 fehlt), 06756 (2 Ex.), 06763, 06768 (Bl. x3 fehlt), 06796 (2 Ex.), 06840, 06843 (Bl. 8 fehlt), 06892, 06896, 06904, 06905, 06906, 06908 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06953, 06960, 06961, 07047, 07061 (Bl. h5 fehlt), 07062, 07089, 07098, 07101, 07102, 07103, 07108 (2 Ex.), 07116, 07122, 07123, 07164 (2 Ex.), 07190 (def.), 07194, 07198, 07208, 07216 (Bl. 2 fehlt), 07219 (3 Ex.), 07231, 07420, 07433, 07781, 07783 (2 Ex.), 07785, 07817, 07864, 07875, 07885 (2 Ex.), 07903, 07939, 07964 (def.), 07969 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 07970 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08101, 08197, 08203 (def.), 08206, 08220, 08274, 08304, 08308, 08348, 08361, 08377 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 08382, 08396, 08397, 08407, 08419, 08424, 08428, 08476, 08646 (3 Ex.), 08647 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 08654, 09023, 09065 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 09066 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 09068 (2 Ex.), 09073 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-42. Ex. 2-4), 09075 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 42. Ex. 4), 09079 (2 Ex.), 09080, 09082, 09090 (2 Ex.), 09092 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 09094, 09095, 09115 (3 Ex.), 09119, 09120 (2 Ex.), 09130, 09136, 09143 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09151 (def.), 09158, 09331, 09367, 09426, 09429, 09433 (3 Ex.), 09443, 09445, 09465 (def.), 09469 (def.), 09536, 09783, 09789, 09826 (4 Ex.), 09834, 09843 (2), 09845 (1.3), 09871 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09874 (4 Ex.), 09877, 09881 (def.), 09980 (Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 09982 (Bl. d1-8 fehlen), *10038, 10057, 10206, 10208, 10218 (def.), 10220, 10222, 10226 (Bl. 1, 4 u. 134 fehlen), 10231 (3 Ex.), 1024110N, 10248, 10251, 10263, 10435, 10453 (2 Ex.), 10454, 10508, 10509, 10539, 10540, 10562, 10563 (def.), 10602, 10688 (1.3), 10717, 10921, 10970 (2 Ex.), *11306, 11331, 11354 (2 Ex.), 11355, 11360 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 11380, 11385, 11401 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 11411 (def.), 11422 (2 Ex.), 11435 (2 Ex.), 11437 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 11446, 11454 (3 Ex.), 11458 (2 Ex.), 11459, 11465 (def.), 11474, 11476, 11504, 11506, 11557 (def.), 11558 (2 Ex.), 11582, 11594, 11707 (def.), 11792, 11799 (Bl. 4 u. 5 fehlen), 11802, 11805, 11899, 11900 (2 Ex.), 11902, 11912, 11913, 11916 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 12054 (2 Ex.), 12055, 12056 (def.), 12079, 12228, 12231 (2 Ex.), 12278, 12313, 12314 (2 Ex.), 12319 (def.), 12324 (def.), 12391, 12411, 12419 (def.), 12420, 12426 (def.), 12427, 12428, 12430, 12432, 12435 (3 Ex.), 12437, 12473 (2 Ex.), 12479, 12592, 1274150N (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 12898 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12904, 12934, 13386 (Bl. 193–200 fehlen), 13459, 13464, 13465 (def.), 13466, 13468 (Bl. 215–220 fehlen), 13469 (2 Ex.), 13558 (def.), 13631, 13635, 13638, 13660, 13678, 13824, 13826, 13986 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 13996, 14002, 14010 (Bl. 34 u. 39 fehlen), 14077 (def.), 14116 (def.), 14118 (1–3), 14125 (def.), 14128 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 14129 (def.), 14130 (def.), M12377, M12399, M1239910, M12400, M12403, M12454, M12482, M12672, M12837, M12841, M12957 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M12959 (def.), M13145 (def.), M13269 (5 Ex.), M13406 (2 Ex.), M13409, M13411, M13481, M25330, M13582, M13992 (2 Ex.), M14097, M14095, M14098 (2 Ex.), M14100 (2 Ex.), M14122, M14123, M14125, M14135 (1), M14081, M14083, M07867, M14383 (4 Ex.), M14608, M14614 (2 Ex.), M14635 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M14644 (2 Ex.), M14646, M14654, M14657, M14697 (3 Ex.), M14700, M14701 (2 Ex.), M14732 (2 Ex.), M14751 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M15153 (4 Ex.), M15175 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M15168, M15185, M15272 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M15267, M15644, M15673, M15712 (def.), M15767, M15772, M15787, M15780, M15801, M1580710, M15789 (def.), M16537 (letztes Bl. fehlt), M16553 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M16555, M16561, M16696, M17107 (Bl. 165 u. 166 fehlen), M17096, M17805 (2 Ex.), M17870, M17905 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M17910, M17924 (2 Ex.), M17926 (def.), M18005, M18355, M18360 (Bl. I1-8 fehlen), M18480, M18486, M18498, M18706, M18885, M18859 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M18865, M18913, M18964, M19059, M19065 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M09374, M19191 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M19228, M19325, M19385, M19392, M19463 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Logica fehlt2. Ex. Logica fehlt), M19547, M19559, M07937 (def.), M19695 (2 Ex.), M19697, M19707, M19770, M19775, M19776, M19825 (2 Ex.), M19834, M19835 (5 Ex.), M19842, M19845, M19849 (2 Ex.), M20016, M20042, M20099 (2 Ex.), M20104, M20103 (4 Ex.), M20167, M20224, M20261, M20279, M20308, M20352, M20814 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M20817, M20819, M20824 (4 Ex.), M20826, M20827 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M20829 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M20831 (2 Ex.), M21039 (def.), M21065, M21067, M21282, M21292, M21294 (2 Ex.), M21304 (Bl. r2/3 fehlen), M21404 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M21428, M21429 (3 Ex.), M21530, M21548, M21583, M21883, M22351, M22391, M22371, M22459 (4 Ex.), M22468 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M22509 (2 Ex.), M22506, M22511, M15113, M22662 (1), M22911, M22919, M23008, M23134, M23301, M23409, M24002 (letztes Bl. fehlt), M24090, M25182 (def.), M25279, M25332 (2 Ex.), M25419, M25425, M25512, M25749, M25858 (2 Ex.), M25911 (def.), M25935 (2 Ex.), M25982 (3 Ex.), M26156, M26210 (2 Ex.), M26212, M26249 (2 Ex.), M26252 (2 Ex.), M26253 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), M26257 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M26260 (3 Ex.), M26269 (2 Ex.), M26274 (2 Ex.), M26309 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M17947 (def.), M17949, M26482 (def.), M26553 (2 Ex.), M26572, M26574, M26585, M26590, M26845, M26921 (2 Ex.), M26925, M27056, M27098 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M00523, M27202, M27204, M27206, M27228, M27233, M27453 (2 Ex.), M27456 (def.), M02767, M27811, M27856, M28104, M28115, M28126, M28128, M28390, M28410, M28413, M28642 (2 Ex.), M28696, M28783, M28921 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M29087, M29100, M29126, M29170, M29304, M29306, M29307, M29570, M29841 (2 Ex.), M29866, M29967 (2 Ex.), M30033, M30123, M30136 (3 Ex.), M30164 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M30181 (Bl. 8 fehlt), M30234, M30240, M30270, M30290, M30302, M30309, M30316, M30335, M30346, M30353, M30356 (Fragm. Bl. 41–48), M30362, M30369, M30374, M30375 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M30569, M30656, M30938, M31093 (2 Ex.), M31130, M31290 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl.. f1/8, k1/8 u. l1 fehlen), M31353, M31402, M31404, M31505 (Fragm.), M31546, M31618, M31663 (1), M31710 (Bl. F6-7 fehlen), M31717 (Bl. aa2 u. N1 fehlen), M31807, M31840, M31852, M31860 (2 Ex.), M31932, M32005, M32088, M32133, M32145, M32164, M32208, M32473, M32478 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. a10 fehlt), M32499 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32624, M32703, M32754, M32770, M32830, M32864 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M32900, M32990, M32993 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M32995 (Bl. a2 fehlt), M33031 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33092 (2 Ex.), M33177 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33181 (3 Ex.), M33286 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 1), M33695 (2 Ex.), M33756, M33780 (2 Ex.), M00807 (2 Ex.), M00813, M00828, M00831, M00836 (2 Ex.), M33883 (2 Ex.), M33895 (def.), M33959, M33964, M34310, M34317, M34321, M34342 (def.), M34343 (def.), M05434, M34395, M34435, M34436, M34466, M34727 (Bl. cc4/5 fehlen), M34865 (def.), M34875, M34947, M34949, M34894, M35016 (Bl. 2 u. 302 fehlen), M35052, M35395, M35399 (2 Ex.), M35453, M35487 (2 Ex.), M35529, M36031, M36374 (def.), M36636, M36789, M36796 (2 Ex.), M36800, M36815 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M3681710, M36820 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M36823, M36944 (2 Ex.), M36973 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M36988, M37168, M36908, M36911 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M37382 (2 Ex.), M37462, M37486, M37517, M37523 (2 Ex.), M37533 (def.), M37587, M37614 (4 Ex.), M38033 (def.), M38036, M38076, M38077 (3 Ex.), M38558, M38574, M38642, M38646 (2 Ex.), M38729, M38732 (2 Ex.), M38735, M38738 (2 Ex.), M39228, M39261, M39267 (2 Ex.), M39531, M39586, M39604, M39613, M39660, M39802, M39835, M39841, M39945, M40521 (2 Ex.), M40576 (2 Ex.), M40760, M40784 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41240, M41242 (3 Ex.), M41245, M41292 (2 Ex.), M41904, M44604 (2 Ex.), M42109, M42113 (2 Ex.), M42117 (2 Ex.), M42160, M42163 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M42194, M42210, M42708, M42724, M42742 (Bl. 8 u. 9 fehlen), M42754, M42813, M42823, M42827, M42830, M43136 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), M43144, M43264 (2 Ex.), M43668, M43761, M43972 (letztes Bl. fehlt), M44037, M44090 (def.), M44093 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M44121, M44124, M44198 (Tab. fehlt), M44230, M4425410, M44275, M44351 (Tab. fehlt), M44736 (def.), M44971, M44990, M45018 (3.4), M45509 (2 Ex.), M45539, M45648 (3 Ex.), M45726, M45754 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M45785, M45920, M45951, M45966 (3 Ex.), M45976 (2 Ex.), M45985, M45988, M45990 (2 Ex.), M46023 (def.), M46029 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M46047, M46101, M46133, M46151, M46165, M46183, M46201 (2 Ex.), M46276 (3 Ex.), M46292, M46340 (6 Ex. 4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.6. Ex. def.), M46341 (2 Ex.), M46367, M46397 (2 Ex.), M46454, M46455 (2 Ex.), M46472 (2 Ex.), M46477, M46486, M46491, M46494 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 9 fehlt), M46498 (2 Ex.), M46504 (2 Ex.), M46534, M46535 (2 Ex.), M46568 (2 Ex.), M46732 (Bl. 8 fehlt), M46764, M46810 (5 Ex.), M46812 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M46816 (3 Ex.), M46818 (2 Ex.), M46820 (2 Ex.), M46874 (Bl. a1-8 fehlen), M46878 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M46952 (2 Ex.), M46954 (2 Ex.), M46964 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 2 fehlt), M47021, M47031 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M47037 (def.), M47191, M48151 (3 Ex.), M47221, M47233 (def.), M47240, M47628, M47753 (2 Ex.), M47776, M47782, M47841 (1-3.5.6, 1 def.), M47854 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-62. Ex. 2-5), M47951 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.32. Ex. def.), M47989, M47997, M48011 (2 Ex.), M48021, M48026, M48052, M48053, M48215, M48279, M48282 (2 Ex.), M48393, M48544, M48583 (2), M48613 (1), M48631, M48668, M48799, M4889320, M48900, M49007 (Bl. 4 fehlt), M49175 (2 Ex.), M49177, M49180, M49185, M49188 (def.), M49194, M49299 (2 Ex.), M49306, M49317, M49319, M49325, M49334 (2 Ex.), M49412, M49436, M49792 (Bl. c4.5 fehlen), M49821, M50290, M50215, M50250, M50341, M50355, M50402, M50404, M50566, M50587, M50635 (Bl. SS7 fehlt), M50621 (def.), M50780 (Bl. 2–7 fehlen), M50978, M50888, M50938 (def.), M50947, M51344, M51346 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M51350, M51676, M51976 (2 Ex.), M51996 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Lage a fehlt), M52001, M25645, M52053, M52096, M52097 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 135 u. 136 fehlen), M52111
DipartDiritto — Università degli Studi di Padova, Dipartimento di Diritto Privato e Critica del Diritto
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 08349
ITheol — Istituto Teologico S. Antonio
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M29976
Kapuz — Convento dei Cappuccini
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: M13476 (1-3.5), M46369, M46464 (def.)
Osservat — Osservatorio Astronomico, Biblioteca Giovanni Santini: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 09429
Sem — Seminario Vescovile: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 430 Ausgaben: 00158, 00162, 00312, 00579 (seit 2008 vermisst), 00585, 00609, 00610, 00784, 00872, 00929, 01008, 01258, 01671, 01733, 01740, 01924, 01934 (2 Ex.), 01945 (2 Ex.), 02071 (2 Ex.), 02078, 02106, 02290, 02333, 02369, 02501, 02754, 02757, 02869, 02875, 02877, 02880, 02889, 02906, 02909, 02927, 03054, 03201, 03307, 03324, 03325 (3 Ex.), 03341, 03468, 03502, 03519, 03558, 03576, 03591, 03601, 03625, 03641, 03672, 03815, 03886, 03927, 04133, 04222, 04247, 04254, 04255, 04274, 04283, 04285 (4), 04286 (1-3), 04287, 04291 (1-3), 04423 (1), 04430, 04456, 04475, 04482, 04512 (2-3), 04611, 04648, 04649, 04823, 04895, 05063, 05150, 05213, 05244 (def.), 05553, 05657, 05744, 05770, 05795, 05807 (1), 05939 (2 Ex.), 05945, 06042, 06051, 06115, 06128 (def.), 06133, 06222 (seit 2008 vermisst) (Bl. 10 fehlt), 06226, 06390, 06398, 06400, 06413, 06423, 06442, 06456, 06708, 06750, 06800, 06859, 06890, 06935, 06958, 07046 (1), 07059, 07103, 07442, 07814, 07818, 07835, 07836, 07871, 07881, 07884, 07885, 07964, 07965, 07969, 07971, 07973 (2 Ex.), 08207 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 08211, 08216, 08227 (def.), 08360, 08379, 08380, 08384, 08401, 08402, 08423, 08655 (1), 09076 (Tab. fehlt), 09091, 09136, 09159, 09367 (2 Ex.), 09426 (2 Ex.), 09440, 09443, 09445, 09468, 09826, 09873, 09882, 09886, 09930, 09966, 09981 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 10079, 10081, 10083, 10086, 10093, 10217, 10301, 10423, 10510, 10530†, 10531 (1)†, 10539 (2), 10563, 10601, 10602, 1093410, 10940, 11365, 11382, 11423, 11432, 11437, 11454, 11465, 11476, 11598, 11707, 12228 (def.), 12235, 12294, 12310, 12312, 12313, 12409, 12419, 12420, 12423, 12426 (2 Ex.), 12432, 12435 (3 Ex.), 12437 (def.), 12895, *13355 (Perg. Bl. 98, 99 u. 187–190 fehlen), 13455, 13578, 13645, 14075, 14110, 14116 (4), 12 Sp.M10953, 14128, M12473, M13141, M25330, M13992, M14111, M14079, M14646, M14701, M14775, M15153 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M15272, M15564, M15633, M15677, M15792, M16542, M16555, M16566, M17107, M17137 (seit 2008 vermisst), M17805, M17807, M17908, M18494 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M18461, M18457 (Bl. A1 fehlt), M18675, M18870, M18913 (def.), M19695, M19702, M19834, M19845, M20071, M20308, M20635, M20819, M20824, M20826, M21262, M21274 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. a1-2 fehlen), M21284, M21294 (Lage a fehlt), M21558 (Bl. F2–5 fehlen), M21587 (def.), M22299, M22662 (2), M22916, M23273, M23301, M24052 (Bl. o6 fehlt), M24092, M25332, M25982, M26246, M26253, M26269, M26274, M26299, M26482 (Bl. A1, o8 fehlen), M26485 (2 Ex.), M26523 (3), M26546, M26574, M26585, M27225 (1.3), M27232, M27453 (2 Ex.), M27812, M27823, M28131, M28420, M28563, M28573, M28590, M28704 (Bl. a1-2 fehlen), M29170, M29244, M29248, M29866, M29997, M30055, M30075, M30091, M30270 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M30353, M30357, M30390, M31055 (Bl. q1-2, q5-6 fehlen), M31249, M31411, M31416, M31546, M31618, M31663 (2 def.), M31696, M31726, M31746, M31807, M32092, M32841, M32892, M32948, M32991, M33051, M33094, M33276 (2), M33541, M33684, M33688, M33697, M00836, M33887, M33892, M33903, M34010, M34302, M34306, M34312, M34321, M34326 (2 Ex.), M34367, M34661, M34724, M34879, M34940, M34943, M34934, M35389, M3544850, M35529, M36246, M36374, M36379, M36800, M36818, M36823 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M36944 (2 Ex.), M36984, M36988, M37436, M37614 (2 Ex.), M37978, M38028, M38185, M38496, M38644, M38729, M38735 (2 Ex.), M39146, M39261, M39264, M39267, M39621, M39951, M39967, M39969, M40784 (seit 2008 vermisst) (Bl. XII, XIII, CCLXIV fehlen), M41065, M41079 (Fragm. Lagen b, e–i u. l), M41245, M41292, M41425, M41439, M41442, M42001, M42090, M42290, M42533, M42823, M42828 (seit 2008 vermisst), M43129, M43136, M43759, M44203 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), M44224, M44237, M44349 (2 Ex.), M45475, M45501, M45769, M45961, M45963, M46023, M46029, M46033, M46038, M46098 (2 Ex.), M46148, M46195, M46282, M46472, M46491, M46568, M46726, M46810, M46817, M47024, M47056 (def.), M47236, M47776, M4783510 (1), M47854 (5), M47943 (4), M47951 (1), M47992 (3), M48799 (def.), M49192, M49414, M49676, M49757, M49762, M49944, M50152, M50555, M50566, M50576, M50593, M50625, M50639, M50612, M50837, M50957 (def.), M52081
Padula (Salerno)/Italien
Kart — Certosa di San Lorenzo
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 06041 (def.), 06059 (def.), 06080 (def.), M19835, M19849, M31846, M45221
Paduli (Benevento)/Italien
Franzisk — Convento Francescano Santa Maria di Loreto
Pagani (Salerno)/Italien
Redempt — Padri Redentoristi
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 09116, M17926, M26265, M35691, M46098
Kl — Samostan časnih sestara sv. križa Pakrac
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M27741 (26 Fragm.)
Palaiseau (Essonne)/Frankreich
EcPolytechn — École polytechnique: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 00585
Palazzolo Acreide (Siracusa)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale G. D’Albergo: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 02866 (def.), 09845 (1.3), 11380 (def.), M28149
Palazzolo sull’Oglio (Brescia)/Italien
BCiv — Biblioteca Civica Giacinto Ubaldo Lanfranchi: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 218 Ausgaben: 00209, 00605, 00606 (def.), 01608, 01612, 01658, 01923, 01928 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 02015 (Bl. 1 u. 12 fehlen), 02033, 02185 (2), 02187 (3), 02070 (def.), 02136, 02140 (2 Ex.), 02142 (Bl. 2–7 fehlen), 02260, 02303, 02500, 02740, 02972 (2 Ex.), 03001 (2 Ex.), 03007 (def.), 02889, 03325 (def.), 03400 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03459 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 03491, 03569 (def.), 03613 (def.), 03907 (5 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), 03908 (Bl. 1–16 fehlen), 03927 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 03935 (Bl. 1-4 u. 178 fehlen), 03938 (2 Ex.), 04047 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04075, 04146, 04250, 04276 (2 Ex.), 04283, 04284, 04285 (1.4-7. 4.5, def.), 04288 (def.), 04424, 04546 (Bl. 183 u. 188 fehlen), 04512, 04649 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), 04650 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04662, 04730, 04952, 0513810N (def.), 05548, 05549, 05550, 05553, 05554 (3 Ex.), 05603 (3 Ex.), 05607, 05657, 05804, 05939, 06032 (1.4), 06040 (Bl. 3 fehlt), 06059, 06062, 06129, 6 Sp. 243bP, 06226 (Bl. 1 u. 192 fehlen), 06502, 06512, 06606 (Bl. 41-80 fehlen), 0699650N, 06737, 06770 (2), 06898, 06949, 07062, 07351, 07835, 07967, 07971, 07987, 08242, 08380 (def.), 08381, 09143, 09433 (Bl. 1 u. 182 fehlen), 09473, 09826 (Bl. 344 fehlt), 09882 (Bl. 1, 2 u. 90 fehlen), 09981 (Bl. 342, 375 u. 376 fehlen), 10435 (Bl. 112 fehlt), 10502 (1), 10597, 10982 (1), 11422, 11436 (5 Ex.), 11437, 11464 (Bl. 1 u. 506–508 fehlen), 11807, 12054 (2 Ex.), 12325, 12419 (1), 12435, 13460 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13590, 14010, 14105 (Bl. 14 fehlt), 14110 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 190 fehlt, 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 3. Ex. Bl. 1–11 fehlen), 14116 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1, 2. Ex. 2, 3. Ex. 2, 4. Ex. 3), 14126 (Bl. 1–12 fehlen), 14127, M12957, M13141, M13406, M13549, M15175 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M15272 (Bl. 1–5 fehlen), M16555, M16726, M16839 (def.), M17924 (def.), M18498 (Bl. 32 u. 246 fehlen), M18516 (1), M18518 (def.), M18829, M18964, M18977, M19191, M20304, M21279 (Bl. 1–16 u. 219 fehlen), M21276, M21287, M21292, M21830, M22448, M22509 (Lage z fehlt), M22916 (Bl. 127–150 fehlen), M23824, M24129 (def.), M25935 (3 Ex.), M26249, M26263 (def.), M27216 (def.), M27220, M27225 (1), M28410 (2 Ex.), M23219, M28913 (Bl. 41 u. 143 fehlen), M29023, M29126, M29177 (2 Ex.), M30067 (1), M31351, M31353, M31400, M31416 (Bl. 50 fehlt), M31420 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M31717 (2), M31726 (1), M32088 (Bl. 1, 2 u. 268 fehlen), M32346 (def.), M32971, M33024 (2 Ex.), M33031, M33049 (def.), M33181, M33276 (def.), M3363510, M34295 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M34310 (Bl. 1-14 u. 357-360 fehlen), M34335 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M34466, M34891, M36973 (Bl. 1, 175 u. 176 fehlen), M37168 (2), M37523 (Bl. 5 u. 10 fehlen), M38655, M39537, M39600, M39602, M39607 (def.), M40353, M40440, M40472, M41439, M42283, M42813 (2 Ex.), M43274 (2 Ex.), M43277, M43668 (Bl. 44 fehlt), M43683 (def.), M44233, M44898 (3, def.), M45754, M45901, M46023, M46033, M46340 (Bl. 40 u. 45 fehlen), M46430, M46472 (Bl. 280 fehlt), M46496, M47236 (Bl. 1, 312 u. 318 fehlen), M47628 (3.4), M47662, M47867 (1.5), M48011 (Bl. 1 u. 256 fehlen), M48282 (Bl. 7–12 fehlen), M48292 (Bl. 240 fehlt), M49180 (Bl. 210 fehlt), M49185 (Bl. 210 fehlt), M49296 (def.), M49593 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M49624, M50403 (Bl. 1 u. 36 fehlen), M17206
K — Parrocchia di S. Maria Assunta: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 11352
Palencia (Palencia)/Spanien
BP — Biblioteca Pública: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Catedr — Biblioteca de la Catedral
Erzbisch — Biblioteca Diocesana
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 05939, M47037
Palermo (Palermo)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 852 Ausgaben: 00127, 00140, 00270, 00329, 00410, 00586 (2 Ex.), 00589, 00594, 00595, 00604, 00606, 00609, 00611, 0061610, 00683 (2 Ex.), 00716, 00717, 00796 (2 Ex.), 00797, 00798 (3 Ex.), 00836, 00837, 00840 (2 Ex.), 00844 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 00845 (2 Ex.), 00860 (3 Ex.), 00864, 00872 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2-42. Ex. 4), 00880, 01257, 01258 (2 Ex.), 01267, 01268, 01577, 01600, 01605 (Bl. 1-18 fehlen), 01658, 01660 (2 Ex.), 01661, 01662, 01665, 01667, 01669 (def.), 01672, 01674, 01677, 01765, 0176920N, 01923 (2 Ex.), 01934 (4 Ex.), 02187 (3.4), 02203 (3 Ex.), 02071, 02078, 02117, 02119, 02139, 02153, 02156, 02206, 02209, 02215, 02257, 02260 (2 Ex.), 02290 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), 02291 (2 Ex.), 02303, 02317, 02323 (2 Ex.), 02333 (2 Ex.), 02334 (def.), 02350, 02351, 02353, 02390, 02421, 02504 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 02625, 02680 (Bl. 1-2 fehlen), 02740, 02754 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 02785, 0280110N (Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), 0283110N, 02835, 02952, 02972, 03001, 03003, 03005, 03007, 02863, 02866, 02880, 02881 (def.), 02889 (2 Ex.), 02910, 02913, 02916, 03054, 03058, 03093, 03098, 03104, 03105 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 03131, 03188, 03203, 03246, 03276, 03290, 03304, 03325 (letztes Bl. fehlt), 03326, 03340, 03371, 03384, 03449 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 03456 (Bl. 1–7 fehlen), 03459, 03663, 03753, 03798, 03802, 03819, 03862, 03870, 03908 (2 Ex.), 03925, 04035, 04047, 04080, 04084, 04114, 04126 (2 Ex.), 04130 (2 Ex.), 04132 (2 Ex.), 04134, 04138 (2 Ex.), 04148, 04183, 04241 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04253 (def.), 04255 (2 Ex.), 04271, 04274 (Bl. 1–17 fehlen), 04278, 04280, 04285 (1.2-7), 04286 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 42. Ex. 4), 04287 (1.3), 04291, 04320 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 04419 (2 Ex.), 04420, 04421, 04422, 04423 (2), 04428 (Fragm.), 04458, 04469 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 04476, 04478 (2 Ex.), 04479 (3 Ex.), 04548, 04559, 04564, 04566, 04602, 04511 (2 Ex.), 04512 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 22. Ex. 2), 04649 (3 Ex.), 04650, 04662, 04730 (3 Ex.), 04748, 04846, 04875, 04943, 05554, 05555, 05562, 05600, 05603, 05607 (3 Ex.), 05612, 05613 (Bl. o1-10 fehlen), 05625, 05632, 05657 (2 Ex.), 05767, 05774, 05777 (3 Ex.), 05804 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 05807 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 1), 05870, 05939 (2 Ex.), 05948 (Bl. 1–5 fehlen), 05951 (Bl. 1–3 u. 39 fehlen), 06031, 06032 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-42. Ex. 1), 06039, 06041 (def.), 06045, 06047 (1), 06051, 06059 (2 Ex.), 06062, 06072, 06076, 06088, 06110, 06129 (2 Ex.), 06132, 06133 (2 Ex.), 06157, 06163 (def.), 06166, 06182, 06222, 06225 (Bl. 1-3 fehlen), 06387, 06390, 06398, 06400, 06401, 06403, 06407 (Bl. 131 u. 132 fehlen), 06412, 06423, 06471 (def.), 06553, 06708 (def.), 06730, 06750 (3 Ex.), 06752, 06840, 06895 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 06896, 06904, 06905 (2 Ex.), 06953, 06954 (2 Ex.), 07060, 07062, 07102, 07192 (2 Ex.), 07193, 07194 (2 Ex.), 07195 (3 Ex.), 07196, 07198, 07203 (2 Ex.), 07205, 07206, 07207 (Bl. 1-210 fehlen), 07208, 07213, 07218, 07223 (2 Ex.), 07608, 07730, 07814, 07828, 07874, 07876, 07885 (3 Ex.), 07967, 07968, 07970, 08021, 08327 (2 Ex.), 08328, 08347, 08375 (Bl. 121–128 fehlen), 08376, 08377 (2 Ex.), 08378, 08379, 08381 (2 Ex.), 08383, 08384, 08389, 08407 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 08409, 08423, 08424 (3 Ex.), 08426 (2 Ex.), 08427, 08636, 08640 (3 Ex.), 09066, 09068, 09072 (2 Ex.), 09073 (1.2), 09075 (3), 09077, 09091, 09113 (Bl. 1-3 fehlen), 09116, 09119, 09120 (Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 09130 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09133, 09138 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 09143, 09331 (2 Ex.), 09367, 09392 (2 Ex.), 09397, 09426, 09428 (2 Ex.), 09433 (2 Ex.), 09436, 09437, 09438, 09443, 09444, 09451, 09464, 09469 (2 Ex.), 09472, 0947810N, 09536, 09537, 09644, 0973050N (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09826, 09836 (1–3), 09837 (2), 09844 (1.3), 09871, 09873, 09874 (2 Ex.), 09877, 09878, 09886 (2 Ex.), 09890, 09924, 09981, 09982, 10040, 10041, 10423, 10562, 10563 (2 Ex.), 10598, 10599, 10600, 10601, 10622, 10716, 10921, 11341, 11360, 11392, 11395, 11409 (2 Ex.), 11421, 11423, 11435, 11436, 11437 (def.), 11438 (2 Ex.), 11445, 11555, 11558, 11579, 11794, 11841, 11843, 11861, 11902, 12270 (Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 12273 (Bl. 1–5 fehlen), 12300, 12314, 12318, 12322 (def.), 12323 (2 Ex.), 12325, 12385 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 12410 (2 Ex.), 12419 (2, def.), 12427 (2 Ex.), 12428, 12429 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 2, 2. Ex. 2), 12430, 11 Sp. 56a (3 Ex.), 12437, 12889, 12895, 12898 (2 Ex.), 13459 (2 Ex.), 13466, 13467 (def.), 13470, 13580 (4 Ex.), 13635 (3 Ex.), 13636, 14037 (2 Ex.), 14046, 14127, 14129 (2 Ex.), 14130 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 259–270 fehlen, 3. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen, 4. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 14133, 14146, M11982, M1203550, M18725, M12442, M12473, M12669, M12784, M13149 (2 Ex.), M13313 (2 Ex.), M13292, M13300, M13549 (2 Ex.), M14083, M14183, M14635 (2 Ex.), M14646 (2 Ex.), M14652, M14697, M14701, M14732 (2 Ex.), M14759, M15153 (2 Ex.), M15175 (1), M15168 (def.), M15185, M15272, M15332, M15244, M15247, M15267 (2 Ex.), M15564, M15637 (2 Ex.), M15642, M15644, M15652, M15767, M15775 (3 Ex.), M15790, M15792, M15810, M15813 (2 Ex.), M15816, M16544, M16553 (2 Ex.), M16555, M16561, M16563, M16566, M16694 (2 Ex.), M16696 (def.), M16708, M16707, M16719, M16783, M17280, M17804, M17807, M17808, M17894, M17905, M17924 (2 Ex.), M17926 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M17974 (2 Ex.), M18342, M18355, M18360, M18480, M18491, M18486 (def.), M18516 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), M18523, M18518 (def.), M18703, M18706, M18829 (2 Ex.), M18856, M18865, M18876, M18913, M18977, M19065, M19135, M19139, M19142, M19454, M19483, M19553, M19697, M19707, M19825 (2 Ex.), M19835 (2 Ex.), M19845, M19849 (2 Ex.), M20278, M20304, M20328, M2037832, M20560, M20631, M20819 (3 Ex.), M20820 (2 Ex.), M20823, M20824, M20827, M20831, M21192, M21205, M21292, M21307 (2 Ex.), M21494 (3 Ex.), M21530, M21548, M22229, M22459, M22448, M22481, M22505, M22509 (2 Ex.), M15113, M22665 (3), M22913, M23017, M23301, M23302 (Bl. 28 fehlt), M2354750, M23548, M23559 (letztes Bl. fehlt), M24006, M25213 (2, def.), M25279, M25300, M25850, M26244, M26246, M26253 (def.), M26257, M26263, M26271 (def.), M26274 (def.), M26280 (2 Ex.), M26546 (3), M26553, M26585, M26751, M26818, M26839, M26921, M26932, M27052, M27056, M27058, M27086, M27233 (def.), M27708, M27716, M27824, M28131 (def.), M28408 (3 Ex.), M28410, M28420, M28924, M28696, M28701, M28904, M28952, M29185, M29279, M29307 (2 Ex.), M29959, M29967, M30164 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M30172, M30230, M30270 (2 Ex.), M30290, M30298 (def.), M30304, M30370, M30375, M30379, M31084 (2 Ex.), M31086, M31090, M31100, M31371, M31382 (def.), M31404, M31407 (2 Ex.), M31411 (2 Ex.), M31420, M31505, M31641, M31663 (def.), M31726 (2), M31743, M31846, M31860, M32136, M32241 (2 Ex.), M32249, M32424 (def.), M32499 (3 Ex.), M32602, M32774, M32856, M32858, M32894, M32971, M32986, M32998 (2 Ex.), M33042, M33049, M33051, M33078, M33084, M33092, M33094 (2 Ex.), M33286 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 23. Ex. 2 var.), M3341720, M33540, M33541, M33685, M33697, M33699, M33756 (2 Ex.), M00828, M00831, M00836, M33883 (2 Ex.), M33887, M33905 (Bl. 3 u. 4 fehlen), M33912 (def.), M33918 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33974, M33990, M34302, M34304, M34317, M34321, M34324 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M34345, M34351 (2 Ex.), M34357, M34358 (2 Ex.), M34361, M34367 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M34374 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M34477, M34488 (3 Ex.), M34604 (2 Ex.), M34724, M34776, M34781, M34784, M34787, M34819, M34879 (2 Ex.), M35371 (2 Ex.), M35391 (2 Ex.), ehem. M35646 (1980 gestohlen), M36372 (3 Ex.), M36411, M36431, M36796, M36800, M36815 (def.), M3681710, M36820 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen, 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M36823, M36944, M37436, M37455, M37456, M37523 (3 Ex.), M37614 (2 Ex.), M37695, M37923 (2 Ex.), M38002, M38033, M38373, M38498, M38698, M38729, M38732 (3 Ex.), M38735 (2 Ex.), M38738, M39145, M39255, M39600, M39602, M39611 (2 Ex.), M39980, M39982, M40034, M40229 (2 Ex.), M40342, M40345, M40353, M40360, M40442, M40452, M40472, M40474, M40554, M40610, M40618, M40671 (2 Ex.), M40721, M40784 (4 Ex.), M40786, M41055, M41059 (Bl. 303 fehlt), M41062 (2 Ex.), M41242 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M41245 (2 Ex.), M41292 (4 Ex.), M41298 (def.), M41369, M41439, M41444, M41325, M41687, M42001 (2 Ex.), M42109, M42113 (2 Ex.), M42147, M42160 (2 Ex.), M42163 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M42288, M42792, M42813 (def.), M42830, M43129, M43264, M43271, M43274, M43640 (2 Ex.), M43668, M43689 (1), M43722, M43731, M43735 (3 Ex.), M44090, M44098, M44129, M44217, M44230, M44242, M44268, M44397, M44736 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M45406, M45509, M45769, M45831, M45901, M45925, M45985, M45988, M46029 (2 Ex.), M46033, M46041, M46094 (2 Ex.), M46101, M46104 (def.), M46154, M46165 (def.), M46209 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M46273 (3 Ex.), M46280, M46287 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2.32. Ex. 2.3), M46367, M46374, M46445 (def.), M46454, M46457, M46470, M46492, M46496, M46506, M46533, M46568, M46570 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M46661, M46816, M46818 (Bl. 1 u. 53–56 fehlen), M46860, M46964 (2 Ex.), M47024 (3 Ex.), M47031 (2), M47037, M48151 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M47219, M47225, M47229 (def.), M47233, M47350, M47578, M47624, M47628 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1.2), M48213, M48279 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M48282, M48799 (2 Ex.), M48900 (Bl. 213 u. 214 fehlen), M48945, M49170, M49177, M49179, M49185, M49194, M49295 (Bl. 1–12 fehlen), M49299, M49304 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 2. Ex. Bl. 1-4 fehlen), M49348, M49352 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M49416, M49431, M49462, M49497, M49573, M49621 (def.), M49684, M4981810, M49838, M49845, M49940, M50070 (def.), M50148, M50157, M50335, M50566, M50593, M50639 (2 Ex.), M50621 (2 Ex.), M50837, M50886, M50888 (def.), M20754, M50994, M51346, M25641, M17207, M52097, M52098 (2 Ex.)
BRegion [ehem. BN] — Biblioteca Centrale della Regione Siciliana: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 979 Ausgaben: 00174, 00191, 00270, 00779, 00585, 00586, 00594, 00595, 00605, 00606, 00609, 00610, 00613, 00638, 00683 (2 Ex.), 00685, 00688, 00702, 00717, 00718, 00796 (2 Ex.), 00797 (3 Ex.), 00798, 00845, 00870, 00871 (1.2.4), 00872 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 4), 01226, 01257, 01258, 01578, 01589, 01605, 01611, 01629, 01656, 01658, 01662, 01668, 01674, 01733, 01855, 01923, 01928 (2 Ex.), 01934, 01939, 01944, 02185 (2-4), 02186, 02187 (4), 02194 (2 Ex.), 02196, 02198, 02203 (2 Ex.), 02072, 02078, 02119 (2 Ex.), 02154, 02164, 02169, 02220 (def.), 02260, 02268, 02282, 02291, 02293, 02295, 02303, 02304, 02305, 02318, 02333, 02341, 02346, 02350, 02353, 02355, 02357, 02361, 02382, 02421, 02452, 02504, 02522, 02625, 02674, 02739, 02760, 02834 (2 Ex.), 0294910 (def.), 02951, 02970, 03000, 03001, 03004, 03007, 03009, 03016, 02864 (2 Ex.), 02869, 02879, 02881, 02882, 02888, 02889, 02892, 02894, 02910 (2 Ex.), 02915, 02927, 02928, 03052, 03054, 03066, 03091, 03092 (2 Ex.), 03093, 03103, 03130, 03131, 03166, 03187, 03203 (2 Ex.), 03237, 03304, 03322, 03325, 03326, 03340, 03341 (2 Ex.), 03386, 03413, 03456 (def.), 03459 (2 Ex.), 03743, 03749, 03752, 03762, 03817, 03818 (def.), 03824, 03839, 03850, 03851 (def.), 03886, 03907, 03908, 03927, 03938, 03945, 03946, 04046, 04048, 04053, 04054, 04084, 04088, 04117, 04126, 04127, 04130, 04131, 04134, 04138, 04142, 04146, 04148, 04199, 04223, 04231, 04241, 04255, 04269 (2 Ex.), 04274, 04275, 04278 (2 Ex.), 04283 (2 Ex.), 04286 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 32. Ex. 3), 04358, 04372, 04409, 04410, 04419 (3 Ex.), 04420, 04425, 04428, 04476, 04478, 04479 (def.), 04511 (1), 04512 (2 Ex.), 04515, 04618, 04649, 04654 (2 Ex.), 04658, 04663, 04758 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 04791, 04846, 04883, 04901, 04954, 04955, 04956 (2 Ex.), 04958, 05002, 05550 (2 Ex.), 05601, 05603, 05607 (2 Ex.), 05612, 05625, 05657, 05659, 05752, 05765, 05770, 05777, 05780 (2 Ex.), 05796, 05807, 05817, 05833, 05870, 05884, 05939, 06032, 06040 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06045, 06051 (2 Ex.), 06052, 06059, 06061 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 1), 06063, 06080 (2 Ex.), 06110, 06115, 06121, 06128, 06129 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 1), 06132 (2 Ex.), 06161, 06162, 06222, 06226, 06277, 06398, 06400, 06401 (def.), 06402, 06405, 06408, 06412, 06414 (def.), 06425, 06446, 06472, 06513, 06515, 06534, 06608, 07033, 07035, 06719, 06732, 06737, 06738, 06740 (def.), 06767, 06770, 06771, 06797 (2 Ex.), 06836 (def.), 06860, 06885, 07060, 07082, 07085, 07096, 07106, 07193, 07194 (2 Ex.), 07196, 07201, 07203 (2 Ex.), 07204, 07205, 07207, 07213, 07218, 07221, 07223, 07242, 07291, 07387, 07420, 07572, 07783 (2 Ex.), 07793, 07814 (2 Ex.), 07815, 07835, 07836, 07842, 07874, 07876, 07877, 07885, 07966, 07967, 07971, 07972, 07997, 08028, 08041, 08051 (def.), 08205, 7 Sp.343a (def.), 08290, 08327 (2 Ex.), 08328, 08372 (def.), 08375, 08377, 08379, 08380, 08381, 08384, 08396, 08410, 08423 (2 Ex.), 08427, 08435, 08582, 08652, 08657, 09023, 09066, 09067, 09068, 09070, 09079, 09086, 09088, 09090, 09093, 09095, 09136, 09143, 09291, 09331, 09332, 09367 (3 Ex.), 09368, 09392 (2 Ex.), 09428 (3 Ex.), 09432, 09433 (2 Ex.), 09436, 09437, 09444 (2 Ex.), 09448, 09451, 09456 (def.), 09457, 09460, 09462, 09464, 09530, 09535, 09536, 09834, 09843 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 2), 09849, 09863, 09873, 09881, 8 Sp.413a, 09981 (2 Ex.), 10039, 10040 (2 Ex.), 10044, 10243, 10251, 10262, 10263, 10296, 10410, 10423, 10424, 10438 (def.), 10454, 10461, 10463, 10507, 10508, 10513, 10562, 10596 (2 Ex.), 10597, 10644, 10647 (2 Ex.), 10716, 10921, 10959, 11333, 11339, 11340, 11346, 11360, 11380, 11385, 11435, 11436, 11458 (def.), 11494 (2 Ex.), 11557, 11558, 11600, 11696, 11707, 11813, 11900 (def.), 11901, 11902, 12056, 12116, 12278, 12282?, 12312, 12313, 12319, 12325, 12385, 12391, 12419, 12420, 12429, 12430, 12432, 11 Sp. 56a (2 Ex.), 12437, 12473, 12561, 13466, 13470, 13548, 13579, 13679, 13680, 13986, 14010 (Bl. 245 u. 246 fehlen), 14026 (def.), 14037 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 14077 (def.), 14116 (1), 14126 (2 Ex.), 14127 (2 Ex.), 14129 (2 Ex.), 14130, 14131, 14146, M12496 (2 Ex.), M12957, M12959, M13116, M13138, M13471, M13269, M13406, M13411, M09766, M13549, M13992, M02804, M14075, M14079, M14083 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M07851, M14267 (Tab. fehlt), M14383, M14608, M14614 (def.), M14635 (2 Ex.), M14644 (2 Ex.), M14646 (3 Ex.), M14652, M14654, M14655, M14701, M14732, M14759, M15153, M15175, M15168 (2 Ex.), M15185, M15200, M15272, M15275 (2 Ex.), M15267, M15541, M15634, M15642, M15648 (def.), M15759, M15767, M15783, M15792, M15796, M15813, M15906, M16537, M16542 (def.), M16552, M16553, M16555, M16557 (2 Ex.), M16563, M16566, M16714 (2 Ex.), M16707 (2 Ex.), M16839, M06219 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M17077, M17099 (2 Ex.), M17118, M17800, M17808, M17870, M17875, M17905, M18342, M18351, M18353, M18470, M18467, M18494, M18486, M18498, M18508, M18859, M18865, M18870 (def.), M18819, M18913, M1891310, M1891311 (def.), M18964, M19038, M19065 (3 Ex.), M19135, M19191, M19206, M19228, M19483, M07937 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M19697, M19702, M19707, M19825 (2 Ex.), M19835 (2 Ex.), M19849 (2 Ex.), M20060 (def.), M20071, M20095, M20103, M20317, M20321, M20224, M2025220, M20259, M20279, M20308, M20351, M20557 (def.), M20631, M20646, M20679 (Tab. fehlt), M20737, M20814 (def.), M20817, M20819, M20820 (2 Ex.), M20823, M20824, M20827, M20829 (2 Ex.), M21065, M21067, M21254, M21279, M21276, M21292, M21451, M21464, M21494 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M21548, M21653, M22448 (4 Ex.), M22468, M22498 (def.), M22505 (2 Ex.), M22511, M22665 (3), M22735, M22908, M22913, M22916, M23036, M23508, M23585, M23687 (def.), M25372, M25374, M25413, M25568 (2 Ex.), M25749, M25933, M25945, M25986, M26246, M26249, M26252, M26257, M26265 (3 Ex.), M26274, M26441, M26444, M26485, M26502 (2), M26546 (1.3), M26553 (2 Ex.), M26585, M26590, M26624, M26831, M26921, M26925, M27002, M27086, M27098, M27216, M27224 (def.), M27228, M27232, M27252, M02767, M27651, M27694, M27712 (2 Ex.), M27716, M28131, M28134, M28408 (2 Ex.), M28410, M28419, M28580, M28693, M28696, M29037, M29087, M29170 (2 Ex.), M29177, M29248, M29282, M29306, M29570, M29841, M29967 (1), M30161, M30164, M30240, M06221 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41557, M30290 (2 Ex.), M30298 (2 Ex.), M30313 (2 Ex.), M30353, M30356, M30357 (2 Ex.), M30362, M30365, M30370, M30379 (2 Ex.), M30385, M30474 (2 Ex.), M31090, M31093, M31100, M31109, M31249, M31288, M31402, M31407, M31705, M31717 (def.), M31726 (2 Ex.), M31739, M31746 (def.), M31768, M31860, M31883, M32088 (2 Ex.), M32165, M32376, M32421, M32472 (2 Ex.), M32478 (2 Ex.), M32499, M32527 (2 Ex.), M32561 (1.2.5), M32621, M32754, M32774, M32847, M32884 (def.), M32892, M32901, M32987, M32990, M32995, M32997, M33031, M33071, M33276 (2), M33284, M33286 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.2 var.2. Ex. 1), M33319, M33521, M33571, M3365810 (2 Ex.), M33660, M33683 (def.), M33684, M33688, M00831, M00836, M33883, M33895, M33912 (def.), M33918, M33990, M34014 (def.), M34317, M34324, M34333 (def.), M34342, M34374, M34448 (Tab. fehlt), M34461, M34472, M34488, M34526, M34604, M34724, M34818, M34862, M34875, M34892, M35389, M35391, M35529, M35546, M35697, M35724, M35757, M35789, M36175, M36248, M36368, M36372, M36374 (def.), M36388, M36456, M36686, M36793, M36820 (2 Ex.), M36823, M36921, M36944 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), M36966, M36968, M37361, M37382, M37419, M37436, M37456 (2 Ex.), M37488, M37509, M37517 (def.), M37523, M37560, M37614 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 13 fehlt), M37837, M38244, M38333, M38358, M38373, M38498, M38729 (2 Ex.), M38735, M38738, M38741, M39143, M39255, M39329, M39417, M39476, M39555, M39588 (def.), M39646, M39769, M39969, M40229, M40360, M40511, M40603, M40643, M40784 (2 Ex.), M41059, M41235 (def.), M41240, M41242, M41245, M41287, M41292 (2 Ex.), M41425 (def.), M41439, M41485, M41638, M44604, M42001, M42109, M42113, M42117, M42160, M42194, M42269, M42270, M42274, M42290, M42318, M42627, M42636 (2 Ex.), M42813, M42828, M42830, M4295210, M43268, M43274, M43277, M43640, M43671, M43689, M43713 (def.), M43722, M43733 (def.), M43735 (3 Ex.), [M43820], M44087, M44090, M44098, M44124, M44198 (def.), M44224, M44230, M4425410 (def.), M44268, M44277, M44304, M44307, M44397, M44702, M45406, M45544 (def.), M45769, M45831 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M45841, M45901, M45925 (def.), M45954, M45963, M45976, M45977 (2 Ex.), M45986, M45988, M46023 (def.), M46029, M46033 (2 Ex.), M46041, M46045, M46094 (2), M46104 (2 Ex.), M46138 (2 Ex.), M46151, M46154, M46195, M46209, M46287 (1), M46335, M46369 (2 Ex.), M46378, M46394, M46429, M46457, M46474, M46492, M46496, M46504, M46535, M46568, M46570, M46764, M46812, M46817, M46861, M46954, M46964 (3 Ex.), M47019, M47024 (2 Ex.), M47037, M48151, M47221, M47229, M47394, M47624, M47750, M47882 (1.2), M47951 (1), M48194, M48215 (def.), M48279, M48282 (2 Ex.), M48290, M48296 (3 Ex.), M48799, M48846, M4889320, M49179, M49295, M49296, M49299 (2 Ex.), M49332, M49334, M49352, M49414, M49431, M49497 (1-4), M49621, M49719, M49871, M50223, M50229, M50235, M50240, M50261, M50273, M50402, M50404, M50473, M50566, M50593, M50639, M50621, M50927, M50938, M50944 (def.), M50947, M50987 (2 Ex.), M51278, M51344, M51346, M51985, M51987, M25639 (2 Ex.), M25645, M52097, M52098
Domin — Convento S. Domenico ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
FLettere — Università di Palermo, Facoltà di Lettere e Filosofia
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 11392, M19705, M21304, M49414
Franzisk — Biblioteca Francescana
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 02203, 06059, 06080 (2 Ex.), M17800 (Bl. 133 fehlt)
IBizant — Istituto Siciliano di Studi Bizantini e Neoellenici
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 08435 (def.)
Kapuz — Convento dei Cappuccini
M — Museo Archeologico Regionale Antonio Salinas
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M19059
Sem — Seminario Arcivescovile: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
SocStor — Società Siciliana per la Storia Patria
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 09980, 10951, M42636 (def.)
Palestrina (Roma)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 0158810N, 04274, 09840 (1), 09843 (1), M30235
Paliano (Frosinone)/Italien
Passion — Comunità Passionista S. Maria di Pugliano
Palma de Mallorca (Islas Baleares)/Spanien
BMun — Biblioteca Municipal
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M02567
BP — Biblioteca Pública: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 656 Ausgaben: 00263, 00264, 00270, 00343, 00420, 00586, 00587, 00595, 00604, 00605, 00606, 00608, 00610, [0061110N], 00613, 0061610, 00682, 00684, 00685, 00688, 00699, 00717, 00784, 00796, 00797, 00836, 00845, 00867, 00870, 00872, 00911, 00930, 01576, 01599, 01621 (2), 01660, 01661, 01664, 01740, 01765, 01766, 01782, 01833, 01923, 01924, 01928, 01934, 01939, 01944, 01986, 01987, 02015, 02033, 02185, 02187 (1.4), 02191 (2.4. 2 def.), 02193 (2. Tab.), 02196, 02198, 02203, 02069, 02071, 02074 (3), 02106, 02119, 02131, 02209, 02210, 02215, 02216, 0222910N (def.), 02260, 02294, 02303, 02305, 02309, 02338 (2, def.), 02359, 02371, 0237610N, 02398 (def.), 02403, 02421, 02430, 02475, 02500, 02754, 02757, 02796, 02861, 0297010N, 02979, 03007, 02863, 02864, 02866, 02867 (def.), 02882, 02889, 02890, 02912, 02915, 02927, 03049, 03053, 03054, 03106, 0310610N (def.), 3 Sp.223a (1.2), 03131, 03195, 03203, 03205, 03237, 03238, 03244, 03304, 03305, 03325, 03326, 03342, 03456, 03459, 03460, 03537, 03672, 03866 (1.2), 03882, 03883 (def.), 03887, 03908, 03926, 03937, 04048 (def.), 04068, 04075, 04105, 04128, 04136, 04149, 04220 (def.), 04255, 04278, 04280 (def.), 04284, 04285, 04286, 04287 (3.4), 04291 (1), 04293 (3.4), 4 Sp.195a (2), 04340 (2-4), 04410, 04420, 04478, 04482, 04536, 04554, 04564, 04569, 04570, 04572, 04588, 04511, 04512 (1.3), 04527, 04638, 04654, 04657, 04658, 04734 (def.), 04758, 04801, 05002, 05082, 05587, 05657, 05752, 05753, 05768, 05773, 05775, 05776, 05821, 05888, 05902, 05903, 05924, 05993, 06031, 06032, 06039 (1), 06040, 06041 (def.), 06044, 06051, 06052, 06061, 06072, 06080, 06082, 06109 (def.), 06110, 06132, 06133, 06142, 06198, 06226, 06289, 06514, 06602, 07033, 06730, 06736, 06737, 06769, 06797, 06848, 06966, 06973, 07042, 07085, 07190, 07193, 07198, 07203, 07205, 07220, 07345, 07375, 07541, 07635, 07813, 07842, 07878, 08053, 08095, 08105, 08239, 08241, 08404, 08409, 08644, 09068, 09072, 09073 (1.4), 09075 (2.3), 09077 (1.2), 09089, 09090, 09092, 09112, 09116, 09144, 09334, 09392, 09396?, 09433, 09439, 09448, 09449, 09532, 09536, 09537, 09826, 09840, 09842 (1), 09843 (2), 09844 (2), 09845, 09846, 10095, 10453, 10481, 10563, 10598, 10646, 10698, 10716, 10717, 10784, 10921, 10959, 11401, 11416, 11422, 11436, 11437, 11480, 11504, 11505, 11552, 11558, 11559, 11561, 11630 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11697, 11861, 11866, 11901, 11906, 11916 (2), 11982, 12043 (Bl. 96 fehlt), 12054, 12055, 12056, 12057, 12228, 12294, 12357 (2, def.), 12358 (1), 12366, 12378, 12419 (def.), 12426, 12429 (def.), 12436 (2.3), 11 Sp. 86a, 12473, 12886, 12889, 12890, 12894, 13469, 13584, 13593 (def.), 13635, 13680, ehem. 13720 (def.), 13845, 13846, 13849, 14002, 14010 (def.), 14044, 14046, 14115, 14116, 14117 (1–4), 14118, 14126, 14129, 14130, ehem. 14154, M11983, M12161, M12640, M12957, M1310810, M13149, M13141, M13145, M13158, M13476 (2.3.5), M13992, M14097, M14114 (2), M07812, M14381, M14614, M14635, M14644, M14646, M14684, M14687, M14697, M14701, M14742 (def.), M14751, M14881, M1492510, M14930, M14933, M15120, M15260, M15267, M16555, M16561, M16764, M17077, M17805, M17875, M17889, M17905, M17916, M17924, M17926, M18862, M19176, M19206, M19224, M19228, M19299, M19294 (def.), M19295, M19385, M19454, M19457, M19460, M19463, M19466, M19472, M19483 (2 Ex.), M19494, M07943, M19726, M19819, M1982010, M19825, M19841, M19849, M19878 (1), M19977, M19979, M19996, M20074, M20075, M20076, M20103, M20138, M20819, M20824, M21068, M21294, M21494, M2239610, M22434, M22457, M22448, M22461, M22468, M22506, M22665, M22925 (def.), M23246, M23509, M25039 (def.), M25279, M2543720, M25749, M26225 (def.), M26249, M26265, M26280, M26367, M26406, M26449, M26485, M26546 (2, def.), M26572, M26585, M27098 (def.), M27708, M27716, M27823, M28157, M09674, M23219, M28684, M29170, M29395, M30260, M30270, M30290, M30309, M30349, M30357, M30375, M30950, M30958, M30964, M31084, M31093, M31388, M31402, M31420, M31505, M31812, M31931, M31932, M32005, M32009, M32085, M32092, M32133, M32137, M32142, M32241, M02574, M32492, M32499, M32509 (1.3-5, z.T. def.), M32527 (3-5), M32561, M32627, M32703, M05378, M32951, M33051, M33676, M00821, M33873, M33887, M33990 (2, def.), M34010, M34843, M34931, M35052, M35487, M35780 (def.), M36028, M36394, M36435, M36598, M36944, M36968, M36973, M37359, M37422, M37423, M37436, M37523, M37576, M38097, M38137, M38141, M38366, M38373 (def.), M38644, M38678, M38732, M38738, M38968, M39594, M39852, M39858, M40029, M40064 (1), M40083, M40110, M40113, M40128, M40784, M41051, M41235 (1, def.), M41245, M41759 (1), M41771, M41805, M41827, M44602, M42160, M42163, M42830, M43129, M43136, M43138, M44073, M44090, M44098, M44131, M44198, M4425410, M44277, M44915, M44919, M44927, M45013, M45061, M4506310, M4510020 (def.), M45107, M45151, M45196, M45726, M45841, M45966, M45977, M46029, M46033, M46104, M46109, M46138 (def.), M46158 (def.), M46165, M46195, M46201, M46202, M46209, M46282, M46340, M46341, M46343, M46359, M46369, M46374, M46378, M46382, M46394, M46397, M46436 (1-3), M46440 (2.4), M46445 (1.3), M46474, M46477, M46496, M46501, M46506, M46556, M46568, M46752, M46820, M46954, M47037, M47236, M47662, M48208, M48215, M48279, M48282, M48290, M48296, M48782, M48799, M49060, M49066, M49217, M49414, M49431, M49436, M49812 (def.), M49821, [M50147], [M5015610], M50165, M50283, M50224, M50240, M50259, M50265, M50275 (def.), M50365, M50491, M50555, M50576, M50593 (def.), M50625, M50612, M50621, M46633, M50872, M50886, M50888, M51344, M51346
FundacMarch — Biblioteca de la Fundación Bartolomé March
Sem — Seminario Conciliar de San Pedro
Erfasster Bestand 15 Ausgaben: 02423, 03374, 03375, 04039, 04280, 06305, 12385, 12419 (def.), M19299, M19454, M19493, M38137, M38141, M46098, M50162
Zisterz — Monasterio de San Bernardo La Real
Erfasster Bestand 12 Ausgaben: 02911, 03120, 04280, 04284 (6), 05173, 13470, M19483, M26624, M28913, M38698, M41245, M46570
Pamiers (Ariège)/Frankreich
Bisch — Évêché de Pamiers: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 02906
Pamplona (Navarra)/Spanien
BCatedr — Biblioteca de la Catedral
BU — Biblioteca de la Universidad de Navarra: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
Erzbisch — Biblioteca del Palacio Arzobispal
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 05195 (def.)
GenB [ehem. Inst / BP] — Biblioteca General de Navarra
Kapuz — Biblioteca Central de los Padres Capuchinos
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 01939, 04018, M40784 (def.)
Sem — Seminario Diocesano
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 0037910N (def.), 05002, 05659, 07190, 07195, 07219, M32404
Pannonhalma [Martinsberg]/Ungarn
Benedikt — Föapátsági Könyvtára, Bibliotheca Archiabbatiae Ordinis S. Benedicti de Sacro Monte Pannoniae: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 156 Ausgaben: 0091705N, 01170, 01179 (def.), 02189 (3.4), 02401 (def.), 03052, 03322 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03499, 03516, 03623, 03638, 03686, 03757, 5 Sp.616a, 05665, 05983, 06903, 07615, 07970, 7 Sp.436a, 08508 (def.), 09123 (def.), 09132 (def.), 09147, 09161 (1, def.), 09628, 09646 (def.), 09662, 09815 (2 Ex.), 09837 (1.3), 10688 (1–3), 10899, 11379 (def.), 11389, 11466 (def.), 11502, 11546, 11556 (def.), 11820 (def.), 11862 (def.), 11863, 11939 (def.), 11963, 12056, 12187, 12193 (def.), 12219, 12232 (2.3., beide def.), 12246, 12258, 12419 (Fragm.), 12426, 12451 (1), 12887 (def.), 12927 (1 def., 2), 13703, 13935, 13984, 14000 (def.), 14040 (def.), 12 Sp.M11158 (def.), M12482 (def.), M12667, M13046, M13116, M13945, M13983 (def.), M07837, M07867, M14407, M14654, M14701, M14782, M14775 (def.), M15123 (def.), M15221 (def.), M15790, M11366 (2, def.), M17882 (2 Ex.), M17891, M17922, M17924 (def.), M18675 (def.), M19199, M19695 (def.), M20479, M20829, M21424 (2 Ex.), M22657 (1), M22648 (2, def.), M22634 (2, def.), M22665 (3), M22728, M23076, M23222, M24646 (Perg. def.), M24684 (def.), M25075, M26037, M26046, M26051, M26274 (def.), M26301, M48247 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M26340, M26546 (2.3), M26968 (def.), M27233 (def.), M27450, M28460, M29385 (def.), M29974, M30412, M30431, M30915, M32164 (def.), M32376, M32972 (def.), M33692 (def.), M35399, M36031, M36394, M36884, M36944 (1), M37614 (def.), M37913, M37933, M38738, M39506 (def.), M39796, M40786, M41783, M41806, M41840 (def.), M43134, M44253 (def.), M44712 (Fragm.), M45184, M45215 (def.), M45623 (Besitzv. 14.IV.1491), M45731 (2 Ex.), M46374 (def.), M46498, M46802 (def.), M47544, M47660, M48170, M48190 (def.), M48196 (def.), M49160, M49396, M49849 (def.), M50566, M50639, M50879 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Fragm.), M51413 (def.)
Paola (Cosenza)/Italien
Franzisk — Biblioteca Charitas del Santuario, Basilica di S. Francesco: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 03203, 04291, 06040, 11558, M22665
Pápa [Poppa]/Ungarn
SuperintendReform [ehem. RefHauptsch] — A Dunántuli Református Egyházkerület Könyvtára
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 07218, M18835, M21298, M23202 (def.), M31790, M47045, M50144
Pappenheim (Bayern)/Deutschland
K — Evangelisch-Lutherische Stadtkirche; Depositum in Nürnberg LKArch
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 05339 (def.)
Paradyż [Paradies]/Polen
Sem — Biblioteka Zielonogórsko-Gorzowskiego Wyższego Seminarium Duchownego Gościkowo-Paradyż
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 11542, 12419 (def.), M19227 (def.), M22646 (1.3), M24494, M45246
Paris (Paris)/Frankreich
AcadMed — Académie nationale de médecine: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
ArchN — Archives nationales: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 00006, 00104, 00113, 00844
Arsenal — Bibliothèque de l’Arsenal
Erfasster Bestand 366 Ausgaben: 00405, 00509, 00552, 00554, 00579 (def.), 00755, [0075910N], 00593, 0064810N, 00650, 01145, 01160, 2 Sp.130b (2), 01693, 01872, 02032 (2 Ex.), 02072, 02122, 02127, 02301, 02381, 02530, 02604, 02607, 02710, 02785, 02898, 03152, 03182, 3 Sp.587b, /03955/, 04013, 04282, 04311 (def.), 04555, 04574, 04602, 04527, 04669, 04678, 04688, 04744, 4 Sp.586cP, 05601, 05713 (Bl. 1, 8 u. 56 fehlen), 06574, 06677, 06697 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06997, 07014, 06861, 06924, 07223 (2 Ex.), 07356, 07414, 0745810N, 07821, 07847 (°), 08089 (def.), 08286, 7 Sp.401a, 0897120N, 09284, 09331, 09367 (2 Ex.), 09390 (2 Ex.), 09426 (2 Ex.), 09428, 09433, 09437, 09442, 09468, 09520, 09538, *0967205, 09719, *09722, 09728, 09831, 09837, *09850, 09873, 09884 (Bl. 137–140 fehlen), 09981, 8 Sp.470a, 10046, 10196, 10278, 10281, 10424, 10437, 10438, 10446, 10451, 10453, 10454, 10460, 10470, 10519, 10549, 10562, 10614, *10621, 10664, 10670, 10699, 10712, 10713 (1.3), 10715, 10716 (3), 10718, 10726, *10744, 10746, *10753, *10792, 10822, *10861, 10894, 10960, *11058, 11159 (Bl. 20 fehlt), 11351, 11360 (2 Ex.), 11380 (def.), 11401, 11402, 11403, *11410, 11421 (2 Ex.), 11422, 11424, 11426 (2 Ex.), 11433 (2 Ex.), 11438, 11440 (2 Ex.), 11446, 11447, 11466, 11503 (Perg.), 11543, 11545, 11556, 11735 (Bl. 1, 12 u. 196 fehlen), 11736, 11738, 11742, 11747, 11751, 11754, 11810, 11815 (Bl. 1–3 u. 122 fehlen), 11820, 11846, 11905 (3 Ex.), 11906 (2 Ex.), 11907 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 1), 11908 (3 Ex.), 11910 (6 Ex.), 11911 (2 Ex.), 11912, 10 Sp.420a, 11916 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12027, [12028], 12040, 12109 (def.), 12116, 12139, 12187, 12188, 12225 (def.), 12226 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12294 (hsl. Eintr. 1487), /12323/, 12325, /12331/, 12400, [12409], 12424 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. a, 3. Ex. a4. Ex. b), 12425, [12453], 12491, 12500 (Bl. 1 u. 30 fehlen. DrM montiert), 12532, 12542, 12612, 12621 (1), 12652 (Bl. 1, 2 u. 7 fehlen), 12674 (def.), 12706, 12710, 12747, 12817, 12848, 12870, 12871, /12888/, /12890/, 12895 (2 Ex. , /1. Ex./, /2. Ex./), [12908], *13083 (Perg. def.), 11 Sp.506aP, *13095 (Perg.), *13170 (Perg.), *13204 (Perg.), *13253 (Perg.), *13273 (Perg. Bl. 66 fehlt), *13275 (Perg.), *13301 (Perg.), /13467/, 13514, 13549, 13551 (def.), 13553, 13578, 13598, 13611, 13625, 13628, 13680, 13813, 13851, 13854, 13859, 13860, 13872, 13904, 13918, 13939 (2 Ex.), 13965, 13985, 13986, 13998, /14001/, 14002 (Bl. 1–8 fehlen), 14004, 14015, 14019, 14030, 14052, 14058 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 14113 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2, 2. Ex. 1.2, 3. Ex. 2), 14125, 14127, 14128, 14146, 14150 (Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), M12144, /M12151/, M12484, M13260, M13269, M1331010 (2 Ex.), M14717, M15040 (Bl. 1 u. 24 fehlen(?)), M15048, M15047, M15163, [M15297], M15304, M15829, M15884, M15895, M16758, M1732750 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M17457, M17459, M1300310, M11446 (def.), M07940 (Fragm.), M20032 (def.), M20801, M21611, M21732, M19892, M25770, M22946, M22958, M2332810, [M2335310], /M23361/, M2335240, /M23359/, M05035, M24313, M24319, M24372, M2445410, M24597 (2 Ex.), M24610, M24615, M23367 (def.), M25781, M25830, M25889, M26683, M27263, M27269, M2833610, [M28372], [M28377], M28381 (2 Ex.), /M28405 (Perg.)/, M29864 (2 Ex.), M2990310, M30889, M31248, M3198910, M32002 (3 Ex.), M32020 (def.), M32192, M32396, M32399 (Bl. 1 fehlt), [M32643], M33299, M33557, M33771, M3404610, M34427, M34571, M34609, M35683, M3631510, M36107, [M36379], M37564 (2 Ex.), M38318, M38696, M38866, M39062 (def.), M39431, M39568, M40457, M41252, M4152650, M4161710, M42930, M43157, M43459, M43918, M4430910, M4438110, M4438120, M44751, M45726, M45880, M46416, M46595, M36858, M47056 (def.), M47121, M4900210, M49210 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1, 2. Ex. 1), M49215, M49362, M49781, M49782, M49855, M50125, M50320, M50412, M50876 (def.), M50909, M51364, M51436
Assembl — Assemblée nationale, Bibliothèque de la Chambre des Députés: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
BAllianceIsrael — Bibliothèque de l’Alliance israélite universelle: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
BArtsDec — Bibliothèque des Arts décoratifs: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 13549 (def.)
BArtsGraph — Bibliothèque des Arts Graphiques: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 05939 (def.)
BCousin — Bibliothèque Victor Cousin: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 205 Ausgaben: 00265, 00510 (def.), 00582, 00600, 00683, 00806, 00836, 00859, 00870, 00872 (1), 01564, 01664, 02036, 02040, 02334 (2 Ex.), 02335 (4 fehlt), 02350, 02351, 02360, 02362, 02363, 02381, 02421, 02449, 02453, 02476 (Fragm. Lage g), 02477 (Bl. 39–44 fehlen), 02498, 02500, 02776, 02812, 02892 (def.), 02894, 02919 (Tit. fehlt), 03057, 03130, 03409, 03841 (def.), 03886, 04121, 04183, 04186 (def.), 04531, 04544, 04566, 04573, 04580, 04601, 04511, 04512, 04690 (def.), 05064, 05526, 05657, 05752, 05775, 05778, 05784, 05785, 05786, 05787, 05790 (def.), 06133, 07090, 07207, 07211, 07218, 07654, 07884, 08379, 08380 (def.), 08381, 08383, 08384, 08385, 08390, 09046, 09069, 09074 (1.2), 09079, 09087, 09367, 09849, 09874, 09879, 09882, 09885, 09981, 09982, 10331, 10549 (def.), 10646, 10698, 10715 (1), 10722, 10733, 10735, 10764, 10774, 10797, 10799, 10801, 10838, 10848, 11339, 11511, 11862 (def.), 11869, 11870, 11904, 11905, 11906, 11908, 11912, 11913, 11916, 12049 (def.), 12052, 12193, 12266, 12409, 12888, 12942 (Prov. 1473), 14146, M1310810, M13471, M13476 (1, def.), M13549, M14075, M14717, M15327 (def.), M15291 (def.), M16783, M16917, M17653, M18976, M19135 (def.), M19462, M19829 (def.), M19837, M20042, M2037846, M21304, M21307, M21750, M22434, M22459, M22509, M23280 (2 Ex.), M26233, M27098, M02767, M28115, M28126, M28131 (def.), M29756, M30260 (def.), M30298, M30313, M31505, M31860, M31867, M31914 (2 Ex.), M31921 (def.), M31932, M31951, M31968, M31991, M32009, M31948, M32023, M32344 (def.), M32473, M32478, M32579, M32581, M32602, M32998, M33027, M33276 (2, def.), M33315, M33319, M33328, M33912, M33918, M34374, M34766, M35774, M36906, M38137, M38141, M38458, M39869 (def.), M41287, M44604, M42298, M45766, M45954, M46415, M46535, M50558, M50587, M50635, M50617, M51346
Benedikt — Abbaye Sainte-Marie: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 10 Ausgaben: 02107, 04286 (def.), 06187, 11436, 11808, M38137, M38141, M40436, M47578, M48799
BHistVille — Bibliothèque historique de la Ville de Paris: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
BN — Bibliothèque nationale, Réserve des livres rares: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 8412 Ausgaben: 00005 (def.), 00006, 00023, 0002510N, 00047 (Perg.), 00055, 00070, 0009920N (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 00101, 00102 (Perg.), 0010710N, 0010810N (Fragm. Perg.), 0010815N (Fragm. Perg.), 00109, 0010910 (Fragm.), 00113 (4 Ex.), 00118, 00119, 00126, 00128 (def.), 00129, 00130, 00131 (Bl. 46 fehlt), 00132, 00133 (def.), 00135, 00140, 00156, 00168 (2 Ex.), 00171, 00172 (def.), 00184 (Fragm.), 00187, 00188, 00194, 00206, 00210, 00212 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 1 Sp. 91a (4 Ex.), 00217, 00218, 00222, 00223, 00227 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00228 (2 Ex.), 00230, 00231, 00261, 00265, 00266, 00268, 00269, 00270, 00275, 00276, 00284, 00300, 00310 (3), 00312 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00313 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), 00314, 00316 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 00335 (2 Ex.), 00337, 00339, 00340, 00342 (2 Ex.), 00345 (Perg. Tit. fehlt), 00348, 00349, 00350 (def.), 00355, 00369 (def.), 00373, 00375 (def.), 00381, 00382, 00386, 00397, 00398 (2 Ex.), 00399, 00400, 00402 (def.), 00406 (def.), 00408, 00409, 00410, 00412 (2 Ex.), 00422 (def.), 1 Sp.192b, 00428 (def.), 00429, 00437b (Fragm. 3 Bl.), 00441, 00442 (def.), 00459a (def.), 00463, 00465 (Fragm. Bl. e2 u. e3), 00467, 00482 (2 Ex.), 00483 (2 Ex.), 00484, [0048620N], 00488 (2 Ex.), 00500, 00501, 00509 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. Bl. 1 fehlt, 3. Ex. def.), 00510, 00515, 00532, 00536, 00537, 00538, 00542, 00545 (def.), 00547 (2 Ex.), 00548, 00549 (Tit. fehlt), 00558, 00560, 00562, 00570, 00571 (2 Ex.), 00576 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 00577 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 00579, 00580, 00749, 00751, 00752, 00753a (Fragm. Bl. 1), 00759a (def.), 00767, 00768 (2 Ex.), 00769, 00770, 00771 (2 Ex.), 00773 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 00774, 00777, 00778, 00779, 00780, 00781, 00782, 00783, 00582, 00584, 00585, 00586, 00587 (def.), 00588, 00589, 00590, 00591, 00594, 00595, 00597 (3 Ex.), 00599 (2 Ex.), 00601 (2 Ex.), 00602, 00604 (3 Ex.), 00607 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 00608 (Kaufv. 1487), 00609, 00610, 00612 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 00613 (def.), 00616 (2 Ex.), 0061610 (2 Ex.), 00623, 00631, 00632, 00634, 00642, 00643, 00644, 00645, 00647 (2 Ex.), 00648, 1 Sp.306a, 00656, 00678 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00679, 00680 (2 Ex.), 00681 (3 Ex.), 00682, 00685, 00686, 00687, 00691, 00692, 00695, 00699 (2 Ex.), 00700, 00701 (2 Ex.), 00702, 00703 (3 Ex.), 00705 (2 Ex.), 00707 (2 Ex.), 00711, 00712, 00717, 00719 (def.), 00723 (2 Ex.), 00726, 00727 (2 Ex.), 1 Sp.356a (def.), 00784 (2 Ex.), 00796 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Tit. fehlt), 00798, 00806 (2 Ex.), 00807, 00809, 00835, 00836 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00837 (3 Ex.), 00838, 00839, 00840 (2 Ex.), 00843 (3 Ex.), 00844 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. Fragm.), 00845, 00857 (Tab. fehlt), 00859, 00860 (2 Ex.), 00861 (def.), 00862 (2 Ex.), 00863, 00864, 00865 (def.), 00866, 00867, 00868, 00870 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), 00871 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00872 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 00873 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00875, 00876 (2 Ex.), 00877 (2 Ex.), 00881, 00885, 00894 (2 Ex.), 00895, [0089510N], 00903, 00914, 00922, 00929 (2 Ex.), 00932, 00934III (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 3/6 u. 4/5), 00934VIII (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 13 u. 14), 00936XIV (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 28/31), 00940, 00945, 00952, 00957, 00965, 01001, 01003, 01016, 01019 (Bl. A1 fehlt), 01023, 01028, 1 Sp.542a, 01032, 01045, 01048, 1 Sp.551c, 1 Sp.552b, 01166, 01186 (def.), 01227, 01228, 0123015N, 01232, 1 Sp.675b, 01236, 1 Sp.676a, 1 Sp.676b, 1 Sp.676d, 01238, 01239, 01240, 1 Sp.679b, 1 Sp.679c, 01250, 01251, 01253, 0125310N, 01256, 01257 (5 Ex.), 01260 (2 Ex.), 01268, 01271, 01277, 01281, 01282, 0146510N (Fragm.), 01472, 01520 (Fragm.), 0155230N, 01286 (Fragm.), 01363 (Fragm.), 01404, 01553, 01554 (4 Ex.), 01555, 01558, 01559 (2 Ex.), 01560, 2 Sp.109a (def.), 2 Sp.109b, 2 Sp.109c, 01573 (def.), 01574 (2 Ex.), 01575, 01576, 01577 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 2 Sp.114a, 01582 (def.), 2 Sp.118a, 01590 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. def.), 2 Sp.124a, 01595, 01596 (Perg.), 01599, 2 Sp.130c (2 Ex.), 01601, 01602 (2 Ex.), 01603, 01604 (3 Ex.), 01605 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01606 (3 Ex.), 01607, 01609 (4 Ex. , 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 01610 (3 Ex.), 01611, 01612 (2 Ex.), 01613, 01614, 01616, 01617 (2 Ex.), 01618 (2 Ex.), 01621 (2), 01623, 01627 (3 Ex.), 01633 (3 Ex.), 01638, 0163910N, 01640 (def.), 01643 (Tab. fehlt), 01645, 01651, 01656, 01658 (4 Ex.), 01660, 01661 (2 Ex.), 01664, 01665, 01667 (3 Ex.), 01669 (3 Ex.), 01671, 01675 (2 Ex.), 01677 (def.), 01680, 01682 (2 Ex.), 01683 (2 Ex.), 01686, 01688 (2 Ex.), 01695, 01696, 01698 (Fragm. 2 Hlzs.), 01699, 01703, 01720, 01724 (def.), 01725, 01726, 01727 (2 Ex.), 01729 (1.2), 01730, 01734 (def.), 01735, 01736, 01751 (3 Ex.), 01757, 01758, 01759, 01762, 01763, 01773, 01776, 01793, 01811, 01816, 01817 (2 Ex.), 01818 (2 Ex.), 01822, 01825, 01831, 01842, 01843, 0184320N, 01848, 2 Sp.241a, 2 Sp.245a, 2 Sp.245c, 01861, 2 Sp.248a (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01862, 01863 (2 Ex.), 01865 (2 Ex.), 01866, 01867, 2 Sp.251d, 2 Sp.251f, 01869 (2 Ex.), 01870, 2 Sp.252b, 01872, 01874, 01876, 01878, 2 Sp.256a, 01882, 01884 (2 Ex.), *01888, 2 Sp.261a, 01889, 01890 (4 Ex.), 01891, 01900 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01901 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 01905, 01911, 01915, 01923 (2 Ex.), 01924 (2 Ex.), 01926 (def.), 01927, 01931 (Bl. D1 fehlt), 01932, 01934 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01942, 01954, 01955, 01960, 01962, 01965, 01983, 01984, 01985 (def.), 01986 (def.), 01993, 01997, 02004, 02012 (def.), 02015 (2 Ex.), 02017 (2 Ex.), 02020 (2 Ex.), 02024, 02032, 02033, 02034 (def.), 02035 (2 Ex.), 02043, 02048 (7 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg. def.6. Ex. def.7. Ex. def.), 02052 (def.), 02054 (def.), 0205420N (Bl. 1, 3 u. 4 fehlen), 02055 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 2 Sp.351a, 2 Sp.351b (def.), 02059, 02066 (Perg. def.), 02067, 02178, 02180 (2 Ex.), 02185 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. 14. Ex. 2), 02186 (6 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.4. Ex. 25. Ex. 1.36. Ex. 3), 02187 (3.4), 02188 (1.3.4, def.), 02191 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 3), 02193, 02194, 02195 (2 Ex.), 2 Sp.472a (def.), 02203, 02069 (2 Ex.), 02070, 02072 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. 3), 02073 (3, def.), 02076, 02077, 02078, 02079 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02080 (5 Ex.), 02081, 02082, 02086 (2 Ex.), 02087 (2 Ex.), 02088, 02092 (2 Ex.), 02094 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02097, 02099, 02101, 02103, 02104, 02106, 02112, 02113, 02114 (def.), 02117 (def.), 02121 (def.), 02122, 02125, 02127, 02130 (def.), 02142 (2 Ex.), 02150, 02153, 02154, 02155, 02156, 02158, 02159 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 02160, 02171, 02172 (Perg.), 02176, 02204, 02205 (def.), 02214, 02215, 02216, 02221, 02229, 02256, 02260, 02265, 02266 (2 Ex.), 02267, 02271 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 02273, 02286, 02287, 02289, 02290 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 23. Ex. 2), 02291, 02292, 02293 (2 Ex.), 02294, 02295 (2 Ex.), 02297, 02298, 02299, 0229910N (Bl. 1 fehlt), 02301 (2 Ex.), 02302 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02311, 02312, 2 Sp.539a, 02315 (2 Ex.), 2 Sp.540a (2 Ex.), 2 Sp.540b (3 Ex.), 02318, 02321 (2 Ex.), 02322, 02323, 02325, 02329, 02333 (7 Ex.), 02334 (9 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. 2–53. Ex. Perg. 2–54. Ex. 15. Ex. 16. Ex. 4, def.7. Ex. 4, def.8. Ex. 5, def.9. Ex. 5, def.), 02335 (1-3), 02336 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 02337 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. teilw. Perg.3. Ex. teilw. Perg.4. Ex. 3), 02340 (def.), 02342 (1), 02350 (Perg.), 02353, 02357, 02358, 02360, 02361, 02362, 02367, 02368 (2 Ex.), 02371, 02377, 02378, 02381 (2 Ex.), 02388, 02390 (def.), 02392 (2 Ex.), 02414, 02415, 02419, 02421 (def.), 02423, 02424, 2 Sp.630a, 02427, 02430, 02434 (2 Ex.), 02440, 02443, 02447 (2 Ex.), 02448 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg. def.), 2 Sp.644a, 02449 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 02450, 02451 (2 Ex.), 02452, 02453, 02461, 02463, 02468 (def.), 02469 (def.), 02471, 02472 (def.), 02476 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt), 02477, 02478, 02480 (2 Ex.), 02481 (3 Ex.), 02483, 02486, 02489 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 02491, 02494, 02495, 02496, 2 Sp.668a, 2 Sp.668b, 02500, 02502, 02504, 02510 (2 Ex.), 02511 (5 Ex.), 02512 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02513 (def.), 02518, 02520, 02521, 02522, 02523 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2, 2. Ex. 2), 02524 (def.), 02525 (2 Ex.), 02526, 02531, 02532, 02533 (2 Ex.), 02535 (2 Ex.), 02537, 02539, 02543, 0254610N (Lage A fehlt), 02560, 02562, 02563 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02570, 02573, 02574, 02584, 02585 (Bl. 1, 9, 10, 17 u. 18 fehlen), 02586 (5 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1. Perg., 2. Ex. 1.2, def. Perg., 3. Ex. 2.3, def. Perg., 4. Ex. 4, def. Perg., 5. Ex. 4, def.), 02589 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. Perg., def.), 02590, 02595 (def.), 02596, 02597, 02599, 02600 (2 Ex.), 02601, 02602, 02604 (def.), 02605, 02606, 02607, 02608 (2 Ex.), 02609 (def.), 02610 (2 Ex.), 02612 (def.), 02614, 02615, 2 Sp.736a, 02641, 02642, 02647, 02657, 02666, 02670, 0267010N, 02673, 0267710N, 02679, 02680, 02709, 02711 (2 Ex.), 02712 (2 Ex.), 02713, 02715 (def.), 02719 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 0272420N, 02727, 02730, 2 Sp.772b, 2 Sp.772c, 2 Sp.772e, 02733, 02739 (3 Ex.), 02743 (def.), 02749 (2 Ex.), 02751, 02752, 02753 (2 Ex.), 02754 (4 Ex.), 02755 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 02757 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 02760 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt), 02763 (def.), 02764 (2 Ex.), 02766, 02768 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 02769, 02770, 0277105N, 0277110N, 0277220N, 0277510N (Bl. g4 u. g6 fehlen), 02777 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. 1 Bl.), 02778 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Fragm.), 02786 (Fragm.), 02791, 02794, 02795 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 3 Sp. 40b, 02801, 02803, 02807, 02808, 02811, 02813, 02826, 02827, 02828 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 0282850N, 02833, 02838 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02840 (2 Ex.), 02841, 02848, 02849, 02852 (2 Ex.), 02853 (2 Ex.), 02854, 02861, 02932 (6 Ex. 5. Ex. def.6. Ex. def.), 02933 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02934, 02936 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 02937, 02938 (2 Ex.), 0293805N, 02939 (2 Ex.), 02940, 02942 (4 Ex.), 02947, 0294705N, 02951 (2 Ex.), 02953 (5 Ex.), 02955 (4 Ex.), 02957, 02958, 02960, 02961, 02962, 02964, 02965, 02967 (3 Ex.), 02969 (2 Ex.), 02974, 02977 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt), 02978, 02979, 02980, 02984 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02992 (Perg.), 02993 (5 Ex.), 02994, 02995 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02996 (2 Ex.), 02997, 02999 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03000 (2 Ex.), 03001, 03004, 03009, 03012, 03014, 03016, 03017 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Tab. fehlt, 2. Ex. def.), 03021 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. def.), 03022, 03024, 03025 (2 Ex.), 03030, 03032, 03033 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03036 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 0303610N, 03037 (2 Ex.), 03038 (3 Ex.), 03039, 03041, 03043, 03045 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 02863 (3 Ex.), 02864 (3 Ex.), 02867, 02868 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02870 (4 Ex.), 02871 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02872 (2 Ex.), 02873, 02874 (2 Ex.), 02875 (2 Ex.), 02876 (3 Ex.), 02877 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), 02878, 02879 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), 02880 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), 02881, 02883 (2 Ex.), 02884 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. Perg.), 02885 (3 Ex.), 02886 (Bl. 302 fehlt), 02888 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 02889, 02890 (2 Ex.), 02891 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 1, def.3. Ex. Fragm.), 02892 (2 Ex.), 02893, 02894, 02895, 02896 (3 Ex.), 02897, 02898 (2 Ex.), 02900 (6 Ex.), 02902 (2 Ex.), 02903 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg.4. Ex. def.), 02904, 02905 (2 Ex.), 02909 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 3), 02910, 02911, 02912, 02913 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02914, 02915, 02916 (2 Ex.), 02918 (2 Ex.), 02919, 02922 (3 Ex.), 02923, 02924, 02925 (3 Ex.), 02928 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02929 (2 Ex.), 02930, 02931 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03049 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03050, 03051 (5 Ex.), 03052 (2 Ex.), 03053 (def.), 03065, 03066, 03067, 03077, 03078, 03083 (Fragm. Lage K), 03084, 03085 (3 Ex.), 03086 (2 Ex.), 03090 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03091, 03092, 03093, 03094 (2 Ex.), 03098, 03103 (2 Ex.), 03104 (3 Ex.), 03105, 03109, 03113, 03114, 03115, 03116 (1-5), 03117, 03118, 03119 (2 Ex.), 03120 (def.), 03121, 03122 (Perg.), 03123 (def.), 03127, 03128 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03130 (2 Ex.), 03131 (3 Ex.), 3 Sp.250b, 03132, 03133 (def.), 03134 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 03137, 03144, 03150, 03152 (2 Ex.), 03154, 03155, 03158 (def.), 03159 (2 Ex.), 03160, 03163 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03166 (def.), 03170, 03174 (def.), 03178 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03179, 03181, 03182 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 03183 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. def.), 03184 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. def.), 03185 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 03187, 03188, 03190, 03192 (2 Ex.), 03193 (def.), 03194 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. 1 Bl.), 03195, 03196, 03202, 03204, 03208, 03210, 03211 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03215 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 03233, 03237, 03238, 03239 (def.), 03241, 3 Sp.314a (def.), 03244, 03246, 03247 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03250, 03251, 03255 (2 Ex.), 3 Sp.323a (3 Ex.), 3 Sp.323b (Tit. fehlt), 03256, 03260, 03263 (2 Ex.), 03264, 03276, 03277 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 03278, 03280, 03282, 0328605N (k1/k6 u. k2/k5 fehlen), 03288 (2 Ex.), 03289, 03290 (2 Ex.), 03291 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 03297, 03303, 3 Sp.348a, 03305, 03307, 03308 (3 Ex.), 03313, 03315 (2 Ex.), 03318, 03321 (2 Ex.), 03322 (4 Ex.), 03323, 03324 (def.), 03325 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03326 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03327 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 32. Ex. 3), 03330, 03331, 03332, 03340 (2 Ex.), 03341 (2 Ex.), 03342, 03344, 03345 (3 Ex.), 03346, 03349, 03352, 03357 (2 Ex.), 03358, 03366, 03369, 03379 (2 Ex.), 03381, 03383, 03386 (2 Ex.), 03387, 3 Sp.402a (def.), 3 Sp.402b, 03388, 03393, 03395, 03396, 03397, 03402 (2 Ex.), 03404, 03405 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03406 (2 Ex.), 03407, 03408 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03409 (def.), 03411 (def.), 03412, 03413, 03415, 03416 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 03417, 03418 (def.), 03420 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03421 (def.), 03423 (3 Ex.), 03424, 03438, 03448 (2 Ex.), 03449 (2 Ex.), 3 Sp.439b (Perg.), 03450 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03451 (2 Ex.), 03452, 03453, 03454, 03460, 03473 (def.), 0347310N (2 Ex.), 03475, 03477 (def.), 03496, 03502, 03503, 03506, 03507, 03509, 03513, 03519, 03520, 03523, 03524, 03525, 03526, 03537, 03538, 03549, 03563, 03569 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03581, 03586 (def.), 03598, 03605, 03606 (2), 03608, 03610, 03613, 03616, 03631 (2 Ex.), 03646, 03648 (3), 3 Sp.539a, 03650 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 3 Sp.541a, 03652, 03657, 03665, 03671 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.), 03672 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 3 Sp.558a, 3 Sp.560a, 03674, 03675 (2 Ex.), 03676 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03677, 03678, 03679, 03680, 03682, 03687, 03688, 03690, 03691 (def.), 03692, 03696, 03699, 3 Sp.562a, 03700, 03703 (2 Ex.), 03704 (2 Ex.), 03705, 03706, 03707, 3 Sp.568b, 3 Sp.568c, 03719, 03720, 03721, 03722 (def.), 03723, 03725, 03727 (2 Ex.), 03728 (Bl. 70 fehlt), 03729, 03739 (def.), 03744, 03745, 03747 (2 Ex.), 03753 (2 Ex.), 03756, 03760, 03762 (2 Ex.), 3 Sp.593a, 03766 (def.), 03788, 3 Sp.602a, 03798, 03800, 03801 (2 Ex.), 03802, 03804, 03808, 03809 (2 Ex.), 03810 (2 Ex.), 03811, 03814, 03817 (4 Ex.), 03818, 03819 (def.), 03821 (def.), 03822, 03823, 03825, 03828, 03830, 03831 (Perg. def.), 03839 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03841, 03843, 03844, 03845, 03846, 03849, 03850 (2 Ex.), 03852 (2 Ex.), 03853, 03854, 03856 (def.), 03862, 03863, 03864 (3 Ex.), 03865 (5 Ex.), 03866 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2 fehlt2. Ex. def.), 03867 (3), 3 Sp.641a, 03870 (6 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 03881, 03882, 03883 (2 Ex.), 03884 (3 Ex.), 03887, 03893, 03896, 03898, 03902, 03905 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. Lagen no), 03906, 03907 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03908, 03910, 03913, 03915 (2 Ex.), 03916, 03918 (2 Ex.), 03923, 03924 (2 Ex.), 03925 (2 Ex.), 03932 (2 Ex.), 03933 (2 Ex.), 03934 (def.), 03935 (def.), 03936 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Tit. fehlt), 03937 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03940 (3 Ex.), 03941, 03942, 03943 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 03944, 03945 (2 Ex.), 03947 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 13. Ex. 2), 03948 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 03949, 03954 (Bl. c1/8 u. d1 fehlen), 3 Sp.692a, 03957, 03976, 03977, 03980, 03981, 03987, 03989, 3 Sp.703a, 03996, 03998, 04003, 04004, 04007 (2 Ex.), 04008, 04014, 04017, 04023, 04024, 04026, 04028, 04029, 04031, 04034, 04038, 04041, 04047, 04048, 04049 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04051, 04053, 04055, 04056 (5 Ex.), 04060, 04065 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04071 (2 Ex.), 04072 (3 Ex.), 04074, 04077, 04079, 04082, 04083 (def.), 04084, 04085 (Tit. fehlt), 04086 (def.), 04087, 04092, 04093 (def.), 04094 (2 Ex.), 04096, 04098 (def.), 04099, 04101, 04102, 04103 (2 Ex.), 04105, 4 Sp. 19a (def.), 04113 (def.), 04114, 04115 (2 Ex.), 04116, 04117 (2 Ex.), 04118, 04123, 4 Sp. 24a, 4 Sp. 24b, 4 Sp. 25a (def.), 04126, 4 Sp. 27c, 04130, 04132, 04134, 04138, 04140, 04141, 04142, 04144, 04148, 04157 (Fragm. Lage hhh), 04159, 04173, 04176, 0417705N (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), 04179 (5 Ex.), 04183 (2 Ex.), 04184 (4 Ex.), 04186 (2 Ex.), 04195 (2 Ex.), 04199 (Fragm. 4 Bl.), 04200, 04201 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. def.), 04202 (6 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, def. White: Provenances S. 430 Nr 3, 2. Ex. Fragm. P.2 Bl. X4. Rubr. 1461, aus Ex. Wolfenbüttel HerzogAugustB. White: Provenances S. 413 u. 432–33 Nr 11 [Ex. Würzburg Karmeliter], 3. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 5 der Rubrikatoranweisung, 4. Ex. Fragm. P.1 Bl. g6, def., 5. Ex. Fragm. P.1 Bl. S3, 6. Ex. Fragm. P.2 Bl. a2), 04203 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 04204 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. def., 3. Ex. Perg. def., 4. Ex. 2), 04205, 04206 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 04208 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04209 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04210 (def.), 04211 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04212, 04213, 04214 (2 Ex.), 04215 (def.), 04216 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.), 04217 (def.), 04218, 04219, 04220 (def.), 04221 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04222 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg. def.), 04223 (Perg. def.), 04225, 04226 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. Tab.), 04227 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04228 (2 Ex.), 04229 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04230 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 22. Ex. 2), 04231 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 04233 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04234 (2 Ex.), 04235 (def.), 04236 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04238 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. def.), 04239, 04240 (3 Ex.), 04241 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg. def.), 04242, 04244 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04245, 04246 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 04247 (def.), 04248, 04249 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04250, 04251 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04252 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04253 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04254 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04255 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04258 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04261 (def.), 04263 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), 04264 (def.), 04266 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04269 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04271 (def.), 04273 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04274 (2 Ex.), 04275 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04276, 04277 (def.), 04278, 04279, 04280 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04281 (def.), 04282 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 04284, 04285 (7), 04286 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. def.), 04287 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04289 (2), 04291, 04292 (def.), 04293, 04294 (3), 04295 (def.), 04296 (def.), 04297 (def.), 04298 (def.), 04299 (def.), 04300, 04301 (def.), 04303 (2 Ex.), 04304 (def.), 04307 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 04308 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. 2), 04310 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1, 2. Ex. Perg. def.), 04311 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Perg. def.), 04312, 04313, 04316, 04317, 04321 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 04323, 04325, 04327, 04333, 04337, 04340 (3), 04342 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg. Bl. 1 u. 41 fehlen), 04345 (def.), 04346 (2 Ex.), 04348 (2 Ex.), 04350 (3 Ex.), 04351 (2 Ex.), 04352, 04355 (def.), 04359 (2 Ex.), 04368, 04371, 04374, 04376, 04380, 04392 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 04395, 04396, 04398 (2), 04400, 04403, 04404, 04407, 04410 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 4 Sp.242a, 04419 (6 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04420, 04421 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Perg.), 04422 (Kaufv. 6.VIII.1471), 04423 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04424 (2 Ex.), 04425 (def.), 04428, 04429, 04430, 04432, 04433 (2 Ex.), 04434 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Perg. Lagen nnn-FFF3. Ex. Perg. Lagen A-mmm), 04435 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 04436 (def.), 04438, 04439, 04440 (def.), 04441 (def.), 04442, 04443, 04445 (def.), 04449, 04450 (def.), 04451, 04453 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 4 Sp.264a (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), 04455 (2 Ex.), 04456, 04457, 04458, 04460, 04463, 04465, 04466, 04467, 04468, 04475, 04476 (2 Ex.), 04477 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04478 (def.), 04479 (2 Ex.), 04480 (Bl. 10 fehlt), 04481 (5 Ex. 4. Ex. Perg.5. Ex. def.), 04482, 04483 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04484, 04485, 04486, 04487 (def.), 04490 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), 04491 (def.), 04494, 04495, 04499 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. b1), 04502, 04503, 04504 (2 Ex.), 04505, 04531, 04532 (def.), 04534 (def.), 04535 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 2), 04536, 04537 (def.), 04538 (2 Ex.), 04539 (def.), 04540, 04541 (def.), 04543 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Rubr. 30.IV.1489), 04546 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04549 (def.), 04551, 04552, 04554, 04557 (1), 04559 (def.), 04561, 04562 (def.), 04563, 04565, 4 Sp.337c (2 Ex.), 04570, 04571, 04573, 04574 (4 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 04577, 04578, 04579, 04580 (Perg.), 04581 (def.), 04583, 04586 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), 04594 (3 Ex.), 04597 (2 Ex.), 04599, 04602, 04603, 04511 (4 Ex. 2. Ex. 1, Lagen aa-ll3. Ex. 1, Lagen aa-ll4. Ex. 1, Lagen aa-ll), 04512 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. 34. Ex. 25. Ex. 1), 04514 (3 Ex.), 04517, 04520, 04521, 04526 (3 Ex.), 04527, 04529, 04530 (2 Ex.), 04616 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04621, 04622 (def.), 04624 (def.), 04632, 04644 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 1, def.3. Ex. 1, def.), 04646, 04647 (2 Ex.), 04648 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), 04650, 04651, 04652 (def.), 04653, 04654 (def.), 0465510N, 04656, 04658 (def.), 04659 (2 Ex.), 04661, 04662, 04664 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 4 Sp.408a (2 Ex.), 04668, 04669, 04675 (def.), 04676 (3 Ex.), 04679, 04680, 04682, 4 Sp.416b (def.), 04686, 04687 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Rubr. 1483), 04689 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 3. Ex. def.), 04690, 4 Sp.419b, 04695, 04702, 04706 (7 Ex. 7. Ex. c4-e4), 04707, 04708, 04709, 04711 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04712 (2 Ex.), 04713, 04717, 04719 (3 Ex.), 04720 (3 Ex.), 04724 (def.), 04727 (def.), 04729 (def.), 04731, 04735 (def.), 4 Sp.441b, 04736, 04738 (def.), 04739 (def.), 04741 (Bl. g3 fehlt), 04749, 04750, 04756 (2 Ex.), 04760 (def.), 4 Sp.454c (Bl. 1 fehlt), 4 Sp.454d, 04761 (def.), 04770, 04774, 04778, 04780, 04781, 04784, 0479920N, 04802, 04804, 04805, 04806 (3 Ex.), 04808, 04810, 04811 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04813 (def.), 04817 (3 Ex.), 04819 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04820 (2 Ex.), 04822, 04823, 04825, 04826 (def.), 4 Sp.492a, 04827, 0482710N (def.), 04828 (Perg. def.), 04829 (Perg.), 04831, 04834 (def.), 04841 (2 Ex.), 04842, 04848 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg. def.3. Ex. Perg. def.4. Ex. Perg. def.5. Ex. Perg. Fragm.), 04849, 04850 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. Perg. Fragm.), 04852 (2 Ex.), 04853 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. def.3. Ex. Perg. u. Pap., def.), 04855, 04856 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04857 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04858 (3 Ex.), 04859, 04860 (def.), 04863, 04864 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 2, def.), 04866 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Perg.), 04867, 04869 (36 Bl.), 04870, 04873 (2 Ex.), 04876, 04880 (2 Ex.), 04881, 04885, 04888 (def.), 04894 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), 04906, 04914, 04915 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04916 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg. def., 3. Ex. Perg. def.), 04922, 04927, 0492820N, 0493010N, 4 Sp.567a, 04934, 04936, 04938, 04942, 4 Sp.573a (2 Ex.), 04943 (3 Ex.), 04952 (3 Ex.), 04954 (2 Ex.), 04955, 04956 (3 Ex.), 04958 (4 Ex.), 04959, 04960, 04963 (5 Ex. , 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def., 5. Ex. def.), 4 Sp.586b, 4 Sp.586cP (def.), 4 Sp.586dP (Perg.), 04964, 04966, 04967, 04968, 04969 (def.), 04970 (def.), 04971, 04974 (def.), 04978, 04980, 04981, 04983, 04986 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Lagen g-m2. Ex. Lagen a-f), 04994, 05002, 05003 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05016, 05054 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. Lage b), 05058 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. def.), 05059 (def.), 05060 (def.), 05061 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 05062 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 05063, 05064 (2 Ex.), 05066 (def.), 05067, 05068 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05072 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05073, 05074 (def.), 05075 (6 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.6. Ex. Perg. def.), 05076 (Fragm.), 05078 (def.), 4 Sp.656a (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05079 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 05080 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), 05081 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05089, 05098 (def.), 05099 (2 Ex.), 05100 (4 Ex.), 05343 (def.), 05354 (Fragm. Bl. Ji 1–4), *05367 (Perg., def.), 05369 (def.), 05372 (def.), 5 Sp.347a (def.), 5 Sp.347b (Fragm.), 5 Sp.347c (def.), 05379, 05392 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm. 9 Bl. Perg.), 05393 (Perg. def.), 05397 (def.), 05406 (def.), 05407 (Perg. def.), 05410 (Fragm.), 05411 (Perg.), 05420 (Perg.), 05421 (def.), 05422, 05423 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.4. Ex. Perg.5. Ex. Perg. def.), 05424 (def.), 05425 (Perg. def.), 05429 (Fragm.), 05435 (def.), 05439 (def.), 05441 (Perg. def.), 05446 (Perg.), 05447 (Fragm.), 05456 (Perg. def.), 05462 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 05490, 05492, 05496 (def.), 05497 (def.), 05498 (Perg.), 05501 (Perg. def.), 05503 (Perg.), 5 Sp. 13a (def.), 05101 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. def.2. Ex. Perg. def.), 05104, 05125 (Perg.), 05127 (Perg. Bl. 1 fehlt), 05128 (Perg.), 05130 (Perg.), 05134 (Perg. def.), 05154 (Perg. def.), 05160 (Perg.), 05164 (Perg.), 05174 (Perg. def.), 05178 (2.3. Perg. def.), 05181 (Perg., def.), 05182 (Perg.), 05188 (def.), 05192, 05197 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. Bl. 1–24 fehlen, 2. Ex. Perg. 1 fehlt), 05202 (Perg. def.), *05208, 05209 (def.), 05213 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg., def.3. Ex. def.), 05247 (Perg.), 05250 (Perg.), 0525210N (Fragm.), 05253 (Perg. def.), 05259 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 4.52. Ex. 6.7), 05260 (Perg. 1.6.7), 05261 (Perg., def.), 05271 (def.), 05272 (Perg. def.), 05273 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), *05279 (Perg. u. Pap.), *05280 (Perg.), 05281 (def.), 05284 (def.), 05296 (def.), 05297 (Perg.), 05300 (def.), 05301 (Perg. def.), 05302, 05303 (Perg. def.), 05305 (def.), 05308 (def.), 05316, 05327 (def.), 05328, 05329, *05334 (Perg.), 05336 (Fragm.), 05528, 05540, 05543 (2 Ex.), 5 Sp.554b, 05562, 05563, 05564, 05565, 5 Sp.558b, 05573, 05574, 05579, 05587, 05589, 05591, 05592 (def.), 05593 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05596 (def.), 05600 (2 Ex.), 05601 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05603, 05605 (2 Ex.), 05606, 05607 (2 Ex.), 05608, 05610, 05613 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Tab. fehlt), 05615, 05616, 05619, 05621, 05622, 05625, 05630, 05641, 5 Sp.603a, *05644, 05646, 05647 (2 Ex.), 5 Sp.606b, 05649 (Perg.), 05653 (def.), 05659, 0566310N, 05679, 05688, 05707, 05708, 05712, 5 Sp.643a, 05719, 05728 (2 Ex.), 05737 (2 Ex.), 05740, 05745, 05751, 05752, 05759, 05765 (2 Ex.), 05766, 05769, 05771, 05772, 05773, 05774, 05777, 05779, 05780 (3 Ex.), 05781, 05782 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05783 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05784, 05785 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05786 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 05787, 05788, 05790 (def.), 05791, 05792, 5 Sp.688b, 05794 (2 Ex.), 05795, 05796 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05798 (def.), 5 Sp.698a, 05802, 05804, 05806, 05807 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. 1), 05813 (def.), 05816 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05821, 05823, 05824, 05825 (3 Ex.), 05829, 05830, 05832, 05861 (3 Ex.), 05862 (3 Ex.), 05863, 05864 (2 Ex.), 05865 (2 Ex.), 05866, 05867, 05868 (2 Ex.), 05869, 05870, 05871 (3 Ex.), 05874, 05876, 05878 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. def.), 05880 (3 Ex.), 05884, 05887 (2 Ex.), 05888, 05889, 05891, 05895 (2 Ex.), 05896, 05898, 05902 (Lage a fehlt), 05904 (2 Ex.), 05908 (Perg. def.), 05909 (Perg. Lage B), 05910 (Bl. l2, m3/4 u. n1 fehlen), 05912 (Bl. a4/5 u. c4 fehlen), 05913, 6 Sp. 61b (def.), 05915 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. h1/8 fehlen), 05917 (2 Ex.), 05919, 05924, 05939 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 6 Sp. 79a (3 Ex.), 05940 (2 Ex.), 05941 (4 Ex.), 05942 (Doppelbl. b1/b8 u. b2/b7 fehlen), 05943, 05948, 05950, 05951, 05957 (2 Ex.), 05971, 05975, 05976, 05980, 05981, 05982, 05993 (2 Ex.), 06003 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Lage b u. Bl. c1, h5 u. h6 fehlen), 06004 (3 Ex.), 06008, 06009 (3 Ex.), 06013, 06015 (3 Ex.), 06016 (3 Ex.), 06018 (2 Ex.), 06019, 06022, 06023, 06029, 6 Sp.125a, 06031, 06032 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. 4, def.), 06033, 06034 (2 Ex.), 06037, 06040 (Bl. b3-b6 fehlen), 06042 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 06044, 06045 (2 Ex.), 06046 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Lagen q-x fehlen), 06048 (2 Ex.), 06049 (Bl. a1, c1, i2-i6 u. h1 fehlen), 06052, 06054, 06055 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), 06057, 06058 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. p1-p8 fehlen), 06060, 06061 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Bl. t6-t10 u. u1-u3 fehlen), 06063 (def.), 06065 (2 Ex.), 06067 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. O10 fehlt4. Ex. Bl. a1/a10 fehlen), 06068 (def.), 06069 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 1, def.2. Ex. 1, def.3. Ex. 2, def.), 06070 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. Q1 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. Q1 fehlt3. Ex. Bl. Q1 fehlt), 06071 (2 Ex.), 06072 (2 Ex.), 06074 (Bl. z2-z7 u. l3-l6 fehlen), 06075 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. l1 fehlt), 06077 (Lagen x u. y fehlen), 06078, 06081 (def.), 06082, 06083 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. u6 fehlt), 06084 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. Lage P fehlen), 06087 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 06088, 06093, 06097 (Bl. a1/a8 u. l1/l8 fehlen), 06103, 06111 (4 Ex.), 06112 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Lage p u. q fehlen), 06113, 06128 (2 Ex.), 06129 (Perg. Bl. T8 fehlt), 06130 (3 Ex.), 06133, 06134, 6 Sp.201a, 06136 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. 1, def.4. Ex. Lage a fehlt), 6 Sp.205a, 06137, 06144 (2 Ex.), 06145 (2 Ex.), 06146 (3 Ex.), 06147, 06150 (2 Ex.), 06153 (2 Ex.), 06154, 06157 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), 06159, 06160 (4 Ex.), 06161, 06162, 6 Sp.221a, 06163 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. N3/N4 fehlen), 06164, 06165, 06166 (3 Ex.), 06167, 6 Sp.226a, 6 Sp.226b, 06169 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Besitzv. 11.XII.1486), 6 Sp.228a, 06173, 06196 (2 Ex.), 06201, 06202, 06204, 06207, 6 Sp.247a, 06216, 06217, 06218, 06219 (2 Ex.), 06222 (2 Ex.), 06223 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. a1 u. a10 fehlen2. Ex. Bl. t9/10 fehlen), 06225, 06226 (3 Ex.), 06227 (Bl. 1 u. 204 fehlen), 06228 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 06230 (Bl. a1 u. a8 fehlen), 06234, 06243, 0624420N (def.), 06252 (Perg.), 06253, 6 Sp.275a (Fragm.), 06276, 06277, 06278 (2 Ex.), 06280 (2 Ex.), 06283 (2 Ex.), 06284, 06292, 06298, 06300, 06301 (Bl. k1/k12 fehlen), 06308 (Bl. b3/b6 u. b4/b5 fehlen), 6 Sp.296b, 06318 (2 Ex.), 06328 (Bl. a1 u. a2 fehlen), 06333, 06350, 06354, 0636310N (def.), 06365 (Bl. pi1, e4 u. i3/4 fehlen), 06369, 06376, 06385 (2 Ex.), 06386, 06387 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 06389 (2 Ex.), 06390, 06391 (2 Ex.), 06396, 06397, 06400 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt), 06401 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 06405, 06407 (2 Ex.), 06409 (2 Ex.), 06410, 06413 (Bl. f3/6 fehlen), 06415, 06416, 06423 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 06433, 06442 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), 06445, 06446, 06449, 06450 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. a5/6 fehlen), 06452 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. a4/5 fehlen), 06453, 06456 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 06457, 06458, 06459 (3 Ex.), 6 Sp.366a, 06465, 06466, 06470, 06471 (2 Ex.), 06472, 06473 (3 Ex.), 06475 (2 Ex.), 06480, 06483, 06487, 06491 (2 Ex.), 06493 (1), 06495 (def.), 06496 (1), 06505 (2 Ex.), 06506, 06514 (2 Ex.), 06515, 06516, 06523, 06524, 06525, *06526, 06535 (def.), 06537, 06539, 06540, 06541 (2 Ex.), 06542, 06543, 06544 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. i10 u. m3/4 fehlen2. Ex. letztes Bl. fehlt), 06545, 06546, 06547 (def.), 06550, 06552, 06553, 6 Sp.420a, 6 Sp.420c, 06556 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 4. Druck, 2. Ex. 6. Druck), 6 Sp.424b, 6 Sp.424c, 06557 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 06558 (Tit. u. Bl. g3/g4 fehlen), 06559 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Perg. def.), 06560, 06561, 6 Sp.429a (def.), 06564, 06565, 6 Sp.430b, 06566, 06567, 06569, 06570, 06571, 06575, 06577, 6 Sp.434a, 06579 (2 Ex.), 06580, 06593, 06596, 06603, 06610, 06614 (2 Ex.), 06615 (2 Ex.), 0661510N (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 06616 (4 Ex.), 06617, 06618 (2 Ex.), 06619 (2 Ex.), 06620, 06621, 06622, 06623 (3 Ex.), 06624 (2 Ex.), 06626 (2 Ex.), 06629, 06635 (3 Ex.), 06646, 06647, 06648 (def.), 06649, 06666 (2), 06667, [0666710N], 06676 (5 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), 06677 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. Perg. def.), 06678, 06679 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Tit. fehlt3. Ex. def.), 06681 (def.), 06682, 06685, 06686, 06688 (5 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt4. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt5. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06689 (3 Ex.), 06690 (def.), 06691, 6 Sp.494a (3 Ex.), 06694, 6 Sp.496a, 06696, 06698, 06700, 0670110N, 0670610N, 06986, 06992 (def.), 06994 (3 Ex.), 06995, 06999, 07009, 07014 (Tit. fehlt), 07018, 07021, 07022, 07024, 07025, 07028, 07033, 6 Sp.683a, 06708 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. 22. Ex. 2-4), 06709 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06711 (Bl. 1 u. 51 fehlen), 06712, 06714, 06715 (Bl. 1 u. 10 fehlen), 06717 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 06719, 06720, 06721, 06722, 06731, 06732 (Lage a fehlt), 06733 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 06734 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 06735, 06737 (def.), 06739 (2), 06740, 06741 (2 Ex.), 06742, 06743 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 06744, 06745, 06746, 06747, 06749, 6 Sp.535a, 06750 (3 Ex.), 06754, 06758, 06761 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06762 (2 Ex.), 06764, 06765 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), 06766 (2 Ex.), 06767, 06769, 06773, 06777, 06778, 06779 (def.), 06780 (2 Ex.), 06781 (Lage g fehlt), 06794, 06795, 06797, 06799 (def.), 06800 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), 06801, 06802, 06803 (Perg.), 06804, 06805 (Perg.), 06806, 06807, 06808, 06809 (Bl. d1 u. d2 fehlen), 06811 (Perg.), 06814, 06815 (Perg. Bl. d10 fehlt), 06816 (2 Ex.), 06817, 06819 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 06820, 06822, 06823 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. b4/b5 u. b8 fehlen), 06825, 06826 (def.), 06827, 06830, 06831, 06834, 06836, 06838, 06854 (2 Ex.), 06858 (Bl. 2 fehlt), 06859 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), 06860, 06861, 06870, 06876, 06883 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), 06884, 06885 (2 Ex.), 06886, 06887 (2 Ex.), 06888, 06889 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 06890 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1 Bl. fehlt), 06891 (2 Ex.), 06893 (2 Bl. fehlen), 06895, 06898, 06900, 06902, 06908 (3 Ex.), 06910 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06914, 06920, 06921 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. def.2. Ex. Perg. Fragm.3. Ex. Perg. Fragm.), 06922 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg. def.), 06923 (2 Ex.), 06924 (2 Ex.), 06925, 06926, 06927, 06928, 06929, 06930, 06931 (2 Ex.), 06933, 06934, 06936 (2 Ex.), 06938, 06939, 06940, 06944 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 06946 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 2.33. Ex. def.), 6 Sp.639a, 06948 (def.), 06950, 06951 (3 Ex.), 06953 (2 Ex.), 06955, 06956, 06965, 06968, 06969 (2 Ex.), 06976 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 06978, 06979, 06981, 06982, 06983 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 0704210N, 07049 (2 Ex.), 07055, 07058, 07059 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 07060, 07068, 07070, 6 Sp.698a, 07071, 07073 (2 Ex.), 07077 (Perg. Bl. 49 u. 50 fehlen), 07078 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg. Fragm.), 07079, 07080 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), 07081, 07082 (2 Ex.), 07083, 07084, 07085 (Bl. 122 fehlt), 07087 (2 Ex.), 07088, 07090 (Perg.), 07092, 07098 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. Perg.), 07103 (Bl. C7 fehlt), 07108 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. g4), 07109, 07110, 07111 (Perg. Bl. A1-7 u. H6 fehlen), 07113 (2 Ex.), 07114, 07116, 07122 (Lage l fehlt), 07123 (5 Ex.), 07128, 6 Sp.735a, 07154, 07156 (3 Ex.), 07158 (2 Ex.), 07159, 07164, 07166 (3 Ex.), 07168, 07175 (B), 07177, 07178, 07191, 07193, 07194 (Tit. fehlt), 07196, 07203, 07205, 6 Sp.780a (def.), 07207, 07209, 07214, 07217, 07218, 07219 (2 Ex.), 07220, 07221 (2 Ex.), 07222 (2 Ex.), 07223 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Bl. F4 fehlt), 07224 (3 Ex.), 07225, 07227 (2 Ex.), 07228, 07229, 07230 (2 Ex.), 07232, 07243 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 07249 (def.), 07252 (3 Ex.), 07253, 07254, 07255, 07256, 07258 (2 Ex.), 07259, 07261, 07265, 07266, 07267, 6 Sp.816a, 07269, 0727105N (def.), 07272, 07275, 07278, 07284 (2 Ex.), 07285, 07286 (2 Ex.), 07287 (2 Ex.), 07288, 07289, 0731510N, 07322, ehem. 07325 (seit 1927 vermisst), 07328, 0732810N, 07341 (Perg. letztes Bl. fehlt), 07342 (2 Ex.), 07348, 07351, 0735610N, 07372, 07378, 07380, 07381, 07385, 07401, 07407, 7 Sp. 7b, 07409, 07410, 07411 (3 Ex.), 07412 (def.), 07413, 07418, 07420 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2 Bl. fehlen), 07422 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 07423 (Bl. g4–7 fehlen), 07424 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. b10 fehlt), 07426, 07429, 07430 (2 Ex.), 07431, 07432 (2 Ex.), 0743250N, 07437, 07446 (2 Ex.), 07448, 07452, 7 Sp. 32a, 07454 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2 Bl. fehlen2. Ex. Lage k fehlt), 07456 (def.), 07457 (3 Ex.), 0746010N, 07463, 07467, 07468, 07472, 07473, 07481, 07485, 07488 (2 Ex.), 07504, 07505, 07506 (2 Ex.), 07508, 07511, 07512 (2 Ex.), 07519 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 68 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. 68 fehlt), 07523, 07535, 07546, 07550 (2 Ex.), 07552, 07555 (2 Ex.), 07556, 07568, 07571 (6 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07572 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. letztes Bl. fehlt), 07573 (2 Ex.), 07575, 0757905N (2 Ex.), 07580 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg.), 07581, 07582 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), 07583, 07585, 07586 (def.), 07587, 07590 (2 Ex.), 07592 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. def.2. Ex. def.), 07597 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 07601 (def.), 07608, 07612, 07633 (def.), 07638, 07640, 07654, 07656 (def.), 07658 (def.), 07659 (def.), 07691, 07692, 07702, 07703 (def.), 07722 (3 Ex.), 07728 (def.), 07739, 07744, 07751, 07752 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. nur 2a), 07765, 07774 (3 Ex.), 07779, 07783, 07784, 07785, 07786, 07788, 07793, 07794, 07795 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. Bl. a1/a12 fehlen), 07796, 7 Sp.184a, 07802, 07805, 07808 (2 Ex.), 7 Sp.188d, 07812, 07813 (2 Ex.), 07814 (3 Ex.), 07815 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 07816 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07817, 07818 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. P1 u. P2 fehlen), 07820 (2 Ex.), 07821 (3 Ex.), 07823 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. a3/a6 fehlen), 07824 (2 Ex.), 07825 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Lagen S-V fehlen), 07826, 07828 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. i8 fehlt), 07830 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), 0783750N, 07842 (2 Ex.), 07846 (Bl. f1/f8 fehlen), 07847 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. °), 07849 (2 Ex.), 7 Sp.213a, 7 Sp.213d (2 Ex.), 07862, 07864, 07868, 07871 (2 Ex.), 07872 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07873, 07874, 07876, 07877 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07878 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 07880, 07881 (2 Ex.), 7 Sp.227b, 07883, 07884 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. Bl. a1 fehlt), 07886 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. a8 fehlt), 07888 (3 Ex.), 07889, 07890 (4 Ex.), 07891 (2 Ex.), 07892, 07893 (2 Ex.), 07902, 07914, 07922, 07926 (def.), 07932, 07941, 07944 (def.), 07945, 07946, 07947 (2.3. P. 3 fehlt Bl. 2), 07952 (Perg.), 07957, 07958, 07959 (def.), 07961, 07964 (2 Ex.), 07965, 07966 (8 Ex. , 7. Ex. z.T. Perg., 8. Ex. Fragm. 2 Bl.), 07967, 07968 (4 Ex.), 07969, 07970 (3 Ex.), 07971 (Fragm.), 07972, 07973 (3 Ex.), 07975, 07986, 07987, 07988, 08018 (def.), 08021, 08031, 08034, 08035, 08036, 08037 (def.), 08038, 08039, 08040, 08045 (Bl. 9 u. 28 fehlen), 08047 (2 Ex.), 08052, 08056, 08057, 08058, 08064, 08100, 08104, 08106, 08109, 08119, 7 Sp.313a, 08123, 08124 (2 Ex.), 7 Sp.318b, 08139, 08140, 08145, 08149, 08160 (def.), 08163, 08164 (def.), 08165, 08166, 0816810N, 08172, 08175, 08176, 08180, 08181, 08184, 08185, 08188, 08190, 08194, 08197, 08198, 08201, 08202 (2 Ex.), 08203, 08222, 08227 (2 Ex.), 08231, 08235, 08240, 08246, 08247, 08250 (2 Ex.), 7 Sp.372a (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 7 Sp.372b, 08253, 7 Sp.377c (3 Ex.), 08261 (3 Ex.), 08262, 08263, 08264 (2 Ex.), 08265 (3 Ex.), 08267 (2 Ex.), 08270, 08273 (2 Ex.), 0828005, 08286, 08291, 08300, 08305, 08306, 08307 (3 Ex.), 08318 (2 Ex.), 08319, 7 Sp.401a, 08324 (3 Ex.), 08326, 08327, 08328 (2 Ex.), 08332 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08335, 08338, 08354 (2 Ex.), 08363, 08367, 08368, 08369, 08370 (2 Ex.), 08372, 08373, 08374, 08375 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08376 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08377, 7 Sp.431a, 08378 (2 Ex.), 08379 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08380 (3 Ex.), 08381, 08384, 08385, 08387, 08391, 08396, 08399, 08401, 08404, 08405, 08407, 08408, 08409 (2 Ex.), 08410, 08411 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08412 (2 Ex.), 08416, 08417 (2 Ex.), 08418 (2 Ex.), 08419, 08420, 08421, 7 Sp.457a, 08423 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08424, 08426 (2 Ex.), 08427, 08428 (3 Ex.), 08429, 08433, 08435 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 3 fehlt), 08436 (2 Ex.), 08446, 08476, 08478, 08479, 08480, 08481, 08483, 08484, 0848410N (def.), 08485 (def.), 7 Sp.488c, 08488, 08489, 08490 (2 Ex.), 08494 (Perg.), 08506 (Perg. Bl. 17, 121, 2021 u. 325–328 fehlen), 08515 (Perg. def.), 08516 (def.), 08526 (def.), 7 Sp.517a, 08528 (def.), 7 Sp.520a (Perg.), 08537, 08546 (Perg. def.), 08561 (def.), 08569 (def.), 08571, 08574, 08577 (2 Ex.), 0859110N, 08592, 08594, 08597, 08600, 08605 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 08608, 08609 (def.), 08612, 08614 (def.), 0861720N (Fragm. 8 Bl. aus Lage k, def.), 08620 (def.), 08621, 08622, 7 Sp.559a, 0862510N (def.), 0862920N, 7 Sp.560a (2 Ex.), 08630 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 08631, 08644, 08646 (def.), 08648 (2), 08650 (2), 08652, 08653 (1), 08678 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 5/10), 08705 (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 1), 08710 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 4/9), 08716 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 5/8 Z. 1–18, rechts def.), 08718 (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 1 u. 2 nur schmale Streifen, Bl. 5, 6, 9 u. 11), 08723 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 10/15 u. 11/14), 08750 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 3/6, 10/13 u. 11/122. Ex. Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 11/12), 08757 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 4/5, Bl. 5. nur linker Teil), 08780 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 5/10 u. 6/9), 08786 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl 4/5 u. 11, 2. Ex. Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl 4/5), 08793 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl 2/7), 08836 (Perg. Fragm. eins. bedr. Doppelbl. 11b/12a), 08848, 7 Sp.629a, 08907, 08920, 08921, 08957, 08968, 7 Sp.655c, 7 Sp.655g (Perg.), 08979 (2 Ex.), 09026, 09031, 09033, 09034, 09035, 09036, 09037, 09038, 09040 (4 Ex.), 09041, 09042, 09043, 09045, 0904510N (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09046 (2 Ex.), 09047, 09048, 09053 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 09054, 09055, 09059 (3 Ex.), 09064 (2 Ex.), 0906410N (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm., 2. Ex. Fragm.), 09065, 09067 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 09068 (4 Ex.), 09070 (def.), 09071 (2 Ex.), 09073 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 4 fehlt3. Ex. 2), 09075 (def.), 09076 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 33. Ex. 4), 09077 (3.4), 09079 (def.), 09080 (def.), 09081 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Fragm.), 09082, 09083, 09084 (Kaufv. 6.VII.1474), 09085 (2 Ex.), 09086, 09088, 09089, 09092, 09097, 09098, 09101 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg.), 09102, 09103, 09104 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 09105, 09106, 09107, 09108 (def.), 09109, 09110 (2 Ex.), 09112, 09113, 09114 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 09115 (def.), 09117 (2 Ex.), 09118, 09119 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 09120 (def.), 09121 (3 Ex.), 09123, 09127, 09128 (def.), 09132 (2 Ex.), 09133 (def.), 09134, 09136, 09137, 09139 (def.), 09142, 09143, 09144, 09146, 09148 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 09149, 09150 (def.), 09151 (def.), 09153 (def.), 09154 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 09163, 09165 (Bl. 52 fehlt), 09166 (Bl. 48 fehlt), 0916650N (Bl. 43–48 fehlen), 09171, 0917130N, 0917150N, 09190, 09211 (def.), 09212, 09214 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09225 (Fragm. Bl. a1/8 u. a2/7), 09226, 09248, 09258, 09264 (def.), 09278, 09311 (Perg.), 09314, 0931520N, 09316 (Bl. 119 u. 120 fehlen), 09317 (beschädigt), 09318 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 4 fehlt), 09319, 09320, 09321, 09324, 09329, 09331 (2 Ex.), 09332, 09333 (2 Ex.), 09334, 09335, 09337, 09342, 09347, 09348, 09351, 09356 (3 Ex.), 09361 (2 Ex.), 09367 (3 Ex.), 09368, 8 Sp. 70b, 09369, 09370, 09372, 09374, 09379, 09391 (Lage b–e fehlen), 09392, 09396 (5 Ex.), 09397 (2 Ex.), 09404?, 09420 (Bl. 12 fehlt), 8 Sp.102b, 09426 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 09428 (8 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 09431 (2 Ex.), 09432 (2 Ex.), 09433 (2 Ex.), 09434, 09435, 09436 (2 Ex.), 09437 (2 Ex.), 09438 (3 Ex.), 09440 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 09441 (2 Ex.), 09442, 09443 (2 Ex.), 09444 (2 Ex.), 09446 (3 Ex.), 09447, 09451 (2 Ex.), 09454, 09455 (Perg.), 09456, 09457, 09462, 09468, 09471, 09474, 09484 (Bl. 22 fehlt), 09485?, 09486 (def.), 09487 (def.), 09488, 0948920, 09490 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), 09495, 09496 (def.), 09510, 09512, 09518, 09520 (4 Ex.), 09521?, 09522 (2 Ex.), 09529 (4 Ex.), 09530 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09531 (2 Ex.), 09532, 09533, 09536, 09537, 09539, 09540, *09572 (oberer Teil fehlt), 09612?, 09630, 09632 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09639, 09643, 09644, 09647, 09670, 09672, *0967210, 09683, 09703 (Bl. 15–30), 09705 (, 09711, 09712 (def.), 09714 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09719, 09725 (Bl. 33/36 fehlen), 09726, 09728, 0973050N, 09731, 09734, 09749, 09783, 09784 (3 Ex.), 09785, 09789 (4 Ex.), 09797 (Bl. 92 fehlt), *09798, 09801, 09829 (2), 09830 (2), 09806, 09807, 09811, 09826, 09833 (Bl. 17–40), 09835, 09836 (3), 09837 (2.3), 09840 (3), 09845, 09846 (3), 09848 (2 Ex.), 09849 (2 Ex.), 09850 (2 Ex.), 09851, 09856 (2 Ex.), 09857, 09861, 09862 (Bl. 1 u. 3–5 fehlen), 09863, 09864, 09865, 09867, 09868 (Perg. Bl. 1 fehlt. Fehldr.), *09869, 09870 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 09871 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), 09872, 09873, 09874 (3 Ex.), 09878 (2 Ex.), 09879, 09880 (2 Ex.), 09881, 09882, 09884 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 137–140 fehlen), 09885, 09898, 09910 (Bl. 2–7 u. 9–47), 09915 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 09920, 09922, 09927, 09959, 09980, 09981 (5 Ex.), 09982 (2 Ex.), 09985, *09987, 0999210N, 09994, 09997 (4 Ex.), 09998, 10001, 10003, 10004, 10007 (def.), 10011, 10015, 10017 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10027, 10032 (Bl. 1 u. 110 fehlen), 10039 (2 Ex.), 10041, 10042, 10044, 10046, 10048, 10054, 10055, *10061, 10065 (Bl. 92 fehlt), *10067, *10068, 10070 (2 Ex.), 10071, 10074 (2 Ex.), 10075, 10087, 10089, 10091 (Bl. 34–36 fehlen), 10092, 10093 (2 Ex.), 10094 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10095, 10096 (3 Ex.), 10097, 10098 (2 Ex.), 10099, 10160, 10170, 10171 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 35–52), 10173 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1–4 fehlen, 2. Ex. Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 10184 (2 Ex.), 10190, 10197 (Bl. 1–12 fehlen), 10198, 10201, 10205, 10208 (def.), 10209, 10214, 10216, 10222, 10227 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), 10229, 10231, 10237, 10246, 10257 (4 Ex.), 10258 (2 Ex.), 10260, 10262, 10263, 10270 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.4. Ex. Perg.), 10272, 10273, 10276 (2 Ex.), 10277 (2 Ex.), 10278, 10279, 10281, 10283, 1029510 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10298 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm., 2. Ex. def.), 10299, 10302, 10303, 10305, 10314, 10325, 10327, 10328 (Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 10329, 10406 (4 Ex., z.T. def., davon 2 Perg.), 10407 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–4, 2. Ex. 3, 3. Ex. 4, Perg.), 10409 (2), 10410 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10421 (2 Ex.), 10423 (6 Ex. , 6. Ex. Fragm.), 10424, 10433, 10434 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 10435 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10436 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 6 u. 116 fehlen), 10437 (6 Ex. , 3. Ex. Perg., 4. Ex. def.), 10438 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. 1), 10441, 10442, 10444, 10445, 10447, 10449 (3 Ex.), 10452, 10453, 10454 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 10455 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10457, 10460 (2 Ex.), *10461 (2 Ex.), 10466 (2 Ex.), 10468, 10469 (Bl. 24 fehlt), 10482, 10491, 10493, 10494, 10500 (1), 10511, 10517, 10519 (2 Ex.), 10520 (def.), 10522 (2 Ex.), 10524, 10544, 10545 (2 Ex.), 10546, 1054920 (2 Ex.), 10548, 10550, 10551 (Bl. 42 fehlt), 10552 (Bl. 4 fehlt), 10562 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), 10563, 10566 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10573, 10593 (2 Ex.), 10594 (3 Ex.), 10595, 10596 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10597, 10598, 10601 (2 Ex.), 1060910 (3 Ex.), 1060920, 9 Sp.351a, 10610, 10611 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10613 (1), 10616, 10618, 10620, 10627 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 10644, 10648 (Bl. 183–190 fehlen), 10652, 10654, 10657, 10658, 10661 (2 Ex.), 10662, 10664, 10666 (Bl. 44–46 beschädigt), 10669 (2 Ex.), 10670, 10671 (def.), 10672 (4 Ex.), 10674, 10675 (2 Ex.), 10676, 10678, 10680 (2 Ex.), 10700, 10686, 10692, 10695 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10698, 10699 (4 Ex.), 10701, 10703, 10712, 10713 (3), 10714 (1.2.4), 10715 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3.Inv., 2. Ex. 2), 10716 (1.2.Inv.), 10717 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2.Inv., 2. Ex. 2), 10718 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 10722 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 10724 (3 Ex.), 10726, 10727 (2 Ex.), 10728 (2 Ex.), 10729 (4 Ex.), 10731, 10733 (2 Ex.), 10734 (2 Ex.), 10735, 10736, 10737, 10738, 10740 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10741, 10742 (2 Ex.), 10743, 10746, *10747, 10754, 10755 (5 Ex.), 10758, 10761, 10762, 10763 (2 Ex.), 10764 (4 Ex.), 10765 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10766 (2 Ex.), 10767 (3 Ex.), 10770, 10772 (4 Ex.), 10773, 10774, 10775 (3 Ex.), 10776 (2 Ex.), 10784 (2 Ex.), 10786, *10787, 10788, 10789 (def.), 10790 (Kaufv. 6.VIII.1482), 10793 (Bl. 1 u. 50 fehlen), 10796 (Bl. 35 u. 36 fehlen), 10797, *10798, 10799 (2 Ex.), 10800 (2 Ex.), 10801 (3 Ex.), 10804, 10805, 10806 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10808, 10809 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. rubr. 1468), 10810 (3 Ex.), 10811, 10812, 10813 (1.2), 10815, 10821 (2 Ex.), 10822, 10823, 10824, 10825 (2 Ex.), 10826 (2 Ex.), 10828 (3 Ex.), 10829, 10830 (2 Ex.), 10831 (3 Ex.), 10833 (2 Ex.), 10834, 10837 (2 Ex.), 10838 (3 Ex.), 10841 (1–3), 10842 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 2.3, 2. Ex. 2.3), 9 Sp.554b (Perg.), 10843 (3 Ex.), 10846 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10855, 10860, *10862 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10864, 10865 (3 Ex.), 10869, *10872, 10880 (2 Ex.), 10881 (4 Ex.), 10882, 10883 (def.), 10884 (2 Ex.), 10885, 10886 (2 Ex.), 10889, 10891 (def.), 10893, 10896 (3 Ex.), 10898, 10901, 10902, 10903 (Bl. 1 u. 4 fehlen), 10904, 10906 (2 Ex.), 10921 (2 Ex.), 10924, 10925 (2 Ex.), 10940, 10942, 10943, 10944 (Bl. 1–3 fehlen), 10945, 10946 (2 Ex., davon 1 def.), 10947, 10949, 10950, 10960 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10961, 10965, 10971, 10976, 10979, 10982, 10993, 10996, 10998, 11016, 11028, 11030, 9 Sp.684a, 11032, *11035, *11056, *11063, 9 Sp.703a, *11082, *11085, *11101, 11106, *11107, *11108 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm., 2. Ex. Fragm.), *11164 (def.), *11176, *11194, 11214, *11225, *11235, 11247, 11260, *11280, *11281 (def.?), 11292, 11293, 11294, *11307, *11311, *11322, 11332 (2 Ex.), 11344, 11346 (2 Ex.), 11350, 11351 (2 Ex.), 11352 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 11353 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg.), 11354 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 11355, 11356, 11357 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), 11358 (2 Ex.), 11366 (Bl. 411–416 fehlen), 11368 (def.), 11370, 11376, 11380 (b), 11389, 11392 (2 Ex.), 11394 (3 Ex.), 11395 (Bl. 77 u. 84 fehlen), 11396, 11397, 11398 (3 Ex.), 11399, 11401, 11402 (4 Ex.), 11403, 11404, 11405 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), 11406 (2 Ex.), 11407, 11409, 11412, 11413, 11414 (3 Ex.), 11415, 11416 (6 Ex.), 11417, 11418 (3 Ex.), 11420 (6 Ex.), 11421, 11422 (2 Ex.), 11423, 11424 (2 Ex.), 11425 (3 Ex.), 11430 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Rubr. 1474, 2. Ex. def.), 11431, 11432, 11433 (2 Ex.), 11436, 11437, 11438 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def, 2. Ex. def, 3. Ex. def), 11440 (6 Ex.), 11441 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. hsl. Eintr. 1472), 11442, 11443 (2 Ex.), 11444 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), 11445, 11446 (2 Ex.), 11448 (2 Ex.), 11449 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 11450, 11451 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 1 def., 3. Ex. Perg. Fragm.), 11453 (3 Ex.), 11454 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg., def.), 11456, 11457, 11458 (def.), 11460, 11462, 11484 (Bl. 1 u. 303ff fehlen, Bl. 2 def.), 11498 (def.), 11502, 11503, 11505, 11506 (def.), 11510, 11511, 11514, 11519, 11521, 11522, 11523 (Fragm. 6 Bl.), 11525, 11526 (Fragm. 3 Doppelbl. d1/d8, d3/d6, d4/d5), 11529, 11530, 11531, 11532, 11533, 11537, 11538 (rubr. 1474), 11544, 11545, 11549, 11551, 11556, 11559, 11561 (2 Ex.), 11563, 11566, 11569, 11571, 11580, 11581, 11583, 11584, 11585, 11586, 11588 (2 Ex.), 11589 (2 Ex.), 11590, 11592, 11594, 11596 (2 Ex.), 11597, 11598, 11616 (Perg.), 11635, 11652, 11669, 11675, 11676, 11678, 11690, 11691, 11697, 11698, 11707, 11708 (Bl. 1 def.), 11709, 11713, 11716 (3 Ex.), 11717 (4 Ex.), 11718, 11719 (2 Ex.), 11720, 11723, 11724 (def.), 11728 (2 Ex.), 11730 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 11733 (def.), 11734 (def.), 11735, 11736 (Bl. 151–160 fehlen), 11737 (2 Ex.), 11747 (def.), 11751, 11753 (def.), 11754 (def.), 11755, 11756, 11759, 11761 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11762, 11764, 11772 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11781 (def.), 11783, 11785, 11788, 11790, 11799, 11808, 11811, 11814, 11816, 11820, 11821, 11824, 11826, 11830, 11831, 11833 (2 Ex.), 11834 (Bl. 177–184 fehlen), 11835, 11837 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 11839, 11840, 11841, 11843 (2 Ex.), 11844, 11847, 11850 (Bl. 3, 24 u. 49 fehlen), 10 Sp.366b, *11854 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), *11856 (4 Ex.), *11857 (2 Ex.), *11858 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. def., Perg.), *11860 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 10 Sp.371a, 10 Sp.371b, 11861 (2 Ex.), 10 Sp.373a (2 Ex.), 11862 (2 Ex.), 11865 (2 Ex.), 11866, 11867, 11869 (2 Ex.), 11870 (2 Ex.), 11875 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11878 (2 Ex.), 11881, 11884, 11886, 11889, 11891, 11893, 11897, 11902 (3 Ex.), 11904 (3 Ex.), 11905 (2 Ex.), 11906 (3 Ex.), 11907 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 11908 (2 Ex.), 11909, 11910 (2 Ex.), 11911 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), 11912 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 11913 (2 Ex.), 11914 (2 Ex.), 11915, 11916 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 11917, 11918 (2 Ex.), 11919, 11922, 11923, 11924 (def.), 11925, 11927 (2 Ex.), 11929, 11933, 11938, 11941, 11942, 11943, 11947, 11949 (2 Ex.), 11950 (2 Ex.), 11952, 11964 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 11966 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 11974, 11981, 12007, 12033 (2 Ex.), 12036, 12039, 12045, 12047 (2 Ex.), 12048, 12049, 12050, 12051, 12052, 12053 (2 Ex.), 12054, 12055, 12056, 12057, 12058, 12060, 12061, 12066, 12105, 12109 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 12114 (1–3., alle def. u. Perg.), 12117 (2 Ex.), 10 Sp.579c, 12134 (def.), 12137, 12171 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12185 (def.), 12187 (3 Ex.), 12188, 12189 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12192 (def.), 12193 (2 Ex.), 12195 (2 Ex.), 12197, 10 Sp.622a, 12199, 12203, 12204 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 12205 (def.), 12206 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12207, 12211, 12215, 12218 (2 Ex.), 12223, 12226 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 12227, 12229, 12231, 12233 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 12237, 12238, 12239 (2 Ex.), 12241, 12242 (2 Ex.), 12248, 10 Sp.664b, 12255, 12256 (2 Ex.), 12258, 12259, 12262, 12263, 12266 (2 Ex.), 12268 (3 Ex.), 12270 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 12273 (def.), 12274, 12275, 12286, 12292, 12293 (2 Ex.), 12294, 12295, 12296 (Bl. 18 def.), 12299 (2 Ex.), 12303 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 12306, 10 Sp.697a, 12308, 12310 (3 Ex.), 12311, 12312, 12313, 12314, 12315, 12318, 12319, 12320, *12321 (2 Ex.), 12322, 12323, 12328, 12332 (3 Ex.), 12333 (5 Ex.), 12334, 12336 (Bl. 1b Salvator, Bl. 118 fehlt), *12340 (5 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 1, 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. 1, 5. Ex. 1, def.), *12342 (1–4. 1 in 2 Ex., davon 1 def. 2 in 2 Ex. 3 in 3 Ex. 4 in 4 Ex.), 12343 (Bl. 401 fehlt), 12346, 12351 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3. 1, Bl. 1 fehlt, 2. Ex. 3), 12367, 12379, 12381, 12387 (Bl. 1–252 fehlen), 12389 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 12390, 12391, 12394 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 12396 (Fragm. Bl. 13–16), 12399 (Bl. 13–16 fehlen), 12400, 12404, 12409 (2 Ex.), 12410 (2 Ex.), 12411, 12420 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg. def.), 12421 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Besitzv. 1470), 12422 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bindev. 1469, 2. Ex. Kaufv. 1471, 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 12423 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 12424 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. a2. Ex. b, Perg.3. Ex. b, Perg.4. Ex. b), 12425 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. def.), 12426 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. 2), 12427, 12428, 12429 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2, 2. Ex. 1), 12430 (2 Ex.), 12431, 12432, 12435, 12437 (2 Ex.), 12448 (2 Ex.), 12450, 12451 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–9, 2. Ex. 1.4.7–9), 12454 (4 Ex.), 12463, 12464, 12465 (6 Ex. , 4. Ex. Perg., 5. Ex. Perg., 6. Ex. Perg.), 12467, 12471, 12472 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12475, 12476 (Bl. 136–149 fehlen), 12477 (2 Ex.), 12479 (2 Ex.), 12480, 11 Sp.104a (def.), 12489 (Bl. 1 fehlt), *12490 (Bl. 1 u. 25–32 fehlen), 12493, 12504 (Bl. 13 fehlt), 12505, 12510, 12513, 12532, 12542 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 12545 (def.), 12550 (Bl. 73 u. 80 fehlen), 12554, 12569 (Bl. 117 u. 118 fehlen), 12573, 12574, 12591, 12592 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 12608, 12612, 12618, 12621 (1.2), 12622 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg. Fragm. 4 Bl.), 12630, 12649 (def.), *12650 (Fragm. Bl. 42–52, 54–63, 73–81, 83–90, 92–95, 97–103, 107, 109, 110, 112–157, 159 u. 161–173), 12651 (def.), 11 Sp.218a (2 Ex.), 12658, 12668 (2, Perg.), 12671 (Bl. 1 u. 102 fehlen), 12676 (Perg. def.), 12678, 12686 (Bl. 1 fehlt), *12700, 12706, 12707, 12710, 1271210, 11 Sp.253a, 12736 (Bl. 11 u. 12 fehlen), 12746, 12755, 12760, 12763, 12777, 11 Sp.286a, 12782, 12815, 12816 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1. Perg., 2. Ex. 2), 11 Sp.307a (3 Ex.), 12822 (2 Ex.), 12824, 12836, 12840, 12847, 12848, 12849, 12854, 12855, 12869 (def.), 12870, 12881 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 12884 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12885 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Tab. fehlt, 2. Ex. Tab. fehlt), 12887 (2 Ex.), 12888 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Lagen z u. A fehlen), 12889, 12890 (4 Ex.), 12891 (2 Ex.), 12894, 12895 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. Fragm. u. Perg.), *12897, 12898, 12899, 12901, 12903, 12908 (2 Ex.), 12913 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 12918, 12926, 12927, 12928, 12931 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Lage o u. Bl. M10 fehlen), 12933, 12934, 12937, 11 Sp.391aP, 12941 (3 Ex.), 12942 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Rubr. 1474), 12943 (4 Ex.), 12981 (Bl. 16 u. 17 fehlen), 12984 (Bl. 1, 27, 50, 52, 53, 55, 68, 94, 102 u. 121 fehlen), 13031 (Fragm. 2 gegenständig gedruckte Textbl. auf einem Bogen), *13033 (Fragm. 36 Bl., davon 8 Bl. in 2 Ex.), *13035 (Bl. 1 fehlt, Bl. 128 def.), *13036, *13037 (Perg. Bl. 1 fehlt), 13041 (Fragm. 2 Bl. def.), 13053 (einseitig bedruckter Halbbogen mit Lage c), *13054 (Perg.), *13055 (Perg. Bl. 37, 117 u. 118 fehlen), *13057, 13059 (Fragm. 2 z.T. def. Doppelbl. einer Lage), *13067 (Perg. Bl. 1–8 fehlen), *13071 (Perg.), *13083 (Perg.), *13086 (Perg. Bl. 1–8 u. 88 fehlen), 13087 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 13089 (Fragm. Doppelbl. p1/8 u. p4/5), 13092 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 13099 (Fragm. 6 Bl.), *13102 (Bl. 1, 8, 9 u. 10 fehlen), 11 Sp.519a (Perg., def.), *13115 (4 Bl., davon 2 def.), *13117 (Perg.), *13118 (Perg. Bl. 1 fehlt), *13139 (Perg.), *13147 (Perg. Bl. 2 u. 92 fehlen), *13153 (Perg. Bl. 76–78 fehlen), *13155 (Fragm. Doppelbl. a1/a8, a4/a5, b2/b7 u. b3/b6), 11 Sp.553c (Fragm.), 13172 (Perg. Bl. 103–114 fehlen), 13186 (Bl. 1–8 fehlen), 13189 (Perg.), *13194 (Perg.), 13195 (Perg.), *13198 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. Bl. 52 u. 53 fehlen, 2. Ex. Perg. Lage b aus Nr 13189 ergänzt), 13199 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. Bl. 23 u. 57 fehlen, 2. Ex. Bl. 1–16 ergänzt aus Nr 13193 u. Bl. 81–88 aus einer anderen Ausg.), *13203 (Perg.), *13227 (Perg.), 13231 (Fragm. Doppelbl. c3/c6 u. c4/c5), *13245, 13252, *13253 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg., Bl. 1–8 fehlen), 13256 (Perg.), *13257 (Perg.), *13258 (Perg.), *13261 (Fragm. 62 Bl., der untere Rand z.T. def.), *13263 (Perg.), *13265 (Bl. 5 fehlt), *13268 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), *13270 (Perg.), 13271 (Perg.), *13272 (Perg.), 13274 (Perg. Bl. 26, 31 u. 93–100 fehlen), 13275 (Perg.), *13277 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), *13279 (Perg. Bl. 4, 5, 100, 101 u. 111–116 fehlen), 13280 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. def.), *13286 (Perg. Bl. 1 fehlt), *13288, 11 Sp.633a (A, Perg.), *13296 (Perg. Bl. 3, 5, 6, 25, 27, 34, 91 u. 94 fehlen), *13298 (Perg.), 13301 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg.), 13307 (Perg.), *13310 (Perg. Bl. 25 u. 41 fehlen), *13313 (Perg. Bl. 105–112 fehlen), 13314 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., Bl. 2 fehlt, 2. Ex. Perg., Bl. 57–64 fehlen), *13315 (m. Rasur im Kolophon, Perg.), 11 Sp.655a (Perg.), *13320 (Fragm. Lagen a, b, h u. k), 13327 (Fragm. 28 Bl.), 13330 (Perg.), *13337 (Perg. Bl. 164 fehlt), *13342 (Perg. Bl. 50 fehlt), *13345 (Perg. Bl. 12, 70 u. 148–152 fehlen), *13357 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. Bl. 1–16, 20, 21 u. 121–128 fehlen, 2. Ex. Perg.), 13359 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. def.), *13365 (Perg.), *13372 (Perg.), *13374 (Perg. Bl. 17–24 fehlen), *13376 (Perg. Bl. 9 u. 16 fehlen), *13378 (Perg. Bl. 13, 39, 42, 52, 76, 122, 123 u. 127 fehlen), *13381 (Perg. Bl. 1–15 fehlen, Bl. 16a Rasur), *13384 (Perg.), 13394 (def.), 13396 (A), *13406 (T. 1 Bl. 18, 25 u. 28, T. 2 Bl. 12, 15, 18, 20, 23, 27 u. 80 fehlen. T. 1 Lage [A] aus Nr 13403, Lage c aus Nr 13404. T. 2 Lagen (F) u. (G) aus Nr 13404. T. 3 Lagen E, F, K u. L aus Nr 13404), 13425 (1, def.), 13449 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 13451, 13452 (2 Ex.), 13453, 13454, 13455, 13456 (1.2), 13457, 13458, 13459 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 6 fehlen), 13460, 13461 (def.), 13462, 13464, 13465, 13466 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 13468 (4 Ex.), 13471 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 13472 (Bl. 30, 31, 70 u. 105 fehlen), 11 Sp.759b, 13475, 13487, 13494, 13495 (De Marnef), 13496, 11 Sp.768d, 13504 (def.), 13521 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13548 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 13549, 13550, 12 Sp. 11a (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 13551 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg. 1), 13553, 13555, 13556, 13557 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Besitzv. „20.VII.1467“, s. Datierung), 13560, 13561, 13562, 12 Sp. 27a (2 Ex.), 12 Sp. 27b, 13566 (2 Ex.), 13567 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13568 (2 Ex.), 13574, 13578 (def.), 13579, 13580, 13582 (2 Ex.), 13591, 13594, 13597, 13598 (2 Ex.), 13612, 13613, 13615, 13617, 13619, 12 Sp. 69a (2 Ex.), 13620, 13625 (2 Ex.), 13631 (2 Ex.), 12 Sp. 82b, 13633 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 103 u. 104 fehlen), 13638 (def.), 13646, 13647, 13649, 12 Sp.114aP, 13674, 13677, 13678 (2 Ex.), 13679 (2 Ex.), 13680 (2 Ex.), 13681, 13683 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 13684 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13689, 13691, 13692, 13696, 13703, 13705, 13713, 13714 (def.), 13725, 13729 (2 Ex.), 13731, 13741, *13744, 13747 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), 13756 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 13771, 13772, 13775 (2 Ex.), 13782, 13784, 13787, 13793, 13794, 13796 (2 Ex.), 13797, 13803, 13805, 13820, 13826 (2 Ex.), 13829, 13833 (4 Ex.), 13834, 13835 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. nur Bl. 11–20), 13836, 13839 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13846, 13847, 13848, 13849, 13851, 13854, 13855 (2 Ex.), 13856, 13857, 12 Sp.250a, 13858, 13859 (2 Ex.), 13860 (2 Ex.), 13862, 13867 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 65 fehlt), 13869 (Bl. 32 fehlt), 13870, 13873, 13886, 13887 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 2. Ex. Bl. 4 u. 5 fehlen), 13889 (2 Ex.), 13891 (2 Ex.), 13896 (2 Ex.), 13897 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 36–40 fehlen), 13898, 13902, 13904 (2 Ex.), 13905, 13908 (2 Ex.), 13909 (2 Ex.), 13910, 13911 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 13913, 13916, 13917 (2 Ex.), 13918, 13919, 13928, 13929, 13930, 13935 (2 Ex.), 13936 (4 Ex.), 13937 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 13939, 13940 (3 Ex.), 13942, 13945 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), 13946, 13948, 13950, 13962, 13963, 13965 (Bl. 9 fehlt), 13968, 13969 (Bl. 67–70 fehlen), 13971 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 131 u. 132 fehlen), 13973 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 13974, 13975, 13977 (def.), 13978 (def.), 13981 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 13983, 13986 (2 Ex.), 13987, 13988, 13989 (Prov. 24.XI.1479), 13991, 13992, 13994 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1–8, 269 u. 276 fehlen), 13995 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 13996 (2 Ex.), 13998, 13999, 14000, 14001, 14002 (Fragm. 1 Bl.), 14003 (2 Ex.), 14004, 14005 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 7, 213 u. 216 fehlen), 14006 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. Bl. 1–232 fehlen), 14009 (def.), 14010 (def.), 14012, 14013 (2 Ex.), 14014, 14015, 14016 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 14020 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 14022 (def.), 14023, 14024 (def.), 14026, 14028 (def.), 14029 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), 14030 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. nur Usuardus), 14033, 14036, 14037, 14041, 14045 (def.), 12 Sp.M11158, 14047 (1, Fragm.), 14053 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 14059, 14068 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. Bl. 1 u. 296 fehlen; Bl. 16, 17 u. Lage e aus Nr 14067), 14069 (Bl. 1–4 fehlen), *14070, 14071, 14073, 14074 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Perg.), 14075, 14076, 14087 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. 2, 2. Ex. 1, def., 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. 1), 14088 (1.2), 14090 (1.2), 14091 (2, Bl. 246–248 fehlen), 14094 (1.2, 1 Bl. 1 u. 2 Bl. 1 fehlen), 14095 (1.2, 1 Bl. 98 fehlt), 14101, 14102 (3 Ex.), 14103 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1–20 fehlen), 14104, 14106 (4 Ex.), 14107, 14109, 12 Sp.M11567, 14112 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 2), 14113, 14114 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–4, 2. Ex. 3.4, 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. Fragm. 4, Bl. 13–18), 14115 (def.), 14116 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 1 def., 2. Ex. 1.2), 14117 (3.4), 14118 (1–3, def.), 12 Sp.M11637 (2), 14120, 14121, 14125 (2 Ex.), 14127 (2 Ex.), 14128 (def.), 14129 (2 Ex.), 14130, 14133, 14135, 14138, 12 Sp.M1173210, 14146 (3 Ex.), 14147, 14151, 12 Sp.M11768, 12 Sp.M1176810, 14152, 12 Sp.M11809 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12 Sp.M1180905, 12 Sp.M11852, 14157 (Fragm. Doppelbl. a1/a6 u. a2/a5), 12 Sp.M11870, 14158, 14160 (2 Ex.), 14163 (Bl. 1, 9 u. 10 aus dem Ex. Sankt Petersburg; Bl. 8, 12, 13, 15, 16 u. 41 fehlen), 14164, 14166 (3 Ex.), 14168, 14171 (def.), 14173 (def.), M11982, M12003, M12049, M12087 (2 Ex.), M12106 (def.), M12152 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 4–9 fehlen), M12126 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M12131, M12149 (2 Ex.), M12144 (2 Ex.), M12146, M12123, M12150, M12151 (3 Ex.), M12129 (3 Ex.), M12147 (def.), M12156 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M12161, M1219510 (2 Ex.), M12244, M12294, M1244110, M12471, M12480, M12484 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M12487 (2 Ex.), M1252110 (2 Ex.), M12562, M1256220, M12614, M12624, M12625, M12628, M12638 (def.), M12640, M12641, M12646, M12648, M12653, M12661 (2 Ex.), M12666, M12668, M12851, M12959, M13108 (3 Ex.), M1310810 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M13116, M13125, M13131 (3 Ex.), M13149 (2 Ex.), M13141, M13158, M13174, M13190, M13184, M1321310 (Perg.), M13471, M13476, M13364, M13252, M13269 (3 Ex.), M13279 (3 Ex.), M13292 (4 Ex.), M13297, M13300, M13305, M13306 (2 Ex.), M13309 (4 Ex.), M1331010, M13319 (3 Ex.), M13326 (3 Ex.), M13328, M13329, M13334 (2 Ex.), M1333510, M13341 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M13345 (4 Ex.), M13349 (Kaufv. 1474), M13353 (3 Ex.), M13355, M13360 (3 Ex.), M13361, M13402, M13406 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M13409, M13411 (2 Ex.), M13427, M1342720 (def.), M1342740, M09751 (def.), M09766 (def.), M13481, M13489, M13526 (2 Ex.), M13532, M13527, M13549 (3 Ex.), M25326, M13568, M13570, M13582, M13587, M13592, M13596 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M13602, M13604, M13598 (def.), M13622, M13719, M13726 (2 Ex.), M13762, M13764, M13768 (2 Ex.), M13771 (def.), M13772 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M13784, M13785 (def.), M13787, M13789, M13800, M13749, M13809, M1381210 (2 Ex.), M13815 (2 Ex.), M1374810, M13823 (def.), M13824, M13831 (2 Ex.), M13835, M13839, M13850, M13923, M13973, M13983 (2 Ex.), M13985 (4 Ex.), M13986 (5 Ex.), M13987, M13992 (2 Ex.), M02804, M07725 (2 Ex.), M07726, M14009 (3 Ex.), M14015, M14013 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14017, M14019 (def.), M14021 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M14061 (2 Ex.), M14097, M14096, M14117 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14140, M14143 (2 Ex.), M14153 (def.), M14081 (2 Ex.), M14075 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14176, M14183 (2 Ex.), M14185 (3 Ex.), M14195 (def.), M14196 (def.), M14207, M14218 (2 Ex.), M14223, M07804 (def.), M07816, M07817, M07818, M07821, M07854, M07845, M07859, M07862, M07867, M14275 (3 Ex.), M14280, M14294, M14321, M14405 (2 Ex.), M14407, M14414, M14438, M14440, M14506, M14508, M14515, M1451910 (def.), M14519, M14518, M1451920, M1452010 (Fragm.), M1452030 (Fragm. 2 Bl., def.), M14665, M14584, M14602 (2 Ex.), M14608 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14614 (3 Ex.), M14620, M14635 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14633, M14640, M14646 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14652 (2 Ex.), M14654 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14655 (7 Ex. 6. Ex. def.7. Ex. def.), M14657, M14684 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14687 (2 Ex.), M14691 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M14692, M14707 (2 Ex.), M14717 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M14731, M14732 (2 Ex.), M14755 (3 Ex.), M14758 (4 Ex.), M14759 (5 Ex.), M14782, M14803, M14865, M14881 (def.), M14882, M14891, M14908, M14919, M1492510 (1.2, def.), M14929 (def.), M14930, M13449 (2 Ex.), M13450 (2 Ex.), M15044, M1504910, M15065 (2 Ex.), M15098, M15125 (2 Ex.), M15120, M15130 (def.), M15132 (2 Ex.), M15150 (2 Ex.), M15153 (2 Ex.), M15160 (2 Ex.), M15163 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M15175 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M15168, M15182, M15185 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), M15198 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. def.), M15200, M15220, M15272, M15274, M15275, M15281 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M15282 (2 Ex.), M15284, M15286, M15287, M15325 (2 Ex.), M15290, M15291 (6 Ex. , 5. Ex. def., 6. Ex. def.), M15292, M15295 (2 Ex.), M15296, M15297 (3 Ex.), M15332, M15333, M15279 (2 Ex.), M15244 (2 Ex.), M15245, M15247, M15250 (2 Ex.), M15258 (2 Ex.), M15260 (2 Ex.), M15263 (3 Ex.), M15267 (def.), M15335, M15380, M15411 (def.), M15447, M1545110 (Fragm.), M15452, M15454, M34832, M15484, M15505 (def.), M15529 (2 Ex.), M15531, M15536, M15544 (2 Ex.), M15541 (5 Ex.), M15546 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), M15591 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M1560010, M1560020 (2 Ex.), M15621 (4 Ex.), M15623, M15629 (2 Ex.), M15630, M15633, M15634, M15642, M15644, M15648, M15652 (2 Ex.), M15677, M15683, M15685, M15688, M15692 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M15700, M15708, M1571710 (2 Ex.), M15722 (def.), M15730, M15734, M15743, M15748, M15755 (def.), M15759, M15772, M15736 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M15787, M15788, M15780, M15783 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M15796, M15801, M1580710 (2 Ex.), M15810, M15813 (2 Ex.), M15822 (2 Ex.), M15829, M15866, M1588820, M15884 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M15906, M15919, M15921, M15923, M15913, M15926 (2 Ex.), M15929, M15936 (2 Ex.), M15941, M16013, M16036, M16051, M16057, M16084, M16089, M16087, M16093 (Lage d fehlt), M16096 (Perg.), M16129, M16125, M16122, M16110, M16115 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. i1 fehlt), M16146, M16155 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M16159, M16158, M16160, M16166, M1617920, M16181, M16196, M16205, M16243, M16242, M04379, M0441510, M16282 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 41-48 fehlt), M16280 (4 Ex.), M16283 (2 Ex.), M16281, M16284, M16297 (2 Ex.), M16426 (def.), M16744 (2 Ex.), M16749, M16755 (Perg.), M16757, M16758 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M16760, M16761, M17151, M16537 (2 Ex.), M16541 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Tab.), M16542, M16544, M16546, M16549, M16552 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M16553 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Tab.), M16555 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg. def., 3. Ex. def.), M16557, M16561 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. def.), M16563, M16566, M16578, M16598, M16654, M1665505 (def.), M16694 (5 Ex. 4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M16696, M16701, M16715, M16718, M16719, M16725, M16731 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M16739, M1673910, M16776, M16785, M16787, M16791, M16839 (2 Ex.), M16842, M16845, M16847, M16864 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M16876, M35865, M16905 (2 Ex.), M16915 (3 Ex.), M16921, M16942, M06219, M16979, M16980, M17012, M17038, M17052 (2 Ex.), M16951, M17060, M17065, M17077, M17092, M17107 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M17096 (5 Ex. 4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M17102 (2 Ex.), M17099, M17118, M17137, M1715750, M17217, M17230, M17243 (def.), M17255, M17260, M17329, M17330, M17331, [M17270], M17358, M17394, M17396, M05741, M17433, M17438, M17441, M17444, M17446 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg.), M17449 (def.), M17453, M17457, M17455 (def.), M17460 (2 Ex.), M17467, M17471 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M00438, M17492, M17493, M17535, M0239120, M02392, M1300210, M13001 (Bl. 6 fehlt), M07031 (3 Ex.), M0983050, M5081220, M17380, M1738510, M17388, M20950, M20951, M2095120, M2095130 (Fragm. 4 Bl.), M21363, M21366 (Perg.), M21818 (def.), M38415, M48809, M51767, M17624, M22224, M11362 (Fragm.), M11402 (def.), M11425 (Fragm.), M11217 (3 Ex.), M11446 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M17639 (2 Ex.), M17640 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M17641, M17645, M17647 (2 Ex.), M17653 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), M17656, M17658 (2 Ex.), M17660 (5 Ex.), M17663, M17664 (2 Ex.), M17678, M17682 (def.), M17713 (def.), M17741 (Fragm.), M17783, M17797 (2 Ex.), M17803 (5 Ex.), M17804 (2 Ex.), M17800, M17805 (2 Ex.), M17807 (2 Ex.), M17808, M17816, M17831, M17849 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M17870 (2 Ex.), M17875 (2 Ex.), M17882, M17884 (3 Ex. , [1. Ex.], [2. Ex.], [3. Ex.]), M17885, M17886 (def.), M17887 (3 Ex.), M17889 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M17891, M17893 (def.), M17901 (4 Ex.), M17903, M17905 (2 Ex.), M17908 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M17910 (def.), M17915 (def.), M17916 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), M17918 (2 Ex.), M17919 (3 Ex.), M17922, M17924 (2 Ex.), M17926 (2 Ex.), M17964, M17974 (3 Ex.), M17991, M17994, M18010, M1802120, M18025, M18030 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M18050, M18084, M18175, M18129, M18204, M18225, M18229 (def.), M18233, M18250, M1832310, M18318, M22696, M18338 (2 Ex.), M18340, M18341, M18351, M18360, M18385, M18412, M18428, M18470 (2 Ex.), M18467 (6 Ex. 2. Ex. 13. Ex. 14. Ex. 1.35. Ex. 3.46. Ex. 3.4), M18494 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M18472, M18452, M18461, M18477 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.), M18480 (2 Ex.), M18491, M18457 (2 Ex.), M18486, M18498 (2 Ex.), M18501 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. Fragm.), M18508 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M18515 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. 3), M18516, M18523 (def.), M18518 (def.), M18526, M1854110, M18544 (2 Ex.), M18545, M18558, M18605, M18620, M18631 (4 Ex.), M18660, M18672 (def.), M18675 (def.), M18701 (2 Ex.), M18702, M18703, M18704 (4 Ex.), M18705 (2 Ex.), M18706 (2 Ex.), M18717, M18736, M50469, M18793, M18795 (letztes Bl. fehlt), M18800 (2 Ex.), M18885, M18829, M18842, M18839, M18845 (2 Ex.), M18847 (def.), M18848, M18850 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. Fragm.4. Ex. Fragm.), M18852 (2 Ex.), M18859, M18862, M18854, M18856 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M18865, M18868, M18870, M1887710, M18880 (2 Ex.), M18815, M18816 (2 Ex.), M18900 (2 Ex.), M18906, M1891320, M18954 (def.), M18976 (3 Ex.), M19002, M19013, M19038, M19056, M19059 (2 Ex.), M19072, M19088, M09365, M09367, M0939010, M19135, M19139 (2 Ex.), M19142, M19162, M19176, M19191 (2 Ex.), M19194 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M19196 (2 Ex.), M19197, M19206, M19210, M19215, M19224, M19226 (3 Ex.), M19228, M19231 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1, 2. Ex. 1, 3. Ex. 1, def.), M19233 (2), M19256 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def. Perg., 3. Ex. def. Perg.), M19291 (def.), M19299 (def.), M19294 (def.), M19261 (2 Ex.), M19266 (3 Ex.), M19270 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M19272 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), M19276 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), M19322, M19323, M19324, M19325, M19326 (3 Ex.), M19329 (2 Ex.), M19331, M19385 (2 Ex.), M19416, M1941910, M19944, M19454, M19466, M1947610 (def.), M19483 (4 Ex.), M19494, M19516 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M19517 (2 Ex.), M19523 (3 Ex.), M19560, M19553, M07937 (3 Ex.), M07940 (2 Ex.), M07943, M07949, M19626 (def., Perg.), M19653, M19651, M19654 (def.), M19656, M19661, M19695 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M19697 (2 Ex.), M19702 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), M19707 (2 Ex.), M19726 (1, def.), M1977710 (Lage a–c1), M19788, M19799, M19842, M19845 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M19856, M19862, M19864 (2 Ex.), M19866, M19878 (4 Ex. 2. Ex. 13. Ex. 24. Ex. 2), M19921 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. 2, Perg.), M1996520, M19953, M19952, M19965, M19969 (Perg.), M19985, M19991 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M19992 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 1.2), M19996 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 13. Ex. 24. Ex. 35. Ex. 3, def.), M20009, M20013, M20016, M2004010, M20042 (2 Ex.), M20046 (3 Ex.), M20060 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M20071 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M20095, M20099 (2 Ex.), M20097 (Fragm.), M20100, M20103, M20138, M20167, M20185, M20188 (def.), M20193, M20315, M20266, M20270, M20278, M20301 (def.), M20304, M20338, M2037848 (Fragm.), M2037818, M2037826, M2037832, M2037834, M2037842 (2 Ex.), M2037846, M2037864 (2 Ex.), M2037866 (2 Ex.), M2037868 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Doppelbl. A1/8 fehlt, 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 23–28), M20395, M20396 (3 Ex.), M20401, M20416 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M20425, M20426 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M20441 (def.), M20449, M20552, M20558, M20557, M20568 (2 Ex.), M20572 (def.), M2057210, M2060520, M2060560, M2060510, M2060535, M20605, M20610 (2 Ex.), M20612 (2 Ex.), M20615, M20624 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. Fragm.), M20626, M20628, M20630, M20631, M20635, M20646, M20649, M20491 (def.), M20484 (2 Ex.), M20485, M20504, M20501 (2 Ex.), M20509 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M20514 (def.), M2051910 (3 Ex.), M20522, M20529, M20534, M20541 (2 Ex.), M20688, M20693 (2 Ex.), M20691, M20700, M20725, M20764 (3 Ex.), M20793, M20797 (3 Ex.), M20801 (2 Ex.), M20806 (2 Ex.), M20807, M20811 (2 Ex.), M20813 (2 Ex.), M20819 (2 Ex.), M20823, M20824 (2 Ex.), M20827 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), M20829 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M20878 (Perg.), M20926 (def.), M20961, M20967, M20971, M21073, M21074 (3 Ex.), M21077, M21080, M21087 (def.), M21088 (2 Ex.), M21091, M21192 (2 Ex.), M21193, M21197, M21200, M21201, M21208, M21205 (2 Ex.), M21206 (2 Ex.), M21222, M2122510, M21234, M21235 (Perg.), M21236, M21237, M21226 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M2122430 (def.), M21240, M21241 (5 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. Variante im Hlzs.-Material), M21243, M21249, M21252, M21253 (2 Ex.), M21254, M21259, M21262, M21263, M21265, M21269, M21272, M21279 (Fragm.), M21274 (2 Ex.), M21276 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M21287, M21292 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M21284 (2 Ex.), M21294, M21307 (7 Ex.), M21344, M21347 (2 Ex.), M21356, M21404 (2 Ex.), M21406, M21411, M21420, M21419, M21426, M21428 (def.), M21433, M21435, M21445, M21447 (2 Ex.), M21451, M21464 (4 Ex.), M21472, M21475, M21477, M21480 (2 Ex.), M21484, M21487 (def.), M21488, M21490, M21494 (2 Ex.), M2149910 (Fragm. 8 Bl. Lage D), M21537, M21540 (3 Ex.), M21543, M21542, M21530, M21545, M21548 (2 Ex.), M21583, M21585 (2 Ex.), M21590, M21613, M2161910 (2 Ex.), M21629, M21638, M21645, M21647, M21650, M21653, M21664, M21659, M21661, M21700, M21701, M21713, M21721 (2 Ex.), M21728, M21734, M21731, M21735, M21741 (2 Ex.), M21742, M21743 (2 Ex.), M21725, M21750 (4 Ex.), M21753 (3 Ex.), M21759, M21768, M21788 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), M2178810 (def.), M21833, M21851, M21848 (def.), M21883 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M21894 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Rubr. 1474), M2205510, M22123, M22126, M22129, M22132 (Bl. 3 u. 4 fehlen), M22135, M22196 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. A, 2. Ex. A), M22227, M22229, M22230, M22235, M22244 (4 Ex.), M22251, M22256 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M22260 (2 Ex.), M22263 (2 Ex.), M22265, M22259, M22270 (2 Ex.), M22279, M19890, M19892 (def.), M19893, M19896, M19898 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M19897 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M22385, M22386, M22370, M22379 (2 Ex.), M22401, M22406 (def.), M22411, M22409 (3 Ex.), M22463 (2 Ex.), M22481, M22498 (Tab. fehlt), M22502, M22505, M22509 (2 Ex.), M22506, M22511, M15113, M2260810 (Fragm. Doppelbl. d1/d8(?), d2/d7(?)), M22657 (2, def.), M22648 (3), M22662 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.32. Ex. Tab. von 3 fehlt), M22665, M22709, M22711, M22716, M22725 (def.), M22727, M22780, M22809 (2 Ex.), M22814 (3 Ex.), M22813, M22811, M22834 (def.), M2283710, M2283720, M2283730, M25768, M25770 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), M25771 (def.), M22847, M12579, M22908 (2 Ex.), M22913 (2 Ex.), M22916 (2 Ex.), M22919, M22925 (2 Ex.), M22930 (def.), M22932, M22941, M22942 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M22948, M22953, M22954, M22958, M22989, M22990, M22986 (2 Ex.), M22996, M23025, M23013 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M23033 (2 Ex.), M23036, M23043 (def.), M23048, M23054, M23059, M2307620, M23087, M23111 (2 Ex.), M23116, M23131 (2 Ex.), M23134 (2 Ex.), M23132 (2 Ex.), M23136, M23229, M23228 (def.), M23234, M23236, M23238, M23242, M23244, M23232, M23222, M23254, M23273 (2 Ex.), M23280, M23285 (2 Ex.), M23301, M23338 (def.), M23343 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. Fragm.), M23348, M23350 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M23354, M23361, M23353 (Perg. def.), M23359 (Perg. def.), M23365 (def.), M23366, M2336630, M23403 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M2340310, [M23405], M23406, M23422, M23431 (2 Ex.), M23425, M23455, M23548, M2352250, M23508, M23536 (2 Ex.), M23529, M23539, M23540, M23569, M23585, M23586, M23590 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M23596, M23604, M2360510 (def.), M23607 (def.), M23609, M23621, M23633, M23642, M23648, M23661, M23670, M23720, M2372020, M23725, M23779 (def.), M2385010, M23812, M23824, M23826, M23847, M24866, M24878, M24442, M23921 (def.), M23925 (def.), M23931 (def.), M23932 (def.), M23950 (def.), M23952 (def.), M23957, M23961 (Perg.), M23969 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. def., 3. Ex. Perg. def.), M23981, M23986 (Perg. def.), M24006 (Perg.), M24010 (Perg.), M24011 (Perg.), M24012 (def.), M24001, M24023 (def.), M24033, M24045 (def.), M24047 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. def.), M24052 (def.), M24060, M24081, M24083 (2 Ex.), M24087 (def.), M24092, M24095 (def.), M24117 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. def.2. Ex. Perg. Fragm.), M24129 (def.), M24135 (Perg. def.), M24139, M24144 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. g2/g7, Perg.), M2415110 (Perg.), M24156 (Perg. def.), M24162, M24173 (def.), M24169 (def.), M24178 (Perg.), M24192, M24195, M24203, M24219 (def.), M24226 (def.), M24237 (def.), M24241, M24277 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), M24279 (def.), M24292 (def. Kanon Perg.), M24297 (def.), M24307 (Perg. def.), M24310 (Perg.), M24314 (Perg. def.), M24324 (def.), M24326 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M24330, M24373 (Kanon Perg.), M24383 (def.), M24392 (def.), M24422 (Perg.Fragm.), M24426 (Perg. def.), M24429 (Perg. def.), M24458, M24465 (Perg.), M24473, M24478 (Perg.), M24503 (Perg.), M24529 (def.), M24536 (Fragm.), M24557, M24586 (Perg. def.), M24596 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. def.), M24606 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. def., 2. Ex. Perg. def.), M24615, M24617 (def.), M24638 (def.), M24663 (Perg.), M24667 (def.), M24668 (def.), M24681 (Perg. def.), M24682 (Fragm.), M24728 (def.), M24732 (Perg. def.), M24780 (3 Ex.), M24784 (def.), M24790 (Perg.), M24793 (Perg. def.), M24803 (Perg. def.), M24814 (Perg.), M24820 (Perg. def.), M24819, M24824 (Fragm. 6 Bl. Perg.), M24836, M24934 (3 Ex.), M24994 (2 Ex.), M25037, M25075, M25072, M25088, M25113, M25122 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M25128, M25139 (2 Ex.), M25157, M25163, M25160, M25161 (2 Ex.), M25174, M25182, M25193 (Fragm. Lage a), M25208 (def.), M25212, M25213 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 13. Ex. 2, def.), M25251 (4 Ex. , 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. 1), M25256 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. 1, 3. Ex. 1), M25271 (2 Ex.), M25274, M25282 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M25286, M25293, M25300, M25301, M25302, M25307 (2 Ex.), M25312 (2 Ex.), M25318, M25321 (2 Ex.), M2524510, M25332, M25362, M25366 (def.), M25368 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M43982, M43985, M25425, M2543720, M25353 (2 Ex.), M25446, M25448, M47399, M25507 (3 Ex.), M25512, M25521, M25529 (Perg.), M25552, M25551, M25548, M25595, M25677, M2568910, M25713, M25718, M25719 (def.), M25728, M25737 (3 Ex.), M25749, M25773, M23367 (def.), M25781 (2 Ex.), M25798, M25801, M2581010, M25850, M25858, M25870 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M25872 (def.), M25879, M25885, M2588710, M2588910, M2588920, M25933 (3 Ex.), M25944 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Bl. f7 fehlt), M25945, M25953 (2 Ex.), M25959, M25974 (2 Ex.), M25982, M25986, M25995 (2 Ex.), M25996 (2 Ex.), M26032, M26035, M26063 (def.), M26094, M26127, M2612710, M26156 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26178, M29656, M06812 (def.), M26216, M26220 (5 Ex.), M26221 (def.), M26225, M26228 (def.), M26233 (2 Ex.), M26238, M26246 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. Perg., def.), M26249, M26252 (2 Ex.), M26253 (def.), M26257, M26260, M26263 (2 Ex.), M26265, M26269 (2 Ex.), M26271 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M26274, M26280 (2 Ex.), M26295, M26304, M26308, M26316, M48236, M48239 (5 Ex. , 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def., 5. Ex. def.), M48244, M48247 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M26362, M26367 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M26404, M26416 (2 Ex.), M26421 (3 Ex.), M26422, M26424, M26428, M26435, M26441, M26446, M26447 (def.), M26448 (2 Ex.), M26453, M26455 (2 Ex.), M17944, M17947 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M17949, M25196, M26474, M26482, M26484, M26485, M26489, M26502 (def.), M26513, M26523 (3 Ex.), M26538 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. z. T. def., 2. Ex. z. T. def.), M26546, M2655010, M26553 (2 Ex.), M26574, M26576, M26580, M26582, M26612 (def.), M26624, M26626 (3 Ex.), M26636 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 13. Ex. 1, def.), M26685 (2 Ex.), M26694, M26699, M26700, M26706, M26708, M26709, M26711, M26750, M26754, M26762, M26809, M26810 (3 Ex.), M26811 (5 Ex.), M26815 (2 Ex.), M26818 (3 Ex.), M26822 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26824 (2 Ex.), M26831, M2683120, M26834, M26835 (2 Ex.), M26836, M26837 (2 Ex.), M26839, M26842, M26845, M26846 (6 Ex.), M26847 (4 Ex.), M26856, M26863, M26867, M26868, M26869 (3 Ex.), M26870 (5 Ex.), M26872, M26873 (2 Ex.), M26874 (2 Ex.), M26875, M26876 (3 Ex.), M26878 (2 Ex.), M26879, M26881, M26882 (3 Ex.), M26887, M26891 (2 Ex.), M26893, M26897 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26898 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M26900, M26911 (2 Ex.), M26912 (2 Ex.), M26913, M26916 (3 Ex.), M26919, M26925, M26929 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M26931, M26932 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26937 (3 Ex.), M26941 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26943 (def.), M26953 (2 Ex.), M26958 (2 Ex.), M26963, M26967 (def.), M27008, M27033, M27038 (def.), M27045, M27047, M27086, M27101, M27104, M27113, M27158, M27202, M27204, M00865 (2 Ex.), M27212, M27218, M27220, M27221, M27224, M27225, M27226, M27232 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M27233 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M27252 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M27263 (Bl. 10 fehlt), M27269, M27332 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M27333 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M27375 (def.), M27380 (Perg. def.), M27381, M27388, M27397 (Perg. def.), M27428 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M27450, M27451 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M27456, M27478, M27481 (def.), M27486, M27488, M27497, M02762, M27669, M27671, M27678 (def.), M27682, M27712, M27714, M27716 (2 Ex.), M27721, M34997, M35000 (2 Ex.), M35009 (2 Ex.), M27779, M2778420, M27811, M27813 (2 Ex.), M27816 (2 Ex.), M27820, M27822 (2 Ex.), M27823, M27824, M27825, M27828, M27842 (2 Ex.), M27856 (4 Ex.), M2786410, M27924 (4 Ex.), M27925, M27926, M27869 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M28056, M28046, M28048, M28104, M28115 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M28124, M28126 (2 Ex.), M28131 (3 Ex.), M28140, M28149 (Bl. 400 fehlt), [M2816720], M28168, M28178, M28182 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg., 4. Ex. Perg.), M28186 (def.), M28191, M28187 (2 Ex.), M28208, M2821220 (def.), M28213, M28220, M28245 (2 Ex.), M28283, M16367, M28274, M28339, M28340, M28342 (5 Ex. , 5. Ex. Bl. d4 fehlt), M2834820, M28349, M28352, M28353, M28357, M28364, M28372, M2836810, M28381, M28383, M28390 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M28400, M28405 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M28408 (2 Ex.), M28410, M28413, M28416, M28419, M28420 (2 Ex.), M28424, M28443 (def.), M28462 (2 Ex.), M28468, M23202 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M23217 (def.), M23219 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M28503, M28505 (def.), M28507, M28510, M28517 (def.), M28522 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M28557 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. Fragm.), M28561, M28563 (def.), M28570 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M28573 (4 Ex. , 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. Fragm.), M28580, M28588, M28924, M28590 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. Fragm.), M28601 (2 Ex.), M28636, M28649, M28652 (Bl. 52 fehlt), M28656, M28610, M28611, M2866610 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt, 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M28674, M28675, M28684, M28693, M28743, M28752, M28760, M28762, M28764 (def.), M28780, M28814, M28821, M28824, M2883710 (def.), M28838 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. def.), M28871, M28872, M28880 (2 Ex.), M28882 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M28888 (def.), M28889, M28891 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M28893, M28901, M28904, M28932 (def.), M28937 (2 Ex.), M28940, M28946 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. def.), M28952, M28957, M28961, M28963, M28967, M28990, M29011, M29012, M29020, M29023, M29026, M29027, M29037 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M29064 (2 Ex.), M29066 (2 Ex.), M29072 (2 Ex.), M29083, M29087, M29116, M29126 (Fragm. Lage g), M29147, M29151, M29170 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M29202, M29206, M29213, M29220 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M29177 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.), M29244 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M29248 (3 Ex.), M29269, M29272 (2 Ex.), M29274, M29282, M29296, M29304, M29305 (def.), M29306, M29307, M29383 (def.), M29395, M29413 (3 Ex.), M29419, M29429, M29432, M29439, M29454, M29471, M29479, M29546 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), M08081, M29570, M29714 (3 Ex.), M2972110, M29591, M29647, M29652, M2966720, M29702, M29731 (2 Ex.), M29733 (2 Ex.), M29738 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M29756, M2975610 (Fragm.), M29794, M29796, M29797 (def.), M29798, M29799, M2979910 (Doppelbl. F1/4 fehlt), M29830 (2 Ex.), M29831 (3 Ex.), M29832, M29841 (3 Ex.), M29861 (def.), M29862, M29864, M29869 (Bl. e7, e8 u. f1 fehlen), M29959 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Apologia), M29967, M29969, M29971 (2 Ex.), M29974, M29976 (5 Ex.), M30025, M30132 (2 Ex.), M30136 (2 Ex.), M30141, M30158 (Perg.), M30161, M30169, M30172, M29902, M29914, M29936, M29947, M30188, M30199, M30205, M3020910, M30235, M30239, M06221, M41557 (def.), M06995 (2 Ex.), M30270, M30280, M30290 (3 Ex.), M30302, M30304 (2 Ex.), M30316, M30324, M30327 (3 Ex.), M30333, M30365 (3 Ex.), M30370 (3 Ex.), M30374, M30375 (Tab. fehlt), M30379, M30385, M30412, M30434, M30438, M30462, M30464, M30466, M30474, M30480 (3 Ex.), M30487, M30502 (2 Ex.), M30524, M30537, M30547, M30569, M30573, M30579 (Tit. fehlt), *M30580 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm., 2. Ex. Fragm., beide Fragm. sind identisch), M30581, M30595 (def.), M30624 (Perg.), M30628 (Perg.), M30632, M30634 (Perg.), M30638 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg. Fragm. 93 Bl.), M30683 (Perg.), M30688 (Perg.), M30713, M3071710 (Perg.), M3071720 (Perg.), M3070210 (Perg. Fragm.), M30825 (2 Ex.), M30836, M30852, M30879, M30889, M30895, M30909, M30933, M30937, M30938 (2 Ex.), M30939 (3 Ex.), M30974 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M30958 (def.), M31006, M31022, M31033, M31042 (3 Ex.), M31055 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31076 (3 Ex.), M31080, M31084, M31087, M31090, M31093 (2 Ex.), M31100 (def.), M31149 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M31151, M31155 (def.), M3116950, M31182, M31185, M31198, M31200, M31202, M31227, M31231, M31232 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31241 (def.), M31242, M31249, M31260 (2 Ex.), M31274, M31309, M31312, M31319, M31321 (def.), M31332, M31336, M31338, M31347, M3136210, M31369 (2 Ex.), M31373, M31375, M31382 (2 Ex.), M31402 (2 Ex.), M31411, M31420, M31428, M31454, M31499, M31505 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M31536 (2 Ex.), M31546 (3 Ex.), M31565, M31566, M31568 (2 Ex.), M31570 (2 Ex.), M31580, M31581, M31588, M31590, M31602 (2 Ex.), M31610 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M31618, M31620 (2 Ex.), M31621 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31624 (3 Ex.), M31627, M31628, M31630 (2 Ex.), M31635 (def.), M31636 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. def.), M31641, M31647 (2 Ex.), M31653, M31655 (def.), M31656 (2 Ex.), M31658 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M31670 (2), M31675, M31676 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Tab. fehlt), M31680 (def.), M31692 (Perg.), M31696 (3 Ex.), M31698 (2 Ex.), M31705, M31716 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31717, M31726 (def.), M31730 (def.), M31739, M31743 (def.), M31746 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M31751, M31768 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31551, M31754 (2 Ex.), M31765, M31779, M31805, M31807, M31813, M31840 (2 Ex.), M31841 (2 Ex.), M31852, M31865, M31867 (2 Ex.), M31877, M31881, M31883, M11804, M1180910 (Perg.), M31920, M31932, M31951, M31952, M31954 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31974 (1.4), M31980 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31983, M31984 (2 Ex.), M3198910, M31991 (def.), M31997, M32000 (2 Ex.), M32002 (def.), M32005 (2 Ex.), M32008 (2 Ex.), M32009, M32018 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32023 (def.), M32028 (3 Ex.), M32782, M32061 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32081, M32083 (3 Ex.), M32085 (2 Ex.), M32088 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32090 (4 Ex.), M32092, M32106 (2 Ex.), M32107 (3 Ex.), M32108, M32119, M32145 (Bl. A1 u. a1 fehlen), M32151 (Bl. a1 u. l1/l6 fehlen), M32161 (2 Ex.), M32164 (def.), M32165 (2 Ex.), M32170 (4 Ex.), M32176 (2 Ex.), M32180, M32182, M32189, M32213 (4 Ex.), M32214, M31822 (def.), M31824, M32233, M32265, M32268 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32269 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32270 (3 Ex.), M32271 (2 Ex.), M02548 (def.), M02579, M02585, M02593, M32301, M32315 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32332 (Fragm. 9 Bl. aus Lagen c, f, g, i, m), M32310, M32343, M3235010, M32352, M32370, M32375, M32419, M32461, M32466, M32468, M32472, M32478 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32482, M32489, M32494, M32509 (3), M32527 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), M32561 (def.), M32579 (def.), M32606 (def.), M32627, M32642, M32643 (3 Ex.), M32646 (def.), M32650 (2 Ex.), M32651, M32672 (3 Ex.), M32703, M32696, M32712, M32715, M32726, M32744, M32757 (def.), M32767 (3 Ex.), M3276910, M32770, M10116, M32794 (def.), M17616, M32813 (Var. a), M32830 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32838, M32841, M32843 (2 Ex.), M32847, M32856, M32858, M32864, M32865 (2 Ex.), M32877, M32878, M32884 (2 Ex.), M32887, M32891, M32892, M32894 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), M32897, M32908, M32911, M32915, M32922, M32923, M32924, M05377, M32946, M32948 (2 Ex.), M32951 (2 Ex.), M32964 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M32965 (2 Ex.), M32969, M32971, M32973 (def.), M32990, M32995 (def.), M32997, M33008, M33009, M33019, M33024 (def.), M33042 (def.), M33027, M33031 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M33047, M33051 (2 Ex.), M33061, M33062, M33075, M33080, M33086, M33089 (def.), M33092, M33094, M33140, M33112 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M33113 (2 Ex.), M33190, M33154 (def.), M33159, M33160 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M33164, M33177 (def.), M33211, M33252 (2 Ex.), M33276, M33284, M33286 (2 Ex.), M33312 (def.), M33319 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M33326 (2), M33328 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M3261710, M33368 (2 Ex.), M33370, M33379, M33397 (def.), M33399 (Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), M33402, M33405, M33438, M33465 (2 Ex.), M33482 (3 Ex.), M33487, M33491, M33492, M33496, M33508 (2 Ex.), M33511, M33512, M33514, M33538 (def.), M33540, M33541 (2 Ex.), M33548, M3355220 (Lagen d u. f fehlen), M33557 (def.), M33567, M33590, M33594 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33604 (2 Ex.), M33608 (2 Ex.), M33619 (2 Ex.), M33622, M33623, M33645 (4 Ex.), M33648 (2 Ex.), M33649 (6 Ex. 5. Ex. def.6. Ex. def.), M33650, M33660 (3 Ex.), M33663 (2 Ex.), M33666 (2 Ex.), M33670, M33676 (2 Ex.), M33680 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33683 (2 Ex.), M33684, M33685, M33688, M33692 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M33695 (2 Ex.), M33697, M33699 (2 Ex.), M33703, M33704, M33709 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M33721, M33723 (4 Ex.), M33739 (2 Ex.), M33745, M33747, M33753, M33756, M33759 (2 Ex.), M33767 (2 Ex.), M33770, M33771, M33772 (2 Ex.), M33778 (2 Ex.), M33779, M33782, M33785, M33787, M33789, M33797, M33800, M33805, M33806, M33813, M33826, M33830 (2 Ex.), M00807, M00809 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M00813 (2 Ex.), M00817 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), M00821 (2 Ex.), M00828, M00831 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M00836 (2 Ex.), M33881 (4 Ex.), M33883 (3 Ex.), M33887 (3 Ex.), M33893 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33895, M33897, M33898, M33900, M33903, M33912 (def.), M33918 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M33924 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Apologia), M33959, M33964, M33974 (2 Ex.), M33990, M34001 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M34003, M34006, M34010, M34148, M34149, M34152 (Perg.), M34195, M34208, M34224, M34226, M34231, M34236, M34238, M34242, M34244, M34246 (def.), M34250, M34251, M34253, M34264, M34300 (2 Ex.), M34302 (2 Ex.), M34304, M34306 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), M34308 (2 Ex.), M34310 (2 Ex.), M34312 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), M34321, M34324 (def.), M34326 (7 Ex. 6. Ex. Perg.7. Ex. Fragm.), M34329, M34333 (2 Ex.), M34342 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), M34343, M34351, M34352 (2 Ex.), M34353 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M34356, M34357 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Reg. fehlt), M34358, M34361, M34362, M34367 (3 Ex.), M34374 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M34393 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M34400, M34402 (2 Ex.), M34409, M34414, M34422, M34457, M34461, M34472 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 23. Ex. def.), M34477 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), M34480 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. 1. Perg.), M34488, M34492, M34497 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1, def.2. Ex. 1, def.), M34526, M34528 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M34531 (2 Ex.), M34553 (2 Ex.), M34554, M34560, M3456310, M34568, M34571, M34572 (2 Ex.), M34574 (def.), M34575, M34576 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M34583, M34586, M34587, M34597, M34604, M34608 (2 Ex.), M34609, M34610 (2 Ex.), M3461110, M34612, M34628, M34635, M34639 (def.), M34647 (2 Ex.), M34649 (2 Ex.), M34661, M34724, M34727 (6 Ex. , 5. Ex. def., 6. Ex. Fragm.), M34739 (3 Ex.), M34760 (2 Ex.), M34766 (2 Ex.), M34767, M34774, M34778, M34781, M34782, M34784 (2 Ex.), M34785, M34786, M34787, M34796 (3 Ex.), M34800, M34818, M3481950 (def.), M34840 (2 Ex.), M34843, M34847, M34861 (3 Ex.), M34865 (2 Ex.), M34868 (2 Ex.), M34873 (2 Ex.), M34875 (2 Ex.), M34876 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M34879 (2 Ex.), M34884 (def.), M34948, M34965, M34966, M34968 (2 Ex.), M34969 (2 Ex.), M34970, M34971, M34978, M34988 (2 Ex.), M34989, M34926, M34892, M34893 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg. def.), M34894 (2 Ex.), M34898, M34904 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M35016 (3 Ex.), M35018 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M35076, M35083 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. Fragm.), M35084 (2 Ex.), M35131, M35201, M35226, M35225, M35261, M35268 (2 Ex.), M35322, M35369, M35370, M35371, M35382, M35384 (2 Ex.), M35389, M35391, M35404 (2 Ex.), M35406, M35430 (Perg.), M35439 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M35451, M35455, M35457, M3547010, M35482 (Perg.), M35485, M35487, M35506 (2 Ex.), M35529, M35534 (Bl. 2 u. 7 fehlen), M35537, M35539 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M35543, M35558, M35560, M3559210 (Fragm.), M3559810 (Fragm.), M3563310 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), M3563320 (Fragm. 1 Bl., def.), M3563510 (def.), M3563710 (Fragm. Bl. a3/4), M35646, M35678, M35689, M35691 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M35697, M35702, M35717, M35737 (2 Ex.), M35754, M35760, M35796, M35803, M35830, M35851 (2 Ex.), M3589710, M3591050, M36334, M36337 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), M36340, M36349, M35937, M35961 (def.), M35982, M35985, M35999 (def.), M36015, M36018 (def.), M36024, M36027 (Perg. Fragm. 2 Bl., def.), M36028 (3 Ex.), M36031, M3604110 (def.), M36044, M3604750 (def.), M36048 (def.), M3605150 (Perg. def.), M36066 (Perg.), M36093 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Fragm.), M36156 (def.), M3616310, M36173, M36175 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. Perg.), M36179 (Bl. 167–172 fehlen), M36186 (Perg. Fragm. 1 Bl.), M36194, M36195, [M36199], M36200, [M36201], M36203, M36212 (5 Ex.), M36219 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.4. Ex. Perg.), M36246 (2 Ex.), M36247, M36248 (3 Ex.), M3626210, M36265 (def.), M36286 (Perg.), M36287 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. def.), M36291, M36301 (Perg.), M0810710 (Perg.), M36362 (2 Ex.), M36368 (2 Ex.), M36372 (5 Ex. 4. Ex. Karten fehlen5. Ex. Karten), M36374 (5 Ex. 4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M36379 (5 Ex. , 1. Ex. Var. A. Perg., 2. Ex. Var. A. Perg., 3. Ex. Var. B, 4. Ex. Var. C, def., 5. Ex. Var. C, def.), M36388 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M36394, M36411 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M36415, M36417 (2 Ex.), M36425, M36437, M36441, M36428 (def.), M36431, M36435 (2 Ex.), M36488, M36500, M36544, M36559, M36561, M36578 (2 Ex.), M36580 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M36582, M3658710, M09056, M36604, M36634, M36636, M36642, M36646 (3 Ex.), M36649, M36652, M36659, M36661 (def.), M36674, M11594, M36734, M36737, M36739 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M36754 (2 Ex.), M3683610 (Perg.), M36840, M36780 (2 Ex.), M36787, M36789 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M36793, M36796 (2 Ex.), M36798 (2 Ex.), M36800, M36805, M36809 (2 Ex.), M36812 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M36815 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Tab. fehlt), M3681710, M36818 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg.), M36820, M3682110 (3 Ex.), M3684710, M36882, M36883, M36884, M36887, M36924 (def.), M36929 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M36936 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M36940 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M36944, M36977 (2 Ex.), M36979, M36980 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M36986, M36966, M36968 (3 Ex.), M36970 (2 Ex.), M36998 (1), M37001, M37033, M3704460 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt4. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt5. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M37139, M37142 (def.), M37168, M36906 (4 Ex. , 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), M36908 (4 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M36911 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M37259, M37273, M37278, M37279, M37281, M37286, M37296 (def.), M37336 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M37339, M37344, M37351, M37359 (def.), M37362, M37366, M37368, M37370, M37371 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M37377, M37382, M37394, M37397, M37404, M37420 (def.), M37422, M37429, M37432, M3741510 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), M37445, M37450 (def.), M37453, M37455 (2 Ex.), M37458 (5 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M37462 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M37472 (3 Ex.), M37475, M37479 (2 Ex.), M37482, M37486 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M37488 (def.), M37503 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Lage a), M37509 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), M3751310 (def.), M37515, M37517 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M37523 (5 Ex.), M37533 (def.), M37552, M37560, M37564 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M37575 (Tit. fehlt), M37577, M37614 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Tab. fehlt), M37655 (2 Ex.), M37671 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt), M37837 (def.), M3784750 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M37850, M37879, M37887 (3 Ex.), M37896, M37901 (def.), M37907 (2 Ex.), M37915 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M37916 (def.), M37919, M37920, M37978 (2 Ex.), M38002, M38020, M38028, M38030, M38036 (def.), M38042 (2 Ex.), M38077, M38084, M38095, M38097 (2 Ex.), M38104, M38109 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M38120 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M38123, M38137, M38140, M38141, M38152 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M38173, M38236 (def.), M38244, M38261 (def.), M38264, M38266 (def.), M3828910 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M38311, M38318 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M38333, M38382 (3 Ex.), M38384, M38424, M38447 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Bl. 8 fehlt), M38455 (2 Ex.), M38458 (2 Ex.), M38460, M38461, M38463 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M38480 (4 Ex.), M38481, M38484, M38486 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M38488 (3 Ex.), M38492, M38496 (2 Ex.), M38498 (2 Ex.), M38501, M38509 (2 Ex.), M38511, M38513 (3 Ex.), M38517, M38526 (3 Ex.), M38537 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M38541 (def.), M38547, M38563, M38574, M38605, M38618, M38635, M38655, M38668 (2 Ex.), M38682 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M38684, M38685 (3 Ex.), M38687, M38688, M38689 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. def.), M38693 (4 Ex.), M38695, M38696 (2 Ex.), M38698 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M38704, M38708 (5 Ex.), M38715 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Tab. fehlt), M38721 (2 Ex.), M38725, M38727, M38729, M38732, M38735 (2 Ex.), M38738 (3 Ex.), M38741, M38743 (2 Ex.), M38745, M38747, M38751 (2 Ex.), M38756, M38758 (def.), M38760 (4 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), M38823 (3 Ex.), M38771 (2 Ex.), M38766, M38767 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M38824 (5 Ex.), M38774 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M38775 (3 Ex.), M38777, M38778 (4 Ex.), M38779 (5 Ex.), M38812, M38815, M38816 (2 Ex.), M38780 (2 Ex.), M38782, M38783 (2 Ex.), M38784, M38785, M38786, M38788, M38789 (4 Ex.), M38792, M38794, M38798, M38799 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M38803, M38806 (2 Ex.), M38807 (2 Ex.), M38866, M38891, M38895 (Bl. 56 fehlt), M38956 (2 Ex.), M38963 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Tab.), M38967, M38991, M39062 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M39074 (5 Ex. , 4. Ex. 2, 5. Ex. 2, def.), M39078 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), M39081 (7 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. def., 5. Ex. 2, def., 6. Ex. 2, def., 7. Ex. Fragm. Weltkarte), M39123 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M08074 (4 Ex.), M08077, M39142, M39146, M39205 (Bl. P4 fehlt), M39213, M39220, M39242, M39244, M39252, M39255 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M39261 (Perg.), M39264 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. def.), M39267 (def.), M39270 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M39282, M39286, M39296, M39300, M06119 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M39315, M3931710, M39320, M39326, M39346 (Fragm. 15 Bl. Lagen b u. c, Bl. c4 fehlt), M39347 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M39348 (2 Ex.), M39349, M39351 (2 Ex.), M39353, M39354 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M39370, M39431, M39452, M39470, M39487, M39504 (def.), M39530, M39534, M39536, M39545, M39546 (def.), M3954610, M39548, M39550 (2 Ex.), M39552, M39555, M39559, M39563 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), M39565 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M39568 (2 Ex.), M39571, M39580, M39588, M39594, M39595, M39602, M39604 (2 Ex.), M39607, M39613, M39621, M39623, M39625 (2 Ex.), M39644, M39651, M39655, M39661, M39662 (def.), M39670 (2 Ex.), M39671, M39675 (4 Ex.), M39747 (def.), M39768, M3976810, M39792, M39824, M39838, M39841 (3 Ex.), M39858, M39862 (2 Ex.), M39866, M39869 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. Tab. fehlt2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), M39854, M39907, M39926, M39933, M39934, M39943 (def.), M39979 (2 Ex.), M39980 (2 Ex.), M39982 (2 Ex.), M40034 (2 Ex.), M40091, M40144, M40169 (Tab. fehlt), M40260, M40307, M40317 (3 Ex.), M40319, M40321, M40342 (2 Ex.), M40336, M40330, M40345 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M40356 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. def.), M40359, M40360 (2 Ex.), M40383, M40387 (4 Ex.), M40391, M40392 (3 Ex.), M40394 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M40403, M40404 (2 Ex.), M40405, M40415 (3 Ex.), M40417 (2 Ex.), M40425 (2 Ex.), M40427 (2 Ex.), M40431, M40434, M4043610, M40440 (3 Ex.), M40442 (3 Ex.), M40448 (3 Ex.), M40452 (2 Ex.), M40457 (2 Ex.), M40460, M4046910 (2 Ex.), M40471, M40472 (3 Ex.), M40474, M40490, M40491, M40495 (3 Ex.), M40501 (2 Ex.), M40503, M40534 (def.), M40536 (2 Ex.), M40538, M40544, M40546 (2 Ex.), M40548, M40550 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M40556, M40562, M40565 (3 Ex.), M40569 (2 Ex.), M40571, M40575, M40576, M40585 (2 Ex.), M40586, M40588 (2 Ex.), M40592, M40593, M40594 (2 Ex.), M40600, M40602, M40603 (2 Ex.), M40604 (def.), M40608 (def.), M40610 (2 Ex.), M40622 (2 Ex.), M40627, M40631 (2 Ex.), M40633 (2 Ex.), M40638, M40639, M40643 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M40645 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M40647 (2 Ex.), M40649 (3 Ex.), M40655, M40658 (2 Ex.), M40669 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M40670, M40671, M40675 (2 Ex.), M40676 (def.), M40683 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M40686, M40467, M40693, M40695, M40699, M40726, M40752 (2 Ex.), M40753, M40756, M40760, M40784 (12 Ex. 9. Ex. def.10. Ex. def.11. Ex. def.12. Ex. def.), M40786, M40796 (3 Ex.), M40779, M40817, M40888 (2 Ex.), M40893, M40942, M40999, M41004 (2 Ex.), M41051 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41055, M41059 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41062, M41065 (4 Ex. , 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), M41119, M41133, M41175 (def.), M41189, M41196 (def.), M41205 (def.), M41235 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41240, M41245, M41252 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg. def.), M41281 (2 Ex.), M41284 (2 Ex.), M41287 (3 Ex.), M41289, M41291, M41292, M41340, M41358, M41371, M41391, M41401, M41404 (def.), M41412 (2 Ex.), M41425, M41430 (2 Ex.), M41435, M41439, M41442, M41469, M41547, M41323, M41485, M41497 (3 Ex.), M41499, M41503 (2 Ex.), M41521 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M4152410, M41525, M41536, M41544 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg. def.), M4160810, M41624, M41630 (def.), M41633 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41646 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41648, M41650, M41667, M41683 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41685 (2 Ex.), M41687 (2 Ex.), M41691, M41702, M41728 (def.), M41750 (5 Ex.), M41752 (4 Ex.), M41759 (2 Ex.), M41771, M41789 (2 Ex.), M41792 (2 Ex.), M41805, M41808, M41815, M41816 (def.), M41817, M41820, M41827, M41832, M41840, M41842 (def.), M41855 (2 Ex.), M41873 (def.), M41877 (def.), M41882 (Reg. fehlt), M41885 (3 Ex.), M41896 (Reg. fehlt), M4190310, M44597, M44601, M44602 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M44611 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg., 4. Ex. Var.), M44616, M41940 (def.), M41970 (2 Ex.), M41999 (2 Ex.), M42001 (3 Ex.), M42006, M42011, M42016 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M42022, M42023 (4 Ex.), M42042 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M42083, M42087, M42094, M42095, M42099, M42109 (def.), M42113, M42117 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M42127 (2 Ex.), M42131, M42133 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M42135 (4 Ex.), M42143, M42160 (def.), M42163 (def.), M42194, M42205, M42208 (2 Ex.), M42210 (2 Ex.), M42215 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M48805, M42220, M42270 (def.), M42283 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), M42288 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M42290 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.), M42298, M42326, [M42369], M42410 (2 Ex.), M42422, M4242510, M42440 (Fragm.), M4245010, M4245020, M4246110 (Fragm.), M42513, M42553, M42559, M42589 (3 Ex.), M4262010, M42627, M42631 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M42636 (2 Ex.), M42673, M42697, M42783 (2 Ex.), M42792, M42800, M42813, M42816, M42817, M42820 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M42823 (2 Ex.), M42824 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M42827, M42828, M42832 (3 Ex.), M42843, M42846 (2 Ex.), M42865 (Perg. Bl. a1/8, a4/5 u. g6 fehlen), M4288010 (def.), M42881, M4288510, M42886, M42888, M42916 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M42920, M42928 (2 Ex.), M42933 (def.), M42949 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M42951 (def.), M42954 (def.), M42972 (2 Ex.), M42999, M43001 (2 Ex.), M43054 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M43010 (def.), M43016 (def.), M43020 (def.), M43026 (2 Ex.), M43029 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Fragm. 3 Hlzs.), M43031 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm. Hlzs.), M43034, M43036 (def.), M4304250 (Perg. def.), M43044, M43050 (def.), M43087 (def.), M43100 (def.), M43104 (def.), M43129 (def.), M43134, M43136 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Tab. fehlt), M43138 (2 Ex.), M43149 (2 Ex.), M43150 (2 Ex.), M43153, M43161 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M4316910, M43172, M43209, M43211, M43216, M43245 (2 Ex.), M43264, M43268 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M43271 (3 Ex.), M43274, M43277 (Perg.), M43284, M43292 (def.), M43294, M43288 (2 Ex.), M43303, M43306, M4329910 (def.), M43334, M43336, M43343, M43345, M43348, M4335510, M43372 (def.), M43380, M43381, M43392, M43403, M43405 (2 Ex.), M43406 (def.), M43408, M43409, M4341610, M4342010, M43448, M43456 (7 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M43458 (3 Ex.), M4345810 (2 Ex.), M43459 (2 Ex.), M43465, M43477, M43485 (2 Ex.), M43489, M43494, M43503, M43522, M43533, M43542, M43546 (Tit. fehlt), M4354610 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M43548 (Fragm.), M43552 (Lagen C–E fehlen), M43557, M43567, M43568 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M43570, M43573, M43575 (2 Ex.), M43579 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M43581 (def.), M43587 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. def.2. Ex. def.), M43592, M43595 (def.), M43597, M43601, M43604, M43623, M43630, M43632 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M43650, M43664, M43668, M43671 (2 Ex.), M44465, M43693, M43697 (def.), M43701 (3 Ex.), M43710, M43731 (def.), M43733, M4373910, M43740 (def.), M43754, M43756 (Bl. 1 (leer?) fehlt), M43759, M43761, M43764 (2 Ex.), M43778 (2 Ex.), M43788 (Perg.), M43802 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., Officium fehlt), M43817, M43818, M43839, M43878, M43880 (2 Ex.), M43885, M43887 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M43893, M43894, M43899 (2 Ex.), M43900 (2 Ex.), M43901, M43904, M43912, M4391710 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M43918 (2 Ex.), M43924, M43928, M4392910 (def.), M43933, M43940, M43977, M44021, M44052 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M44065, M44069 (3 Ex.), M44085, M44087, M44090 (3 Ex.), M44098 (2 Ex.), M44100 (2 Ex.), M4410610, M44121, M44137 (3 Ex.), M44138, M4414910 (2 Ex.), M44164 (3 Ex.), M44167 (2 Ex.), M44175, M44184, M44186 (2 Ex.), M44193, M44195 (def.), M44198 (def.), M44203 (3 Ex.), M44220 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M44221 (2 Ex.), M44224, M44225 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M44230 (def.), M44237, M44242 (def.), M44253 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M44268 (3 Ex.), M44275, M44277 (def.), M44304, M44307 (def.), M44313, M44329, M44381, M44437, M44439 (3 Ex.), M44463, M44475, M4452210 (2 Ex.), M44551, M44553, M44572, M44584, M44676, M44693, M44697, M44698, M44699, M44700, M44712 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M44720, M44723, M44730 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M44736 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M44747, M44748, M44751, M4475110, M44753 (Perg.), M44757 (2 Ex.), M44760, M44769 (def.), M44770, M44913, M44924, M44954 (2, def.), M44980, M45005 (def.), M45074, M45079, M45114 (def.), M45160, M45201, M45229 (def.), M45243 (def.), M45246, M45260 (2 Ex.), M45280, M45269, M45292, M45293 (2 Ex.), M45295, M45298 (def.), M45308, M45332, M45355 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M45364, M45397, M45419, M45423, M45432, M45433 (2 Ex.), M45447 (Fragm.), M4544810 (def.), M45451 (def.), M45454, M45468 (def.), M45470, M45472 (def.), M45474, M45475 (2 Ex.), M45481, M45485 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M45489, M45490, M45495, M45501, M45529, M45533, M45564, M45572, M45573, M45575 (def.), M45577 (2 Ex.), M45579, M45581, M45586 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. def.), M4563110, M45329 (2 Ex.), M45647 (def.), M45648, M45664, M45665 (2 Ex.), M45668, M45687 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M45689, M45695, M4570020 (def.), M45710 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1, def.), M45722 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M45726, M45731, M45739 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 3–6), M45742, M45744, M45746 (2 Ex.), M45748 (4 Ex.), M45779 (def.), M45781 (2 Ex.), M45783, M45785, M45799, M45800, M45802, M45804, M45815, M45817, M45818, M45823 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M45831 (3 Ex.), M45851, M45855, M45869, M4587430, M45875, M45878, M45882, M45911 (Perg. def.), M45920 (2 Ex.), M45925, M46007, M46018 (def.), M46023, M46029, M46033, M46038 (def.), M46053, M46055, M46065, M46072, M46082 (2 Ex.), M46085 (2 Ex.), M46087, M46089 (2 Ex.), M46091 (2 Ex.), M46094 (2 Ex.), M46101, M46104, M46109, M46116 (3 Ex.), M46118, M46119, M46120, M46122, M46123 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46142, M46148, M46154, M46211 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. Perg.), M46216, M46220 (2 Ex.), M46221, M46228 (2 Ex.), M46235 (2 Ex.), M46255, M46273, M46296 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. Tab. fehlt4. Ex. Tab. fehlt), M46306, M46317, M46330, M46331 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Perg.), M46333 (2 Ex.), M46335 (2 Ex.), M46336, M46338, M46340 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46341, M46343, M46346 (2 Ex.), M46347, M46352 (2 Ex.), M46353, M46354, M46359, M46367, M46369, M46378, M46385, M46386 (3 Ex.), M46390, M46403, M46409 (2 Ex.), M46411, M46413 (2 Ex.), M46415 (3 Ex.), M46417, M46418, M46421, M46425, M46430 (2 Ex.), M46436 (def.), M46440 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. def.), M46445 (1, def.), M46453 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. a3, Perg.), M46455, M46464 (2 Ex.), M46467 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), M46477, M46480, M46481, M46483 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.), M46486, M46489, M46490 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M46491, M46492, M46494, M46496, M46498 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46499 (def.), M46503, M46504 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46511, M46533, M46534, M46556, M46560, M46563, M46568 (2 Ex.), M46570, M46579 (2 Ex.), M46586, M46595, M46600, M46601 (2 Ex.), M46615 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. 4), M46646 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), M46647 (3 Ex.), M46650, M36857 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. A, 2. Ex. B, 3. Ex. B, 4. Ex. B), M46657, M46672 (3 Ex.), M46679 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M46702, M46703, M46707 (def.), M46720 (def.), M46723, M46732 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M46737, M46738 (3 Ex.), M46742, M46752 (def.), M46755 (def.), M46764, M46774 (def.), M46780 (2 Ex.), M46784, M46776 (2 Ex.), M46787 (2 Ex.), M46792, M46796, M46802 (3 Ex.), M46804 (2 Ex.), M46805 (2 Ex.), M46808 (Tab. fehlt), M46810, M46816 (2 Ex.), M46817, M46818, M46907, M46909 (2 Ex.), M46830 (2 Ex.), M46836 (def.), M46846, M46850 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. def., 2. Ex. def.), M46857 (def.), M46859, M46878 (def.), M46881, *M46892, M46921, M46926 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 1, def.3. Ex. 1, def.), M46945 (2 Ex.), M46952, M46960 (3 Ex.), M46964 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M4698410, M46989, M46991, M46994 (def.), M47011 (2 Ex.), M47017, M47019, M47021, M47024, M47031 (2 def.), M47048 (def.), M47049 (def.), M47056 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M47070 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M47080 (Fragm. Bl. 1–4), M47089, M49476, M4711710 (Bl. 1 u. 24 fehlen), M47120 (Fragm. Probedr. 3 Bl., def.), M4712320 (2 Ex.), M4712330, M47191, M47193 (def.), M48149, M47210, M47213, M47219 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg.4. Ex. def.), M47221 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M47223, M47229 (3 Ex.), M47233 (2 Ex.), M47236, M47240, M47272, M24947, M24955 (2 Ex.), M24964, M24968, M24969, M24978 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M24983 (def.), M47352, M47359 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M47366 (Fragm.), M47381, M47394, M4739610, M47409 (2 Ex.), M47413, M47411, M47480 (Bl. 8 fehlt), M47490 (def.), M47504, M47516, M47521 (2 Ex.), M47535 (2 Ex.), M47538, M47550 (3 Ex.), M47566 (def.), M47570 (A), M47575, M47578, M47590 (2 Ex.), M47594 (2 Ex.), M47624, M47628 (Perg. def.), M47649, M47650, M47653, M47657, M47658 (2 Ex.), M47672, M47674 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M47681, M47696, M47697 (2 Ex.), M47705, M47707, M47715, M47718, M47722 (def.), M47725, M47729 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M47732 (4 Ex.), M47753 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M47756, M47759, M47800 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-42. Ex. 3), M47806 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M47828 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2-42. Ex. 3.4), M4783510 (3.4), M47841 (def.), M47854 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 2), M47867 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.4-62. Ex. 1.2.4-6), M47951 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 2.4.3. Ex. 1, def.), M47963 (1.2), M47981 (2.3, def.), M47990, M47992 (1), M48012, M48016, M48021 (2 Ex.), M48033, M48041 (4 Ex.), M48049, M4805110, M48058, M48066 (2 Ex.), M48074, M48115, M48122 (2 Ex.), M48130 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M48133 (2 Ex.), M48164, M48166, M48170, M48174, M48176, M48178, M48190, M48192, M48194 (2 Ex.), M48196 (Fragm. 11 Bl.), M48202 (2 Ex.), M48203, M48204 (4 Ex.), M48206 (3 Ex.), M48211, M48213 (2 Ex.), M48215 (2 Ex.), M48217 (3 Ex.), M48219, M48225 (2 Ex.), M48229 (7 Ex. 7. Ex. Tab. fehlt), M48252, M48254 (2 Ex.), M48255, M48259, M48263, M48266, M48267, M48271, M48275 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M48279 (8 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M48286 (6 Ex. , 5. Ex. def., 6. Ex. def.), M48292, M48299 (2 Ex.), M48303, M48330, M48334, M48339, M48371, M48423, M48430, M48450, M48512 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M48577, M48600, M48668, M48674, M48687 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M48690, M48719 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Fragm. Lage a), M48732, M48756 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M48767, M48779, M48786, M48799 (4 Ex.), M48845 (2 Ex.), M48846, M48863, M48878, M4888120, M48900 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M48911, M48917 (2 Ex.), M48927, M48928 (2 Ex.), M48938, M48945, M48948, M48949, M48958, M48977 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M48989, M49002 (5 Ex.), M49003, M49029, M49040, M49051, M49066 (def.), M49068 (def.), M49106 (2 Ex.), M49113, M49116 (def.), M49119, M49125 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. Perg., 4. Ex. Fragm. Lage e), M49126 (def.), M49132, M49142, M49148, M49156, M49158 (def.), M49160 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. def.), M49164 (2 Ex.), M49166 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49168 (def.), M49170 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49172 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49173, M49177 (def.), M49179, M49180, M49183 (2 Ex.), M49192, M49197, M49203, M49206, M49210 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M49215 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. Perg.), M49248, M49250 (2 Ex.), M49277, M49287 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49289, M49291 (Bl. 100 fehlt), M49295 (def.), M49296 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M49298, M49299, M49308, M49313, M49315, M49317 (Perg. def.), M49319 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49325, M49332 (def.), M49342, M49362, M49365, M49369, M49374 (Perg.), M49384, M49385 (3 Ex.), M49388, M49390, M49396, M49400, M49412 (2 Ex.), M49414 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49416 (2 Ex.), M49431, M49436, M49449 (2 Ex.), M49457 (2 Ex.), M49462 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49487, M49488 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49491, M49495, M49497 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M49500, M49503, M49516, M49518 (def.), M49520 (2 Ex.), M49524, M49528, M49531 (2 Ex.), M49532 (2 Ex.), M49538, M49540, M49546, M49548 (2 Ex.), M49573, M49579 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 1), M49593 (4 Ex.), M49601 (4 Ex.), M49621 (def.), M49630, M49633 (Bl. b1/b10 fehlen), M49644, M49647, M49649 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49656 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M49661, M49683, M49733 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), M49736, M49739 (def.), M49740 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg. 2 Bl. fehlen), M49744, M49747 (def.), M49748, M49753, M49756, M49757, M49758, M49759 (def.), M49761, M49762, M49766, M49767 (def.), M49773, M49775 (def.), M49780 (def.), M49781, M49800 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49803 (2 Ex.), M49809 (def.), M49811, M49817 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M49821 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), M49829, M49835, M49836, M49849, M49853, M49855 (2 Ex.), M49898, M49915, M49917 (Perg.), M49927, M49932 (def.), M49939, M49940 (2 Ex.), M49947 (def.), M49957 (def.), M49979, M50005 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M50028, M50033, M50044, M50049, M5006010, M50067 (2 Ex.), M50070, M50082 (def.), M50093, M50099, M50112 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M50125 (2 Ex.), M50128, M50145, M50135 (def.), M50173, M50281, M5027910 (def.), M50290, M50209, M50233, M50250, M50265, M50270, M50274, M5033420, M50335, M50337, M50341, M50346, M50350, M50355, M50381 (2 Ex.), M50382, M50384, M50395 (2 Ex.), M50403, M50404, M50412, M50456 (Perg. def.), M50473, M50491, M50522, M3784510 (Bl. 1 u. 24 fehlen), M50523 (Bl. 24 fehlt), M3784530, M50506 (def.), M50513 (def.), M50509 (2 Ex.), M50516 (2 Ex.), M50510, M5051010, M50551 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M50555 (2 Ex.), M50558 (3 Ex.), M50560, M50570 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 2.3), M50576 (3 Ex.), M50582 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. hsl. 1478), M50587 (2 Ex.), M50593 (2 Ex.), M50596, M50598 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg. 4, 3. Ex. 1–5, 4. Ex. 5), M50625 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 1), M50635 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg., 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. 1), M50610 (5 Ex. , 4. Ex. 1, 5. Ex. 2), M50612, M50617 (3 Ex.), M50657, M50663 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M50669 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M50688, M50807 (def.), M50427 (3 Ex.), M50813, M46633 (5 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M5081710 (2 Ex.), M19239 (Fragm.), M19242 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M1924810 (def.), M1924920, M12052, M50821, M50837 (def.), M50825, M50862, M50865 (5 Ex.), M50868 (3 Ex.), M50870 (3 Ex.), M50876 (3 Ex.), M50877, M50880, M50882, M50888 (2 Ex.), M50904, M50909, M50912, M50919 (Perg.), M50924 (Perg.), M50941, M50950, M50954, M50957 (def.), M50963 (def.), M50964, M50968, M50970 (2 Ex.), M20754, M50987 (2 Ex.), M50988, M51000, M51017 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M51018 (2 Ex.), M5102120, M51027 (2 Ex.), M51028, M51030, M5103010, M51274, M51248, M51255, M51298, M51301 (2 Ex.), M51069, M51071 (def.), M51073, M51080, M51097, M51113, M51119, M51121, M51133 (2 Ex.), M51275 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), M51278 (Bl. 2 u. D4/5 fehlen), M51163, M51176 (Lagen a-s), M51313, M51362, M51363, M51365, M51344 (2 Ex.), M51346, M51350, M51377 (3 Ex.), M51399 (2 Ex.), M51403, M51416, M51425 (def.), M51432, M51450, M51478, M51498, M51511, M51536, M51531, M51589, M51592, M51594, M51596 (2 Ex.), M51598, M51603, M51611, M51614, M51618, M51629 (2 Ex.), M51640, M51644, M51648, M51653 (def.), M51677 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M51681, M51682, M51686 (2 Ex.), M51688, M51740, M51741 (Lagen a u. h), M51743, M51745, M51747 (2 Ex.), M51762, M51763 (2 Ex.), M51783, M51786, M51812 (2 Ex.), M51838, M51849, M51858 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M51880, M51883 (2 Ex.), M51888, M51892 (2 Ex.), M51895 (2 Ex.), M51897 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M51984 (def.), M52003 (3 Ex.), M17209, M25622 (def.), M25623 (4 Ex.), M25619 (2 Ex.), M25641, M25642, M25614 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M25645, M17204, M17207 (2 Ex.), M17208, M52010, M52017 (Lagen c–e), M5202220, M52048, M52081, M52085 (4 Ex.), M52087, M52096, M52098 (def.), M52111 (2 Ex.), M52117 (Perg.)
BOrdAvocat — Bibliothèque de l’Ordre des Avocats: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 00551, 01590, 01675
BPolsk — Biblioteka Polska w Paryżu — Bibliothèque polonaise: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 02194 (Bl. 1 u. 10 fehlen), 13580
BTrocadero — Bibliothèque Trocadéro. Collection Pontas du Méril: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 00336, 00414, 02786 (def.), 09538, M37658
BU — Bibliothèque de l’Université de Paris à la Sorbonne: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 380 Ausgaben: 0017510N, 00275, 00591, 00602, 00608, 00684, 00796, 00867, 00872 (1.2), 00936XIIIc (Fragm. Doppelbl. 27/32 u. 37/38), 01005, 01574, 01578, 01599 (2, def.), 01729 (1), 01875, 01882, 01888, 01927, 01942, 01985, 02015, 02023, 02185 (def.), 02187 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 02139, 02359, 02377, 02533, 02535, 02666 (Fragm. 3 Bl.), 02750, 02789, 02937, 02887 (def.), 02890, 02929, 03053 (2 Ex.), 03092, 03103 (def.), 03154, 03155, 03288, 03303 (2 Ex.), 03340, 03402, 03407 (def.), 03413, 03418 (def.), 03460, 03739, 03850, 03856 (def.), 03866 (1, def.), 03887 (def.), 03937, 04034, 04082, 04145, 04179, 04273, 04274 (def.), 04392 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04420, 04423, 4 Sp.252a, 04479 (2 Ex.), 04511 (def.), 04512, 04526, 04648 (def.), 04658, 04687 (2 Ex.), 04886, 04894, 05002 (2 Ex.), 05018, 05064 (def.), 05420 (Fragm.), [0542305N (Fragm.)], 05612, 05761, 05778 (def.), 05781 (def.), 05787, 05788 (def.), 5 Sp.688d, 05939 (3, def.), 6 Sp. 79a, 06049, 06079 (def.), 06082 (def.), 06128, 06133 (def.), 06138, 06160, 06162, 06165, 06166, 06280, 06387 (def.), 06389 (def.), 06622, 06767, 06769, 06793, 06971, 07098 (def.), 07117, 07123 (def.), 07219, 07230, 6 Sp.824b, 07419, 07495 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 07571, 07658 (def.), 07674, 07731, 07830 (Fragm.), 07885, 0810520N, 08168 (def.), 08384, 08404 (def.), 09074, 09087 (def.), 09111 (def.), 09114, 09392, 09426 (def.), 09438, 09439, 09441, 09454, 09537, 09643, 09646, 09679, 09829, 09826, 09879, 09891, 09980, 10451 (2 Ex.), 10454 (Tit. fehlt), 10457, 10545, 10699 (def.), 10713 (1 def.), 10715 (1), 10717 (1 fehlt), 10718 (2 Ex.), 10734 (def.), 10766, 10767, 10830, 10831, 10838, *11119, 11310 (def.), 11311, 11345, 11346, 11375, 11388, 11433 (def.), 11702, 11738, 11795 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11902 (def.), 11904, 11905, 11906, 11908, 11910, 11912, 11916, 11918 (def.), 12050, 12053, 12060, 12187, 12231 (2, def.), 12294 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 12324, 12349, 10 Sp.778d (def.), 12396, 12434, 12572, 12778, 12888, 13046 (Fragm. Doppelbl. a4/5, def.), 13197 (Fragm. Doppelbl. m2/3, def.), 13228 (Fragm. Doppelbl. i4/i5 und Bl. i8), 13468 (Bl. 1, 3, 12, 14, 18, 39, 62, 75, 97, 100 u. 101 fehlen), 13631, 13679, 13715, 13860 (Bl. 27 fehlt), 13904, 13975, 13978, 13987 (def., Besitzv. 1495), 13994, 13997, 14125, 14127, M12084, M12674, M13116, M1342720, M13549, M13796, M14608, M14614 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14692 (def.), M14755, M14758 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14803, M1486610, M14881, M14900, M15065 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M15642, M15890 (def.), M15891 (def.), M16122, M16110 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M16118, M16537 (def.), M16563, M17647 (2 Ex.), M18631, M19829 (def.), M19878, M19974, M19985 (1, def.), M20100, M20396 (def.), M20514 (def.), M20811, M20827 (def.), M21259, M21883, M19898, M22506 (def.), M22634 (2, def.), M22706 (def.), M22908, M23428 (Fragm.), M25300 (def.), M25986 (2 Ex.), M2612710, M26156, M26257 (def.), M26280, M26334, M26810, M26835, M26845, M26870, M26900, M26929, M26932, M27013 (Bl. 1-32), M27029 (def.), M27212, M27220, M27224, M27232, M35009, M28140 (def.), M28157 (def.), M28601 (1, def.), M2863105, M28675, M28961, M29306, M29307 (def.), M29841, M29866, M30164 (def.), M30547 (def.), M31100, M31420, M31914, M31954, M32005, M31948, M32028, M32178, M32561, M32767, M32986, M32993, M33047, M33078, M33604, M33784, M00828 (def.), M33883, M33897 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33918, M33974, M34335, M34604, M34727 (def.), M34796, M35082, M35737, M35796, M36798, M36809 (def.), M36820 (def.), M36944 (2, def.), M36908, M37523, M37887, M38141 (def.), M38698 (2 Ex.), M38729 (2 Ex.), M39431, M39497, M39559, M39586, M40434 (def.), M40575, M40670, M40784 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M40786 (def.), M41001, M41004, M41359, M41531, M41640, M41691 (def.), M42001, M42143 (def.), M42959, M43701, M43943, M44164, M44211, M44736, M44757, M44895 (def.), M45579 (def.), M46094 (2, def.), M46335 (def.), M46436 (1, def.), M46568, M46843, M47080 (def.), M48149, M47787 (def.), M47800 (2 Ex.), M48225, M48279, M48674, M48687, M48799, M49250, [M49262], M49289 (def.), M49518, M49656, M49821, M49855 (def.), M49940, M49960, M50387, M5045720 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), M50551, M50593, M50635 (def.), M50610, M46633, M52022
BUMed — Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Médecine: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
BUPharmac — Bibliothèque interuniversitaire de Pharmacie: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Chap — Chapitre de Notre-Dame de Paris: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M33881
CIrlandais — Collège des Irlandais à Paris: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Conservat — Conservatoire national des arts et métiers: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M36374
CourCassation — Cour de Cassation: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M43604
DominHonore — Couvent Dominicain Saint-Honoré: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
DominJacques — Couvent Dominicain de Saint-Jacques: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
DominSaulchoir — Bibliothèque du Saulchoir: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
EcBeauxArts — École nationale supérieure des beaux-arts: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 201 Ausgaben: 0007510N (hsl. ausgefertigt 17.III.1493), 00264, 00359, 00579, 00856a, 0123010N, 01856, 01865, 01872, 01959, 01975, 01978, 01983, 0220710N (Bl. 1 u 6 fehlen), 02533 (Bl. 20 fehlt), 02585 (def.), 02586 (def.), 0265810N, 0267250N, 03034, 03416, 03422 (def.) (Variante), 04061 (def.), 04126, 04169, 04320 (1.2., P. 2 Bl. 202 fehlt), 4 Sp.222aP, 04391 (Bl. b4, n8 u. r10 fehlen), 04453 (def.), 04671, 04722, 04802, 05378, 05240, 05605, 05912, 0591450N (Bl. 1 u. 96 fehlen), 06028, 06290, 0657850N (def.), 07024, 06976 (Bl. 66 fehlt), 06978, 07223 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1–4 fehlen, 3. Ex. Fragm. Bl. F1–3), 0727107N (def.), 07539 (def.), 07832, 07873, 07893, 07945 (Fragm.), 07948, 07949 (Bl. 1, 2 u. 8 fehlen), 07969, 08429, 08544, 08626 (def.), 09053, 09379, 09850, 8 Sp.412a, 09993 (def.), 10329, 10434, 10445 (def.), 10460, 11404, 11764, 11844 (def.), 11853 (def.), 11855 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 11856 (def.), 11857 (Fragm. Doppelbl. h2/h7 u. Bl. 150), 12014, 12044, 12420 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1, def. [Teil 2 = Ex. 2 London BL], hsl. 1475, 2. Ex. 2. Kaufv. 30.X.1477), 12532, 12622 (1, def.,), 12652, 12969 (def.), *13029 (Perg. Bl. 226 fehlt.), 13034 (Perg. Bl. 1, 2 u. 113–120 fehlen), 13102 (def.), 13144 (Fragm. 17 Bl.), 13159, *13240 (Bl. 9, 16 u. 17 fehlen), 13246 (Perg.), 13247 (Perg., Bl. 3–6, 9, 11–14, 16, 21, 25, 32, 41 u. 50 fehlen), 13253 (Perg.), 13274 (Perg.), 13295 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 13296 (Fragm. 4 Bl.), 1347250N (Bl. 96 fehlt), 13548 (def.), 13551 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. 1, def.), 13570 (def.), 13678, 13682 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 13716, 13809, 13889, 13897 (def.), 13962 (def.), 13964 (Bl. 1, 8, 36 u. 38 fehlen), 12 Sp.343a, 13975 (def.), 13996, 14016 (def.), 14039, 14054 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 14060 (def.), 14069 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 14082, 14088, 14091 (2, def.), 14093 (Besitzv. 1497), 14095 (def.), 14114 (def.), 14116, 14118 (1.3), 14125 (def.), 14129, 14130, M18728 (def.), M12150, M07729, M14508, M15415, M15993, M16755 (def.), M00433, M1300250 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M1300270 (Bl. 1 u 6 fehlen), M17568, M11383 (def.), M11402 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1, 2. Ex. 2), M11407 (1), M11425 (def.), M17686 (Bl. 1–8 fehlen), M18029, M18250 (def.), M18501 (def.), M18539, M19012 (def.), M09353 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M19270 (def.), M19969, M20188 (def.), M21239, M21613, M21854 (def.), M22851, M22946, M23343 (def.), M2334250 (Bl. 1, c5 u. e5–8 fehlen), M23425 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Fragm. 2 Bl.), M23523, M23595, M23642, M23929, M23931 (def.), M25156, M26710, M26865 (def.), M27478, M2802830 (Fragm. 16 Bl.), M2816820 (def.), M28208, M28512, M28522 (def.), M28946, M31983, M32645, M3355215 (Bl. c3 u. c4 fehlen), M34139, M34628 (Fragm. Bl. 8), M36194 (Perg.), M3683605, M38104, M38152 (def.), M38266 (def.), M38384, M38698, M39081 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1, def., 2. Ex. 2), M39493, M40344, M41361, M42880, M4293410, M07329 (def.), M43348 (Bl. 1 u. 50 fehlen), M43557, M4392410, M45397, M45790 (def.), M46702 (def.), M46817, M47223, M49339, M50840 (def.), M51436, M51938
EcChart — École nationale des Chartes: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
EcNorm — École normale supérieure: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
FondatCustod — Fondation Custodia
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M50970
Franzisk — Couvent Franciscaines de Paris: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: M15153, M19191 (def.)
FTheol — Faculté de théologie protestante: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 04512 (1), 10717, 12000, 14134 (1.2)
Genev — Université de Paris, Bibliothèque Sainte-Geneviève: Älterer Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 541 Ausgaben: 00115, 00182 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 00424 (Bl. 36 fehlt), 00460, 00747, 00756, 00799, 00836, 00843, 00900, 00924, 00925, 01033, 01767, 01821, *01844 (2 Ex.), 01846, 02021 (Bl. 1-3 fehlen), 02048, 02184, 02290, 02313, 02350, 02375 (def.), 02381, 02449, 02571, 02718, 02780, 02817, 02940, 02942, 02873, 02874, [02875], 02876, 02886 (def.), 02908, 03049, 03160, 03175, 03182, 03185, 03207, 03252, 03454, 03649, 03853, 03856 (def.), 03861, 04204, 04211, 04222, 04321, 04416, 04490, 04681, 04691, 04804 (def.), 04805, 04822, 04848, 04916, 04975, 05003, 05049 (def.), 05099, 05423, 0542910N, 05439, 05443 (2), 05480, 05499, 05507 (def.), 05101 (Perg.), 05124 (Perg. def.), 05204, 05248 (def.), 05281, 05289, [0528905N], 05297, 05335 (Perg.), 5 Sp.554b, 0556510N, 05579, 05600, 05601, 05649, 05735, 05754, 05876, 06023, 06036, 06136, 06200, 06202, 06216, 06231 (Bl. 1, e1, e8, f1, f8, p1 u. 120 fehlen), 06317, 06539, 06620, 06626, 06635, 06677, *06680, 07016, 07038, 06722, 06742, 06886, 06891, [06969], 07052 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07078, 07177, 07223 (def.), 0726310N, 07319 (4 Ex.), 07471, 07479, 07501, 07506, 07507, 07628, 07779, 07847, 07871, 07888, 07924, 07959, 07966, 08050 (Bl. 40 fehlt), 08135, 08188, 08300, 7 Sp.508a, 08552, 08567, 09041, 09049, 09096, 09101 (Perg.), 09215, 09323, 09334, 09337, 09367, 09369, 09372, 09390 (Bl. 27–30 fehlen), 09391, 09396, 09397, 09426, 09428, 09431, 09433, 09436, 09535, 09539, 09630, 09689, 09717, 09719, *09748, 09750, 09785 (2 Ex.), 09819, 09826, 09838, 09863, 09873, 09880, 09981, 09982, 09997, 10054, 10087, 10198 (Bl. 1, 6 u. 7 fehlen), 〈10211 (def.)〉, 10218, 10227, 10231, 10277, 10278, 10280, 10420 (Bl. 62 u. 152 fehlen), 10438, 10444, 10450, 10454 (2 Ex.), 10455 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 10460, 10464, 10466, 10519, 10544, 10562, 10566†, 10596, *1060910 (2 Ex.), 1060920, 10653, 10665 (2 Ex.), 10670 (2 Ex.), 10698, 10714, 10716 (3), 10717, 10765, 10771, 10783, 10801, *10803, 10884, *10956, *11083, 11345, 11346, 11353, 11357 (Bl. 411 fehlt), 11361 (Perg.), 11378 (Bl. 1 u. 2), 11387, 11400, 11421 (2 Ex.), 11426, 11430, 11433, 11441, 11445 (2 Ex.), 11449 (def.), 11496, 11503, 11550, 11707, 11711, 11730, 11731, 11733 (Besitzv. 1477), 11740, 11825 (def.), 11834 (Bl. 1 u. 235–244 fehlen. Bl. 2 def.), 11854 (def.), 11858, 11862, 11865, 11866, 11867, 11903 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11905, 11906 (2 Ex.), 11908, 11910, 11911, 11912 (1), 11914, 11916, 11917 (def.), 11918, 11938, 12017, 12027, 12039, 12058, ehem. 12109, 12117, 12187, 12200 (2 Ex.), 12221 (2 Ex.), 12253, 12268 (Bl. 157–174 fehlen), 12276, 12278 (def.), 12318, /12319/, /12320/, 12321, 12322, /12363/, /12364/, /12365/, 12394, /12409/, 12421 (def.), 12426, 12430, /12436/, [12451 (1)], 12888 (2 Ex. , /1. Ex./, /2. Ex. def./), /12890/, /12895/, /12899/, *13148 (Perg.), *13168 (Perg.), 13277, 13314 (Perg.), /13455/, /13457/, 13468, /13471/, 13514, 13523, 13539, 13553, 13555, 13576 (Bl. 1–3 u. 9 fehlen), 13598, 13628, 13678 (2 Ex.), 13689, 13747, 13786, 13838, 13857, 13859 (Bl. 31 u. 42 fehlen), 13883, 13886 (2 Ex.), 13943, 13978 (def.), 13996, 14027, 14033 (Bl. 1 u. 264 fehlen), 14039, 14044, 14113 (2), 14125, 14126, 14166, M12146, /M12244/, M12336, M12438 (def.), /M12487/, M12674, M13809, M13746, M07739, M1451930, M14652, M14654, M14717, M13449, [M15292], M15783, M16192, M16541 (def.), M00438 (def.), M07031, M11407, /M11446/, M17640, M17685, M18470, M18717, M19204, M19329, M19428, M1947610, M19776, M19788, M19859, M19869, M1996110, M19974, M20248, M2025010, M20493, M20994, M21200, M21729, M21743, M21755, M22227, M22229, M22230, M22235 (2 Ex.), M19892, M22434, M22942, M23238, M23301, M23504, M23568, M23888, M24031, M24192, M24198, M24202 (2 Ex.), M24213 (def.), M24236, M2431520 (Fragm. 7 Bl.), M24372, M24581 (def.), M24596 (Perg.), M24597 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), M24606, M24629, M24632 (Fragm. 7 Bl.), M24677, M24683 (def.), M24793, M25027, M25032, M25080, M25688, M2568910, M25773, M0680510 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1–5 fehlen, 2. Ex. def.), M26453, M26709, M26871, M26872, M26887, M26888, M27478, M27486 (2 Ex.), M27490 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M27925, [M28342], M28372, [M28374], M28377, M28405, M28960, M29208, M29444, M29445, M2981910, M30132, M30480, M31042, M31257, M31327, M31716 (def.), M31916, M31921, M31951, M31954, M31974 (4–7), M31980, M32277, M02548, M02582, [M32643], M33507, M33508 (def.), M33514, M33666, M34312, M34342, M34353, M34356, M34410, M34472, M34589, M35439, M35636, M4570810, M35851, M36301, M36411 (2 Ex.), M36431, M36906, M37296, M37456, M37458, M38103, M2067620, M38275, M38288, M38637, M38738, M38756, M38792, M38798, M39228, M39259, M39318, M39493, M39572, M39926, M41531, M41693, M42023, M42127, M42128, M42636, M42820, M43209, M43362, M43409, M4341620, M43421, M43432 (def.), M43448, M43598 (def.), M43919, M43940, M43943, M44748, M45228, M45257, M45277, M45292, M45395, M45474, M45586, M45670, M45689, M45702 (def.), M45739, M46589, M46737, M46747, M46769, M46780, M46792, M46842 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M46844, M46848, M46895 (def.), M24978 (def.), M24984, M47413, M48930, M49002, M49210 (1), M49215, M49295, M49821, M49855, M49902, M49927, M49932, M49963 (def.), M50456, /M50598/, M5102120, M52085
IArab — Institut du Monde arabe: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 00838 (Bl. 20 fehlt), 01258
ICathol — Institut catholique: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
IFrance — Institut de France: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 172 Ausgaben: 00437, 00779, 00594, 00648 (def.), 00716 (def.), 00879, 01663, 02015, 02203, 02303 (2 Ex.), 02334 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. 13. Ex. 5), 02337 (def.), 02343, 02449, 02845, 03127 (def.), 03341, 03386, 03407, 03418, 04148, 04206, 04222, 04231, 04241, 04262 (Fragm.), 04275, 04280, 04391, 04435 (def.), 04565, 04778, 05423, 05939 (def.), 06003, 06105, 06136, 06225, 06559 (def.), 06676 (def.), 06677 (2. Perg.), 06689, 07123, 07218 (def.), 07223, 07571, 07815, 07828, 07970, 07971, 07972, 09110, 09428, 09783, 09981 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 10597 (def.), 10897, 11862, 11881, 11912, 11918, 12437 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12517, *13074 (Perg.), *13102 (Perg. Bl. 8, 34 u. 44 fehlen), *13107 (Perg.), *13314 (Perg.), 13548 (def.), 13551, 14013, 14073, 14125 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 14133 (def.), M09766 (def.), M14183 (def.), M14280, M14635 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M15254, M15544, M15564, M16771, M17441, M00433, M17656, M18518, M19702, M20103 (2 Ex.), M20183, M2025010, M20522, M21068, M21265, M21307, M21451, M22851, M22930 (def.), M23013 (def.), M2335310, M25986, M26210, M26873, M26891, M28342, M28848, M28937 (def.), M29305, M29866, M30141, M31505, M31717 (1), M31726, M31865, M31932, M32005, M33112, M33113, M33276 (2), M33756, M34304, M34306, M34317, M34326, M34329 (def.), M34342, M34374, M36372, M36435 (def.), M36906, M37450, M38366, M38492, M38698, M38735, M39081, M39264, M40336 (def.), M40333, M40645, M40676, M40888, M41055, M41059 (def.), M41289, M42270, M42283, M43245, M44275, M45432, M45539, M45920, M45976, M46165, M46397, M49476 (def.), M47219, M48799, M49348 (def.), M49414, M50229, M50235, M50261, M5051310 (def.), M50560, M50576, M50635, M50617, M46633, M50936, M51210, M51592 (2 Ex.), M51651, M51682
IHistArt — Institut National d’Histoire de l’Art: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden. ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
ImprN — L’Imprimerie nationale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 02333
IOrient — Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales (INALCO): Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 00838, 00840, 05079 (def.), 10562 (def.)
IPaed — Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Jes — Bibliothèque de la Société de Jésus: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Kapuz — Bibliothèque des Capucins de la Province de Paris: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
MAndre — Musée Jacquemart-André: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 14125
Mazarin — Bibliothèque Mazarine: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1987 Ausgaben: 00113, 00129, 00141, 00145, 00157, 00160, 00163, 00164, 00182, 00184, 00186, 00205, 1 Sp. 91a, 00227, 00229, 00261, 00263, 00272, 1 Sp.113a, 00275, 00295, 1 Sp.127a (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 00349 (def.), 00460 (def.), 00510, 00520, 00522 (3), 00527, 00552, 00570, 00576, 00577, 00759 (2 Ex.), 00768, 00770, 00771, 00778, 00781, 00602 (Bl. c8 fehlt), 00603, 00604, 00612 (def.), 00616, 0061610, 00680, 00681, 00686 (def.), 00699 (2 Ex.), 00701, 00702, 00712, 00796, 00835, 00836 (2 Ex.), 00837, 00838, 00844, 00863, 00867, 00868, 00871, 00876, 00877, 00878, 00879, 00930, 01009, 01165 (def.), 01229, 01242 (def.), 01248, 1 Sp.681a, 01556, 01563 (def.), 01565, 01574, 01576, 01577 (2 Ex.), 01590, 01593, 01599 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Separatdruck P. 3 Lagen a–o3. Ex. Separatdruck P. 3 Lagen a–o), 01602 (def.), 01604 (def.), 01612, 01614 (def.), 01616, 01617, 01624, 01645 (Tab. fehlt), 01663, 01666, 01675 (2 Ex.), 01715 (def.), 01724, 01729 (3–5), 01753, 01838, 01840, 01846, 2 Sp.247a (2 Ex.), 01860, 01862, 01863, 01868, 01870, 01872, 01873, 01876 (def.), 2 Sp.256b, 01882, 01883, 01884, 01888, 01889, 01900, 01901, 01924 (2 Ex.), 01926 (def.), 01934, 01941, 01959, 01963 (def.), 01976, 02016, 02022 (def.), 02023 (2 Ex.), 02035, 02048 (2 Ex.), 02185 (def.), 02186, 02187 (2.4), 02194, 02196, 02197, 02198, 02072 (2), 02120, 02132, 02139, 02211, 02248, 02254, 02255, 02268, 02291, 02305 (Tab. fehlt), 02319, 02320, 02333 (def.), 02334 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 3-5, def.2. Ex. 1), 02341 (def.), 02351, 02358, 02367, 02378, 02381 (2 Ex.), 02392 (2 Ex.), 02430, 02449, 02476, 02482, 02504, 02512, 02602, 02608 (2 Ex.), 02609, 02664 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02683 (def.), 02717, 02749, 02753, 02755 (def.), 02757 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02760, 02763, 02764, 02788 (7), 02791, 02933, 02957, 02977, 03004, 03011, 03026, 03030, 03034, 03035, 02868 (def.), 02877, 02882, 02884, 02888, 02889, 02890, 02891 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), 02892, 02894, 02908 (2.3), 02909, 02910, 02911 (def.), 02915 (2 Ex.), 02921, 02925, 02928 (def.), 02929, 03053 (4 Ex.), 03054, 03092, 03094, 03112 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03120 (def.), 3 Sp.239a (def.), 03124 (def.), 03127 (1–3), 03130, 03144, 03149, 03151, 03154, 03155 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03175, 03181 (def.), 03184 (def.), 03186 (def.), 03194, 03238, 03239, 03288 (Tit. fehlt), 3 Sp.339c, 03303, 3 Sp.349c, 3 Sp.349d, 3 Sp.349e, 3 Sp.349f, 03322, 03323, 03324 (def.), 03325 (2 Ex.), 03340, 03344, 03345, 03347, 03361, 03387, 03388, 03401, 03408 (def.), 03411, 03415 (def.), 03417 (def.), 03421 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 03423 (Fragm.), 3 Sp.439b, 03452 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 03460, 0347310N, 03493 (Fragm.), 03507, 03537, 03546, 03582 (def.), 03593, 03629, 3 Sp.541a, 03672 (2 Ex.), 03688, 03691 (def.), 03739 (def.), 03744, 03749, 03756, 03762, 03848 (def.), 03849, 03860, 03864 (def.), 03866 (1–3, def.), 03870, 03884, 03909, 03911 (2 Ex.), 03917 (def.), 03923, 03930 (Tab. fehlt), 03936, 03940 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03941, 03943 (2 Ex.), 03947 (2), *03951 (def.), 03955, 03976, 04012, 04016 (def.), 0402510 (Bl. 16 fehlt), 04028, 04034, 04036, 04037, 04038 (2 Ex.), 04050 (def.), 04053, 04058, 04081, 04085 (def.), 04096, 04101, 04102, 04114, 04115, 04126, 04128, 04132, 04133, 04136, 04138, 04142, 04145 (def.), 04147 (def.), 04148, 04149, 04179 (3 Ex.), 04184 (def.), 04201, 04204 (Perg.), 04206 (def. Perg.), 04208 (Fragm.), 04209 (def.), 04211, 04214 (def.), 04218 (def.), 04222 (def.), 04225 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04226 (1), 04230 (2), 04233, 04234, 04236 (def.), 04238 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04240, 04243, 04245 (def.), 04246 (def.), 04253 (def.), 04255 (def.), 04264, 04267, 04269 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04270, 04275 (def.), 04277 (def.), 04279 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04280 (2 Ex.), 04282 (2 Ex.), 04283, 04284 (2), 04288 (def.), 04290, 04291 (def.), 04292 (def.), 4 Sp.178a (2), 04311 (def.), 04315, 04333 (def.), 04334 (def.), 04410, 4 Sp.249b, 4 Sp.256a (def.), 4 Sp.264b (def.), 04475, 04479, 04481 (def.), 04536 (2), 04539 (def.), 04540, 04543, 04559 (def.), 04562 (3 Ex.), 04572 (def.), 04574 (def.), 04599, 04600, 04512 (3), 04612, 04625, 04626, 04647, 04654, 04674, 04681, 04686, 04689 (2 Ex.), 04692 (def.), 04709, 04712, 04726, 04732, 04735, 04743, 04749 (def.), 04754 (def.), 04804, 04810 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04822, 04823, 04830, 04864 (def.), 04866, 04880 (2 Ex.), 04890 (2), 04904 (def.), 04916 (Perg., def.), 04942, 4 Sp.573a (2 Ex.), 04952 (def.), 04954 (def.), 4 Sp.586b, 04964, 04965, 04966, 04968, 04975, 04989, 05061, 05062 (def.), 05064, 05068, 05075, 05400 (def.), 05423, 5 Sp.408b, *05504 (4., Bl. 409ff. fehlen), 05513 (3.6-9), 05149, 05196, 05242 (def.), 05259 (4-7), 05260 (2.4.5), 05261 (def.), 05342 (def.), 5 Sp.303a (def.), 05523, *05533, 05543, 5 Sp.554c, 0558520N, 05601, 05605, 05620, 05628, 5 Sp.603a, 05657, 05746 (def.), 05752, 05753 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Tab. fehlt), 05757, 05758, 05759, 05761, 05778, 05779, 05780, 05788, 05789 (def.), 5 Sp.688a (def.), 5 Sp.688b (def.), 5 Sp.688c, 5 Sp.697b, 05802, 05810, 05818, 05823, 05826, 05829, 05832 (2 Ex.), 05837 (def.), 05863, 05864, 05865, 05869 (def.), 05871 (def.), 05874, 05876 (def.), 05877 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05880 (3 Ex.), 05887, 05895, 05896 (def.), 05905, 05906, 05917 (def.), 05918, 05928, 05934, 05939 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 6 Sp. 79a (2 Ex.), 05941, 05959, 05964, 05967, 05993 (def.), 06003 (2 Ex.), 06004, 06020, 06032 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 1, def.2. Ex. 23. Ex. 4, def.), 06039 (3), 06040, 06042 (def.), 06049, 06054, 06058, 06066 (2 Ex.), 06070, 06074 (def.), 06075, 06099, 06120, 06160, 6 Sp.221a (2 Ex.), 06163 (3 Ex.), 06165, 06166 (3 Ex.), 6 Sp.226a, 6 Sp.226b (2 Ex.), 06168, 06215, 6 Sp.247a, 06222 (2 Ex.), 06278, 06280, 06285, 06364 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 06369 (def.), 06385, 06406, 06443, 06448, 06457, 06487, 06510, 06541, 06542, 06553 (def.), 06646, 06647, 06649, 06676 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. 1, def.5. Ex. 3, def.), 06677, 06682 (def.), 06688, 06689, 6 Sp.494a, 6 Sp.496a (2 Ex.), 6 Sp.499b, 6 Sp.500a, 07024, 06709, 06728, 06735, 06740, 06790, 06796, 06806, 06834, 06854, 06859, 06883 (2), 06885, 06899, 06900, 06902, 06922, 06977, 07046, 07052, 07060, 07061, 07068, 07085, 07108, 07113 (2 Ex.), 07114, 07123, 07164, 07193, 07194, 07195 (2 Ex.), 07196, 07200, 07203 (2 Ex.), 07207, 07211, 07218 (2 Ex.), 07219, 07223 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07225, 07227 (def.), 07232, 07287 (2 Ex.), 6 Sp.829a (def.), 0731910N, 07409 (def.), 07410, 07413, 07418, 07420, 07421, 07423, 07424, 07476, 07487, 07493, 07496 (def.), 07500, 07503, 07551, 07569, 07571, 07573 (2 Ex.), 07576 (2 Ex.), 07600, 07611 (def.), 07622, 07630, 07652 (def.), 07657 (Fragm.), 07660, 07680 (def.), 07682, 07704, 07708, 07712, 07726, 07729, 07734, 07786, 07787, 07789, 07790, 07806 (def.), 07808, 07811 (2 Ex.), 07816 (def.), 07817, 07821 (2 Ex.), 07825, 07836, 07842, 07884, 07885, 07888 (2 Ex.), 07893, 07957 (2 Ex.), 07958, 07973, 08005, 0800720N, 08047, 08085, 08087, 08125, 08135, 7 Sp.327c, 08163, 08173 (def.), 08205, 08256, 08257, 7 Sp.377c (def.), 08261, 08280, 08286, 08305, 7 Sp.403a, 7 Sp.415a, [08347], 08348 (def.), 08354 (def.), 08363, 08369, 08371, 08381, 08384, 08396, 08404, 08409, 7 Sp.451a (3 Ex.), 08423, 08424, 08426, 08429 (def.), 08435 (def.), 08437, 7 Sp.474a (def.), 08510, 08640, 08648 (1), 08655, 0904510N (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09052, 09068 (2 Ex.), 09073 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 23. Ex. 34. Ex. 4), 09102, 09106, 09110 (def.), 09119, 09120, 09122 (def.), 09129, 09139 (def.), 09148, 09277, 09324, 09334, 09364, 09367 (2 Ex.), 09368, 09374, 09391, 09392 (2 Ex.), 09426 (3 Ex.), 09428, 09431 (def.), 09432, 09433, 09435, 09437, 09438 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 8 Sp.123b (2 Ex.), 09441, 09443, 09445, 09457 (def.), 0948920, 09490 (def.), 09529 (3), 09531, 09633, 09638, 09639, 09647, 09690, *0972230, 09733?, 09735, 09738, 09788, 09800 (def.), 09806 (Bl. 3 u. 8 fehlen), 09811, 09833 (Bl. 17–40), 09835 (def.), 09848, 09865 (def.), 09870, 09873 (2 Ex.), 8 Sp.412a (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 09887 (Bl. 93 u. 94 fehlen), 09980, 09981 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09982, 8 Sp.470a, 09988, 10013 (Bl. 58–64 fehlen), 10041 (1), 10042 (2), 10056, 10091, 10092 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10171, 10184, 10228, 〈10230〉, 10242, *10249, 10255, 10262, 10310, 10313, 10314, 10335, 10423, 9 Sp.209a, 10424 (Bl. 1 u. 2 def.), 10431, 10434 (3 Ex.), 10436 (def.), 10438 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. 2), 10449, 10451, 10452, 10453 (2 Ex.), 10454, 10455, 10456, 10461 (4 Ex.), 10466 (2 Ex.), 10482 (def.), 10491, 10507, 10519, 10534, 10536, 10538, 10544, 1054920, 10549, 10562 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 10593 (def.), 〈10644 (def.)〉, 10647 (def.), 10665, 10674, 10704, 10713 (def.), 10714, 10715 (1.2), 10716 (1–3.Inv.), 〈10717 (1)〉, 10726 (2 Ex.), 10729, 10741, 10746, 10752 (2 Ex.), 10766, 10770 (Besitzv. 14.XII.1486), *10780, 10822, *10825, 10837, *10873 (2 Ex.), 10886, 10906, 10925 (2 Ex.), 10928, *10931, 10933 (Bl. 98 fehlt), 10949, 10961, 10963 (def.), 11108 (Fragm.), *11118, *11286, 11340, 11345, 11346 (2 Ex.), 11351, 11354 (Bl. 2 def.), 11357 (def.), 11362, 11363, 11364, 11375 (def.), 11397, 11402, 10 Sp. 62d, 11416, 11419 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 11421, 11433, 11437, 11438, 11448, 11449, 11455 (Fragm.), 11457, 11459 (def.), 11466, 11496 (Fragm.), 11503 (5 Ex. , 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def., 5. Ex. def.), 11505, 11511, 11521, 11527 (Bl. 12 u. 13 fehlen), 11550, 11570, 10 Sp.260a, 11712, 11714, 11725, 11735, 11738, 11739 (Bl. 1, 123 u. 124 fehlen), 11740, 11754, 11777 (def.), 11826, 11841, 11844, 11849, 10 Sp.366b (2 Ex.), 11854, 11861, 11862, 11866, 11872, 10 Sp.393c, 11892, 11902, 11903 (def.), 11905 (2 Ex.), 11907 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), 11908, 11909, 11910, 11911 (2 Ex.), 11912, 11913, 11914, 11916 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. def.), 11917, 11918 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 11919, 11920, 11943, 11947, 11984 (def.), 11985, 10 Sp.504b, 12027, 12028, 12038, 12039, 12040, 12050, 12063, 12066, 12109 (def.), 12114 (2, def.), 12117, 12139, 12188, 12189, 12192, 12193, 12200 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 12203, 12207, 12221, 12227, 12233 (def.), 12258, 12293, 12294, 12303 (def.), 12312, 12318, 12323, 12342 (1, def.), 12363, 12369, 12405, 12409 (def.), 12422 (def.), ehem. 12426, 12430 (3 Ex.), 12432, 12433, 12436, 12437, 11 Sp. 86a, 12592, 12621 (1), 12622 (1, Perg., def.), 12649 (def.), 12668 (3), 12778, 11 Sp.287a, 11 Sp.307a, 12822, 12823, 12847, 12851, 12889, 12890 (3 Ex.), 12891 (Bl. 1–12 u. 210–217 fehlen), 12892, 12893, 12913, 12927 (1), 12929, 12941, *13110 (Perg.), *13147 (Perg. Bl. 1 u. Lage B radiert), *13184, *13234 (Perg. Bl. 16, 27, 28, 46, 58, 64, 85, 95 u. 100 fehlen), *13273 (Perg.), *13281 (4, Bl. 9 fehlt), *13297 (Perg.), *13309 (Perg.), 11 Sp.654a (Perg.), ehem. 13326 (Perg. def.), 13396, 13466 (2 Ex.), 13468, 13473, 13548 (def.), 13551 (def.), 13557, 13565, 12 Sp. 27b, 13571, 13578, 13611 (2 Ex.), 13614, 13625, 13627, 13628, 13631, 12 Sp. 82b†, 13650, 13684 (Fragm. Bl. 1, 2, 7 u. 8), 13688 (Fragm. Bl. 3–6), 13691 (Bl. 1–8 fehlen), 13714, 13771 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13786, 13849, 13852, 12 Sp.250a, 13860, 13889 (2 Ex.), 13904, 13910, 13936, 13974 (def.), 14004 (def.), 14025, 14029 (def.), 14038, 14040 (def.), 14048 (def.), 14074, 14077, 12 Sp.M10953, 14125 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 14126, 14127 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 14128 (3 Ex.), 14130 (4 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 270 fehlt), 14146, 12 Sp.M23108 (def.), 14162, 14173 (def.), M12084, M12149, M12144, M12146, M12150, M12151 (Bl. 36 fehlt), M12161 (2 Ex.), M12454, M12471, M12473 (2 Ex.), M12482 (Bl.86–102 fehlen), M12484, M12496 (Fragm. Bl. 1–16), M12563, M12625, M12634, M12666, M1310810 (def.), M13158, M13174, M13471, M13300 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 138–141 fehlen), M13431, M13549, M13622, M13784, M13811, M13992 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M07737, M14017, M14183 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M14218, M14221, M14223, M14225, M07818, M07854, M07845, M14294 (Variante), M14331, M12748 (2 Ex.), M14493, M14495 (def.), M14614 (2 Ex.), M14635, M14654, M14661, M14697, M14717 (def.), M14758, M14801, M14882 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M14996, M15123 (def.), M15120, M15130 (def.), M15153, M15175 (def.), M15198 (def.), M15200 (def.), M15295, M15297, M15304, M15279, M15258, M15260, M15263 (def.), M15267 (def.), M15544, M15580, M15590, M15620, M15621, M15633, M15637, M15748 (nur Defensio), M1588950, M15848 (def.), M15936 (2 Ex.), M16122, M16165, M16181, M16283, M16310, M16544, M16546, M16597, M1670210 (Bl. 33 fehlt), M16701, M16842 (3 Ex.), M16845, M16871, M16911, M16915, M16917 (def.), M16987, M17000, M16951, M17099 (def.), M17137, M17187 (def.), M17230, M17249, M17329, M17330, M17331, M17358, M17472, M0983020, M2094920, M3841310, M11217 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M17647, M17653, M17678 (def.), M17800, M17884, M17886 (def.), M17915, M17918 (2 Ex.), M17974, M18050 (37 Bl.), M08329, M18252, M18340, M18341, M18351, M18353, M18360 (def.), M18368, M18370, M18428, M18467 (1.3), M18452, M18501 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1, def.2. Ex. 3), M18515, M18597, M18631, M18650, M19545, M18767 (def.), M1876810, M18803, M18859, M18880, M18906 (def.), M19135, M19139, M19197, M19206, M19227, M19256, M19266 (def.), M19323, M19325, M19426, M19463 (def.), M19483 (2 Ex.), M19494, M19550, M19556, M19651 (def.), M19654, M19702, M19775, M19776, M1977910, M19788, M19791, M19837 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M19845, M1985210, M19854, M19860, M19864 (2 Ex.), M19865, M19866, M19869, M19878 (3 Ex.), M1995320, M19969, M1997420 (Bl. c1 u. f6 fehlen), M19992, M19996, M20016 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M20047, M20060 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M20071 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M20104, M01844 (2 Ex.), M20191, M20278, M20303, M2037834 (3 Ex.), M2037854, M2037880, M2037872, M20396 (def.), M20401, M20400, M20557 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M2060720, M20626, M20631, M20508, M20509, M20514 (Fragm. Bl. o3), M20527, M20797 (2 Ex.), M20807, M20813, M20819 (def.), M21065 (Lagen a-g fehlen), M21160 (1.2), M21236 (def.), M21284, M21307 (3 Ex.), M21392, M21426, M21433, M21451, M21477, M21487, M21488 (def.), M21494, M21545, M21585, M2161920, M21651, M47299, M21698, M21728, M21750, M21755, M21833, M21891 (def.), M21894, M22164, M22169, M22253, M22256, M19890, M22289, M22395 (def.), M22434, M22498 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M22509 (def.), M2251120 (def.), M15113, M22662 (def.), M22678, M03867 (2 Ex.), M12579, M22908, M22911 (Perg.), M22958, M23036, M23054, M23073 (def.), M23074, M23188 (def.), M23249 (def.), M23251, M23225 (def.), M2332840, M23539, M23908 (def.), M24081, M24131 (def.), M24165 (def.), M24319 (def.), M24473 (def.), M24597 (def.), M24606 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M24790, M25068, M25122, M25176, M25182, M25213 (def.), M25256 (1–3), M25282 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M25321, M25368 (Fragm.), M25353, M25448 (def.), M25512 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), M25521 (def.), M25552 (def.), M25737, M2582010, M25905, M25935, M25944, M25982, M25986, M26156 (2 Ex.), M26179 (Bl. B3 u. B4 fehlen), M06817, M26225, M26233, M26244, M26271, M26274 (def.), M26316, M26334, M48239, M26345, M26367 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26425, M26435, M26453 (def.), M25196, M26523 (def.), M26694 (2 Ex.), M26699, M26810, M26843 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26846 (def.), M26870, M26873, M26882, M26891, M26892, M26900, M26912, M26954 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26961, M27028, M27031, M27050, M27079, M27086 (def.), M27098, M00868, M27218 (def.), M27220 (2 Ex.), M27222, M27225, M27232, M27450, M27481, M02767, *M27586, M27591, M27630 (Bl. 6 fehlt), M27642, M27683, M27716 (2 Ex.), M2778420, M27786, M27842, M27856, M28140 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M28168 (def.), M2816820, M28220 (def.), M28225, M28339, M28342, M28354 (def.), M28390 (def.), M28413, M28416, M28561 (2, def.), M28588 (def.), M28590 (def.), M28882, M28940 (def.), M28969, M29126, M29146, M29147, M29202, M29177 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), M29225, M29274, M29305, M29395, M29444, M29612 (def.), M29704, M29707, M2981905, M29826, M29841, M29864 (2 Ex.), M29866, M29969, M29974, M30029, M30091, M3011750, M30132, M30155, M30172, M30230, M30267, M30270, M30304, M30322, M30335, M30349, M30357, M30365, M30379, M3077410, M31080, M31090, M31195, M31215, M31239 (def.), M31325, M31357, M3136210, M31416, M31546 (2 Ex.), M31563, M31568, M31658 (def.), M31680 (def.), M31705, M31751, M31867, M31924, M31928 (2 Ex.), M31951 (2 Ex.), M31954, M31974 (7), M31984 (2 Ex.), M31991, M32009, M32018, M31948, M31950, M32023, M32028, M32782, M32092, M32107, M32145, M32165 (def.), M32192, M32208, M32213, M31820, M32271, M02555 (def.), M32315, M32343, M32509, M32527 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 13. Ex. 4), M32595 (1.5), M32627 (2 Ex.), M32696, M32712, M32767, M32774, M32865, M32908, M32915, M32950 (2 Ex.), M32951, M32990, M33019, M33024 (def.), M33027, M33075 (def.), M33089, M33123, M33160, M33164, M33276, M33284 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33315, M33326 (def.), M33328, M32617 (def.), M33370, M33384, M33438, M33488, M33502, M33511, M33512, M33557, M33623 (def.), M33635, M33650, M33663, M33666, M33680, M33692, M33695, M33699 (3 Ex.), M33753, M33756, M33798, M33807, M33812 (Lage o), M00817, M33873, M33881, M33883 (2 Ex.), M33912 (def.), M33918, M33934, M33959, M34001, M34152 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M34159, M34295, M34312, M34317, M34326, M34329, M34352, M34353, M34374 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M05434, M34435, M34457, M34480, M34488, M34492, M34571, M34587, M34675, M34724 (Lage a1 fehlt), M34727, M34796, M34940, M34943, M34934, M35018 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M35253, M35389, M35391, M35396, M35459 (def.), M35543, M01795, M35872, M36028, M36219, M36272, M36301 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.3. Ex. Perg. def.), M36372 (Karten), M36374, M36388, M36394 (2 Ex.), M36425, M36443, M36431 (def.), M36435, M36533, M3655810 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), *M3683605 (Perg.), M36820, M36936 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M36986 (2 Ex.), M3704460 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M37142, M36908 (def.), M36911 (def.), M37425, M37427, M37436, M37503, M3751310 (Fragm.), M37523, M37533 (Tab.), M37552 (2 Ex.), M37560 (2 Ex.), M37564, M37820, M37904, M37909, M37916, M37923, M37939, M37942, M37945, M38002, M38028, M38030, M38103, M38123, M38140 (3 Ex.), M38266 (def.), M38279, M38317, M38458 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M38463 (def.), M38480, M38492 (def.), M38498, M38517, M38526, M38566 (def.), M38678, M38685 (def.), M38689 (def.), M38715 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M38735, M38767, M38798, M38801, M38803, M38827 (Fragm.), M38895 (Bl. 56 fehlt), M38959, M38963 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M39047, M39062 (def.), M39081 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. 13. Ex. 14. Ex. 15. Ex. 2), M39143, M39146, M39220, M39255, M39259, M39264 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M39282, M39322, M39337, M39342, M39347, M39349, M39370, M39444, M39578, M39595, M39802, M39827 (3 Ex.), M39858, M39997 (def.), M40307, M40359, M40360, M40368, M40472, M40575, M40576, M40586, M40598, M40604, M40608, M40622, M40676, M40784 (2 Ex.), M40786, M40888, M40893, M40999, M41055 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M41144 (letztes Bl. fehlt), M41203 (4 Bl. fehlen), M41235, M41240, M41242, M41245 (2 Ex.), M41369, M41329, M41531, M4153420, M41565, M41702 (def.), M41752, M41759, M41771 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41783, M41784, M41805 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M41808, M41815 (Fragm.), M41816 (def.), M41817, M41827, M41841, M41882, M44601 (def.), M41999, M42001, M42010, M42023, M42095, M42113 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. letztes Bl. fehlt), M42160, M42163, M42190, M42220, M42270, M42283 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M42290 (def.), M42298, M42415, M42631 (def.), M42636, M42674, M42724, M42732, M42742, M42748, M42761, M42765, M42768, M42810 (def.), M42820 (def.), M42828, M42949, M42999, M43138, M43172, M43209 (2 Ex.), M43211, M43216, M43336 (def.), M43348, M43402, M43408, M43409, M43481, M43623, M43695, M43708 (def.), M43753, M43754, M43614, M43761, M43924 (def.), M43943, M44052 (def.), M44121, M44164, M44225, M44253 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M4425410, M44268 (2 Ex.), M44348, M44405 (def.), M44543, M44551, M44553, M44584, M44837, M44748, M44750, M44982, M44986 (4), M44990 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 52. Ex. 5), M45018, M45225 (def.), M45227, M4529410, M45291, M4529420, M45374, M45384, M45432, M45481 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M45330, M45687 (2 Ex.), M45689 (def.), M45693 (def.), M45726, M45742, M45804, M45823, M45828, M45831, M45882, M45954, M45966 (def.), M4598120 (def.), M45988, M45990, M46023 (def.), M46089, M46094 (def.), M46101, M46109, M46116, M46154, M46161, M46201, M46209, M46211, M46216, M46243, M46331, M46335, M46369, M46378 (2 Ex.), M46390 (def.), M46394, M46403, M46421, M46436 (def.), M46535, M46580, M46589, M46593, M46595, M46615 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. letztes Bl. fehlt), M46720, M46717, M46764, M46780, M46804, M46836, M46848 (def.), M46920 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M46954, M47021 (def.), M47024, M47031, M47037 (def.), M47056, M47191, M47193, M47196 (2 Ex.), M47219, M47223, M47229 (3 Ex.), M47239, M24957, M24968, M24974, M24979, M47359 (Fragm.), M47420, M47540 (def.), M47568, M47578, M47624, M47628 (def.), M47652, M47828 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Ex. 5.6), M47960 (1.2), M48182 (3 Ex.), M48202, M48203, M48206, M48229, M48279, M48328, M48333, M48338, M48355, M48366, [M48379], M48381, M48389, M48397 (def.), M48401, M48430, M48447, M48536 (def.), M48586, M48613 (1), M48622, M48629, M48638, M48655, M48690, M48781, M48799 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M48932, M4895820, M48998, M49002 (3 Ex.), M49029 (2 Ex.), M49060, M49066, M49180, M49194, M49365 (2 Ex.), M49369 (2 Ex.), M49385, M49388, M49412 (def.), M49427, M49450, M49461 (teilweise Perg.), M49462, M49491, M49540 (def.), M49593, M49601 (2 Ex.), M49656, M49684, M49963, M50046, M50274 (def.), M5033720, M50365, M50389, M5044810, M50512, M50551, M50558, M50560, M50566, M50576 (2 Ex.), M50593, M50598 (1.2.4), M50625, M50639, M50621, M50780, M46633 (3 Ex.), M50865 (def.), M50868, M50876 (def.), M50877 (def.), M50880, M50912 (def.), M50988, M51000, M51021, M51040, M5127010, M51275 (2 Ex.), M51346, M51432 (def.), M51436, M51533, M51596, M51603, M51640 (def.), M51707, M51743, M51747, M51861, M51987, M51996, M52003, M52006, M25614, M52016, M52020, M52034
MDutuit — Musée des beaux-arts de la Ville de Paris, Collection Dutuit: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
MHistNatur — Musée national d’histoire naturelle, Bibliothèque centrale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 10091, 12140, 12268, 13549 (def.), M12141, M09764, M34342, M37353
[MLettr] — [Musée des lettres et manuscrits]: Privatbesitz, 2015 beschlagnahmt
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: ehem. 14125
MLouvre — Musée du Louvre: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
MMoyenAge — Musée national de moyen age: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 00930, *13282
Observat — Observatoire: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 09392 (2 Ex.), 09880 (2 Ex.), 09981, M14583
Sem [ehem. SemSSulp] — Séminaire des prêtres de Saint-Sulpice, Bibliothèque du Séminaire: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
SemSocMiss — Société des Missions étrangères, Bibliothèque du Séminaire: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 04735, 07410, 8 Sp.381a, 13578, M26538 (Fragm.), M4567410
SocHistProtest — Bibliothèque de la Société de l’histoire du protestantisme français: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Parkminster (West Sussex, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
Kart — Library of the St. Hugh’s Charterhouse
Parma (Parma)/Italien
Arch — Archivio di Stato
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 07885, M4373910
Benedikt — Monastero San Giovanni Evangelista
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 02104 (def.), 04046, 12470, M16557, M37614
BPalat — Biblioteca Palatina
Erfasster Bestand 1745 Ausgaben: 00113 (2 Ex.), 00114, 00126, 00140 (2 Ex.), 00174, 00270 (2 Ex.), 00310, 00333, 00335, 00341 (3 Ex.), 00342, 0038610N, 00393, 00395, 00441, 0046010N (Bl. 24 fehlt), 00472 (Bl. k2 fehlt), 00521, 00531, 00570, 00579 (2 Ex.), 00580, 00766, 00769, 00586, 00588, 00589 (Bl. 1-6 fehlen), 00594, 00604, 00613, 00677, 00680, 00682 (2 Ex.), 00684, 00686, 00688, 00691 (def.), 00712, 00717, 00784, 00795 (def.), 00798, 00837 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 00840 (2 Ex.), 00844 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00863, 00867, 00870 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 00871 (4, def.), 00881, 00983 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 00986, 01257, 01258 (2 Ex.), 01268, 01583, 01595, 01596, 01601, 01605, 01611, 01612 (2 Ex.), 01613, 01638, 01654 (Bl. 30 u. 143 fehlen), 01661 (def.), 01662 (3 Ex.), 01667, 01668, 01689, 01737, 01793, 01794, 01923, 01924, 01934 (2 Ex.), 01939, 01947, 01963, 02015 (4 Ex.), 02016 (2 Ex.), 02046, 02048 (Bl. 273 fehlt), 02185 (1.3.4), 02187 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-32. Ex. 1-33. Ex. 2.3), 02191 (5), 02195 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 02196 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), 02203 (Bl. 2 fehlt), 02069, 02070 (2 Ex.), 02074, 02075, 02079 (Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), 02084, 02088, 02103, 02104, 02106, 02118, 02139 (2 Ex.), 02140, 02141, 02157 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 02162, 02173, 02206 (def.), 02258, 02267, 02268 (2 Ex.), 02271 (2 Ex.), 02290 (2 Ex.), 02292, 02293 (2 Ex.), 02294, 02295 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), 02334 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), 02336, 02350, 02379, 02437, 02452, 02521, 02526, 02528, 02621 (Lage d fehlt), 02623, 02624 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 02625, 02650, 02740 (2 Ex.), 02749, 02757, 02760, 02764, 02837, 02838, 02861, 0294910 (Bl. 1-10 fehlen), 02970, 03000 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 2 fehlt), 03001, 03004 (2 Ex.), 03005, 03007 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 03009, 03010 (2 Ex.), 03015, 03019, 02863, 02864, 02866 (3 Ex.), 02867 (2 Ex.), 02869 (2 Ex.), 02874 (def.), 02876, 02877, 02878, 02879 (2 Ex.), 02880 (3 Ex.), 02881, 02884 (Bl. 364 fehlt), 02887, 02888, 02889, 02890, 02892 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 02893, 02894, 02906, 02910 (def.), 02915, 02917, 02923, 02926, 02928, 03050, 03053, 03091, 03092, 03094 (2 Ex.), 03113, 03115 (, 03130, 03155, 03173, 03174, 03182, 03188, 03195, 03201, 03237 (2 Ex.), 03244, 03246 (2 Ex.), 03253, 03260, 03276 (2 Ex.), 03287, 03290, 03302, 03304, 03317, 03321 (Bl. 408 fehlt), 03324 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1-4 fehlen), 03325, 03326, 03341, 03342 (2 Ex.), 03387, 3 Sp.402a (2 Ex.), 03449, 03450, 03508, 03663, 3 Sp.547a, 03670 (def.), 03675, 03743, 03798 (2 Ex.), 03802 (def.), 03806, 03810, 03812 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 03819 (2 Ex.), 03824, 03850 (def.), 03862, 03880, 03890, 03906, 03907, 03908 (2 Ex.), 03926, 03939, 03945, 04046, 04047, 04052 (2 Ex.), 04053, 04054, 04090, 04091, 04096, 04099 (3 Ex.), 04113, 04117 (2 Ex.), 04126 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 04127, 04130, 04132, 04133, 04138 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04143, 04144, 04172 (def.), 04175, 04179, 04183, 04198, 04199 (Perg.), 04200 (Perg. def.), 04217 (def.), 04218 (2 Ex.), 04219 (def.), 04222 (3 Ex.), 04224 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04225, 04228, 04231 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04233 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt3. Ex. Fragm.), 04238 (Bl. 1, 10 u. 11 fehlen), 04241 (2 Ex.), 04255 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 04263 (2 Ex.), 04269 (2 Ex.), 04271 (2 Ex.), 04274 (Bl. 451–456 fehlen), 04276, 04278 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04280 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04282 (2 Ex.), 04283, 04286 (3), 04287 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-3. 1 def.2. Ex. 1.2. 1 def.), 04291, 04295 (Bl. 402–406 fehlen), 04296 (Bl. 2 fehlt), 04298 (Bl. 2 fehlt), 04301, 04303, 04312, 0434605N, 04357, 04358, 04361, 04374, 04376, 04407, 04408, 04410, 04419, 04420 (2 Ex.), 04423 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 04424, 04425, 04439, 04455 (2 Ex.), 04456, 04468, 04476, 04477, 04478 (2 Ex.), 04479, 04494 (Fragm.), 04544 (2 Ex.), 04554, 04565, 04599, 04511, 04512 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2 fehlt2. Ex. 3 fehlt), 04647, 04648, 04654 (1), 04659 (2 Ex.), 04748 (Bl. 2 fehlt), 04768, 04773, 04779, 04780, 04792, 04794, 04796, 04810 (def.), 04833, 04841, 04850, 04852, 04864, 04874, 04876, 04895, 04901, 04924, 04926, 04936, 04938, 04952, 04954 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1-4 fehlen), 04955, 04956, 04957 (def.), 04958 (2 Ex.), 04959 (2 Ex.), 05054, 05061, 05062, 05068 (Bl. 140 fehlt), 05080 (def.), 05082 (def.), 05120 (def.), 05181 (Bl. 491 fehlt), 05215 (Perg. def.), 05251, 05530, 05556, 05600, 05601, 05603, 05604, 05607 (3 Ex.), 05612, 05613, 05625, 05630, 05652, 05657, 05659 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 1-4 fehlen2. Ex. Bl. 1-4 fehlen), 05780, 05794, 05795 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05796, 05802, 05804, 05807, 05816 (def.), 05828 (def.), 05866, 05869, 05870 (3 Ex.), 05883, 05884 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 05889, 05892, 05893, 05924, 05939 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05949, 05952, 05973, 05975, 05982, 05993 (2 Ex.), 06004, 06005, 06009, 06018, 06020 (2 Ex.), 06039, 06043, 06047, 06064, 06068 (2 Ex.), 06083, 06088, 06095, 06101, 06113, 06115 (def.), 06129 (def.), 06133, 06156, 06157, 06160, 06161, 06163, 06166, 06168, 06211, 06218 (2 Ex.), 06219 (2 Ex.), 06222 (4 Ex.), 06225 (2 Ex.), 06226 (2 Ex.), 06277, 06284, 06375, 06387 (1-3), 06390, 06400, 06401, 06402, 06406 (2 Ex.), 06407, 06413, 06414 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06415, 06416, 06421, 06423 (Bl. 120 fehlt), 06424 (2 Ex.), 06426 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06427, 06431, 06435, 06438, 06439, 06443, 06447, 06449, 06452, 06456, 06471, 06473 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06514 (def.), 06515, 06540, 06598, 06602, 06606 (def.), 06607, 06608, 06610 (def.), 06613, 06709, 06714, 06728, 06729, 06733 (Perg.), 06739 (1), 06740 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06743 (def.), 06750, 06762, 06766, 06769, 06815, 06823, 06831, 06832 (def.), 06840, 06844, 06847, 06860 (2 Ex.), 06888 (Bl. 65 fehlt), 06890 (Bl. 81 fehlt), 06892, 06905 (def.), 06906, 06926, 06930, 06934, 06936, 06937, 06948 (1), 06963, 07059, 07060, 07061, 07062 (2 Ex.), 6 Sp.698a, 07103, 07112 (def.), 07123, 07159, 07186, 07192, 07193, 07195, 07197, 07213, 07218, 07219 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 07223 (4 Ex.), 07242, 07338, 07349, 07420, 07547, 07548, 07550, 07551, 07580, 07585, 07593, 07629 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 07704, 07750, 07793, 07814, 07815 (def.), 07818, 07828 (def.), 07869, 07872, 07873, 07874, 07875, 07876, 07877 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07883, 07884, 07885, 07958, 07964 (2 Ex.), 07966, 07967 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 07968, 07969, 07970, 07971 (def.), 07973 (2 Ex.), 08038, 08039, 08056, 08066, 08082 (Bl. 1 u. 26 fehlen), 08160, 08170 (def.), 08171, 08172, 08173, 08194, 08227, 08236, 08274, 08327, 08328 (2 Ex.), 08370, 08372 (2 Ex.), 08374, 08375 (def.), 08376, 08377, 08378, 08379 (3 Ex.), 08380, 08381 (3 Ex.), 08382 (def.), 08383, 08384, 08385, 08397, 08404, 08407, 08423, 08425, 08426, 08427, 08435 (Bl. 175-184 fehlen), 08511 (Perg. def.), 08530 (Fragm.), 08570, 08571, 08587, 08636 (2 Ex.), 08638, 08647, 09022, 09032 (Fragm.), 09035, 09059, 09064, 09065, 09068, 09075 (4), 09079, 09089, 09091, 09105 (def.), 09109, 09112, 09115 (2 Ex.), 09119 (2 Ex.), 09133, 09331 (2 Ex.), 09332, 09333 (Bl. 1-4), 09367, 09392, 09426, 09428 (2 Ex.), 09429, 09431, 09432, 09433 (2 Ex.), 09437 (3 Ex.), 09443 (6 Ex.), 09444, 09445 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09451 (2 Ex.), 09456 (def.), 09460, 09463 (def.), 09469, 09482 (Bl. 23–28 fehlen), 09532, 09536 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 0973050N (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09802, *09827, 09807, 09826, 09834, 09845, 09849, 09861, 09864, 09873 (3 Ex.), 09876, 09877, 09878, 09881, 09882 (2 Ex.), 09884, 09888, 09932, 09950 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09953, 09966, 09968, 09981 (5 Ex. , 4. Ex. def., 5. Ex. def.), 10026, 10039, 10040 (def.), 10043, 10047, 10097 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 10203, 10217, 10229, 10276 (2 Ex.), 10297, 10302, 10308 (def.), 10408, 10409, 10410 (2 Ex.), 10423, 10434 (2 Ex.), 10437 (2 Ex.), 10453, 10562 (def.), 10593 (def.), 10596, 10597, 10602, 10612 (def.), 10615 (def.), 10644, *10658, 10665, 10668, 10687, 10688 (2.3. 3 def.), 10689, 10716, 10945, 10970, 10982 (1, def.), 11331 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 124 fehlt), 11340, 11352, 11354 (def.), 11355, 11360, 11365, 11372, 11380, 11385, 11401 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 11408, 11411, 11422 (2 Ex.), 11429, 11433 (Bl. 369–382 fehlen), 11435 (2 Ex.), 11436 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 11437 (def.), 11438 (2 Ex.), 11446, 11449, 11450 (def.), 11478 (def.), 11480, 11489, 11494 (3 Ex.), 11584, 11586, 11588, 11595, 11596, 11598, 11601, 11738 (Bl. 2 fehlt), 11794, 11797, 11824, 11841, 11900, 11909, 11911, 11916, 12000, 12054, 12091, 12093, 12109, 12114 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 3, def.), 1211510N (Perg.), 12117 (2 Ex.), 12268 (Bl. 1 u. 4 fehlen), 12276, 12278 (def.), 12310, 12312 (def.), 12318 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 12319 (2 Ex.), 12323, 12324, 12325 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 12340 (1–4), 12380 (2 Ex.), 12392 (def.), 12394, 12409 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 81 u. 86 fehlen), 12419 (def.), 12421 (1, def.), 12423 (2, def.), 12426 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 12429, 12430 (def.), 12432, 12435 (3 Ex.), 11 Sp. 56a (3 Ex.), 12437, 12441, 12451 (2.3.7), 12466, 12480, 12481, 12482, *12507 (Bl. 34 fehlt), 12615 (def.), 12747, 12779, 12895, 12898 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 12904 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 8 fehlt), 12908, 12910 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 12928 (def.), 13037, 13107 (Perg.), 13250 (Perg.), 13253 (Perg.), 13301 (Perg.), 13315 (Perg.), 13346 (Perg. Bl. 1–13, 54, 55, 72, 73, 97, 98, 100, 101 u. 124 fehlen), 13370 (Perg.), 13385 (Perg. Bl. 121 fehlt), 13396, 13452, 13456 (1, Bl. 141 fehlt), 13457, 13458 (3 Ex.), 13460, 13462, 13463, 13466, 13550 (def.), 13580 (def.), 13587, 13633 (Bl. 1 u. 10 fehlen), 13639 (Bl. 100 u. 103 fehlen), 13646 (Bl. 53 u. 54 fehlen), 13671, 13678 (3 Ex.), 13679 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 13680 (def.), 13754, 13755 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg. def., 2. Ex. def.), 13756, 13758 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13759 (Bl. 32 fehlt), 13760, 13765 (1.2), 13816, 13826, 13896, 13917, 13986, 14026, 14037, 14074 (def.), 14082 (def.), 14125, 14126 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 14127, 14128, 14131, 14133 (2 Ex.), 14146 (3 Ex.), 14159, 14160, 14164, 14171, 14173, M12027, M12496, M13149, M13141, M13476 (5 Ex. 4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M13269, M13341 (2 Ex.), M13349, M13406 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M13409 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M13549 (3 Ex.), M25328, M25330, M13639, M14097, M14076 (def.), M14179 (def.), M14185, M14280 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M1502710, M14522, M14614, M14635, M14646 (2 Ex.), M14652 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M14655, M14657 (def.), M14701, M15130, M15132, M15153, M15160, M15175, M15168, M15185 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M15200 (def.), M15220, M15272 (2 Ex.), M15267, M15380, M15541, M15591 (def.), M15590, M15620 (2 Ex.), M15621, M15623, M15634, M15637, M15642, M15652, M15683 (def.), M15712, M15717, M1571710, M15723, M15730, M15772, M15787, M15780, M15790, M15822, M15829 (2 Ex.), M16036, M16415 (def.), M16552, M16557, M16561 (def.), M16563 (def.), M16566 (2 Ex.), M16694, M16696, M16701, M16704, M16705, M16708, M16707 (def.), M16718, M16892 (def.), M16905, M16976, M17000, M17099, M17118, M17137, M17174 (def.), M17185 (def.), M17371, M17376, M17639 (def.), M17804, M17800, M17805, M17807 (2 Ex.), M17808 (2 Ex.), M17816, M17831, M17905 (def.), M17924, M18044, M18048, M18050, M18341, M18351, M18470, M18467, M18473, M18477, M18486, M18515, M18518 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M18847, M18848 (3 Ex.), M18852, M18862 (2 Ex.), M18856, M18865 (2 Ex.), M18870, M18816, M18913 (2 Ex.), M1891310, M18976 (Bl. 6 fehlt), M19038, M19059 (3 Ex.), M19065, M09374 (Bl. 33, 34 u. 41 fehlen), M09385, M09391 (def.), M19142, M19176 (Bl. 222-224 fehlen), M19210, M19224, M19228, M19385, M07937 (def.), M07943, M19699, M19705 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M19707, M19775 (2 Ex.), M19776 (2 Ex.), M19785, M19796, M19825, M19834, M19842 (2 Ex.), M19845, M19878, M19921 (Perg.), M19926, M19985, M20016, M20027 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M20032, M2004010, M20042, M20060, M20071, M20097, M20100, M20437, M20449, M20557, M20568, M20626, M20630, M20631 (2 Ex.), M20799 (2 Ex.), M20813, M20814 (def.), M20824 (2 Ex.), M20827 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 227 fehlt), M20829, M20863, M20868, M21068, M21249, M21253, M21262 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M21263 (def.), M21279, M21274, M21284 (def.), M21294 (2 Ex.), M21307 (2 Ex.), M21404 (def.), M21429, M21451, M21494, M21530 (2 Ex.), M21548 (2 Ex.), M21585, M21588, M47299, M21768, M21881, M22227, M22229, M22230, M22235 (2 Ex.), M22459, M22448, M15113, M22735, M03867, M22851, M22908, M22913, M22916 (2 Ex.), M22996, M23017, M23025, M23013, M23035, M23037 (def.), M23032, M23036 (2 Ex.), M23273, M23409, M23524, M23572 (def.), M23779 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M23783, M23958, M24027, M24047 (def.), M24083 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M24117 (def.), M24127 (def.), M24165, M24503, M24606, M24653, M24784, M25212, M25213 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. Fragm.), M25293 (Bl. 17 fehlt), M25332, M43982, M25413 (2 Ex.), M2543720, M25458, M25521, M25518 (def.), M25526, M25529, M25532, M25562, M25749, M25831, M25858 (2 Ex.), M25863, M25868, M25935 (def.), M25944, M26228, M26246 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26249 (2 Ex.), M26252, M26257 (2 Ex.), M26260 (def.), M26269, M26271, M26441, M26444, M17947 (Bl. 29 fehlt), M26482, M26485, M26523, M26565, M26590, M26624, M26700, M26707, M26709, M26865, M26999, M27054, M27202, M27204 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M27212, M27218, M27220, M27225 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 13. Ex. 1), M27232, M27233, M27252 (def.), M27388 (Bl. 1–12 fehlen), M27397, M27428, M27456, M27469, M27725 (2 Ex.), M27813, M27816, *[M28092], M27926, M28104, M28124, M28128 (2 Ex.), M28208, M28413, M28420, M28424, M28570 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M28580, M28590 (2), M28601, M28636 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M28642, M28645, M28674, M28675, M28704, M28794, M28795, M28836 (def.), M28888, M28889 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M28909 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M28913, M29023 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M29037 (def.), M29066, M29100, M29126, M29147, M29177 (2 Ex.), M29244, M29272, M29282, M29304, M29305, M29364, M29570 (2 Ex.), M29841, M29959, M29967 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 250–270 fehlen2. Ex. Bl. 250–270 fehlen), M30164 (def.), M30175, M29910, M29945 (def.), M30290, M30316, M30357, M30365, M30370, M30374, M30385 (2 Ex.), M30448, M30495 (2), M30618 (Fragm.), M30624 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Perg.), M30628 (Perg. def.), M30632, M30634 (Perg. def.), M30638 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Perg.), M3064230 (Perg.), *M30643 (Perg. def.), M30648 (def.), M30649 (Fragm. 6 Bl.), M30974, M31087 (def.), M31093 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31096 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31105 (def.), M31109 (2 Ex.), M31118, M31202 (def.), M31226, M31351, M31379, M31386, M31402, M31420, M31471, M31505 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1-22 fehlen), M31546, M31618 (3 Ex.), M31653, M31656, M31663 (2 Ex.), M31670, M31680 (1), M31693, M31698, M31700 (Bl. t6 fehlt), M31705 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. M8 fehlt), M31710 (2 Ex.), M31730, M31739, M31779, M31812, M31840, M31852, M31867, M31877, M31882, M31932, M32082, M32088, M32092 (def.), M32426, M32472, M32473, M32478 (4 Ex.), M32622, M32627, M32774 (def.), M32841, M32864, M32890, M32892, M32902, M32911, M32971, M32978, M32987, M32993, M32995, M32998, M33018, M33019 (Bl. c1 fehlt), M33024 (2 Ex.), M33042, M33047, M33049, M33051, M33062, M33078, M33084, M33086 (def.), M33089, M33092, M33154, M33276 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.2, 3: Bl. 143-144 fehlen2. Ex. 1.2, 2: Fragm., 3: Bl. 143-144 fehlen3. Ex. 2: Bl. 143 u. 144 fehlen), M33321 (2 Ex.), M33308, M33322, M33319, M33328 (2 Ex.), M33334 (3 Ex.), M33525, M33656, M33660, M33672, M33676, M33684 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33685, M33688, M33697, M33699, M33756 (2 Ex.), M33808, M00807 (2 Ex.), M00828, M00831 (def.), M00836, M33873 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33883 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt4. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M33887, M33892 (2 Ex.), M33895 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 23 fehlen), M33900 (Bl. 1-4 fehlen), M33907, M33903, M33905, M33990, M34006, M34010, M34193, M34295 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1-16 fehlen), M34300, M34302, M34304 (6 Ex. 4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.6. Ex. def.), M34306, M34310 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M34317 (2 Ex.), M34321 (Bl. 1-16), M34324 (2 Ex.), M34326, M34333, M34342 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M34343 (Bl. 293 fehlt), M34345, M34351, M34352, M34357 (2 Ex.), M34361 (3 Ex.), M34374 (4 Ex.), M34416, M34436, M34461, M34466, M34480 (2 Ex.), M34484 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M34492, M34526 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M34528, M34604, M34724, M34727, M34732 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm. 12 Bl.), M34760 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M34774 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M34778 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M34781, M34782 (def.), M34784, M34785, M34787, M34819, M34840, M34876 (2 Ex.), M34879 (2 Ex.), M34892, M34897, M34904, M35068, M35371, M35384, M35389, M35395, M35396, M35399, M35441, M35527 (def.), M35529, M35691, M35717 (def.), M35723 (Fragm., 1 Bl.), M35724, M35789, M35791, M35937, M35940 (Perg. Besitzv. 18.IV.1490), M35942, M35943 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), M35945 (Fragm.), M35947 (Fragm.), M36031 (2 Ex.), M36175, M36219, M36246, M36278 (Bl. h8 fehlt), M36368, M36372 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M36374 (Tab.), M36379 (def.), M36388, M36411, M36431 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M36435, M36536 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1-4 fehlen), M36582, M36789 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M36796 (2 Ex.), M36798 (2 Ex.), M36800, M3681710, M36823, M36936, M36944 (1, def.), M36984, M36970, M37388 (2 Ex.), M37455 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M37456, M37482, M37499, M37523 (2 Ex.), M37533 (def.), M37560 (def.), M37614, M38358, M38419, M38420, M38501, M38711, M38729, M38732, M38735, M38738, M38741 (2 Ex.), M12910, M38860, M38954, M38971, M39145, M39261, M39264 (3 Ex.), M39267 (2 Ex.), M39270 (5 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M39363, M39433, M39437, M39442, M39537, M39546, M39552, M39607, M39616, M39623, M39646, M39660, M39796, M39798, M40034 (2 Ex.), M40303, M40323 (Bl. 17-22 fehlen), M40336, M40345 (def.), M40360, M40404, M40414, M40431, M40448, M40452 (Bl. 25 u. 26 fehlen), M4046910, M40495, M40511, M40536, M40550, M40556, M40597, M40631 (Fragm.), M40649 (2 Ex.), M40669, M40683, M40684, M40695, M40721, M40767, M40784 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 321-326 fehlen4. Ex. Bl. 321-326 fehlen), M40796, M40987 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg.), M41051, M41059 (2 Ex.), M41062, M41197 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M41203, M41205, M41207 (def.), M41208 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg.), M41213, M41240, M41242, M41245 (2 Ex.), M41247 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 2 u. 3 fehlen), M41287, M41292 (4 Ex.), M41304, M41368, M41425, M41430, M41439, M41442 (2 Ex.), M41444 (2 Ex.), M41518, M41533, M41891 (2 Ex.), M41873, M41877 (def.), M44604 (Bl. 57-64 fehlen), M42001, M42094 (2 Ex.), M42099, M42113, M42158, M42168, M42187, M42190, M42205 (2 Ex.), M42208, M42210, M48802 (def.), M42220, M42270, M42283 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M42288, M42290, M42792, M42813, M42816, M42823 (2 Ex.), M42830, M43038, M43136 (def.), M43138, M43216, M43264 (2 Ex.), M43268, M43271 (2 Ex.), M43274, M43280, M43294 (Bl. 172 fehlt), M43288, M43348 (Bl. 50 fehlt), M43392, M43433 (Bl. 12 fehlt), M43668, M43679, M43707, M43708, M43713, M43723 (2 Ex.), M4373910 (4 Ex.), M43740 (2 Ex.), M43761, M43764, M43767 (Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), M43822 (Perg.), M44052 (def.), M44090, M44093, M44115, M44184, M44198 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M44203 (def.), M44217 (2 Ex.), M44224, M44230, M44233, M44242, M44247 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M44253 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M44268, M44275, M44345, M44391, M44393, M44413, M44730, M44819, M44831, M44837 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M45298 (def.), M4529410, M45291, M4529420, M45441, M45481, M45648 (2 Ex.), M45669, M45748, M45754, M45823, M45831 (def.), M36356, M45901, M45920, M45925 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M06193, M45966, M45985, M45990, M46029, M46041 (def.), M46098, M46101, M46104, M46154 (2 Ex.), M46183, M46255, M46276, M46340, M46341, M46347, M46369, M46378, M46382, M46390, M46397, M46428, M46464, M46470, M46472 (def.), M46483, M46486 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46509, M46563, M46570, M46733, M46764, M46812, M46816 (def.), M46817 (def.), M46820, M46859 (2 Ex.), M46865, M46874, M46915, M46921, M46952, M46964, M46982, M46991, M47017, M47024, M47031, M47219, M47221, M47225, M47229, M47233 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M47240, M24971, M47490, M47780, M47867 (6), M48016, M48026, M48049, M48050, M48052, M48053, M48174, M48204, M48225 (def.), M48292, M48673, M48782, M48799, M49037, M49040 (def.), M49129 (def.), M49156, M49172, M49173 (Bl. 31 def., Bl. 225 fehlt, 1 Fragm), M49180, M49188, M49190, M49192 (Bl. 122 fehlt), M49254, M49277 (def.), M49299, M49313, M49317, M49365 (Bl. 1, 8, 119 u. 120 fehlen), M49414, M49436, M49457, M49495 (2 Ex.), M49497 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M49519, M49540, M49573, M49593 (2 Ex.), M49601 (2 Ex.), M49619, M49641, M49642, M49759, M49767, M49800, M50067, M50148, M50152, M50250 (def.), M50267 (def.), M50381, M50398 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M50402, M50403, M50416, M50566, M50587, M50593 (def.), M50639 (def.), M50621, M50669, M50768 (def.), M50771, M50780, M46633, M50879, M50938, M50944, M50947, M50994 (2), M51000, M51333 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M51344, M51948, M51958 (def.), M25622, M25619, M25652, M52096
C — Almo Collegio Teologico
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M4373910
ConvLuigia — Convitto Nazionale Maria Luigia
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 03907, 11372
DepStor — Deputazione di Storia Patria per le province Parmensi
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: M22735, M4373910
Kapuz — Biblioteca Adeodato Turchi dei Cappuccini: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Sem — Seminario Maggiore Vescovile
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 12235
Partanna (Trapani)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 12408
Passau (Bayern)/Deutschland
BischArch — Archiv des Bistums Passau
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: M18666, M43489
BischB [ehem. Ord] — Bischöfliche Bibliothek; Depositum in Passau SB
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 09837 (1.2), 10329, 11482, [M40784], [M40796]
BischM — Domschatz- und Diözesanmuseum
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M24626
GlasM — Glasmuseum Passau, Kochbuchsammlung
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 07827, M21102, M33900, M36352
M — OberhausMuseum
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M51416
SB [ehem. KrB] — Staatliche Bibliothek
Erfasster Bestand 307 Ausgaben: 00113, 00268, 00269, 1 Sp.127a, 00512, 00844, 01574, 01590, 01602, 01932, 01933, 02015, 02032, 02036, 02189, 02072, 02074 (1), 02084, 02130, 02132, 02139, 02260, 02764, 02934, 03030, 02890, 02909, 02912, 02916, 02925 (Rubr. 1474), 03131, 03187, 03192, 03243, 03409 (2 Ex.), 03485 (2), 03502, 03519, 03544 (2 Ex.), 03558, 03576, 03588, 03591, 03600, 03603, 03625, 03641, 03858, 03867, 03886, 03914, 03923, 03926, 03937, 04104, 04208 (2), 04216, 04218 (2 Ex.), 04270, 04282 (2 Ex.), 04290, 04300 (2), 04423, 04537, 04628 (5), 04754 (2 Ex.), 04801, 04814 (2 Ex.), 04897, 04988, 05067, 05071 (Fragm.), 05072, 05075 (def.), 05077, 05426, 05806, 05900, 06063, 06160, 06163, 06314, 06459, 06946, 06966 (def.), 07047, 07420, 07643, 07644, 07646, 07672, 07696, 07721, 07745, 07785, 07799, 07824, 07831 (Bl. 231–235 fehlen), 08318, 08327 (2 Ex.), 08430, 09046, 09123, 09334, 09437, 09439, 09444, 09835 (1.2), 09838, 09853, 09855, 09982, 10214, 10225, 10336, 10531 (1), 10713, 10714, 10903, 10945, 11396, 11415 (2 Ex.), 11418, 11429, 11448, 11451, 11459 (def.), 11487, 11514, 11546, 11553, 11727, 10 Sp.375a, 11866, 12030, 12219, 12247, 12275 (def.), 12320, 12326 (def.), 12347, 12419 (2), 12429, 12475 (def.), 12822, 12887, 12928, *12952 (Fragm. 12 Bl.), 13580, 13621, 13649, 13716, 13891, 14001, 14004, 14042, M12065, M12294, M12482 (2 Ex.), M12496, M12663, M13252, M13280, M13344, M13709, M13880, *M13959, M14112, M14106, M14114, M14122, M14123, M14132, M14176, M14579, M14646, M15153, M15168 (2 Ex.), M15330, M15263, M15783, M17009, M27564, M11362 (2), M17639, M17870, M17908 (def.), M18480, M18631, M18683, M19176, M19215, M07949, M20099, M20803, M20813, M20967, M21424, M22468, M22999 (def.), M23142, M23296, M24994, M25933, M26178, M26307, M26340, M26444, M26701, M27302, M27450, M29378, M30412, M30518, M31093, M31505, M31932, M32009, M32028 (2 Ex.), M32180, M32478, M32527 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M32561 (1.4), M32586, M32724, M32990, M33292 (def.), M33692, M33748 (2 Ex.), M33835, M34333, M34477, M35065, M35853, M36010, ehem. M36379 (vermisst), M36411, M36924, M36968, M36911, M37462, M37523, M38137, M38141, M38725, M39062, M39255, M39747, M39967, M40784 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M40796, M40940 (def.), M41256, M41624, M41784, M41808, M41840, M42746, M42759, M42800, M42827, M43908, M44098, M44432, M44531, M44990, M45485, M45559, M45583, M45728, M45804, M46023, M46029, M46033, M46242, M46338, M46359, M46367, M46374, M46382, M46563, M46615, M46672, M46769, M24970, M47578, M47806, M47896 (1-5.7), M48133, M48192, M48523, M48555 (2 Ex.), M48598, M48613, M48631, M49327, M50104, M50560, M50570, M50582 (1.2), M50635, M50612, M50886, M51403, M51405, M51478, M51653
StArch — Stadtarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: M18683, M46242
KlIoannu — Monē Hagiu Iōannu
Der Bestand von 11 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 00312, 02048, 02271, 02333, 02334 (2.5), 07571 (2 Ex.), 09367, 10562, M20819, M28424, M44268 (2 Ex.)
Patti (Messina)/Italien
Sem — Seminario Vescovile
Pau (Pyrénées-Atlantiques)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale
Pavia (Pavia)/Italien
BCiv — Biblioteca Civica Bonetta
BU — Biblioteca Universitaria
Erfasster Bestand 612 Ausgaben: 00270 (def.), 00606 (def.), 00684, 00784 (2 Ex.), 00795, 00796, 00840, 00859, 00860, 00872, 00929, 01258, 01578, 01597, 01599, 01600, 01612, 01613, 01626, 01658, 01669, 01674, 01765, 01923 (2 Ex.), 01924 (2 Ex.), 01934, 01939, 02015, 02016, 02033, 02185 (2.4), 02187, 02194 (def.), 02195 (3 Ex.), 02196, 02198, 02070, 02071, 02073, 02086, 02112, 02116, 02134, 02142, 02215, 02260, 02295, 02303 (def.), 02305 (2 Ex.), 02322, 02326, 02337 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 2), 02351, 02421 (2 Ex.), 02430, 02521 (def.), 02526, 02754, 02757, 02762, 02834 (def.), 02952, 03001 (def.), 02864 (3 Ex.), 02866 (3 Ex.), 02867 (2 Ex.), 02889, 02910, 02927, 03115, 03201 (def.), 03203 (def.), 03249, 03304 (2 Ex.), 03324, 03325 (def.), 03340, 03380 (def.), 03400 (1), 03406 (def.), 03450 (2 Ex.), 03456, 03459 (def.), 03468, 03595, 03739 (def.), 03762 (def.), 03809, 03811, 03819, 03824, 03850 (def.), 03907, 03908 (2 Ex.), 03935 (3 Ex.), 03938, 03945, 04015, 04048 (2 Ex.), 04054, 04084 (def.), 04130, 04133, 04138, 04144, 04148, 04241, 04245, 04253, 04263, 04271, 04280, 04287, 04346, 04350, 04407, 04408, 04409, 04420, 04477, 04565, 04566 (2 Ex.), 04588, 04511 (2 Ex.), 04512 (3 Ex.), 04648 (1), 04649, 04650, 04657, 04658, 04748 (2 Ex.), 04876, 04937, 04952 (2 Ex.), 04954, 04956, 04958, 04981, 05104 (def.), 05217, 05612, 05657 (2 Ex.), 05659, 05732, 05766, 05771, 05780, 05802, 05804, 05807, 05815, 05826, 05869, 05870 (def.), 05939, 05944, 05945, 05961, 06032 (1.2), 06040, 06047, 06051, 06072, 06080, 06083, 06128, 06129, 06131, 06133, 06152, 06160, 06161 (2 Ex.), 06226 (def.), 06456, 06478, 06512, 06540 (def.), 06545, 06553, 06735, 06762, 06769, 06770, 06796, 06828 (def.), 06960 (def.), 07103, 07190, 07192, 07193 (2 Ex.), 07195, 07202, 07207, 07216, 07218, 07223, 07635, 07814, 07863, 07885, 07966, 07969 (def.), 08055, 08328, 08360, 08370 (2 Ex.), 08381, 08407, 08409, 08410, 08425, 08428, 09023, 09088 (1), 09094, 09120, 09130, 09138, 09218, 09373, 09392, 09432, 09433, 09437 (2 Ex.), 09445, 09536, 09644, 09704 (2–7), 09707?, 09827, 09828, 09832, 09807, 09826, 09834, 09836 (1.3), 09845 (2), 09873, 09874 (2 Ex.), 09876 (def.), 09981 (def.), 09982, 10306, 10434, 10499, 10599, 10615, 10620, 10716, 10952, 10970, 11422 (2 Ex.), 11432 (def.), 11435 (def.), 11436 (2 Ex.), 11437 (2 Ex.), 11446, 11465, 11480, 11503, 11555, 11583 (def.), 11696, 11797, 11909, 11916, 11997, 12054, 12056, 12235, 12268, 12276 (2 Ex.), 12278 (def.), 12365, 12428 (def.), 12470 (def.), 12473, 12904, 13253, 13465 (def.), 13548 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 13580 (2 Ex.), 13633, 13679 (def.), 13811, 13816, 13823, 13829, 14010 (def.), 14026, 14037, 14105, 14116 (1.3), 14118 (3, def.), 14128 (3 Ex.), 14129, 14130, 14146 (def.), M13046 (4), M13149, M13313 (def.), M09766 (def.), M13549, M13992, M14381, M14582, M14635, M14646, M14700 (def.), M14701, M15153 (def.), M15274, M15267, M15772, M15790, M16542, M16552, M16555, M16557, M16563, M17807, M17870, M17910 (2 Ex.), M17924, M18353, M18360, M18477 (def.), M18486, M18660, M18899, M18900, M18913, M19191, M19206 (2 Ex.), M19210, M19220, M19655, M19656, M19775, M19834, M19845, M20016, M20097, M20103, M20224, M20259, M20279, M20306, M20308, M20351, M20810, M20814, M20824, M20826 (2 Ex.), M20827 (2 Ex.), M02374, M21068, M21254 (def.), M21307, M21494 (2 Ex.), M21638, M22370, M22374, M22413, M22459, M22448, M22509, M22511, M15113 (2 Ex.), M22735 (def.), M22996, M24139 (def.), M25041, M25213, M25421, M25673, M25858, M25945, M25974, M26212 (2 Ex.), M26244 (def.), M26253, M26257, M26265 (2 Ex.), M26274 (2 Ex.), M26312, M17947, M26482, M26485 (def.), M26546 (3), M26574, M26585, M26624, M26921, M27052, M27069, M27098, M27202, M27216, M27218, M27252, M27716 (2 Ex.), M27849, M28128 (2 Ex.), M23219, M28701, M28921, M29037, M29126, M29170 (2 Ex.), M29573, M29841, M29969, M29971, M30136 (2 Ex.), M30164 (def.), M30240, M30270, M30280, M30304, M30313 (2 Ex.), M30327, M30335, M30352, M30353, M30355, M30357, M30950 (1-3), M31086, M3136710, M31618 (2 Ex.), M31647 (2), M31710, M31717, M31768, M31754, M31858, M32088, M32164, M32622, M32965, M32971, M32990, M32998, M33047, M33049, M33051, M33084, M33276, M33319, M33697 (2 Ex.), M00828, M33883, M33895, M33907, M33912, M33974, M34335, M34345, M34358 (2), M34362 (def.), M34412, M34436, M34466, M34724, M34814, M34949, M34948, M35412, M35539, M35776, M36984, M36986, M36908, M37388, M37395, M37456, M37479, M37523, M37575, M38030, M38033, M38137, M38141, M38358, M38496 (def.), M38526 (def.), M38558, M38729, M38732, M38735, M38741 (2 Ex.), M39042, M39255, M39264, M39270, M39295, M39434, M39458, M39513, M39537, M39555, M39792, M39796, M39930, M39954, M40325, M40669, M40784, M41059 (def.), M41079, M41687, M41806, M44604 (def.), M4195810, M42001, M42136, M42145, M42160, M42270, M42283, M42412, M42636, M42813, M42830, M43136 (def.), M43138, M43172, M43271, M43274, M43427, M43632, M43668, M43689, M43701, M43713, M43721, M43739, M43740, M43764, M43792 (2 Ex.), M44093, M44120, M44131, M44213, M44230, M44268, M44730, M45415, M45581, M45985, M45990, M46023, M46029, M46038, M46045, M46114 (def.), M46151, M46190, M46255 (2 Ex.), M46287 (2 Ex.), M46305, M46343 (2 Ex.), M46369, M46378, M46386 (def.), M46394 (2 Ex.), M46397, M46445 (def.), M46454 (def.), M46455, M46472 (2 Ex.), M46491, M46498 (2 Ex.), M46501, M46504 (def.), M46568, M46570, M46732 (def.), M46764, M46810, M46765, M46865, M46952, M46954, M47229, M47236, M47943 (4 fehlt), M47985, M47992 (1.2 def.), M48001, M48026, M48279, M49003, M49235, M49416 (def.), M50152, M50250 (def.), M50560, M50582 (1.2), M50587 (1), M50625 (2), M50635 (1), M50612, M50857, M50888, M50931, M51344, M51350, M51849, M25622, M52097 (2 Ex.)
CBorrom — Collegio Borromeo
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 11403, 11415, 11427, 11447, M14701, M27225 (1.3), M34492, M49156
CGhislieri — Collegio Ghislieri: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Der Bestand von 11 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 02867, 02912, 02927, 04287, 07223 (def.), 11435, M15267 (def.), M34436, M40784 (def.), M45648, M49621
Sem — Seminario Vescovile: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 14110, 14122
Peć [Pejë] (Kosovo)/Serbien
Kl — Manastir Pećka patrijaršija
Pécs [Fünfkirchen]/Ungarn
Bisch — Püspöki Könyvtár, Bibliotheca Episcopalis
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 04205, 09444, M24646 (Perg. def.)
BU — Egyetemi Könyvtár, Bibliotheca Universitatis. Klimo-könyvtár
Sem — Püspöki Papnevelö Intézet Könyvtára, Bibliotheca Seminarii Episcopalis
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 08305
Pegau (Sachsen)/Deutschland
K — St. Laurentiuskirche
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 03929, 04284 (2. 4–6), M21490, M28512, M29429, M38745, ehem. M40796, M46154
Sem — Biblioteka Seminarium Duchownego
Erfasster Bestand 399 Ausgaben: 00321, 00488, 00549 (def.), 00681, 00715, 01078, 01113, 01142, 01158, 01201, 01663, 01715, 01747, 02032, 02093, 02353, 02398 (def.), 02402, 02438 (def.), 02487, 02576 (def.), 02806, 02937, 03223, 03326, 03756 (def.), 03913, 03924, 03934, 03941, 04139, 04191, 04201 (1.2, P. 2 Bl. 317–319 fehlen), 04256, 04282, 04821, 04872, 04992, 05084, 05609, 05881, 05897, 06199, 06999, 06910, 06983, 07096, 07204, 07211, 07214, 07411, 07574 (2 Ex.), 07642 (def.), 07728, 07903, 08163, 08231, 08345, 08346, [08939], 09069, 09070, 09073 (1.4), 09074, 09090, 09121, 09123, 09134, 09334, 09368, 09439, 0948920, 09512, 09835 (2), 09837 (3 def.), 09840, 09862, *ehem. 09866, 10101, 10219, 10270, 10509 (def.), 10673 (2 Ex.), 10674, 10676, 10678, 10682 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 10698 (def.), 10713 (def.), 10714 (1.4), 10715 (3.Inv.), 10717 (2), *10739, *10745, 10814, 10817, 10840, 10859, 11341, 11351, 11362, 11366 (2 Ex.), 11368 (def.), ehem. 11377, 11379, 11394, 11403 (2 Ex.), 11415 (2 Ex.), 11427 (3 Ex.), 11431, 11434 (2 Ex.), 11447 (2 Ex.), 11450, 11454 (def.), 11462 (Bl. 1, 313 u. 314 fehlen), 11473 (def.), 11481, 11489, 11500, 11516, 11545, 11556, 11715, 11820 (def.), 11866, *ehem. 11877, 11952, 11959, 11960, 12037 (2 Ex.), 12050 (def.), 12053 (def.), ehem. 12056, 12117, 12225 (def.), 12226, 12254, 12300, 10 Sp.697a, ehem. 12326, 12330, 12355 (def.), 12359 (def.), 12362, 12431 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12435, 12436, 12886, 12889, 12894, 12930 (def.), 13464, 13518, 13548, 13568 (def. Kaufv. 1477), 13571, ehem. 13625, 13631 (def.), 13652, 13667, ehem. 13671, 13696, *13826, 13903 (z.Z. Moskva GosB), 13979 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., ehem. 2. Ex.), 13998 (Kaufv. 1482), 13999, 14000 (hsl. 1483), 14040 (def.), 14113, M11984, M12156, M12170 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Var. A†, 2. Ex. Var. B†), M12647, M12663 (def.), M13114, M13116, M13313, M13252, M13262, M13280, M13295, M13344 (def.), M13570, M1367310, M13901, M13902, M14075 (def.), M14225, M07818, M07828, M14242, M14326 (Fragm.), M14405, M14407, M14408, M14508, M14579, M14751 (def.), M14900 (2), M14965 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. 2), M15005 (def.), M15275, M16546, M16584 (def.), M16771, M16779, M17665 (def.), M17903, M17908, M17922 (def.), M17964 (def.), M19035, M19198, M19227 (def.), M07947, M19835, M01847, M2037824, M20688, M20694, M20703, M20796, M21274, M21406, M21411, M21420, M21419, M21425, M21472, M21488 (def.), M21750, M21761, M22509, M22511, M22646 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. 2), M22662 (def.), M22728, M23142 (def.), M2340310, M24184 (4 Ex.), M2435310 (2 Ex.), M25113 (2 Ex.), M25208, M25986, M26052, M26057, M26017, M26141, M26233 (2 Ex.), M26238 (def.), M26303 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M26307, M26312, M48244 (def.), M48247 (def.), M26406, M26435 (def.), M26437 (def.), M26513 (1-3, 1.2 def.), M26532 (1-3), M26810, M26870, M26882, M26925, M26936, M26941, M28126 (def.), M28704, M28821, M29008, M29413 (2 Ex.), M29971, M30514 (2 Ex.), M30537 (def.), M30552 (def.), M30915 (def.), *ehem. M31151, M31388 (def.), M31533, M32060, M32081, M32176, M32214, M32225, M32270, M32324 (z.Z. Moskva GosB), M32463, M32466, M32480 (def.), M32489, M32509 (1-4), M32527 (2-4), M32606, M32853, M32922, M33644, M33692, M33704 (def.), M33753, M33941, M3403820 (def.), M34560, M35399 (def.), M36219, M36419, M36634, M36929, M36940, M36966 (def.), M37590, M37907, M37923, M38424, M38455, M38725 (def.), M38779, M39205, M39237 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. z.Z. Moskva GosB, 2. Ex. z.Z. Moskva GosB), M39309, M39370, M39530, M39595 (Fragm.), M39600, M40784, M40796, M41108, M41622, M41648, M41792, M41819 (def.), M41836, M41855, M42190 (def.), M43463 (def.), M43908, M44438, M44676, M45782, M45870, M46130, M46148, M46306, M46330, M46359, M46365, M46376, M46381, M46385 (def.), M46397, M46425, *ehem. M46432, M46436 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2.3), M46440, M46467, M46480, M46499, M46556, M46615 (2), M46647, M46672, M46769 (def.), M46808, M46926, M47021, M47236 (def.), M47352 (def.), M47578, M47787 (2-5), M47963 (6), M48009, M48042, M48194 (def.), M48217, M48221, M48299, M49170, M49188, M49817, M49849, M50212, M50216, M50242, M50257, M50582 (def.), M50617 (def.), M50865, M50877, M50879 (def.), M50882 (def.), M50897 (def.), M51028, M51188, M51314 (def.), M51634, M51741, M25627, M25634, M17207
Penig (Sachsen)/Deutschland
K — Evangelisch-Lutherische Kirche
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: [11981], M27326
Pennabilli (Rimini)/Italien
BCap — Biblioteca Capitolare
Penne (Pescara)/Italien
Franzisk — Convento di Santa Maria di Colleromano: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Pennsburg (Pennsylvania)/Vereinigte Staaten
SchwenkfelderL — Schwenkfelder Library and Heritage Center
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 04301
Périgueux (Dordogne)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale
Perleberg (Brandenburg)/Deutschland
K — Kirchenbibliothek; Depositum in Brandenburg DomArch
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 03937, 09439, M21095 (def.), M21424
M — Stadt-und Regionalmuseum
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 01574 (def.), 10567 (def.)
Perpignan (Pyrénées-Orientales)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Perryville (Missouri)/Vereinigte Staaten
[Sem] — [St. Mary’s of the Barrens Seminary]: verkauft
Perth (Perth and Kinross, Scotland)/Vereinigtes Königreich
M — Perth Museum and Art Gallery
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 05559, 10054
Perth (WA) (Western Australia)/Australien
UL — Murdoch University, Library
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 02882, 03906, 04233, 05871, M12471, M20831, M21276
Perugia (Perugia)/Italien
Arch — Archivio di Stato
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 04649 (def.), M34329 (def.)
BAugust [ehem. BCom] — Biblioteca Comunale Augusta
Erfasster Bestand 1161 Ausgaben: 00129 (2 Ex.), 00169, 00173, 00260, 00264, 00313, 00314, 00388, 00445, 00579 (2 Ex.), 00762, 00587, 00595, 00604, 00610 (2 Ex.), 00613, 00675, 00685, 00688, 00711, 00798, 00799, 00810, 00839, 00859, 00863, 00931, 00943 (def.), 00987, 01003, 01023, 01618, 01656, 01662, 01665, 01671, 01672, 01733, 01743, 01750, 01901, 01923, 01934, 01987, 02016, 02033, 02048, 02182 (Bl. 269-377 fehlen), 02185 (3, def.), 02187 (2.4), 02193 (1.2), 02194, 02196, 02198 (2 Ex.), 02203, 02070 (2 Ex.), 02087, 02115, 02116, 02119, 02160, 02167, 02205, 02209 (2 Ex.), 02215, 02244, 02271, 02295, 02302, 02324, 02333, 02334 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 1), 02336, 02337 (def.), 02339 (1-3), 02341, 02347, 02350 (2 Ex.), 02351, 02355, 02356, 02421, 02524 (def.), 02529, 02558, 02667, 2 Sp.749b, 02740, 02754, 02757 (3 Ex.), 02763, 02837, 02838, 02861, 0294910 (def.), 03003 (def.), 03004 (2 Ex.), 03005 (2 Ex.), 03007, 03009 (Bl. 54 fehlt), 03020, 02863 (2 Ex.), 02864, 02875, 02877, 02879, 02892, 02894, 03052, 03054, 03104, 03110 (Bl. 25-30 fehlen), 03111, 03112, 03123 (Bl. a1-4 fehlen), 03130, 03150, 03159, 03160, 03188, 03237, 03238 (2 Ex.), 03244, 03275, 03276, 03290, 03304, 03322, 03325, 03326, 03340, 03341, 03345, 03393, 03400 (def.), 3 Sp.439b (def.), 03467, 03473, 03484, 03493, 03502, 03509, 03531, 03533, 03537, 03541, 03545, 03569, 03582 (2 Ex.), 03591, 03602, 03612, 03614 (def.), 03670, 03739 (2 Ex.), 03745, 03799, 03802 (2 Ex.), 03805 (2 Ex.), 03809, 03815, 03818, 03824 (2 Ex.), 03839, 03845, 03850, 03852 (2 Ex.), 03853, 03870, 03883, 03892 (2 Ex.), 03907 (2 Ex.), 03920, 03938, 04033, 04047, 04048 (2 Ex.), 04073, 04077, 04084 (2 Ex.), 04106, 04117, 04126, 04130, 04134, 04143, 04148, 04222, 04223, 04231, 04241, 04263, 04271 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04274, 04280, 04283 (4 Ex. 2. Ex. 43. Ex. 44. Ex. 4), 04285 (2.6), 04287 (2), 04291 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), 04321, 04354, 04358, 04360, 04399, 04410, 04419, 04428, 04475 (def.), 04477, 04478, 04496, 04503, 04504, 04544, 04566, 04511, 04611, 04615, 04621, 04654 (2 Ex.), 04730, 04854, 04943, 04952, 04954, 04955, 04958, 04960, 05018, 05063, 05075, 05080, 05099, 05100, 05551 (def.), 05553 (2 Ex.), 05603 (def.), 05607 (2 Ex.), 05612, 05650, 05657, 05659, 05663, 05665, 05762, 05763, 05765, 05776, 05778, 05780 (2 Ex.), 05795, 05796, 05802, 05807, 05814, 05816, 05832 (3 Ex.), 05862, 05868, 05898, 05917, 05939 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. 4.6), 05941, 05942, 05981, 05993, 06004, 06016, 06019 (2 Ex.), 06020, 06022, 06024, 06029, 06031 (3 Ex.), 06034, 06039, 06041 (2 Ex.), 06043, 06052, 06059 (2 Ex.), 06061, 06062, 06063, 06072, 06080 (2 Ex.), 06088, 06115, 06131 (def.), 06134, 06141, 06145, 06147, 06150, 06153, 06160, 06161 (2 Ex.), 06191, 06216, 06222 (2 Ex.), 06223, 06224, 06226, 06257, 06379, 06390, 06398, 06404, 06406, 06409, 06414, 06424, 06438, 06442, 06453, 06456, 06466, 06471, 06473, 06515, 06540, 06549, 06593 (2 Ex.), 06614, 06620, 06623, 06627, 06629, 06700, 07033, 07035, 07041, 06727 (Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), 06730, 06733, 06746, 06797 (2 Ex.), 06799, 06823, 06841 (def.), 06848 (2 Ex.), 06862, 06879 (2 Ex.), 06900, 06905, 06910 (def.), 06956, 06961, 06965, 07060, 07062, 07067, 07070, 07082, 07108, 07124, 07128, 07129, 07130, 07131, 07156, 07164, 07178, 07189, 07192, 07195, 07197, 07203, 07207, 07218 (2 Ex.), 07223, 07401, 07455, 07550, 07565, 07571, 07583, 07586, 07656, 07724, 07740, 07780, 07793, 07813, 07814, 07818, 07827, 07849, 07872, 07881, 07883, 07885, 07903, 07964 (def.), 07972, 08023, 08025, 08038, 08068, 08092 (def.), 08098, 08219, 08230, 08246, 08247, 08275, 08327, 08328, 08354, 08377, 08381 (2 Ex.), 08383, 08384 (2 Ex.), 08385, 08397, 08399, 08423, 08425, 08427, 08428, 08433, 08435, 08643, 08644, 08999 (2 Ex.), 09040, 09061, 09065, 09072, 09075 (2), 09076 (1.2), 09077 (3.4), 09088 (2 Ex.), 09089 (2 Ex.), 09090 (3 Ex.), 09093, 09094, 09113, 09133, 09136, 09150 (2 fehlt), 09331, 09332, 09367, 09396 (2 Ex.), 09426, 09428 (2 Ex.), 09432, 09436, 09437, 09456 (def.), 09457 (def.), 09460 (Bl. 6 fehlt), 09542, 09632, 8 Sp.273a, 0973050N, 09782, 09784, 09785, 09789, 09797, 09826 (2 Ex.), 09834, 09843 (1–3), 09878 (def.), 09880, 09882, 09889, *09905, 09934, 09935, *09961 (Bl. 1, 2 u. 8 fehlen), 09981 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. 1), 09997, 09998 (2 Ex.), 10020, 10039, 10040 (2 Ex.), 10173, 10198, 10228 (2 Ex.), 10229 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 10231, 10243, 9 Sp. 95a, 10303 (Lage a fehlt), 10325, 10432, 10435, 10453, 10521, 10544, 10549, 10562, 10563, 10601, 1060910 (3 Ex.), 10622, 10644 (2 Ex.), 10653, 10657 (2 Ex.), 10670, 10679, 10751, 10921, 10960, 10970, 11339 (2 Ex.), 11345, 11353 (Perg. Fragm.), 11365, 11392, 11436, 11438 (2 Ex.), 11471, 11557, 11591 (1.2), 11595 (2 Ex.), 11598, 11606, 11623, 11691, 11697, 11701, 11707, 11792, 11801 (def.), 11802, 11804, 11862, 11870, 11901, 11909, 11919, 12054, 12056, 12109 (2 Ex.), 12203, 12276, 12278, 12294, 12313 (2 Ex.), 12314 (2 Ex.), 12373, 12392, 12395 (2 Ex.), 12411, 12413, 12427, 12430, 12435, 12472, 12480, 12482, 12895, 12898, 12937, 13469, 13580, 13624, 13633, 13636 (2 Ex.), 13678, 13679, 13680, 13803, 13826, 14022 (Bl. 1 fehlt. Kaufv. 1488), 14037, 14074, 14122, 12 Sp.M10950, 14125, 14126, 14130, M11983, M12084 (2 Ex.), M12201, M12496, M12959 (3 Ex.), M13141, M13145, M13313, M13341, M13349, M13387, M13409, M13481 (def.), M13549, M25326 (def.), M13622, M13992, M07800, M14381, M14635, M14644, M14654, M14655 (2 Ex.), M14759, M13449, M13450, M15059, M15175 (3 Ex.), M15168, M15182, M15220, M15272 (2 Ex.), M15314, M15333, M15247, M15267, M15380, M15544, M15541, M15564, M1560010, M15633, M15775, M15801, M15816, M15936, M16555, M16563, M16597, M16596, M16609, M16616, M16701 (2 Ex.), M16707 (2 Ex.), M16715, M16890, M16894, M06219, M16976, M17081, M17107, M17096, M17099, M17118, M17280, M17358 (2 Ex.), M17364, M17380, M17646, M17805, M17910, M17924, M17926, M17974, M18340, M18360, M18461, M18491, M18518 (def.), M18631, M18701, M18702, M18704, M18706, M18856, M18913, M1891310, M18976, M19085, M09396, M19206, M19322, M19323, M19324, M19325, M19326, M19385, M19483, M07945, M19707, M19825, M19842 (2 Ex.), M20016 (2 Ex.), M20042, M20060, M20071, M20104, M20103, M20317, M20228, M20256, M20275, M20278, M20304, M20308, M20327 (2 Ex.), M20349, M20372, M20444 (def.), M20610, M20612, M20631, M20635, M20538, M20774, M20817, M20819 (2 Ex.), M20824, M20858, M21074, M21192, M21201, M21208, M21205, M21304, M21307, M21464, M21494, M21495, M21537, M21578 (2 Ex.), M21583, M21585, M21590, M21644, M21768, M21830, M22227, M22229 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M22230, M22235, M19898, M22391, M22385, M22409, M22413, M22421, M22448, M22468 (def.), M22505 (def.), M22506, M22511, M15113, M22735 (def.), M03867, M22824, M22908, M22925 (def.), M23017, M23273, M2382520, M24006, M25213, M25279, M25282, M25293, M25307, M43982, M25413 (2 Ex.), M25446, M25512, M25568 (2 Ex.), M25737, M25749 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), M25801, M25858, M25935, M25945, M25995, M26044, M26156, M26257, M26263 (def.), M26274 (2 Ex.), M26441, M26574, M26590, M26925 (2 Ex.), M27031, M27054, M27056, M27058, M27069, M27079, M27098, M27226, M27252, M27428, M27456, M02762, M27563, M27708, M27716, M35000, M27779, M27810, M27816, M27822, M27924, M28128, M28131 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M28390, M28413, M28424, M28924 (2), M28693, M28696, M28704, M28952, M29037, M29083, M29207 (2 Ex.), M29209, M29177, M29244, M29248, M29305, M29306, M29826, M29831 (2 Ex.), M29841 (2 Ex.), M29967, M29971, M30025, M30136, M30161, M30164, M30169, M30172 (def.), M30175, M30230 (def.), M30234, M30235, M30236, M06221, M41557, M30267, M30270, M30290, M30298, M30309, M30313, M30316, M30345, M30346, M30355, M30362, M30365, M30370, M30412, M3043410, M30937, M30938, M30939 (2 Ex.), M30971, M31046, M31087, M31105, M31235, M31357, M31420, M31641 (def.), M31680 (1, def.), M31696 (def.), M31743, M31754 (Bl. A1 fehlt), M31805, M31877, M31883, M32088, M32133, M32561 (4), M32622, M32624, M32703, M32696, M32722, M32739, M32767, M05382, M32971 (2 Ex.), M32993 (2 Ex.), M33019, M33024, M33031 (2 Ex.), M33047, M33049, M33071, M33092 (2 Ex.), M33276, M33286 (1), M33328, M33384, M33504, M33525, M33568, M33672, M33676 (def.), M33684, M33739, M33743 (2 Ex.), M33747 (def.), M33776, M33789, M00828 (2 Ex.), M33883, M33905, M33918, M33924, M33963, M33964, M33990, M34010, M34304, M34306, M34329, M34357, M34374, M34461, M34466, M34472, M34480 (1), M34488, M34528, M34597, M34604 (def.), M34638, M34727, M34767, M34843, M34876 (2 Ex.), M34879, M34950, M34931, M34891, M35322, M35406, M35445, M35529, M35559, M36328 (def.), M36031, M36246, M36247, M36372, M36374, M36379, M36388, M36435, M36559, M36636, M36646, M36823, M36921, M36944, M37136, M37436, M37458, M37462, M37486, M37511 (def.), M37533, M37552 (2 Ex.), M37560, M37614, M38036, M38077 (2 Ex.), M38333, M38358, M38498, M38623, M38644, M38735, M38738, M38741, M39045, M39144, M39146, M39255, M39270 (def.), M39363, M39513, M39586, M39616 (3 Ex.), M39926, M39934, M40356 (def.), M40360, M40407, M40434, M4046910, M40485, M40521, M40583, M40586, M40643, M40695, M40753, M40784 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M41062, M41242, M41245, M41292, M41368, M41420, M41683, M41702 (2 Ex.), M41891, M41896, M44604, M42001, M42023 (2 Ex.), M42087, M42113, M42158, M42160, M42163, M42208, M4880020, M42270, M42298, M42318, M42419, M42636, M42783, M42823, M42828, M43129, M43136 (2 Ex.), M43149, M43150, M43161, M43268, M43274, M43972, M44120, M44121, M44124 (2 Ex.), M44137, M44184, M44186, M44268, M44304, M44307, M44341, M4434720, M44395, M44397 (Bl. f1 fehlt), M44405, M44463, M44722, M44730, M45292, M45454, M45495, M45581, M45748, M45823, M45831 (2 Ex.), M45841, M45901, M45920, M45925, M45954, M45966 (2 Ex.), M46045, M46047 (2 Ex.), M46101, M46109, M46138, M46142, M46183 (2 Ex.), M46201, M46202, M46255, M46272, M46273, M46276, M46287 (def.), M46397, M46486, M46661 (2 Ex.), M46810, M46820, M46861, M46870 (2 Ex.), M46952, M46954, M47021, M47024 (2 Ex.), M47037, M47089, M47191, M48147, M48151 (2 Ex.), M47223, M47628 (1.2), M47854 (2.3), M48031, M48056, M48174, M48215, M48266, M48282, M48292, M48296 (3 Ex.), M48319, M48357, M48377, M48406, M48418, M48539, M48512 (3), M48482 (1-3), M48617, M48673, M48728, M48748, M48767, M48774, M48779, M48799 (2 Ex.), M48945, M49177, M49183, M49194, M49299, M49343, M49342, M49348, M49414, M49431 (2 Ex.), M49436, M49461, M49462 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M49497, M49593, M49601, M49661, M49684, M49815, M49891, M49912, M50070, M50172, M50337, M50355, M50365, M50403, M50566, M50582 (3.4), M50593, M50621, M50888, M50950, M51344, M51346, M51849, M25652, M17208, M52019, M52020, M52022, M52055, M52085, M52098
BDominicini — Biblioteca Antonio Dominicini della Cattedrale
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 04283, M26546
Benedikt — Badia di San Pietro
Erfasster Bestand 10 Ausgaben: 00683, 04223, 04274, 04287 (4, def.), 05939, 07422, 10596, M32499, M47841 (5), M47874 (1-4.6)
BU — Biblioteca dell’Università degli Studi
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 02876 (def.), 07083, 08328, 08372, 09444, M26156
BUStranieri — Biblioteca dell’Università italiana per stranieri
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 04876, 11370, 11476, M20103
MCap [ehem. MDuomo] — Museo Capitolare di San Lorenzo
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 05109
Pesaro (Pesaro e Urbino)/Italien
BOliveri — Biblioteca Oliveriana
Erfasster Bestand 326 Ausgaben: 00113 (def.), 00336, 00340, 00586 (2 Ex.), 00595, 00611, 00613 (2 Ex.), 00683, 00688, 00712, 00797 (2 Ex.), 00798, 00810, 00872, 00929, 00997, 01011, 01257, 01665 (2 Ex.), 01668, 01674 (2 Ex.), 01923 (def.), 01928, 01945, 02185 (4), 02187 (3.4), 02070, 02161, 02209, 02215, 02260 (2 Ex.), 02267, 02321, 02355, 02356, 02391 (def.), 02430, 02836, 03007 (2 Ex.), 02866, 02880, 02889, 02927, 03052, 03054 (3 Ex.), 03092, 03103, 03130, 03131, 03195, 03237, 03246, 03256, 03276, 03290, 03325, 03393, 03459, 03478, 03508, 03544, 03549, 03867, 03908, 04099 (def.), 04127, 04130, 04134, 04143, 04216, 04223 (def.), 04269 (def.), 04276, 04280, 04286, 04287 (1-3. 3 def.), 04291 (1.3, def.), 04419, 04477, 04544 (2 Ex.), 04511 (1), 04512 (2 Ex.), 04792, 04954, 04958, 05068, 05554, 05613 (1), 05657, 05777, 05778, 05803, 05807 (1), 05832, 05939 (def.), 06039 (def.), 06040, 06043, 06045 (def.), 06052 (def.), 06059 (2 Ex.), 06083, 06097, 06103, 06110, 06131, 06132 (2 Ex.), 06133 (2 Ex.), 06387, 06422, 06447, 06457, 06607, 06839, 06900, 06966, 07098, 07164 (2 Ex.), 07181, 07187, 07204, 07205, 07223, 07242, 07363, 07422, 07596, 07828, 07875, 07885 (def.), 07969 (def.), 07973, 08038, 08327, 08328, 08370, 08377, 08383, 08384, 08402, 09065 (2 Ex.), 09090 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 09119, 09163, 09331, 09392, 09428, 09433, 09444, 09465, 09826, 09843 (1–3), 09882, 09964, 10263, 10306, 10424, 10434, 10435, 10437 (def.), 10549, 10600, 10663, 11385, 11401, 11411, 11422, 11493, 11552, 11558, 11696, 11792, 11799, 11861, 11916, 11920 (def.), 12109, 12278, 12313, 12426, 12435 (2 Ex.), 12898, 13301, 13465, 13679, 13680, 14002, 14037 (2 Ex.), 14075, 14128 (2 Ex.), M12959, M13141, M13145, M13269, M13306, M13406, M13622, M14635, M14644, M14646, M14657, M14684, M15168 (2 Ex.), M15267 (2 Ex.), M15783, M15822, M15829, M16537 (def.), M16694 (2 Ex.), M16715, M17369, M17910 (2 Ex.), M18477, M09372, M19139, M19228, M19849, M21276, M21292, M21447 (def.), M21494, M21590, M22459, M22448 (2 Ex.), M23273, M23305, M23978, M25858, M26210, M26215, M26253, M26263, M26271, M26546 (3), M26590, M26597, M26921 (def.), M27086, M27228, M27428, M28131, M28140, M28413 (2 Ex.), M28642, M28701, M29177, M29969, M30239, M30298, M30357, M30379, M31086, M31271, M31404, M31416, M31717, M32180, M32473, M32696, M32983, M32987, M33031, M33051, M33286 (1), M33328, M33623, M33756, M00828 (def.), M33895, M33918 (def.), M33990, M34183, M34343, M34351, M34484, M34760, M34865, M35395, M35539, M35723 (6+? Bl. fehlen), M36388, M36394, M36818 (def.), M36820, M36944, M38553, M38729 (2 Ex.), M38860, M39144, M40034, M40784 (2 Ex.), M41242, M41342, M42113 (2 Ex.), M42135, M42636, M43161, M43264, M43268, M44093, M44195, M44256, M45422 (def.), M46029, M46033, M46041, M46042, M46101, M46161, M46195, M46201, M46273, M46276, M46374, M47024 (2 Ex.), M47221, M47225 (def.), M47624 (2 Ex.), M47628, M49003, M49311, M49414, M49431, M49957, M50398, M50944
Pescara (Pescara)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Vittoria Colonna: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 09130, M34335 (def.)
BProv — Biblioteca Provinciale Gabriele D’Annunzio: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 04423, 11435 (def.), 13467, M31700 (Fragm.), M34492 (def.)
Pescia (Pistoia)/Italien
BCap — Biblioteca Capitolare: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Carlo Magnani: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 12 Ausgaben: 01928, 04420 (1), 08381, 08636, M19460 (def.), M34604, M34904, M40351, M40440, M45544, M49170, M49183
Franzisk — Convento di Colleviti: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Peterborough (Cambridgeshire, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
Cathedr — Cathedral Library; Depositum in Cambridge UL
Petralia Soprana (Palermo)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 01667, 04280 (def.), M28131 (def.), M43640, M45985
Petralia Sottana (Palermo)/Italien
Kapuz — Convento dei Cappuccini
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 04286
Pezzo (Brescia)/Italien
K — Parrocchia di S. Lucia: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 04047
Pforzheim (Baden-Württemberg)/Deutschland
StArch — Stadtarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: M07867, M37879, M37887, M37907, M37919, M37936, M37942, M37947
Pfreimd (Bayern)/Deutschland
Franzisk — Franziskanerkloster
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 10945
Pfullendorf (Baden-Württemberg)/Deutschland
PfarrArch — Pfarrarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 0396610N, M36921, M52026 (def.)
Philadelphia (Pennsylvania)/Vereinigte Staaten
Athen — Athenaeum
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: M19176, M28909, M44213, M45533, M47024
[BlumhavenL] — [Blumhaven Library and Gallery]: Verbleib unbekannt
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: ehem. 12430
CPhysicians — College of Physicians
Erfasster Bestand 419 Ausgaben: 00006, 00113, 00130, 00268, 00269, 00270 (def.), 00272 (def.), 00570, 00760, 00764, 00766, 00779, 00585, 00588 (def.), 00589, 00594, 00604, 00613, 00628, 00684, 00686, 00688, 00693, 00699, 00706, 00713, 00716, 00723, 00727, 00735, 00736, 00737, 00796, 00845, 00859, 00860, 00864, 01491, 01667, 01674, 01688, 02092, 02268, 0231310, 02316, 02318, 02323, 02324, 02334, 02339, 02350, 02352, 02421, 02460, 2 Sp.650b, 02522 (def.), 02523 (2), 02527, 02528, 02529, 02543, 02568, 02681, 02682, 02837, 03002, 03066, 03092, 03103 (def.), 03105, 03106, 03112, 03120 (def.), 03122, 03130, 03131, 03167, 03307, 03325, 03342, 03405, 03409, 03410, 03411, 03423, 3 Sp.439b (def.), 03672, 03739, 03819, 03822, 03824, 04082, 04085, 04114, 04115, 04126, 04131, 04132, 04138, 04142, 04409, 04511, 04954 (def.), 04955, 04986, 04988, 05093, 05593, 05595, 05596, 05657, 05765, 05772 (def.), 05777, 05780, 05783, 5 Sp.688a, 05999, 06018, 06147, 06286, 06456, 06457, 06458, 06459, 06471, 06515, 06552, 6 Sp.420a, 06610, 06633, 07164, 07194, 07197, 07199, 07218, 07291, 07824, 07845, 08196, 08247, 08252, 08332, 08345, 08346, 08348, 08377, 08397, 08419, 08435, 08436, 08640, 09042, 09066, 09095, 09367, 09392, 09433, 09437, 09526, 09638, 09704 (1.5), 09705 (3–7), 09706, 09708, 09829, 09826, 09872, 09874, 09881, 09882, 09884 (def.), 09980, 09981 (Bl. 185–376), 09982, 10410, 10424, 10563, 10566 (def.), 10596, 10616, 10617, 10618, 10620, 10622, 10674, 10715 (1-3), 10730, 10734, 10771 (def.), 10805, 10811, 10830, 10926, 10945, 11303, 11332, 11339, 11570, 11573, 11579 (def.), 11580, 11701, 11702, 11707, 11805, 11830, 11920, 12116, 12220, 12274, 12276, 12314, 12480, 12481, 12483, 13548, 13550 (def.), 12 Sp. 11a (def.), 13557, 13634, 13636, 13638, 13645, 13646, 13787, 13788, 13791, 13815, 13824, 13999, 14126 (2 Ex.), 14130, 14146, M12143, M12480, M13149, M13431, M09758, M13586, M13622, M14179, M14646, M14687, M14697, M14732, M14803, M15221, M15267, M15482, M15484, M16426 (def.), M16549, M16552, M16915, M17653, M17664, M17974, M19142, M19655, M19842, M20016, M20020, M20042, M20557 (def.), M20568, M20635, M20643, M21445 (def.), M21447, M21451, M21647, M21649, M21650, M21768, M22259, M19896, M22662 (1.3), M22810, M23017 (2 Ex.), M23013, M23095, M23281 (def.), M23301, M23305, M25159, M25161, M25279, M25282 (def.), M25286, M2543720, M25544, M26156, M17944, M17947, M17949, M26754 (def.), M26870, M27453, M27708, M28134, M28462, M29266, M29841, M30307, M30374, M30375, M30474, M31100, M31546, M31618, M31846, M31858, M31867, M31872, M31877, M31881, M31882, M32225, M32422, M32425 (def.), M32672, M32703, M32902, M33049, M33284 (def.), M33308, M33384, M33386, M33695, M00831, M33892 (def.), M33895, M33918, M34304, M34342, M34361, M34374, M34575, M34589, M34760, M36394, M36441, M36435, M36477, M36652, M36750, M36906, M37296, M37340, M37342, M37344, M37353, M37361, M37371, M37382, M37388 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M37390, M37394, M37552, M37655, M37896, M37978, M38002, M38028, M38373, M38455, M38687 (def.), M38723, M38727, M38769, M38951, M39264, M39434, M39442, M39458, M39510, M39747, M40427, M40695, M40697, M40714, M40721, M40726, M40760, M40796, M40809, M41245, M41687, M41691, M41702, M42133, M42143, M42145, M42147 (def.), M42205, M42210, M45196 (2), M45769, M45783, M45920, M06201, M45985, M46029, M46038, M46195, M47197, M48151, M49050, M49365, M50194, M50403, M5048310, M50555, M50635, M50686, M5153510, M51741, M52081
DrexelUL [ehem. DrexelI] — Drexel University Library
FranklinI — Franklin Institute
FreeL — Free Library of Philadelphia
Erfasster Bestand 766 Ausgaben: 00155, 00341, 00510, 00548, 00560, 00775, 00582, 00588, 00600, 00680, 00681, 00703, 00711, 00728, 00785 (def.), 00868, 01087, 01268, 01589, 01601, 01606, 01612, 01631, 01688, 01710, 01727, 2 Sp.245b, 01923, 01934, 01936, 02017, 02033, 02036, 02040, 02048 (def.), 02185 (4), 02186 (1-3), 02193 (3), 02195, 02199, 02203, 02074a, 02081, 02086, 02107, 02112, 02119, 02166, 02209, 02210, 02271, 02290, 02293, 02333, 02334 (4), 02335 (3, def.), 02341, 02448, 2 Sp.650d, 02610, 02743, 02746, 02747, 02750, 02754, 02757 (def.), 02817, 02932, 02934, 02939, 02946, 02956, 02969, 02972, 03000, 03002, 03035, 03045, 02865, 02866, 02868, 02880, 02885, 02888, 02890, 02892, 02909, 02911, 02912, 02927 (def.), 02929, 03050, 03057, 03094, 03119, 03128, 03186, 03196, 03243, 03253, 03256, 03260, 03307, 03325, 03326, 03404, 03405, 03413, 03426, 03529, 3 Sp.560a, 03681, 03683, 03762, 03858, 03882, 03890, 03905, 03923, 03929 (def.), 03935, 03940, 03942, 04023, 04032, 04046, 04072, 04111, 04130, 04132, 04138, 04142, 04146, 04168, 04179, 04180, 04221 (def.), 04227, 04231, 04232, 04237, 04243, 04253, 04264, 04269, 04270, 04276, 04284 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-62. Ex. 1), 04289 (4), 04303, 04332, 04334, 04340 (2.4), 04404, 04405, 04420, 04425, 4 Sp.252a, 04531, 04537, 04549, 04559, 04588, 04601, 04511, 04616, 04644 (def.), 04650, 04653, 04659, 04725, 04739, 04745, 04759 (def.), 04801, 04802, 04812, 04868, 04956, 04958, 04959, 05069, 05550, 05554, 05607, 05613, 05661, 05763, 05770, 05779, 05784, 05785 (2 Ex.), 05828, 05886, 05896, 05939, 6 Sp. 79a, 6 Sp.116a, 06040, 06041, 06046, 06053, 06061 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 06062, 06066, 06070, 06080, 06083, 06103, 06107, 06113, 06131, 06145, 06160, 06161, 06164, 06165, 6 Sp.226a, 06221, 06226, 06277, 06302 (Bl. 28 fehlt), 06391, 06403, 06459, 06484, 06545, 06547, 06551, 06598, 06688, 06997, 07021, 06750, 06752, 06768, 06796, 06859, 06889, 06906, 06951, 06966, 06972, 07059, 07090, 07095, 07123 (2), 07159, 07177, 07179, 07223, 07284, 07288, 07290 (2 Ex.), 07412, 07414, 07419, 07429, 07506, 07509, 07572, 07573, 07614, 07629, 07645, 7 Sp.111a, 07725, 07735 (def.), 07746, 07820, 07850, 0789410N, 07964 (def.), 08242, 08273, 08328, 08358, 08378, 08381, 08397, 08404, 08407, 08409, 08410, 08419, 08423, 08429 (def.), 08435, 09075 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 32. Ex. 4), 09077 (2), 09083, 09084, 09090, 09103, 09111, 09121, 09137, 09163, 09368, 09432, 09433 (2 Ex.), 09435, 09437 (3 Ex.), 09442, 09443, 09447, 09450, 09534, 09659, 09710, 09735, 09797, 09826, 09835 (1), 09839, 09851, 09874, 09877, 09882, 09885, 09888, 09997, 10097, 10202, 10234, 10259, 10270, 10329, 10454 (def.), 10562, 10602, 10689, 10693, 10698, 10713 (2), 10714 (1.3), 10717 (Fragm. P. 2 Bl. iI1), 10731, 10763, 10784, 10812, 10826, 10834, 10925, 10945, 10961, 11357, 11360, 11385, 11401, 11403, 11409, 11417, 11449, 11457, 11460, 11465, 11472, 11502, 11540, 11558, 11726, 11807, 11819 (2 Ex.), 11835, 11909, 11944, 12019, 12032, 12050, 12052, 12053, 12117, 12223 (Bl. 1–6 fehlen), 12232 (5), 12247, 12255, 12365, 12374, 12403, 12423 (1), 12429, 12432, 12448, 12473, 12890, 12945, 13314, 13452, 13454, 13455, 13457, 13458, 13459, 13463, 13464, 13465, 13467, 13468, 13469, 13470 (2 Ex.), 13471, 13473, 13519, 13578, 13579, 13584, 13630, 13649, 13680, 13696, 13805, 13833, 13841, 13862, 13878, 13888, 13913, 13935, 13979, 13983, 13993, 14008, 14012, 14024, 14042, 14107, 14129, M12065, M12126, M12378, M12484, M12646, M12957, M13471, M13262, M13269, M13355 (Fragm. Bl. 11 u. 14), M13530, M13568, M13592, M13983 (2 Ex.), M13987, M13990, M14096, M14079, M07860, M07867, M14383, M14407, M14657, M14684, M14751, M14758, M14759, M14882, M14907, M15092, M15153, M15168, M15272, M15292, M15296, M15301, M15505, M15544, M15541, M15648, M15652, M15783, M15790, M15866, M16122, M16552, M16561, M16584, M11373 (1), M17639, M17664, M17800 (def.), M17805, M17870, M17882, M17903, M17910, M17974, M18351, M18353, M18491, M18486, M18523, M18631, M18660, M18666, M18670, M18683, M18885, M18856 (2 Ex.), M18964, M19038, M19135, M19176, M07943, M19726, M20099, M20100, M20315, M20266, M20278, M20295, M20330, M20338, M20541, M20756, M20797, M20810, M20813, M20819, M20829, M21259, M21269, M21282, M21404, M21419, M21464 (2 Ex.), M21476, M21484, M21485, M21494, M21548, M21788, M22263, M22498, M22509, M22851, M23013, M23281, M23301, M24072, M25113, M25213, M25879, M26271, M26274, M26334, M48236, M26404, M26441, M26513, M26546 (1), M26553, M26590, M26867, M26931, M26937, M27023, M27058, M27062, M27086, M27218 (2 Ex.), M27398, M27450, M27716, M27810, M28390, M28413, M28419, M23219, M28503 (2 Ex.), M28588, M28601 (2), M28693, M28696, M28701, M28704, M28718, M28749, M28913, M29023, M29037, M29040, M29147, M29637, M30342, M30374, M30502, M30564, M31086, M31100, M31394, M31407, M31618, M31624 (def.), M31765, M32000, M32009, M32083, M32088, M32164 (Fragm. 1 Bl.), M32178, M32270, M32468, M32472, M32527 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1–4.Tab., 2. Ex. Fragm. P. 3 Bl. 1), M32726, M32884, M32964 (2 Ex.), M32995, M33027 (2 Ex.), M33075, M33156, M33312, M33328, M33543, M33676, M33699, M33723, M33767, M33793, M00807, M33881, M33974, M34304, M34317 (2 Ex.), M34333, M34351 (def.), M34604, M34702, M34843, M34875, M34970, M34894, M35369, M35389, M35457, M35678, M35774, M36823, M36966, M36968, M36972, M36988, M36990, M37351, M37420, M37896, M37919, M38137, M38141, M38455, M38698, M38715, M38725, M38727, M38735, M38741, M39143, M39300, M39473, M39510, M39559, M39588, M39621, M39841, M39858, M39967, M39973, M40185, M40229, M40784 (3 Ex.), M40786 (def.), M40796, M40888, M40893, M41240, M41242, M41287, M41292 (2 Ex.), M41369, M41444, M41642, M41840, M41877, M42023, M42117, M42160, M42753, M42816, M07325, M43138, M43245, M43288, M43885, M43893, M43904, M43929, M43944, M44061, M44071, M44211, M44233, M44253 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M44268 (3 Ex.), M4434720, M44435, M45869, M45920, M46023, M46029, M46089, M46090, M46101, M46109, M46183, M46333 (2 Ex.), M46369, M46378, M46382, M46436, M46455, M46477, M46494, M46536, M46581, M46615 (1), M46672, M46918, M47011, M47021, M47210, M47225, M47233, M24971, M47346, M47527, M47531, M47570, M47787 (1), M48021, M48167, M48192 (2 Ex.), M48225, M48279, M48292, M48333, M48338, M48761, M48799, M48846, M48900, M49170 (2 Ex.), M49173, M49194, M49197, M49248, M49295, M49670, M49676, M50617, M46633, M51028 (Lagen A–C), M51344, M51403, M51416, M51533, M51673
HistSoc — Historical Society of Pennsylvania
HospitalL — Pennsylvania Hospital Library
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 03066, 03105, 03409, 11707, 13813, M20646, M35052
JeffersonUL [ehem. JeffersonMedC] — Thomas Jefferson University Library
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 09982, M16552, M26845
JenkinsLawL — Jenkins Law Library
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M43245
JudStud — University of Pennsylvania, Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
LawL — University of Pennsylvania, Biddle Law Library
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 03816, 04964, 09147, 10251 (def.), M12632, M18819, M39969, M43245
LComp — Library Company of Philadelphia
MArt — Philadelphia Museum of Art
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 04478
MasonicL — The Masonic Library and Museum, Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of Pennsylvania
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 02926, 09076 (1), 12886
[MercantL] — [Mercantile Library]; in Philadelphia FreeL
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 02909 (1.2), 03057, 09085, M22502, M31140
PhilosophSoc — American Philosophical Society
Erfasster Bestand 12 Ausgaben: 04548, 05593, 05596, 07123, 07814, 07831 (def.), M19707, M22468, M30552, M31086, M36823, M41240
RosenbachM [ehem. RosenbachFound] — The Rosenbach Museum and Library
Sem — Lutheran Theological Seminary
Erfasster Bestand 13 Ausgaben: 03862, 04269, 04303, 04335, 06032 (2), 09117, 09137, 09837 (2), M20687, M20820, M23969, M24237, M32009
TempleUL — Temple University Library
UL — University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Erfasster Bestand 515 Ausgaben: 00004, 00032, 1 Sp. 13a, 00113, 00121, 00140, 00260, 00261, 00545, 00578, 00766, 00582, 00602, 00784, 00836, 00837, 00840, 00870, 00872, 01176, 01222, 01578, 01595, 01599, 01656, 01662, 01926, 02083, 02271, 02302, 02305, 02333, 02334, 2 Sp.578cP, 02346, 02347, 02353, 02356, 02359, 02367, 02369, 02381, 02390, 02391, 02398, 02421, 02428, 02432, 02435, 02443, 02444, 02463, 02478, 02481, 02498, 02501, 02515 (1), 02608, 02655, 02757 (def.), 02823, 02827, 02845, 03002, 03036, 02866, 02876 (def.), 02888, 02928, 03120, 03131, 03159, 03201, 03325, 03345, 03409, 03410, 03414 (def.), 03465, 03721 (def.), 03841, 03850, 03853, 03957, 04109, 04126, 04144, 04218, 04226 (def.), 04236, 04238, 04278, 04280 (def.), 04282, 04293, 04334, 04408, 04460, 04468, 04475, 04486, 04537, 04710, 04791, 04868, 05076, 05526, 05533, 05587 (2 Ex.), 05595 (def.), 05612, 05614, 05686, 0571710N, 0573610N, 05738, 05770, 05780, 05804, 05807, 05869, 05928, 06039, 06052, 06053, 06160, 6 Sp. 243bP, 06216, 06409, 06423, 06460, 06466, 06467, 06546, 06608, 06617, 06732, 06753, 06901, 07061, 07095, 07127, 07195, 07202, 07231 (def.), 07259, 07284, 07287, 07309, 0740610N, 07439, 0754410N, 07551, 0785510N, 07963, 07965, 07967, 07969, 07972, 07973, 0798010N, 07987, 08206, 08268, 08269, 08270, 08271, 08278, 08337, 08367, 08384 (def.), 08389, 08395, 08419, 08424, 08638, 09065, 09092, 09093, 09184, 09299 (def.), 09367, 09396, 09426, 09428, 09443, 09457 (def.), 09529, 09641, 09643, *0964310, 09662, 09674, 09776, 09805, 09982, 10040, 10042, 10186, 10195, 10198, 10201, 10224, 10311, 10330, 10483, 10562, 10563, 10597, 10647, 10670, 10688 (1–3), 10714 (2), 10715 (3), 10717 (1), 10800, 10897, *11024, 11033, 11116, 11416, 11466, 11548, 11811, 11818, 11862, 11867, 11902, 11905 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 11908 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 11910, 11912, 11916, 11917, 11918, 11921 (def.), 12049, 12187, 12206, 12218, 12254, 12313, 10 Sp.703a, 12320, 12325, 12333, 12355, 12406, 12408, 12409, 12413, 12422, 12471, 12613 (Bl. 1, 2, 36, 82, 217 u. 248 fehlen), 12885, 13449, 13548, 13550, 13805, 13996, 14029 (def.), 14046, 14126, M12013 (2 Ex.), M12156, M12196, M12473, M12696, M09759, M13517, M13587, M13800, M13826, M14111, M14644, M14692, M15373, M15759, M15829, M16566, M16714, M16770, M16776, M16771, M16780, M16779, M16951, M1748310, M17903, M18856, M18906, M19034, M19316, M19829, M20305, M20612, M20494, M20688, M20807, M02371, M21156, M21196, M21494, M2172010, M21870, M22064, M22132, M22205, M22409, M22457, M22502, M22634 (1), M22908, M2307620, M25050, M25213, M25879, M26038 (def.), M26017, M26241, M26246, M26253, M26546 (1), M26612, M26839, M26903, M26912, M26918, M27006, M27021, M27252, M02762, M27716, M28619, M29049, M29170, M29177, M30164, M30181, M29936 (Fragm. 20 Bl.), M30241 (def.), M30298, M30307, M30327, M30357, M30379, M30385, M30830, M31267, M31618, M31726, M31779, M31860, M31882, M31932, M32008, M32061, M32180, M32412, M32527 (4), M32772, M32918, M32964, M33031, M33047, M33051, M33071, M33154, M33286 (1.2 var.), M33567, M33756, M33789, M00821, M33964, M33990, M34358, M34488, M34604, M34639, M34724, M34766, M34767, M34861, M34876, M34893, M3514110, M35207, M35425, M35691, M36248, M36425, M3655810, M3660910, M36664, M3726510, M37837, M37907, M38002 (2 Ex.), M38358, M38366, M38424, M38455, M38461, M38566, M38642, M39213, M39264 (def.), M39510, M39641, M39666, M39824, M40319, M40323, M40327, M40345, M40353, M40364, M40373, M40391, M40460, M40524, M40544, M4056210, M40627, M40647, M40655, M40676, M40684, M40784 (3 Ex.), M40782, M40951 (Bl. 24–42 fehlen), M41235, M41253 (Fragm. Bl. 1–15), M41271, M41343, M41568, M41687, M41842, M42022, M42028, M42283, M42298, *M42525 (Fragm.), M42665, M4283910, M43149, M43161, M43485, M43695, M4373910, M43740, M43764, M44137, M44203, M44275, M44435, M44439, M44538, M44699, M45190, M45236, M45293, M45805, M45831, M45976, M46029, M46090, M46202, M46255, M46276, M46333, M46369, M46378, M46390, M46445 (def.), M46496, M46647, M07711, M46982, M47037, M47550, M47553, M47559, M47578, M47874 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm. 2 Bl., 2. Ex. 3, def.), M47989 (def.), M47997 (2, def.), M48133, M48166, M48203, M48299, M49342, M49396, M49524, M49649, M50224, M50226, M50227 (3.4), M50232, M50240, M50257, M50381, M50384 (def.), M50551 (def.), M50587, M50625, M50689, M50888, M50988, M51346, M51465, M51651, M51681, M51688, M52022
Piacenza (Piacenza)/Italien
Arch — Archivio di Stato
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 09430
BAlberoni — Biblioteca Cardinale Giulio Alberoni
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Passerini-Landi
Erfasster Bestand 911 Ausgaben: 00114 (Bl. 97 fehlt), 00126, 00127, 00140, 00168, 00312, 00335 (def.), 00344, 00434, 00579, 00580, 00604, 00605, 00606 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00609, 00631, 00633, 00682 (2 Ex.), 00697, 00796, 00797, 00799, 00859, 00860, 00863, 00870, 00871 (2 Ex.), 00902, 01257, 01258 (3 Ex.), 01263, 01601 (def.), 01607, 01611, 01612 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01656, 01660 (2 Ex.), 01661, 01662, 01667, 01669, 01670 (def.), 01671, 01674 (2 Ex.), 01924 (Bl. 6 fehlt), 01925 (def.), 01928 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01934, 01939 (Bl. 20 fehlt), 01961, 02033, 02048 (def.), 02185 (2), 02187 (1.4, def.), 02203 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 02068, 02070, 02071 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02073 (1.3), 02074, 02078, 02104, 02114 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 10 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. 102 fehlt), 02140, 02152, 02160, 02170, 02260 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02292 (3 Ex.), 02294 (2 Ex.), 02295, 02302, 02305, 02322, 02333, 02334, 02338 (1), 02339 (1.4.5), 02421, 02625, 02740, 02754, 02757 (2 Ex.), 02834, 02838 (2 Ex.), 02970 (def.), 02999, 03000 (def.), 03001, 03003, 03004, 03005, 03007, 03015, 03017, 02864 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02866 (def.), 02867, 02878 (def.), 02880, 02888, 02889, 02892 (3 Ex.), 02910 (2 Ex.), 02911 (def.), 02915, 02927, 02928, 03058, 03062 (Bl. 143 u. 144 fehlen), 03075, 03091 (def.), 03092, 03093, 03094, 03104 (Bl. l1.8 fehlen), 03113 (def.), 03130, 03145 (def.), 03150, 03188, 03195, 03201 (2 Ex.), 03203 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 03238 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03244, 03245 (2 Ex.), 03246, 03304, 03321, 03324 (2 Ex.), 03325 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1-272 fehlen), 03342, 03392, 03393, 03449 (def.), 03450, 03663, 03666, 03722, 03739, 03833, 03853, 03886 (def.), 03907 (def.), 03908, 03927, 03938, 03945 (def.), 03946, 04046 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 04048 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.), 04053, 04081, 04090, 04126, 04132 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), 04134, 04138, 04142, 04144, 04148 (def.), 04198 (def.), 04200 (def.), 04217, 04223 (def.), 04245 (def.), 04253, 04278, 04283, 04286 (4, def.), 04291 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04313, 04359, 04406, 04408 (2 Ex.), 04410, 04419 (def.), 04460, 04467 (def.), 04478 (def.), 04479, 04534, 04544, 04559, 04566, 04588, 04511 (def.), 04512, 04637 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 151 u. 152 fehlen), 04638, 04649 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 04650 (def.), 04654 (1), 04723 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 04730, 04748, 04796, 04841, 04863, 04864, 04952, 04955 (def.), 04958, 05074 (def.), 05101 (def.), 05537, 05548, 05554 (Bl. A6 fehlt), 05606, 05613 (1.2, 1: Bl. q8 fehlt), 05657, 05659, 05733, 05752, 05765, 05767, 05769, 05770, 05771, 05777, 05796, 05802, 05807, 05828, 05884 (Bl. d8 fehlt), 05934, 6 Sp. 79a (def.), 05990 (Bl. 1, 2 u. 8 fehlen), 06032 (1), 06039 (def.), 06043 (Bl. E1–8 fehlen), 06047, 06052, 06080 (2 Ex.), 06088, 06090 (Bl. h5 fehlt), 06104, 06128, 06129 (1), 06131 (Bl. a3 fehlt), 06132, 06150, 06163, 06216, 06222 (2 Ex.), 06223, 06226, 06396, 06401, 06402, 06427, 06445 (def.), 06447, 06459, 06514 (Bl. e2/7 fehlen), 06610 (def.), 06627, 06629, 07031, 06731, 06736, 06750 (Bl. a4 fehlt), 06795 (Bl. a2 fehlt), 06899, 06908, 06940, 07049, 07062, 07112, 07164, 07192 (2 Ex.), 07197, 07202, 07204, 07208 (def.), 07213, 07219 (2 Ex.), 07222 (def.), 07223 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 07287, 07415 (Bl. 17-24 fehlen), 07417 (def.), 07418, 07492, 07552, 07588, 07675, 07812 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07816, 07818 (Bl. L3-6 fehlen), 07828, 07881, 07961 (def.), 07964, 07965 (def.), 07970 (def.), 07972, 07973, 08032, 08052, 08069, 08171 (def.), 08259, 08326 (2 Ex.), 08372, 08374 (def.), 08376 (2 Ex.), 08377, 08379, 08381 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 08382, 08383, 08397, 08404 (def.), 08409, 08425, 08427 (2 Ex.), 09064, 09070, 09071, 09072, 09073 (2), 09075 (2-4), 09076 (1–4), 09077, 09079 (def.), 09086, 09089 (2 Ex.), 09092, 09093, 09094, 09133, 09136, 09332, 09367 (2 Ex.), 09396, 09428 (2 Ex.), 09432 (def.), 09433, 09437 (3 Ex.), 09443 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. var.), 09473, 09474, 09530 (def.), 09635, 09647, 09704 (Bl. L6 fehlt), 09826 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 09834, 09842 (1–3), 09843 (1.3), 09873, 09878 (def.), 09882, 09921, 09947 (Bl. 25 u. 28 fehlen), 09981 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 10030, 10097 (2 Ex.), 10203, 10229, 10234 (2 Ex.), 10410, 10423, 10434, 10437, 10481 (1), 10557, 10562, 10594, 10601, 10647 (2 Ex.), 10661, 10952, 10960, 11283, 11333, 11334 (def.), 11340, 11357, 11370, 11376 (Bl. m2–7 fehlen), 11382 (Bl. 9-10 fehlen), 11401 (2 Ex.), 11422 (3 Ex.), 11435, 11436 (2 Ex.), 11438 (2 Ex.), 11446 (2 Ex.), 11481 (def.), 11553 (def.), 11555 (def.), 11557 (def.), 11558, 11584, 11585, 11586, 11588, 11596, 11799 (def.), 11806, 11861, 11862, 11869, 11870, 11905, 11906 (2 Ex.), 11908, 11911, 11916 (def.), 11918, 12109 (Bl. o1 fehlt), 12114 (1–3), 12188, 12228, 12310, 12318 (def.), 12321 (def.), 12323, 12324 (3 Ex.), 12391 (def.), 12409 (Bl. 87–92 fehlen), 12419 (1), 12420 (def.), 12427, 12429, 12435 (2 Ex.), 12437 (Bl. 1-4 fehlen), 12466 (def.), 12473, 12480, 12886, 12896, 12897, 12904 (def.), 13458, 13464 (Bl. 1–4 fehlen), 13470, 13580 (def.), 13587, 13680, 13698, 13758 (def.), 13759 (def.), 13760, 13765 (1), 13972, 14010 (def.), 14026, 14037, 14080 (def.), 14105, 14116 (2.4), 14118 (1–3, def.), 14125 (def.), 14126 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 14129 (def.), 14164 (2 Ex.), M12159, M12240, M12364, M12411, M1241610, M1241620, M12424, M12641, M12676, M12677, M12959 (def.), M13054 (1), M1310810, M13149, M13141, M13145 (4 Ex.), M13549 (def.), M13992 (def.), M14075 (2 Ex.), M14076 (2 Ex.), M14083, M14493, M14635 (2 Ex.), M14646 (2 Ex.), M14655, M14684, M14701, M14881, M15065, M15130 (def.), M15132, M15153, M15175, M15185 (def.), M15272 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M15333, M15267, M15544, M15541, M15564 (2 Ex.), M15642, M15712, M15726, M15759 (Bl. 136 fehlt), M15796 (def.), M15822, M16552, M16553, M16555, M16563 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M16595, M16696, M16719, M16846, M16849, M17804 (def.), M17807, M17898, M17905 (def.), M17910, M17924, M17926 (Bl. 1-3 fehlen), M18048 (def.), M18360 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. i1-8 fehlen), M18480, M18842, M18913, M18964, M19038, M19059 (def.), M19065 (Fragm.), M19072 (2 Ex.), M19210, M19463 (def.), M07937, M19705, M19845, M19865, M19921 (def.), M20016, M20315, M20626, M20814, M20824, M20827 (2 Ex.), M20829, M21065, M21067, M21068, M21196, M21262, M21279, M21276, M21294, M21307 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. b6 fehlt), M21429 (2 Ex.), M21433, M21494, M22392, M22391, M22386, M22453, M22459 (def.), M22468, M22506, M22511 (def.), M22665 (1.3), M23017, M23025, M23013 (Bl. gg8-10 fehlen), M23783 (def.), M23961 (Perg.), M24031, M25026, M25081, M25212 (def.), M25282 (def.), M25366 (1.2, 1 def.), M43982, M43984, M25521 (def.), M25568, M25677, M25737 (def.), M25749, M25858, M26156 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26212, M26244, M26249, M26253 (def.), M26257, M26260 (def.), M26265 (2 Ex.), M26274 (def.), M26280 (Fragm.), M26441, M17944, M17949 (def.), M26482, M26483, M26485, M26546, M26565, M26574, M26612, M26921, M27098 (def.), M27212, M27232, M27453, M27456, M02762, M27716, M27779 (Bl. 1-62 fehlen), M27813, M28128, M28149, M28413, M28419, M23205, M28924 (1), M28601 (2), M28645, M28672 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M28684 (def.), M28704, M28752 (def.), M28826, M28929 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M29177, M2922410, M2923110, M29306, M29395, M29841, M29959 (Historia), M29967, M30143, M30260, M30290, M30304, M30307, M30313, M30335, M30349 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M30374, M30624 (Perg.), M30628 (def.), M3064230 (def.), M31179 (Bl. n1 fehlt), M31353, M31404, M31546 (2 Ex.), M31618 (2 Ex.), M31647 (2, def.), M31717, M31730 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M31746 (def.), M31754, M31846, M31867 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31929, M31932, M32005, M31948, M32028, M32088, M32425, M32426, M32499, M32830, M32891, M32993, M32997, M33031 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33047, M33049, M33051, M33071, M33086, M33525, M33673, M33684, M33685 (2 Ex.), M33697 (def.), M33699 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33780, M00828 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M00836 (def.), M33883, M33912 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M33961, M34304 (2 Ex.), M34335, M34342, M34345, M34352, M34357, M34362, M34374 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M34461, M34466, M34472 (def.), M34480, M34488, M34724, M34727, M34873, M34875, M34876, M34879, M34891, M35018, M35371, M35391, M35395, M35441, M35487, M35529 (2 Ex.), M35717 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M35724 (def.), M35937, M36246 (3 Ex.), M36372, M36374, M36388 (Bl. a1 u. E4 fehlen), M36394, M36431 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M36435, M36652, M36789, M36800 (2 Ex.), M36805, M36823 (2 Ex.), M36984, M36973, M36988 (Bl. 8 fehlt), M37024, M37479 (2 Ex.), M37511 (Fragm.), M37517, M37523, M37533, M37552 (2 Ex.), M37614, M38009, M38097, M38137, M38141, M38358, M38366, M38461, M38738 (2 Ex.), M38741, M38954, M38959, M3896710, M39153, M39267, M39453, M39458 (2 Ex.), M39602, M39623 (def.), M39802, M39930, M39933, M39934, M39969, M40034, M40227, M40229 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M40310 (def.), M40483, M40524, M40669, M40697, M40714, M40726, M41051 (2 Ex.), M41055, M41208 (Perg. def.), M41213 (def.), M41240 (def.), M41242, M41245, M41292, M41444, M41685, M41702, M41808, M41841, M41877 (def.), M44604 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. 64 fehlt), M42001, M42023, M42113 (Bl. a1 u. u6 fehlen), M42117, M42160, M42205, M42270 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M42288, M42290 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M42813, M42823, M42830 (def.), M42954 (Bl. C2 u. C5 fehlen), M43129 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. Bl. aa8 fehlt), M43136, M43149, M43161, M43306, M43427, M43623 (def.), M43683 (def.), M43710, M4373910 (2 Ex.), M43740 (4 Ex.), M4402910, M44093, M44100 (Bl. u6 fehlt), M44124, M44131, M44184, M44198 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M44217, M44230 (2 Ex.), M44247 (def.), M44253 (def.), M44271, M44641, M44730, M44831 (def.), M45238, M45280, M45293, M45407 (def.), M45637, M45726, M45920, M06201 (2 Ex.), M45954, M45961, M45963, M45966 (2), M45988 (2 Ex.), M46023, M46029, M46033, M46045, M46142, M46183 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46202, M46260, M46273 (def.), M46276, M46343, M46390, M46397 (def.), M46429, M46445 (def.), M46457, M46470, M46474, M46486 (def.), M46496, M46537, M46568, M46570, M46808, M46812, M46952 (3 Ex.), M46977, M47021 (2 Ex.), M47024, M47049 (def.), M47219, M47236, M47624, M47668, M48174, M48282, M48292 (def.), M48655, M48772, M49040, M49148, M49173, M49254 (2 Ex.), M49280, M49299, M49301, M49311, M49315 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M49412 (def.), M49431, M49633, M49638, M50224, M50240, M50381, M50593, M50621 (def.), M50663, M50759, M38870, M50987, M50994, M51344, M51858, M25622 (2 Ex.), M52098
BScalabr — Biblioteca Centrale Scalabrini
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M26585 (def.)
Sem — Seminario Vescovile
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 02185 (2-4), 02187 (1), 06222, 09826, M4373910 (def.), M47236
Piazza Armerina (Enna)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Sem — Seminario Vescovile
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 01665, M46033, M46386
Piesing (Bayern)/Deutschland
OwB — Freiherrlich von Owsche Bibliothek
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 08499, *10539, [12244]
Pietrafitta (Cosenza)/Italien
Franzisk — Convento San Antonio dei Frati Minori
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M17905
Pietraperzia (Enna)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Pieve Santo Stefano (Arezzo)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 03867, 06763, 09845 (1–3), 11477 (def.), M16566, M34326, M47874 (2.4-6)
Piła [Schneidemühl]/Polen
[K] — [Katholische Kirche zur Heiligen Familie]: Verbleib unbekannt
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: *ehem. 12346 (Fragm.)
Pinerolo (Torino)/Italien
BCiv [ehem. BCom] — Biblioteca Civica Alliaudi
Erfasster Bestand 15 Ausgaben: 02171, 02920, 06961, 07192, 08374, 08382, 11835, 11861, 13986 (def.), 13996, M16552, M30474, M46255, M49148, M49277
Sem — Seminario
Piran [Pirano]/Slowenien
Franzisk — Minoritski samostan sv. Franciška Asiškega; z. T. in Piran Arch
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 09068, 09076, 11437, M14383, M14657, M15175, M32180, M49940
Pirna (Sachsen)/Deutschland
K — Stadtkirche St. Marien
Pisa (Pisa)/Italien
BU — Biblioteca Universitaria
Erfasster Bestand 153 Ausgaben: 00571, 00716, 00784, 01258, 01268, 01907, 01945, 02015, 02160, 02302, 02317, 02334, 02759, 02972, 03003, 03094, 03449 (2 Ex.), 03456 (def.), 03870, 04274 (def.), 04346, 04822 (Bl. 168 fehlt), 04986, 05950, 06106, 06222, 06396, 06401 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 06695, 07317 (Bl. 2, 8 u. 9 fehlen), 07571, 07613 (def.), 07779, 07814, 07816, 07966, 07969, 08035, 08250, 08407, 09031, 09373, 09845 (3), 09879 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 10044, 10410, 10613, 11583, 11584, 11586, 11588, 11590, 11794, 11909 (2 Ex.), 11919 (2 Ex.), 11920 (2 Ex.), 12391, 11 Sp. 56a, 13458 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 14075, 14077 (def.), 14128, M13409 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M15175 (1), M15185, M15200, M15777, M15783, M16542 (Bl. 13 fehlt), M16566, M17974 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M18516, M18518, M19065 (def.), M09383, M19842, M20045, M20224, M20259, M02371, M21259, M21294, M22468 (def.), M22509, M25363, M26252 (Bl. 334 u. 335 fehlen), M27809, M29305, M30325, M30365, M30370, M31700 (def.), M32913, M33042, M33334, M00831, M34528, M34727, M35702 (def.), M36568, M36820, M36944, M37499 (def.), M37511, M38732 (Bl. n1 fehlt), M38741, M39854, M40303, M40325, M40327, M40336, M40345 (def.), M40360, M40383, M40392, M40403, M40417, M40425, M40428, M40431, M40440, M40442, M40448, M40471, M40495, M40556, M40602, M40603, M40643 (def.), M40645 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M40676, M42158, M43172, M44277, M45961, M45963, M46142, M46341, M46533, M46812, M46857, M47210 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M48016 (Bl. 1 u. 274 fehlen), M48799 (def.), M49177, M49412 (def.), M49497 (2 Ex.), M50150 (def.), M50566, M50593, M50639, M50621, M51346
Erzbisch — Biblioteca Arcivescovile Cardinale Pietro Maffi: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
Kapuz — Convento dei Cappuccini
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M15153 (def.)
Karm — Biblioteca Padri Carmelitani Scalzi del convento di S. Torpè: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Sch — Biblioteca della Scoula Normale Superiore
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 02337, 06899, 10503, M21254, M46964
Sem — Biblioteca Cateriniana del Seminario Arcivescovile
M — Prácheňské muzeum: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 04324 (Fragm.), 14099 (def.)
Pistoia (Pistoia)/Italien
ArchCap — Archivio Capitolare
Erfasster Bestand 14 Ausgaben: 04053, 04659, 04862, 06603, 07826, 07885, 08203, 11354, M1716120, M21548, M36388, M39546, M46498, M48009
BCapFabroni — Biblioteca Capitolare Fabroniana: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
BForteguerri — Biblioteca Comunale Forteguerriana: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Bisch — Curia Vescovile
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 07885, M23559, M26565, M30230
Domin — Convento San Domenico
Franzisk — Convento di San Francesco a Giaccherino
Sem — Seminario Vescovile: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Pitigliano (Grosseto)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Francesco Zuccarelli
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M30974
Pittsburgh (Pennsylvania)/Vereinigte Staaten
[BotanL] — [Carnegie Institute of Technology, Rachel McMasters Miller Hunt Botanical Library]; in Pittsburgh CarnegieUL
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 00624, 12272 (Fragm. 61 Bl.), 13548, 13550, M09766, M09746 (def.), M19661
CarnegieUL — Carnegie Mellon University Libraries
DuquesneUL — Duquesne University Library
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M40671
FalkL — University of Pittsburgh, Falk Library of the Health Sciences
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 02317
LawL — Allegheny County Law Library
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 07735
PL — Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh
TheolSem — Theological Seminary
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 02032, 04222 (def.), 06729
UL — University of Pittsburgh Library
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 00870, 09084, 10074, M20807, M41794
Kl — Manastir Piva
Plankstetten (Bayern)/Deutschland
Benedikt — Benediktinerabtei
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 04550, 05056 (def.), 09132
Plasencia (Cáceres)/Spanien
Bisch — Biblioteca Episcopal
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 04478, 09428, M14635, M29020, M29170, M36823, M47236
Plauen (Sachsen)/Deutschland
StArch — Stadtarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 00702, 00713, 04284 (3), 05093, M22132 (def.), M22145
Pleterje [Pletriach]/Slowenien
Kart — Kartuzijanski samostan
Der Bestand von 2 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 04275, M19210
Kl — Manastir Svete Trojice Pljevlja
Płock [Plozk]/Polen
Sem — Biblioteka Seminarium Duchownego: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
TowNauk — Towarzystwo Naukowe Płockie, Biblioteka im. Zielińskich: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden. ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
M — Muzeul Județean de Istorie și Arheologie Prahova
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 13253, M25982
Plymouth (Devon, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
M [ehem. CottonM] — City Museum and Art Gallery
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 05062, 07223
Plzeň [Pilsen]/Tschechien
Franzisk — Klášter františkánů; Depositum in Plzeň SKn : Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
M — Západočeské museum ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
SKn — Státní vědecká knihovna
Poblet (Tarragona)/Spanien
Zisterz — Abadía de Poblet
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 10025
Poio [Poyo] (Pontevedra)/Spanien
Mercedari — Monasterio Mercedario de Poio
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 00769, 03937, 04436, M15267 (def.), M2504820, M32092, M46821
Poitiers (Vienne)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 269 Ausgaben: 00134, 00184, 00586, 00607, 00617, 00679, 00683, 00717, 00796, 01576, 01664, 01770, 01923, 01930, 01940, 01985, 01987, 02033, 02193 (def.), 02094, 02138, 02359, 02381 (def.), 02533, 02535, 02607, 02711, 02832, 02864, 02891 (2), 02915, 03204, 03253, 03400 (def.), 03409, 03422 (def.), 3 Sp.568a, 03831, 03911, 03942 (def.), 04015, 04018, 04034, 04038, 04050, 04068, 04097 (def.), 04098, 04102, 04175, 4 Sp. 57b, 04179, 04222, 04245, 04247 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04250, 04267, 04275, 04419, 04543, 04569, 04512 (3), 04529, 04638, 04734, 04753, 04757, 04801, 04805, 04815, 04970 (def.), 04979, 0555510N, 05871, 05939 (def.), 06055 (def.), 06072 (def.), 06081 (def.), 06082, 06128 (def.), 06129 (2), 06132, 06163, 06205 (def.), 06544, 06905, 07218, 07219, 07249, 07296, 07482, 07571, 07953 (def.), 07955 (Fragm.), 08236, 08273, 7 Sp.436a, 08409, 08410, 08427, 09067 (def.), 09141, 09212, 09217 (def.), 09433, 09454?, 09631, 10193, 10275 (def.), 10406 (def.), 10443, 10461, 10562, 10689, 10699, 10747, 11116, 11365, 11561 (def.), 11735 (def.), 11805 (def.), 11904 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 11910, 11920, 11982 (def.), 12000, 12034, 12066, 12268 (Bl. 1 def.), 12329 (def.), 12380 (def.), /12426/, /12432 (def.)/, 12465, 12888 (def.), 12890, 12928, 13160, 13161 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Perg.), 13285 (Perg. def.), 13468 (def.), 13555, 13587, 13678, 13687, 13837 (def.), 13838, 13885, 12 Sp.274a, 13919, 13996, 14128 (def.), M12035, M12482, M12602, M12638 (def.), M13145, M1333510, M14083, M14405, M14684 (def.), M14751, M14758 (2 Ex.), M15044, M1504910, M15168, M15314 (def.), M15260, M16122, M17641, M17665, M17807, M17875, M17889 (def.), M17974 (def.), M18491 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M18845, M18852, M19560, M19954, M19979, M21435 (def.), M21530 (def.), M21548 (def.), M21731, M19898, M23862, M25945, /M06810 (def.)/, M26233 (def.), M26312 (def.), M26367, M2655110 (def.), M26614 (def.), M26822, M26874 (def.), M26881, M26892, M27065 (def.), M28104 (def.), M28124 (def.), M28352 (def.), [M28355], M31080, M3122150, M31365, M31420, M31505 (def.), M31618, M32005, M32018 (def.), M33027, M33284, M33697, M00828, M34865, M36175, M37139, M37422, M37577, M37587, M37590, M38107 (def.), M38463, M38488, M38678, M38708, M38741, M38798 (def.), M39255, M39297, M39491 (def.), M3952810, M40784 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M40786, M41284 (def.), M42631 (def.), M42823 (def.), M43271 (def.), M43533, M43542, M43598 (def.), M43604, M44211 (def.), M44256, M45223, M45485, M46101, M46595, M46720 (def.), M46792 (def.), M46796, M46915 (def.), M46925 (def.), M47911 (2.3), M48174, M48208, M48229, M48799, M49003, M49156, M49180, M49287 (def.), M49518, M49855, M49872, M46633, M50872, M51344
BU — Bibliothèque universitaire: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Cathedr — Trésor de la Cathédral: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M24631 (def.)
Domin — Couvent des Dominicains: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erzbisch — Bibliothèque diocésaine: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M14218
M — Musée Sainte-Croix: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 13135 (Perg. def.)
Policastro Bussentino (Salerno)/Italien
Bisch — Biblioteca Diocesana Policastro
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 04423, 06040, M15801 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M31105 (def.)
Polizzi Generosa (Palermo)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Lancia di Brolo
Pommersfelden (Bayern)/Deutschland
Schönborn — Graf von Schönbornsche Schlossbibliothek
Ponta Delgada (Ilhas dos Açores)/Portugal
BP — Biblioteca Pública e Arquivo Regional
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 14127 (def.), M28419
Pont-à-Mousson (Meurthe-et-Moselle)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M31954
Pontarlier (Doubs)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque-Médiathèque municipale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 04284 (1.5, Bl. 1 in 5 fehlt), 04808, M26620, M39421
Pont-Audemer (Eure)/Frankreich
MCanel — Musée Canel, La Grande Bibliothèque: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 07052 (Tit. fehlt), M21788 (Bl. 1 fehlt)
Pontevedra (Pontevedra)/Spanien
ArchHist — Archivo Histórico Provincial
BP — Biblioteca Pública
Erfasster Bestand 9 Ausgaben: 01577, 02074, 05804, 07062, M14701, M26244, M32343, M46029, M46154
Pontida (Bergamo)/Italien
Benedikt — Abbazia Benedettina di S. Giacomo Maggiore
Erfasster Bestand 13 Ausgaben: 01612, 02927, 04588, 04512, 04848, 12429, 12473, M14697, M26274, M30239, M30354, M44121, M46816
Pontremoli (Massa-Carrara)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Camillo Cimati
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 07193, 07207, 07815, 11909 (2 Ex.), M27716, M30304, M34006
Sem — Seminario Vescovile
Poppi (Arezzo)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Rilliana: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 492 Ausgaben: 00126 (2 Ex.), 00156, 00215, 00579, 00779 (2 Ex.), 00586, 00589 (2 Ex.), 00594, 00595, 00609, 00613, 00675 (2 Ex.), 00677 (2 Ex.), 00683, 00685, 00687, 00688, 00717, 00797, 00798, 00860 (2 Ex.), 00863, 00986, 01599 (2 Ex.), 01665, 01923 (2 Ex.), 01924, 01928, 01934 (2 Ex.), 01945, 02015, 02034, 02185 (2.3), 02195, 02198, 02202, 02079, 02133, 02136, 02142, 02155, 02260, 02305, 02334 (5), 02339 (1-4), 02341 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02351, 02355, 02356, 02361, 02363, 02421, 02478, 02999 (def.), 03003, 02864 (2 Ex.), 02880, 02888, 02889 (3 Ex.), 02910 (5 Ex.), 03062, 03107, 03150, 03160, 03201 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 03244, 03246, 03256, 03276, 03290, 03304, 03325 (2 Ex.), 03456, 03459 (2 Ex.), 03670, 03802 (def.), 03838, 03839, 03841, 03843, 03850 (Bl. 154 fehlt), 03852, 03898, 03907, 03908, 03927 (2 Ex.), 03935 (2 Ex.), 03938, 03946, 04048, 04053, 04099 (Bl.l6 fehlt), 04231, 04241 (def.), 04255, 04271, 04280, 04283 (def.), 04287 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 3), 04404 (2 Ex.), 04406, 04419, 04423, 04505, 04545, 04511 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 2), 04658 (def.), 04659, 04791, 04864, 04876 (2 Ex.), 04878, 04883, 04888 (2), 04889 (1), 04895, 04901, 04943, 05100, 05189 (def.), 0518910N, 05548, 05612 (2 Ex.), 05625, 05759 (2), 05767, 05777, 05780, 05832, 05870, 06016, 06023, 06040, 06047, 06059 (2 Ex.), 06062, 06147, 06161 (4 Ex.), 06162, 06226, 06401, 06412, 06750, 06752, 06840, 06900, 06908, 06954, 06966, 07103 (2 Ex.), 07106, 07112, 07156, 07164, 07197, 07202, 07213, 07219, 0736010N, 07420, 07422 (2 Ex.), 07608, 07796, 07816, 07874, 07885 (2 Ex.), 07966 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07970 (def.), 07972, 08377, 08378, 08381, 08384, 08407, 08423, 08424, 08428, 08646, 09065, 09070 (3 Ex.), 09072, 09075, 09077, 09079, 09087, 09088 (2 Ex.), 09094, 09136, 09163, 09331, 09332, 09396, 09428, 09443, 09445, 09457 (def.), 09537 (def.), 09789, 09817, 09826, 09843 (1–3), 09919 (def.), 09965 (Bl. 1, 8, 9 u. 16 fehlen), 09997, 10042, 10193, 10214, 10221, 10224, 10234, 10562, 1060910, 10670, 11331, 11339, 11372, 11376 (Bl. a1 fehlt), 11380 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt, 2. Ex. Bl. a1 fehlt), 11382, 11385, 11401 (4 Ex.), 11403, 11415, 11422 (5 Ex.), 11427, 11435 (2 Ex.), 11436 (2 Ex.), 11437, 11438 (3 Ex.), 11446 (5 Ex.), 11447, 11459, 11476, 11480, 11482, 11493, 11494, 11504, 11505, 11691, 11900, 11902, 11916, 11919, 12323, 12325 (3 Ex.), 12411, 12419 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. 1), 12432, 12435 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 11 Sp. 56a (2 Ex.), 12890, 12931, 13106 (def.), 13466, 13467, 13470, 13680, 13996, 14079, 14105, 14128, 14130, 14146, M12083, M12677, M12957, M14079, M14083, M14701, M15065, M15175, M15200 (def.), M15267, M15376, M15380 (2 Ex.), M15544 (2 Ex.), M15541 (2 Ex.), M15648, M15777, M15796, M16552, M16557, M16563, M17805 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M18371 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M18491 (2 Ex.), M19206, M19228, M19316, M19325, M19385, M07943, M19825, M19835, M20099, M20317, M20447, M20610, M20649, M20814, M20820, M20824, M20831 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M20846, M02377, M21074, M21193, M21287 (Lage a fehlt), M21429, M22411, M22509 (Bl. aa1-2 fehlen), M22735, M23008, M23673, M23725, M25858 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M25982, M26156 (Bl. 4 fehlt), M26246, M26260, M26265, M26441, M26546 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 2.32. Ex. 2.3), M26553, M26707, M26921 (Bl. Q3 fehlt), M26927, M27220, M27716, M27779, M27856, M28131, M28390, M28410, M28580, M28684, M28696, M28909, M30230, M30290 (2 Ex.), M30309, M30345, M30357, M30365, M30370 (2 Ex.), M30939, M31084, M31093 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), M31100, M31223 (def.), M3136710, M31420 (2 Ex.), M31618, M31647 (def.), M31702 (Lage K6 fehlt), M31882, M32499 (3 Ex.), M32997, M33094, M3325910, M33384, M00813, M00831, M33883, M33918, M34329, M34357 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M34374, M34461, M34484, M34526 (Bl. a1 fehlt), M34604, M34727, M34892, M34898, M35445 (def.), M36536 (Lage f fehlt), M36815, M36823 (2 Ex.), M37436, M37523, M37533, M37614 (3 Ex.), M38077 (2 Ex.), M38185, M38244, M38729, M38735, M39255 (def.), M39600, M39602, M39613, M39621, M39926, M40303, M40351, M40474, M40538, M4064520, M40647, M40669, M40670, M40671, M40724, M41004, M41055, M41242 (3 Ex.), M41245, M41683, M41853, M42023, M42117, M42145, M42959, M43138, M43150, M43264 (def.), M43274, M43969, M44120, M44137, M44230, M44247, M44253, M4434720, M44356 (def.), M45190, M45229, M45648, M45742, M45744, M45748, M45754 (3 Ex.), M45831, M45925, M06201, M45976, M45977, M45990, M46029, M46033, M46042, M46098, M46109, M46154, M46202 (2 Ex.), M46273, M46369, M46378, M46394 (2 Ex.), M46397 (2 Ex.), M46445, M46457, M46461, M46474, M46486, M46496, M46506, M46509, M46812, M46860, M46861, M46952, M46954, M46964, M47019, M47024, M47236, M47874 (1.5.6), M47989, M47992 (3-5.7), M48053, M48215, M48279, M48799, M49175, M49299, M49311, M49325 (2 Ex.), M49845, M49944, M49957, M50070, M50346, M50350, M50353, M50780, M50886, M50888 (2 Ex.), M17206, M52085
Kam — Eremo e Monastero di Camaldoli: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Poprad [Poprád, Deutschendorf]/Slowakei
Arch — Štátny okresný archív
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 14034 (def.), M50879, M50880
Pordenone (Pordenone)/Italien
BCiv — Biblioteca Civica
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 12109, M43697
Sem — Seminario Diocesano di Concordia: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Porrentruy [Pruntrut] (Jura)/Schweiz
Arch — Archives de la Bourgeoisie: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 2 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 08977 (Fragm. 3 Doppelbl. d3/4, h1/8 u. h2/7), M30776
BCant — Bibliothèque Cantonale Jurassienne: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 153 Ausgaben: 02120, 03321 (def.), 06204, 06877, 0715250N (Fragm., def.), 07349, 07713, 0835410N, 08530 (def.), 09070, 09075 (1.4), 09111 (def.), 09156, 09443, 0948920, 09842 (1), 09845 (1.3, def.), 10057, 10209, 10590, [10599], 10696, 10714 (3), 10717, [11400], 11421, [11466], [11478], 11488 (def.), [11559], 11787, 11819, 11861, 11933, 11944 (def.), 11956, 12262, [12327 (def.)], [12330], [12364], 12380, 12381 (def.), 12382, 12929, 12930, 11 Sp.553aP (def., Perg.), 13631 (def.), 13690, 13909, 13939 (def.), 13999 (def.), 14015 (def.), 14017 (def.), 14036 (def.), 14109, M12625 (def.), M12632, M13114 (2, def.), M13297, M07857, M14900 (def.), M14952 (def.), M15153 (def.), M15756 (def.), M17151, M16917, M11388 (2, def.), M17646 (def.), M17664 (def.), M18597, M18602, M18625, M21477 (def.), M21741, M22657 (def.), M22646 (2), M23059, M23254, M23281, M24262, M24269, M2484020 (def.), M26263, M26316, M48236, M26422 (def.), M26513 (1), M26631, M26911, M27047, M27619, M23219, M29248, M29380, M32225, M32480, M32482, M32509 (def.), M32561 (3), M32794, M32796, M32969, M33027, M33075, M33148 (2 Ex.), M33160, M33657, M33692, M33717, M33887, M34107 (def.), M34876 (def.), M36219, M36374, M36972, M37336 (def.), M37587, M37904, M38137, M38141, M39442, M40779, M41784, M41789 (def.), M41792, M41806, M41815, M41816, M41836, M41841, M41844, M43054 (def.), M43397, M46343 (2 Ex.), M46394, M46406, M46436, M46464, M46470, M46556, M46804, M47806, M48229, M48533, M49166, M49757 (def.), M49865 (def.), M50139, M50233, M50879 (def.), M51598, M51606, M51763
Bisch — Archives de l’Ancien Evêché de Bâle: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 4 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: M3072620, M3072630 (2 Ex.), M30777, M30779
Portalegre (Alentejo)/Portugal
M — Museu Municipal de Portalegre
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 11912, 12890
Port Elizabeth [Gqeberha] (Eastern Cape)/Südafrika
PL — Public Library
Portland (Maine) (Maine)/Vereinigte Staaten
OsherL — University of Southern Maine, Osher Map Library
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 03870, M40784, M49579 (def.)
Portland (Ore.) (Oregon)/Vereinigte Staaten
CentrL [ehem. LAssoc] — Multnomah County Central Library
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 02884 (def.), 04218, 04849, 07657, 09118, M31505, M40784 (2 Ex.), M49299
SUL — State University Library
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: M12482, M38725 (Bl. LXIIII fehlt)
Pôrto [Oporto] (Norte)/Portugal
BMun — Biblioteca Pública Municipal: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Portoferraio (Livorno)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Foresiana
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M46109 (def.)
Portsmouth (Hampshire, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
[Bisch] — [Bishop’s House]: verkauft
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: ehem. 11439
Portsmouth (N.H.) (New Hampshire)/Vereinigte Staaten
Athen — Athenaeum
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 10716 (1)
Postel (Antwerpen)/Belgien
Präm — Norbertijnenabdij
Potenza (Potenza)/Italien
BProv — Biblioteca Provinciale
Sem — Pontificio Seminario Regionale
Potsdam (Brandenburg)/Deutschland
Arch — Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M40779
AstroPhysikI — Astrophysikalisches Institut
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 01257
M — Potsdam-Museum - Forum für Kunst und Geschichte
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M40796
[PfarrB] — [Katholische Pfarrbibliothek]: Verbleib unbekannt
Der Bestand von 7 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: ehem. 00606, ehem. 06549, ehem. 07903, *ehem. 10842, *ehem. 11883, ehem. 12030, ehem. M46769 (Bl. 1-8 fehlen)
StLB — Stadt- und Landesbibliothek
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: M27158
Poughkeepsie (New York)/Vereinigte Staaten
Poznań [Posen]/Polen
ArchPanstw — Archiwum Państwowe w Poznaniu; z. T. in Warszawa BN
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: *ehem. 12 Sp. 69a (def.), ehem. 14042
BRaczynski — Biblioteka Raczyńskich
Erfasster Bestand 183 Ausgaben: 00299, 00806, 01710 (def.), 01711, 02353, 02431, 02441, 02444, 02790, 03322, 03460, 03931, 04534 (def.), 04573, 05785, 07186, 07590, 07622, 07662, 07708, 07722, 07820, 07831, 0816810N, 08201, 08379, 08424, 09123, 09125, 09184, 09281, 09334, 09433, 09439, 09445, 09450, 09705 (3.4), 09815, 09851, 10481 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 10602, 10763, 10765, 10802, 10829, 10832, 10884, 10899, 11363, 11377, 11429, 11434 (def.), 11475, 11486, 11697, 11815 (def.), 11819, 11820, 11863, 11866, 11912, 12037, 12051, 12187, 12225, 12227, 12256, 12326, 12424 (b), 12425, 12928, 12942, 11 Sp.782a, 13556, 14018, 14024, 14129, M12131, M12647, M12655, M13953, M13986, M13987, M14759, M14945 (def.), M14946 (def.), M15153, M15168, M15254, M15734, M16696, M17796, M18631, M20692, M20819, M21629, M22094 (def.), M22461 (def.), M22646 (1-3, 1: Fragm. 2: def.), M22648 (2, def.), M22724, M23222, M24994, M25749, M26035, M26099, M26225, M26260, M26303, M26307, M26308, M26430, M26513 (3), M26538 (4), M28924, M30164, M31505 (2 Ex.), M31860 (def.), M32023, M32175, M32176, M32466, M32472, M32482, M33692, M33717, M33835, M33881, M34317 (def.), M34574, M35092 (def.), M3509220 (def.), M35207, M36028, M36751, M3704460, M36911, M37914, M37936, M37945, M38002, M38036, M38680, M39666, M40726, M40784, M41242, M41794, M42133, M43461, M43998 (def.), M44098, M44253, M44256, M45522, M45788, M46129 (1), M46333, M46440 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), M46467, M46472, M46490, M46769 (def.), M46800, M47037, M47341, M48196, M49060, M49177, M49940, M50216, M50229, M50232, M50235, M50261, M50560, M50576, M50582 (1.2), M50635, M50612, M50617, M51410, M51438
BU — Biblioteka Główna Uniwersytetu im. Adama Mickiewicza: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 270 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 00465 (Fragm. Bl. 60), 00605, 01754 (def.), 01944, 02004, 02305, 02356, 02429, 02537, 02897, 03322, 03326, 03864 (Fragm.), 03931, 04139 (def.), 04282, 04478, 04552, 04934, 05609, 06084, 06841, 07410, 07413, 07614 (def.), 07695, 07745, 07771 (def.), 08328 (def.), 08478, 08640, 09121 (2 Ex.), 09132, 09151 (2, Fragm.), 09159 (def.), 09161 (2, def.), 09260, 09445, 09526 (Bl. 54 fehlt), 09835 (2), 09836 (2), 09840, 09885, 09981 (def.), 10100 (def.), 10505 (Fragm. 1 Bl.), 10688 (2.3. 3 def.), 10714 (1.4), 10716 (1.Inv.), 10717 (1.Inv.), 10892 (def.), 10897, 11352 (def.), 11368 (Fragm.), 11378, 11440, 11458 (def.), 11463 (def.), 11491 (def.), 11558, 11697, 11817 (2 Ex.), 11820 (def.), 11863, 11871 (def.), 11891, 11910 (def.), 11916 (def.), 11955, 11957, 11958 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10 Sp.504d (def.), 12188 (def.), 12189 (2 Ex.), 12225 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 12227, 12233, 12255, 12323, 12336, 12343 (def.), 12364, 12369 (def.), 12431, 12436, 12885, 13462, 13468 (3 Ex.), 13474, 13843, 13882 (def.), 14012 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Fragm. 1 Bl.), 14041 (def.), 14043, M12471, M12669, M13114 (2), M13471, M13361, M13596, M14079, M14181, M07837, M07867, M14608, M14691, M14980, M15120 (def.), M15790, M15792, M16335, M16432, M16561, M18480, M18486, M18675, M18859, M18862, M19695, M19707, M20230, M20807, M20808, M20831, M21292, M21425, M21631, M21833, M22196, M22259, M22461 (def.), M22498 (def.), M22657 (1.3), M22648 (1), M22652 (2.3, def.), M22709, M22719, M22731, M23142, M23222, M24360, M23994 (Perg. Fragm., Streifen eines Bl.), M26057, M26017, M26303, M26316, M48247 (def.), M26513 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2, 2. Ex. 2), M26911, M26943, M26961 (def.), M28410, M28420, M23217, M23219, M28512 (def.), M28924, *M28877 (def.), M29177 (def.), M29382 (Fragm.), M29388 (def.), M30349, M30431, M30438, M30552 (def.), M3074910 (Perg. Fragm.), M31093, M31505 (def.), M32164 (Fragm.), M32176, M32178, M32180 (def.), M32268 (def.), M32269 (Fragm.), M32480, M32509 (1.2, 4.5), M32527 (1-4), M32579, M32586 (def.), M32843, M32887, M33031 (def.), M33692 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M33699 (def.), M34014, M34317, M34321, M34480, M34672, M34760 (def.), M35423, M35433, M35457, M36031 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M36372, M36417, M36798, M36921 (1), M36936, M36977, M37420, M37511 (Fragm.), M37817, M37909, M37933, M37945, M38447, M38721 (def.), M38725, M39062 (Fragm. Bl. 147, def.), M39613, M39997 (1.2, def.), M40328, M40503, M40784 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M40782 (def.), M41247, M41271, M41349, M41439, M41442, M41444, M41778 (Fragm.), M41789 (def.), M41794 (def.), M41815 (def.), M41835 (Fragm.), M43900, M44093, M44198 (def.), M44736, M45246 (def.), M45485, M45728, M45769, M45783, M46042, M46089 (def.), M46148 (def.), M46248, M46333, M46382, M46440 (1), M46496, M46672, M47350, M47352, M47540, M48014 (Fragm.), M48058, M48217 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M48221, M48299 (1), M48635, M49093 (Fragm.), M49177 (def.), M49180, M49306, M49872, M49940, M49944, M49947 (def.), M50105, M50194 (def.), M50551, M50587 (1.2), M50612, M50617, M51413 (def.), M52097
Erzbisch [ehem. PrSem] — Archiwum Archidiecezjalne
Erfasster Bestand 579 Ausgaben: 00404, 00407, 00550, 00557, 00620, 00675, 00681 (Rubr. 1486), 01179 (def.), 01663, 01685 (def.), 01763, 01800, 01944, 02004, 02018, 02032, 02333, 02335 (1-3), 02337 (def.), 02341 (def.), 02346, 02347 (def.), 02399 (def.), 02402 (def.), 02403 (def.), 02416, 02487, 02672 (def.), 02827, 02937, 02966, 02862 (2 Ex.), 03217, 03223, 03224, 03323 (def.), 03325 (def.), 03340, 03664, 03911, 03931, 03934 (def.), 03974, 04050, 04282, 04397, 04550, 05084, 05087, 05093 (def.), 05512 (def.), 05165, 05550, 05779, 05947, 06027, 06548, 06729, 07211, 07301, 07398, 07581, 07615, 07622, 07634 (def.), 07662, 07673, 07728, 07742 (def.), 07766, 07903, 08272, 08312, 08358, 08419, 08478, 08646, 08647, 0872750N (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 4 u. 5, def.), 09109, 09126 (2 Ex.), 09132, 09135, 09140 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 09157 (1), 09162, 09331, 09428, 09439, 09445 (2 Ex.), 0948920 (2 Ex.), 09713, 09835 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3. 3 def., 2. Ex. 2), 09836 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 1.3, 3. Ex. 1.3), 09838 (2.3), 09840 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 2.3, 3. Ex. 3, 4. Ex. 3), 09841 (5 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 1–3, 3. Ex. 1–3, 4. Ex. 1, 5. Ex. 1), 09871, 09874 (def.), 10202, 10213 (def.), 10217, 10410, 10427, 10530, 10531 (1.2), 10594, 10688 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3. 2 def., 2. Ex. 3), 10698, 10713 (1, def.), 10714 (1.3.4, z.T. def.), 10715 (1–3. 2 in 2 Ex., z.T. def.), 10717 (3, def.), 10751 (def.), 10779, 10840, 10899 (def.), 10902, 10945 (3 Ex.), 11346, 11356, 11362, 11366 (2 Ex.), 11374 (2 Ex.), 11379 (def.), 11396, 11403, 11415, 11427, 11430, 11435, 11447, 11448 (def.), 11452 (def.), 11465 (def.), 11475 (def.), 11480 (3 Ex.), 11489, 11492, 11511 (def.), 11541 (def.), 11546, 11549 (def.), 11553 (def.), 11556 (def.), 11726, 11807, 11815 (def.), 11816 (def.), 11818, 11820 (2 Ex.), 11862, 11866, 11867, 11896, 11912, 11916 (def.), 11945 (2 Ex.), 11952 (def.), 11955 (2 Ex.), 11957, 11960 (def.), 11962 (def.), 11970, 12015, 12055 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12056 (2, def.), 12187 (def.), 12211 (def.), 12223, 12226, 12227 (def.), 12228 (def.), 12234, 12251 (def.), 12253, 12254, 12268, 12327, 12329 (def.), 12330, 12334, 12336, 12337 (2 Ex.), 12346 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12347 (2 Ex.), 12352 (def.), 12353 (def.), 12359 (def.), 12362 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 12369 (def.), 12372 (def.), 12373 (def.), 12378 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 12392, 12419 (def.), 12422, 12433, 12436, 12451 (2–6), 12475 (def.), 12886 (def.), 12894 (def.), 12929 (2 Ex.), 13548 (def.), 13557, 13574 (def.), 13575, 13576 (def.), *13586†, 13696 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 13702 (def.), 13716, 13722, 13800, 13843, ehem. 13884, 13901, 13902, 13915, 13984 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 13999 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 14000 (def.), 14008, 14012 (def.), 14015 (3 Ex.), 14018, 14024 (def.), 14027 (2 Ex.), 14032 (def.), 14034 (2 Ex.), 14043 (def.), 14104 (def.), 14109, 14128, 14129, 14146, M12156, M12471, M12482, M12624, M12662, M12668, M12957, M13114 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M13471 (def.), M13252, M13295, M13285, M13568, M13586, M13785, M13805, M13987 (def.), M13992, M14012, M14096, M07810 (def.), M07812, M07828 (2 Ex.), M07837 (2 Ex.), M07839, M07841, M07867, M14407 (3 Ex.), M14408 (3 Ex.), M14684 (def.), M14701, M10879, M14759 (3 Ex.), M14813, M14881, M14908, M14941, M14943, M14945 (def.), M14960 (def.), M14965 (2), M14969 (1), M14980 (def.), M15120 (def.), M15168 (def.), M15272, M15292 (3 Ex.), M16051, M16773, M16781 (2 Ex.), M17052 (def.), M17796, M1784420 (Fragm.), M17875 (def.), M17884 (def.), M17889 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M17905, M17916, M17919 (def.), M18660 (3 Ex.), M18664, M18672, M18675 (2 Ex.), M19176, M19218, M19220 (def.), M19227 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M07949, M19829, M19837, M19853, M20023, M20289 (def.), M20479 (def.), M20691, M20694, M20695, M20792, M20797, M20806, M20807 (def.), M20808 (def.), M20813, M20819 (2 Ex.), M20967 (3 Ex.), M21411 (2 Ex.), M21422, M21425 (2 Ex.), M21426 (2 Ex.), M21435, M21488, M21718, M22457, M22461, M22468 (def.), M22498, M22502, M22511, M22657 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-3, 1.3 def.2. Ex. 1.2, 1 def.), M22646 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def3. Ex. 2 def.), M22652 (2.3), M22665 (1-3, 1.2 def.), M22707, M22908 (def.), M23131, M23140 (def.), M23228 (def.), M23222, M23251, M23298, M23578, M24083 (def.), M24139, M24169, M24184 (def.), M24350 (def.), M24355, M2439710 (def.), M24934 (def.), M25321, M25667 (def.), M26263 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M26274, M26299 (def.), M26302 (3 Ex.), M26303, M26304 (2 Ex.), M26307, M26308 (2 Ex.), M26312, M48239, M48242 (def.), M48244 (2 Ex.), M26406 (2 Ex.), M26489, M26513 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. 1 def.), M26532 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-3, 1.2 def.2. Ex. 2 def.), M26538 (def.), M26701, M26911 (def.), M26925 (2 Ex.), M26943, M26963, M26967 (def.), M26995, M27098, M00868, M27222, M28115, M28126, M28410, M28413, M28420 (def.), M23202 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M23205, M23219 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M28670, M28783, M29375, M29382 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M29387 (def.), M29841 (def.), M30518, M30532 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.2, 2 def.2. Ex. 2, def.), M30537, M30547, M30552 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.2, def.2. Ex. 2, def.), M30557, M30564, M30569, M30915 (def.), M31621, M32085, M32092 (3 Ex.), M32176, M32270, M32376 (1), M32461 (def.), M32463 (2 Ex.), M32466, M32472, M32480 (2 Ex.), M32482, M32489 (2 Ex.), M32509 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 3-5), M32527 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1-3.52. Ex. 1.2), M32577, M32579 (2 Ex.), M32586 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M32724 (def.), M32923, M32965, M33031, M33075, M33276, M33319, *M33764, M00811 (2 Ex.), M00821, M00828, M34326, M35127, M35453 (def.), M36028 (5 Ex.), M36031 (def.), M36219 (def.), M36372 (def.), M36634, M36734, M36737, M36929 (2), M36944, M36980, M36964 (def.), M36966, M36988, M36911 (3 Ex.), M37482, M37914 (def.), M37942, M37986, M38097, M38137 (def.), M38141 (def.), M38537 (def.), M38685, M38725 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M38963, M39205, M39255, M39400, M39441, M39458, M39510 (def.), M39792, M40229, M40784 (2 Ex.), M40786 (def.), M41404, M41624, M41638 (def.), M41644, M41648 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M41687, M41771 (2 Ex.), M41783 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M41789 (2 Ex.), M41792 (4 Ex.), M41794 (3 Ex.), M41796, M41805 (3 Ex.), M41806 (def.), M41813 (3 Ex.), M41815 (3 Ex.), M41816, M41817 (3 Ex.), M41819, M41820 (3 Ex.), M41827 (2 Ex.), M41835, M41836, M41840 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M41841, M42042 (def.), M42090 (def.), M4295210 (def.), M42954 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M42959 (def.), M43134, M43906, M43909, M43910, M44098 (def.), M4425410 (def.), M45728 (def.), M45963 (def.), M46029, M46033, M46058, M46089 (2 Ex.), M46138, M46305, M46313 (3 Ex.), M46333 (2 Ex.), M46346, M46359, M46369 (2 Ex.), M46378, M46390, M46436 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1.4), M46445 (1.3), M46455, M46461, M46464, M46472, M46490, M46506, M46615 (1.2), M46672, M46800, M24971, M47346 (2 Ex.), M47350, M47364 (def.), M47787, M47828 (1-4), M47981, M47992 (2), M48209 (def.), M48217, M48221 (3 Ex.), M48279 (def.), M49084†, M49078 (Fragm.), M49093 (def.), M49188, M49450, M49940 (def.), M50087 (def.), M50213, M50216 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), M50230, M50236, M50255, M50262, M50274, M50560 (def.), M50570 (1), M50576, M50582 (def.), M50587 (3.4, 4 def.), M50635 (2, Fragm.), M50617, M50877 (def.), M50879 (def.), M50882 (def.), M51121 (def.), M51413, M51465, M51592, M51741 (def.), M51996
Franzisk — Klasztor OO. Franciszkanów
M [ehem. MWielk] — Muzeum Narodowe
TowNauk [ehem. GesFreundeWiss] — Biblioteka Poznańskiego Towarzystwa Przyjaciół Nauk
Praha [Prag]/Tschechien
Akad — Knihovna Akademie věd České republiky
Arch — Archiv hlavního mesta Prahy
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 14100 (def.)
Aug — Klášter augustiniánů sv.Tomáše
[DobrovskKn] — [Dobrovského knihovna]; in Praha NM
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 12328
Domin — Dominikánská knihovna: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M13739
Franzisk — Knihovna kláštera řádu františkánu: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 04324, 13576, 13883, 14033, 14100 (def.), 12 Sp.M11567, M48347
[FranziskJakub] [ehem. Minor] — [Klášter minoritů u sv. Jakuba]: Verbleib unbekannt
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: ehem. 14118 (3)
HistInstAkad — Knihovna Historického ústavu Akademie věd České republiky
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 07849 (def.), M23189
JuristF — Univerzita Karlova, Právnická fakulta
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M47787
Kap — Kapitulní knihovna
Erfasster Bestand 193 Ausgaben: 00782, 00705, 01460 (2 Ex. , [1. Ex.], [2. Ex.]), 01496 (def.), 03013, 04667, 07831, 09265 (def.), 09429, 09435, 09439, 09442, 09444, 09450, 09493, 09531, 09542, 09554 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 09556 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 09560, 09628, 09629, *09667, 09704, 09710, 09711, 09712, 09713, 09815, 09836, 09837, 09840, 09846 (2), 09847, 09851, 09865, 09873, 09885, 09889, 09981, 10073, 10074, 10207, 10221 (2 Ex.), 10246, 10270, 10277, *10334, 10427, 10488, 10505, 10654, 10672, 10674, 10700, 10698, 10714 (1.3), 10715 (2), 10719, 10728, 10731, 10754, 10763, 10767, 10773, 10799, 10800, 10809, 10825, 10826, 10830 (2 Ex.), 10831, 10838, 10843, 10892, 10893, 10896, 10897, 10943 (2 Ex.), 10944, 10945, 10961, 11034, 11346, 11356, 11368 (2 Ex.), 11372, 11373, 11414, 11417, 11427, 11431, 11434 (2 Ex.), 11439, 11450, 11452, 11456, 11464, 11481, 11487 (2 Ex.), 11491, 11494, 11560 (def.), 11696, 11717, 11723, 11797, 11817, 11818, 11819, 11820, 11862, 11863, 11869, 11870, 11878, 11891, 11892, 11896, 11928, 11959, 11962, 11965, 11971, 12037, 12048, 12075, 12187, 12188, 12189, 12190, 12191, 12220, 12223, 12225, 12227, 12238, 12241, 12248, 12253, 12254, 12257, 12266, 12309, 12329 (Rubr. 1487), 12337 (Rubr. 1487), 12352, 12392, 12406, 12412, 12430, 12451 (1.5.6), 12471 (2 Ex.), 12763, 12885, 12893, 12928, 12931, 12941 (2 Ex.), 13548 (def.), 13574, 13576, 13630, 13631 (2 Ex.), 13664, 13841 (2 Ex.), 13843, 13877, [13880], 13896, 13898, 13902 (2 Ex. , /1. Ex./, /2. Ex./), 13916, 13974, 14025, 14032, 14118 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 2), [M12061], [M13504], M15411, M16444, M17311, M18837, M21806 (2 Ex.), M22260, M08081, M31954, [M31978], M08074, M39869, M43484, M1829620, [M50221]
Kapuz — Klášter kapucínů
Kreuzh — Knihovna konventu řádu křizovníků s červenou hvězdou
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 04667, [M35590 (Fragm. 4 Bl., def.)]
KunstM — Uměleckoprůmyslové muzeum
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 04323, 11362, 11434, 11547, 11871, 12227
Malt — Knihovna řádu maltských rytírů: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
NArch — Národní archiv
NKn [ehem. UB / SKn] — Národní knihovna ČR, Oddělení rukopisů a starých tisků
Erfasster Bestand 2764 Ausgaben: 00031 (23 Ex. , 5. Ex. Fragm., 6. Ex. Fragm., 23. Ex. Fragm.), 00037, 0003710 (6 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 0007110N, 00113 (2 Ex.), 00148, 00177, 00187, 00203, 00213, 00216, 00278, 00298a, 00304, 00307, 00326, 00347, 00350, 00366 (Fragm. Bl. f3), 00406, 00409, 00410, 00411, 00414, 00471, 00473, *00475 (def.), 00488, 00497, 00512, 00547, 00548, 00553, 00560, 00561, 00764 (2 Ex.), 00768, 00770, 00777, 00778, 00779, 00780, 00781, 00782 (6 Ex.), 00582, 00588, 00590, 00596, 00600 (3 Ex.), 00602 (2 Ex.), 00603, 00605, 00610, 00612, 00615 (2 Ex.), 00616, 0061610, 00677, 00680, 00681 (3 Ex.), 00689, 00699 (3 Ex.), 00700, 00701, 00706 (2 Ex.), 00713, 1 Sp.347a, 00784, 00785 (2 Ex.), 00804, 00806, 00836, 00837 (2 Ex.), 00840, 00843, 00844 (2 Ex.), 00845 (2 Ex.), 00862, 00866, 00867 (3 Ex.), 00870, 00871, 00872 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 1), 00876 (2 Ex.), 00877 (4 Ex.), 00879 (3 Ex.), 00894, 00959 (def.), 00998, 01075 (def.), 01108, 01123, 01124, 01125 (1–3), 01157, 01171 (Bl. e4/e5 fehlt), 01193, 01199, 01257, 01258 (2 Ex.), 01510 (def.), 01521 (Fragm.), 0154010N (def.), 0155220N (def.), 01291 (Fragm.), 0136440N (Fragm.), 01380, 01393, 0142205N (Fragm.), 01560, 01575, 01576, 01592, 01599, 01602 (2 Ex.), 01616 (3 Ex.), 01625, 01641, 01662, 01663, 01672, 01675, 01676, 01682, 01683, 01687, 01688 (3 Ex.), 01689, 01697 (2 Ex.), 01700, 01701, 01702, 01705 (2 Ex.), 01707, 01710 (def.), 01711, 01712 (2 Ex.), 01713, 01715, 01727 (2 Ex.), 01749 (2 Ex.), 01755 (2 Ex.), 01758, 01820, 01821, 01830, 01900 (2 Ex.), 01924, 01925, 01926, 01927, 01929, 01932, 01933, 01938, 01939, 01943, 01944, 01951, 01954, 02002, 02004, 02018 (2 Ex.), 02019, 02022, 02032 (3 Ex.), 02033, 02034, 02035 (2 Ex.), 02036, 02037, 02038, *02039, 02048, 02185 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 22. Ex. 4), 02186 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. Fragm.3. Ex. Fragm.), 02188 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1-3), 02189 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. 3.4, 3. Ex. 1–4), 02190, 02191, 02192 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 4), 02200, 02072 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1.2), 02073 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. 2), 02074, 02082 (2 Ex.), 02087, 02094, 02097 (2 Ex.), 02104, 02116, 02119, 02125, 02130, 02132, 02135, 02137, 02138 (2 Ex.), 02209, 02210 (2 Ex.), 02211, 02212 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 02215, 02260, 02290 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. 1), 02293, 02301 (def.), 02305, 02308, 02317, 02324, 02332, 02334 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), 02335, 02339, 02341, 02342, 02346, 02348 (2 Ex.), 02352, 02353 (2 Ex.), 02354 (2 Ex.), 02362, 02379, 02398, 02399 (2 Ex.), 02401, 02402, 02403, 02420, 02428, 02429, 02430, 02431 (3 Ex.), 02432, 02434, 02444 (3 Ex.), 02445, 02447, 02450, 02456, 02460, 02472, 02473 (2 Ex.), 02490, 02502, 02504, 02511, 02514 (2 Ex.), 02527 (2 Ex.), 02529, 02534, 02565, 02575, 02577 (Rubr. 1498), 02578, 02579, 02608 (2 Ex.), 02667, 0267010N, 02678, 02681, 02685 (7 Ex.), 02712, 02739, 02747 (3 Ex.), 02750, 02756, 02757, 02758, 02760, 02761, 02775, 02808, 02851 (2 Ex.), 02852, 02933, 02934, 02937, 02939, 02945, 03001 (def.), 03002 (3 Ex.), 03003, 03006, 03013, 03030, 03039, 02864, 02865 (2 Ex.), 02866, 02868 (2 Ex.), 02869, 02871, 02873, 02879, 02884 (2 Ex.), 02885, 02887 (3 Ex.), 02888, 02890 (2 Ex.), 02893, 02897, 02898, 02900, 02904, 02905, 02906 (4 Ex. , [4. Ex.]), 02909, 02911, 02912 (3 Ex.), 02915, 02916 (2 Ex.), 02920 (3 Ex. , [3. Ex.]), 02921, 02925 (3 Ex.), 02926 (2 Ex.), 02927, 02928, 02929, 03051, 03053, 03061, 03067, 03077 (2 Ex.), 03078, 03084, 03085, 03095 (2 Ex.), 03103 (def.), 03104, 03109, 03112, 3 Sp.223a, 03127 (2.3), 03147, 03154 (4 Ex.), 03177, 03181, 03186 (2 Ex.), 03187, 03192, 03193, 03211 (2 Ex.), 03214 (5 Ex.), 03222, 03253 (2 Ex.), 03260 (2 Ex.), 03267, 03276, 03287 (2 Ex.), 03290, 03302 (2 Ex.), 03307 (2 Ex.), 03308 (3 Ex.), 03314, 03322, 03323, 03326, 03341 (2 Ex.), 03345, 03346, 03348 (1), 03388, 03405, 03409, 03410 (2 Ex.), 03412, 03413 (2 Ex.), 03426, 03427, 03428, 03441, 03460, 03463, 03473, 03505, 03522, 03562, 03580, 03592, 03604, 03628, 03644, 03653, 03664, 03665, 03672, 03677, 03680, 03683, 03689, 03706, 03708 (2 Ex.), 03711, 03742, 03744, 03747, 03862, 03863 (3 Ex.), 03866, 03870, 03881, 03882 (4 Ex.), 03886, 03887 (2 Ex.), 03888 (3 Ex.), 03902 (2 Ex.), 03903, 03905, 03908, 03912 (2 Ex.), 03914 (2 Ex.), 03923, 03925, 03926 (4 Ex.), 03929, 03931, 03937 (2 Ex.), 03942 (3 Ex.), 03943, 03944, 03945, 03952, 04004, 04007, 04011 (2 Ex.), 04023, 04056, 04065, 04071, 04081, 04083, 04084, 04094, 04095, 04099, 04100 (2 Ex.), 04102, 04104 (2 Ex.), 04114 (Lagen f–q), 04130 (2 Ex.), 04132, 04133, 04145 (2 Ex.), 04146, 04153 (2-3), 04158 (1), 04172, 04174 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 04176, 04191, 04201 (Fragm. 1 Bl., def.: II:49), 04204, 04208, 04213 (2 Ex.), 04216 (2 Ex.), 04218 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04219, 04227 (3 Ex.), 04229, 04232, 04234 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. def.), 04235 (Fragm.), 04239 (2 Ex.), 04240, 04241 (2 Ex.), 04242, 04243 (4 Ex.), 04246, 04248 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04250 (2 Ex.), 04252 (def.), 04254 (4 Ex.), 04255 (3 Ex.), 04257 (def.), 04258, 04260, 04262 (2 Ex.), 04263, 04264, 04267 (2 Ex.), 04268 (3 Ex.), 04269 (2 Ex.), 04270, 04271 (def.), 04272 (2 Ex.), 04274 (3 Ex.), 04275 (2 Ex.), 04276, 04277 (2 Ex.), 04278, 04280, 04282 (4 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 04283 (def.), 04284 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.3-6, [3. Ex. 1-6]), 04285 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–4.6.7, [2. Ex. 1-7]), 04286 (1), 04287 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 23. Ex. 2, def.), 04288 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 42. Ex. 1.43. Ex. 1), 04289 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. 1.4), 04290 (1), 04292 (2, def.), 04293, 04294 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 42. Ex. 1-3), 04298 (3 Ex.), 04302 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1), 04303 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 04305 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 23. Ex. def.), 04306 (2), 04323 (4 Ex.), 04324 (2 Ex.), 04333 (3 Ex.), 04336 (3 Ex.), 04391, 04392, 04397, 04403, 04410 (2 Ex.), 04419, 04420, 04423, 04430, 04437, 04476, 04478, 04479, 04484, 04533, 04537 (2 Ex.), 04547, 04551 (2 Ex.), 04559, 04563, 04565, 04573, 04586 (2 Ex.), 04588, 04592, 04600, 04602, 04511, 04512, 04526, 4 Sp.382b, 04643, 04644 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 2), 04647 (2 Ex.), 04648, 04649, 04651, 04655, 04659, 04666, 04675, 04684, 04705, 04716 (5 Ex.), 04718, 04721, 04730, 04745 (3 Ex.), 04754, 04796, 04798, 04800, 04812, 04813, 04814, 04817, 04818 (2 Ex.), 04849 (2 Ex.), 04857, 04862, 04864, 04867 (2 Ex.), 04868 (2 Ex.), 04875, 04877, 04879 (2 Ex.), 04882 (2 Ex.), 04886, 04887, 04890, 04899, 04901, 04905 (def.), 04952, 04959, 04988, 04992, 05028, 05055 (def.), 05057, 05061 (2 Ex.), 05067, 05068 (3 Ex.), 05072, 05075 (3 Ex.), 05076 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 05077, 4 Sp.656a, 05080 (def.), 05083, 05084 (2 Ex.), 05085 (2 Ex.), 05089 (2 Ex.), 05091, 05092 (2 Ex.), 05093, 05357 (def.), 05358 (3.8.9 fehlen), 05398, 05414 (def.), 05425, 05432 (2 Ex.), 05433, 05434 (def.), 05435 (def.), 05512, 0510060N, 05104 (def.), 05117, 05127, 05154, 05165 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 05230 (def.), 05237, 05243, 05550, 5 Sp.554c, 05577, 05593, 05595 (2 Ex.), 05596, 05609, 05611, 05612, 05613, 05615, 05636 (2 Ex.), 05661, 05667, 05687, 05692, 05737, 05778, 05780, 05782, 05785, 05786 (2 Ex.), 05787 (3 Ex.), 5 Sp.695a, 05805 (2 Ex.), 05806, 05807, 05808, 05821, 05823, 05869, 05872, 05881, 05895, 05896 (4 Ex.), 05904 (2 Ex.), 05939 (2 Ex.), 6 Sp. 79a, 05977, 05986 (2 Ex.), 06003, 06019, 6 Sp.125a, 06032, 06040, 06041, 06043, 06046, 06047, 06050 (2 Ex.), 06053, 06054 (3 Ex.), 06056, 06057 (2 Ex.), 06060 (Kaufv. 1492), 06066, 06070, 06074, 06078, 06079, 06080 (2 Ex.), 06084, 06085, 06113 (2 Ex.), 06129, 06130, 06131, 06132, 06133, 06151, 06152, 06160, 06162 (3 Ex.), 06163 (3 Ex.), 06165, 06167 (2 Ex.), 06222, 06277 (2 Ex.), 06280, 06282, 06311, 06328, 06332, 06338, 06393 (2 Ex.), 06459 (2 Ex.), 06463, 06466, 06473, 06482 (1995 nicht aufgefunden), 06484, 6 Sp.397a, 06514, 06515, 06540, 06542 (2 Ex.), 06547, 06548 (3 Ex.), 06549 (3 Ex.), 06550, 6 Sp.420a, 06556 (4. Druck, def.), 06616, 06630, 06686, 06688, 06984, 06985, 06991, 06999, 07028, 06735, 06738, 06741, 06751, 06753, 06766, 06767, 06768, 06771, 06792, 06802, 06807, 06814, 06823, 06838, 06840, 06841, 06842, 06859, 06860, 06899, 06904, 06908, 06910, 06917, 06935 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06960, 06961, 06965, 06972, 06983, 07047, 07048, 07076, 07079, 07088, 07090, 07093, 07094 (2 Ex.), 07095 (2 Ex.), 07097 (2 Ex.), 07098, 07102, 07104, 07105 (2 Ex.), 07107, 07108, 07117, 07123, 07125, 07159, 07162, 07186, 07217, 07219, 07223, 07230 (3 Ex.), 07231 (5 Ex.), 07232 (3 Ex.), 07247, 07248, 07258, 07259, 07262 (2 Ex.), 07276, 07279, 07284 (5 Ex.), 07287 (2 Ex.), 07395, 07408, 07410, 07412, 07413, 07418, 07419, 07420, 07421 (2 Ex.), 07422 (3 Ex. , [3. Ex.]), 07424, 07474, 07490, 07506, 07509, 07571, 07572 (3 Ex.), 07573, 07605, 07610, 07614 (2 Ex.), 07615, 07633, 07646, 07662, 07672, 07708, 07717, 07719, 07734, 07735, 07740, 07744, 07748, 07754, 07755, 07759, 07767, 07783, 07799, 07814, 07815, 07824 (2 Ex.), 07825, 07849, 07874, 07884, 07885 (2 Ex.), 07886, 07887 (2 Ex.), 07890, 07891, 07896, 07903 (4 Ex.), 07933, 07991, 08038, 08048, 08128, 08149, 08226, 08247 (3 Ex.), 08267, 08272, 08276, 08305, 08308, 08310, 08318, 08368, 08369 (2 Ex.), 08375, 08379, 08383, 08404, 08407, 08411, 08419 (4 Ex.), 08435 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 08478 (2 Ex.), 08481, 08504 (def.), 08508, 08524, *08555, 08556, 7 Sp.548a, 08632, 08648 (2), 08654, 08842 (Fragm.), 09044, 09045, 7 Sp.686a, 09067, 09069, 09072, 09074, 09084 (2 Ex.), 09091, 09103 (2 Ex.), 09107, 09114, 09117 (3 Ex.), 09119, 09121 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), 09123, 09124, 09126, 09131, 09132 (2 Ex.), 09135, 09137, 09140, 09156 (def.), 09157 (def.), 09158 (def.), 09159, 09184, 09188, 09200 (def.), 09217, 09252, 09259, 09265 (def.), 09280, 09308, 09334 (5 Ex.), 09344, 09345, 09351, 09353, 09363, 09365, 09367 (2 Ex.), 09379, 09380, 09392, 09411, 09426, 09428 (2 Ex.), 09433, 09437, 09439 (3 Ex.), 09450 (2 Ex.), 0948920 (2 Ex.), 0948925, 09495, 09503 (2 Ex.), *09509 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. vermisst 1995), 09529, 09531, 09533, 09534 (2 Ex.), 09537, 09542, 09553 (def.), 09554 (def.), 09556 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 0955910N (Z. 1 u. 54 def.), *09560 (2 Ex.), *09561 (def.), 09565 (def.), *09568 (oberer Teil fehlt, rechts def.), *0957110 (oberer Teil fehlt, links def.), *0959010 (Fragm. 2 Doppelbl. 1/8 u. 2/7), 0959310N (Fragm. 2 Doppelbl. aus Lage a), *09597 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 7 u. 10 fehlen, 2. Ex. Fragm.), *09606 (Fragm. Bl. 2–5), 09613 (Ex. Tepla Verlust), *0962110 (Fragm. 1 Doppelbl., vermutlich Bl. 2/5), 09628, 09629 (2 Ex.), 09652, 09653 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09655, 09656 (2 Ex.), 09659 (2 Ex.), 09661 (2 Ex.), 09667 (Fragm.), 09679 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09705 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2.5-7), 09711, 09712, *09734 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 09735, 09821, 09826, 09836 (4 Ex.), 09837 (5 Ex. , 2. Ex. 2, 3. Ex. 2), 09838 (2 Ex.), *09840 (2), 09841 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.3), 09847, 09851 (4 Ex. Rubr. 1487), 09853, 8 Sp.386b, *09859, 09871, 09873 (2 Ex.), 09874 (2 Ex.), 09880, 09881, 09882 (2 Ex.), 09885 (4 Ex.), 09886, 09889, 09980, 09981 (4 Ex.), 09982, 10006 (Bl. 104 fehlt), 10007, 10039, 10040 (3 Ex.), 10044, 10055, 10070, 10073 (2 Ex.), 10099 (3 Ex.), 10171, 10198, 10207, 10213, 10214, 10220, 10221, 10228, 10229 (2 Ex.), 10230, 10234, 10259, 10260, 10270, 10275, 10313, 10329 (3 Ex.), 10423 (2 Ex.), 10427 (2 Ex.), 10435, 10458, 10481, 10509, 10514, 10531 (1.2), 10544, 10562 (2 Ex.), 10563 (2 Ex.), 10584 (Fragm. 2 Bl.) (z.Z. nicht auffindbar), 10597, 10598 (2 Ex.), 10601, 10647, 10653, 10655 (2 Ex.), 10657 (2 Ex.), 10664, 10673, 10674, 10679, 10682 (def.), 10683, 10700, 10687, 10688 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 1, Fragm.), 10691, 10714 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. 4), 10715 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1.2, 2. Ex. 1.2, 4. Ex. 1–3.Inv.), 10716, 10717, 10724 (3 Ex.), 10727, 10738, 10740 (def.), 10751 (4 Ex.), 10756, 10763 (2 Ex.), 10768, 10797, 10812, 10819 (def.), 10827, 9 Sp.546a, 10838, 10864, 10866, 10895 (4 Ex.), 10896 (3 Ex.), 10897, 10898, 10902 (2 Ex.), 10904, 10921, 10943, 10944, 10945 (2 Ex.), 10949, 10961, *11017 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11029, 11047, 11250, 11251 (Fragm. Bl. 3 u. 6), 11252, 11332, 11339, 11346 (2 Ex.), 11349, 11351, 11352, 11353 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), 11355, 11356, 11357, 11358, 11362 (3 Ex.), 11363 (2 Ex.), 11366, 11368 (3 Ex.), 11369, 11370 (def.), 11371, 11373, 11374, *11377 (2 Ex.), 11379, 11382 (3 Ex.), 11385, 11386, 11389 (2 Ex.), 11393, 11396, 11397, 11401, 11403 (2 Ex.), 11415, 11422, 11427 (4 Ex.), 11429 (def.), 11431 (2 Ex.), 11432, 11434 (3 Ex.), 11435, 11437 (3 Ex.), 11439 (2 Ex.), 11447 (3 Ex.), 11449, 11450, 11451 (2 Ex.), 11457, 11458, 11459, 11460, 11466 (2 Ex.), 11472, 11473, 11480, 11482, 11486 (2 Ex.), 11487 (2 Ex.), 11489, 11491, 11493, 11499, 11502, 11514, 11516, 11538, 11539, 11540, 11545 (2 Ex.), 11546 (2 Ex.), 11547, 11548, 11549, 11551, 11556 (3 Ex.), 11558, 11559, 11560 (2 Ex.), 11570, 11571 (2 Ex.), 11581, 11597, 11697, 11711 (2 Ex.), 11713, 11715 (2 Ex.), 11719, 11720, 11799, 11805, 11814, 11815, 11816, 11817, 11820 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Kaufv. 1499), 11822 (2 Ex.), 11862 (2 Ex.), 11866 (3 Ex.), 11867, 11869 (2 Ex.), 11870 (2 Ex.), 11871, 11885, 10 Sp.393c (2 Ex.), 11886, 11887 (2 Ex.), 11888 (3 Ex.), 11895, 11896, 10 Sp.401b, 11941 (2 Ex.), 11948, 11952, 11953 (2 Ex.), 11954, 11955 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 11956, 11957, 11959 (2 Ex.), 11960, 11962, 11972, 11973 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1–80, 3. Ex. def.), 12011, 10 Sp.504d, 10 Sp.504e, 12037, 12048 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 12049, 12051, 12052, 12068, 12080, 12109 (2 Ex.), 12120, 12178 (def.), 12186 (Fragm. Bl. h3b/h4a, Probedruck oder Korrekturabzug?), 12187 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 12189, 12190 (2 Ex.), 12191, 12193, 12197, 12225 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 12226, 12227 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 12230, 12233 (1.2), 12236, 12244, 12248, 12250 (5 Ex.), 12251, 12254, 12255, 12262, 12270, 12275 (2 Ex.), 12309, 12312, 12314 (3 Ex.), 12323, 12326, 12328 (2 Ex.), 12329, 12330, 12334, 12335, 12336 (Bl. 1 fehlt, Bl. 118a Salvator), 12339, 12343 (2 Ex.), 12344, 12346, 12347, 12348 (3 Ex.), 12349 (def.), 12350, 12352 (2 Ex.), 12353, 12354 (2 Ex.), 12355, 12359, 12369, 12373, 12378, 12379, 12381, 12382, 12384, 12392, 12406, 12408 (2 Ex.), 12409, 12419 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 22. Ex. 2 def.), 12424 (b), 12425, 12430, 12431 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 1), 12433 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 1.2), 12434, 12435, 12436 (4 Ex. , 4. Ex. 1), 12451 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex., 2. Ex. 10), 12453, 12471 (5 Ex.), 12473, 12475, 12478, 11 Sp.104a, 12537, 12589, 12832, 12881, 12884, 12885 (2 Ex.), 12886, 12887, 12889 (2 Ex.), 12893, 12894, 11 Sp.355a, 12895, 12911, 12928 (2 Ex.), 12929 (2 Ex.), 12930, 12931 (2 Ex.), 12938, 12939 (def.), 12941, 12942, 12946, 13218 (Perg. Bl. 40 fehlt), 13367, 13458, 13460, 13462, 13467, 13468 (3 Ex.), 13470, 13485, 13501, 13517, 13548 (3 Ex.), 13550, 13557 (2 Ex.), 13565 (2 Ex.), 13568, 13569, 13570, 13571, 13574 (2 Ex.), 13575, 13576, 13578 (2 Ex.), 13579, 13630, 13631 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. Kaufv. 1486), 13645, 13648, 13649, 13650, 13662, 13667, 13675, 13676, 13679 (2 Ex.), 13680, 13696 (2 Ex.), 13708 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 13712, 13716, 13729 (3 Ex.), 13756, 13788 (2 Ex.), 13790 (2 Ex.), 13800, 13841, 13842, 13843 (2 Ex.), 13865, 13877, 13878, 13880, 13881, 13882, 13883 (3 Ex.), 13884, 13890, 13891, 13894, 13896, 13898 (2 Ex.), 13899 (2 Ex.), 13901 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 13902, 13903 (2 Ex.), 13910 (2 Ex.), 13912, 13914, 13936, 13938, 13960, 13979, 13980, 13982, 13987, 13992, 13993, 13999, 14004, 14008 (2 Ex.), 14012 (2 Ex.), 14013, 14017, 14018, 14027, 14032 (2 Ex.), 14033, 14040, 14041 (2 Ex.), 14042, 14099 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 14100 (5 Ex. , 5. Ex. def.), 14102 (2 Ex.), 14104, 14106 (2 Ex.), 14107 (2 Ex.), 14109, 14111 (2 Ex.), 14112, 14125 (2 Ex.), 14127, 14128 (3 Ex.), 14129 (2 Ex.), 14130 (3 Ex.), 14146, 14166, M12061, M12065 (3 Ex.), M12131, M12143, M12151, M12443, M12473, M12480 (2 Ex.), M12482, M12484 (3 Ex.), M12496 (3 Ex.), [M12624], M12632 (2 Ex.), M12647, M12653, M12654, M12662, M12663, M12666, M12667, M12827, M13114, M13116, M13145, M13174 (3 Ex.), M13471, M13476, M13252, M13260, M13262, M13269, M13280, M13295, M13297, M13300, M13306, M1333510, M13341, M13344, M13361, M09754, M09759, M09766 (2 Ex.), M09746, M13529, M13568, M13586, M13587 (2 Ex.), M13592, M13596, M13600 (2 Ex.), M13622 (def.), M13649, M13692, M13726, M13768, M13797, M13807 (2 Ex.), M13849, M13923, M13983, M13987, M13990, M13992, M02804, M07725, M07729, M14095, M14111, M14117, M14076, M14079, M14179, M14181 (3 Ex. , [2. Ex.]), M14183 (3 Ex.), M14225, M07800, M07818, M07820, M07821, M07828, M07830, M07841, M07867, M07870, M14345, M14405 (2 Ex.), M14407 (3 Ex. , [2. Ex.]), M14408 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M14508, M1452810 (Fragm.), M14559, M14576, M14577, M14635, M14644, M14657 (2 Ex.), M14661, M14684, M14687, M14691, M14759, M14782, M14775 (2 Ex.), M14860, M14891, M14907, M14916 (def.), M14919 (def.), M14943, M14948, M14949, M14955, M14960, M14962 (def.), M14965, M14969, M14980, M15065, M15123, M15150, M15153 (4 Ex.), M15175, M15185 (2 Ex.), M15272, M15286, M15293 (2 Ex.), M15296, M15330, M15250, M15254 (3 Ex.), M15263, M15397, M15484, M15528, M15637, M15642 (3 Ex.), M15648 (2 Ex.), M15734, M15759, M15767, M15772, M15780, M15792, M15913 (2 Ex.), M15936 (2 Ex.), M16057, M16084, M16283, M16325, M16327, M17151, M16537, M16541, M16552, M16553, M16555, M16563 (2 Ex.), M16584 (2 Ex.), M16694, M16773, M16774, M16775, M16771, M16780, M16783, M16784 (2 Ex.), M16785 (2 Ex.), M16787, M35865, M16911, M16905, M16915, M16917, M17060, M27564, M38409, M17603, M11369, M11386 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), M11394 (1), M11398, M11407, M11412 (2), M11506, M11217, M17639, M17663, M17665, M17713 (nur Griseldis), M17731, M1774210 (def.), M17744 (Fragm. 4 Bl.), M17797, M17875, M17882, M17884, M17885, M17889, M17891 (2 Ex.), M17901, M17903, M17905, M17908, M17919, M17922, M17926, M17964, M17974 (2 Ex.), M18005, M18007, M18204, M18217, M18245, M18340, M18355, M18385, M18390, M18461, M18477, M18480, M18491, M18486, M18631, M18660 (3 Ex.), M18662 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. def.), M18666, M18675 (2 Ex.), M18703, M18852, M18859, M18862, M18865, M18977, M19006, M19011, M19065 (2 Ex.), M19176, M19215 (2 Ex.), M19218, M19222, M19226, M19227 (2 Ex.), M07940 (2 Ex.), M07945 (2 Ex.), M07949, M19705 (2 Ex.), M19707 (3 Ex.), M19776, M19825, M19835, M19849, M19985, M20016, M20020, M20027 (def.), M20032, M20086, M20095, M20099, M01847, M01844, M20292 (2 Ex.), M20234, M2037824, M20401, M20635, M20649, M20471, M20494, M20484, M20475, M20480, M20496, M20530, M20532, M20691, M20695, M20697, M20703 (2 Ex.), M20709, M20776, M20792 (2 Ex.), M20797, M20803, M20807 (2 Ex.), M20808, M20811, M20813, M20819, M20831 (2 Ex.), M20961, M20967 (3 Ex.), M20971 (5 Ex.), M21095, M21254, M21269, M21272, M21274, M21276, M21307, M21356 (Fragm. Bl. 1, 2, 7 u. 8), M21411, M21420 (2 Ex.), M21419 (5 Ex.), M21422 (2 Ex.), M21425 (2 Ex.), M21426 (3 Ex.), M21424 (3 Ex.), M21433, M21435, M21464, M21472, M21477, M21485 (2 Ex.), M21488, M21570, M21576 (2 Ex.), M21588, M21718, M21761, M21759, M21807, M22244, M19890, M22387, M22457, M22461 (3 Ex.), M22490, M22498, M22502, M22506, M22657, M22646, M22648, M22634 (2.3), M22652, M22662 (def.), M22665 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1.2), M22683, M22721, M22719, M22725, M22726, M22731, M22996, M22999, M23017 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M23054, M23059, M23131 (3 Ex.), M23132, M23142, M23140, M23228, M23222, M23251 (2 Ex.), M23285, M23287, M2340310 (2 Ex.), M23605, M23622, M23637, M24879, M24882, M23969 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. m. Fehldruck, s. Anm.), M24022, M24036, M24052, M24042, M24085, M23973, M24127, M24139, M24181 (Perg.), M24223 (Perg.), M24241, M24350, M24538 (2 Ex.), M24540, M24546, M24582, M24586 (3 Ex.), M24617 (Fragm.), M24621, M24633 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M24638 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M24641, M24644, M24655, M24750, M24847, M25034, M25052, M25064, M25112 (3 Ex.), M25113 (2 Ex.), M25163, M25174, M25182 (2 Ex.), M25208 (2 Ex.), M25274, M25282, M25366, M25368, M25445, M25512, M25521, M25596, M25670, M25879, M26023, M26035, M26042, M26044, M26051, M26067 (def.), M26076, M26130 (3 Ex.), M26133, M26017 (2 Ex.), M26019 (2 Ex.), M26156, M26180 (2 Ex.), M26236, M26238, M26244 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26249, M26252, M26253, M26263 (2 Ex.), M26299, M26301, M26302, M26303, M26304, M26307, M26308 (2 Ex.), M26309, M26312 (3 Ex.), M26316, M48236, M48242, M48244 (2 Ex.), M48247, M26340 (2 Ex.), M26367 (2 Ex.), M26404, M26406, M26424, M26430 (2 Ex.), M26435, M26437, M26444, M17944, M25196, M26489, M26502, M26513 (2 Ex.), M26523 (Fragm.), M26532, M26538, M26553, M26626, M26631, M26701, M26809 (2 Ex.), M26836, M26845, M26853, M26863, M26865 (def.), M26867, M26875, M26903, M26909, M26911, M26925 (2 Ex.), M26941, M26943, M26947, M26953, M26958, M26961, M26967 (2 Ex.), M26995, M27013, M27056, M27074, M27101, M27104, M2711250, M27158 (5 Ex.), M27212, M27228, M27232, M27393 (6 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 6. Ex. def.), M27397 (2 Ex.), M27450 (2 Ex.), M27451, M27678, *M27685, M27716, M27741 (Bl. 14, 110 u. 268-270 fehlen), M27842, M28056, M28157, M28245, M28253 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. Besitzv. 1483, 3. Ex. Perg. def.), M28251 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Perg.), M09674, M28408 (2 Ex.), M28410 (3 Ex.), M28413, M28416, M28420, M28462 (2 Ex.), M23202 (2 Ex. , [2. Ex.]), M23205, M23217, M23219, M28505, M28590, M28601, M28636, M28642, M28672, M28693, M28701, M28704, M28778, M28783, M28795, M28824, M28833, M28901 (2 Ex.), M29020, M29023, M29026, M29307, M29393 (3 Ex.), M29373, M29374, M29375, M29383, M29385, M29432, [M29537], M29539, M29598 (2 Ex.), M29816, M29841 (2 Ex.), M29866, M29967 (def.), M29971, M29976, M30021, M30143, M29917, M30346, M30374, M30412 (2 Ex.), M30431, M30502, M30514, M30518 (2 Ex.), M30524, M30532 (def.), M30537 (2 Ex.), M30547, M30557, M30564, M30569, M30695 (Perg. def.), M3078810, M30825, M30833, M30911 (2 Ex.), M30913, M30933, M31026, M31087, M31090, M31100, M31118, M31373, M31402, M31404, M31407 (2 Ex.), M31420, M31428, M3146310, M31505 (2 Ex.), M31541, M31546, M31618, M31754, M31807, M31852, M31860, M31867, M31873 (2 Ex.), M31875, M31877, M31932 (2 Ex.), M31954 (2 Ex.), M32008, M32020, M32028, M32060 (2 Ex.), M32061, M32085, M32161, M32175, M32176 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M32180 (2 Ex.), M32214, M32225, M31822, M32268, M32270, M32280, M32343, M32346, M32350, M32357, M32360, M32362, M32376, M32404, M32461 (2 Ex.), M32466, M32472 (2 Ex.), M32473, M32480 (2 Ex.), M32482 (3 Ex.), M32486 (2 Ex.), M32489 (2 Ex.), M32492, M32509 (1-3), M32527 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. Tab. B2. Ex. 3.4.Tab.3. Ex. 4), M32579, M32581, M32586, M32606, M32726, M32794, M32796, M32841, M32847, M32853, M32892, M32922, M32923, M32924, M32965, M32969 (def.), M32972, M32990, M32995, M32997, M32998 (2 Ex.), M33008, M33051, M33062, M33071, M33075, M33094, M33153, M33154 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M33276, M33286 (4 Ex.), M33292, M33316, M33384, M33465, M33478, M33494, M33538, M33545, M33644, M33676, M33680, M33692 (3 Ex.), M33695 (3 Ex.), M33699 (3 Ex.), M33704, M33717, M33736, M33745, M33748 (5 Ex.), M33753 (2 Ex.), M33756, M33835, M00809, M00811, M00813, M33881, M33883, M33892, M33918, M33941 (2 Ex.), M33948, M33990 (def.), M34010, M34072, M34102, M34137, M34295, M34317, M34329 (2 Ex.), M34333, M34335, M34351, M34358, M34361, M34367, M34374 (2 Ex.), M34461, M34477, M34480, M34488, M34556, M34583, M34604, M34625 (2 Ex.), M34628, M34661, M34673, M34675, M3470210 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Fragm. Lage b2. Ex. Fragm. Lage b), M34727 (2 Ex.), M34740, M34776, M34784, M34804, M34884, M34893 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M34894, M34904, M35127, M35207 (3 Ex.), M35371, M35389, M35399, M35421 (2 Ex.), M35423 (2 Ex.), M35433, M35457 (3 Ex.), M35459, M35471, M35569 (2 Ex.), M35651, M35732, M35760, M35776 (2 Ex.), M35803, M35819, M35853, M35854, M3598310, M35999, M36028 (2 Ex.), M36031 (3 Ex.), M36084, M36113, M36135, M36140, M36143, M36173, M3618510, M36200, M36219, M36235, M36274, M36275, M36372, M36394, M36417, M36419, M36431, M36724, M36744 (3 Ex. , [3. Ex.]), M36751 (2 Ex.), [M36787 (def.)], M36796, M36823 (2 Ex.), M36921 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M36924, M36929 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2), M36936, M36960, M36980, M36964 (3 Ex.), M36966, M36968 (2 Ex.), M36970, M36972, M36975 (4 Ex. 4. Ex. def.), M3704460, M36911 (2 Ex.), M37275, M37279, M37311, M37375, M37382 (4 Ex.), M37420 (2 Ex.), M37423, M37436, M37447 (def.), M37450, M37467, M37488 (def.), M37517, M37521, M37523 (2 Ex.), M37533, M37560, M37587, M37590 (2 Ex.), M37614, M37866, M37887 (2 Ex.), M37901, M37907, M37909, M37913, M37914, M37923, M37925, M37927, M37933, M37936 (2 Ex.), M37939, M37942, M37945, M37986, M38025, M38028, M38033 (2 Ex.), M38038, M38042, M38097, M38137, M38141, M38152 (3 Ex.), M38166, M38173, M38424, M38455, M38458, M38480, M38526, M38537, M38680 (3 Ex.), M38685, M38687, M38688, M38704, M38715, M38721, M38723 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M38725 (3 Ex.), M38727, M38735, M38738, M38741, M38743, M38770, M38950 (2 Ex.), M38963, M39062, M39146, M3918420 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. vermisst), M39192 (def.), M39213, M39220, M39300 (2 Ex.), M39309, M39442, M39485, M39506, M39510, M39534, M39586, M39607, M39618, M39641, M39662, M39666, M39747, M39860, M39861, M40258, M40359, M40480 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M40508, M40528, M40699, M40704, M40715, M40718, M40721, M40724, M40784 (5 Ex.), M40786, M40796 (4 Ex.), M40779, M40888, M41051, M41055, M41118 (2 Ex.), M41165, M41167, M41193, M41208 (def.), M41240, M41242, M41264, M41271 (2 Ex.), M41340 (2 Ex.), M41349 (2 Ex.), M41406, M41439, M41442 (2 Ex.), M41444 (3 Ex.), M41485, M41504, M41516 (3 Ex.), M41627 (2 Ex.), M41633, M41640, M41646, M41648, M41687, M41691, M41757 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M41759 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M41771 (2 Ex.), M41774, M41778, M41783, M41784, M41789, M41792, M41794 (2 Ex.), M41796, M41805 (2 Ex.), M41806, M41808, M41813 (2 Ex.), M41815, M41816 (2 Ex.), M41817, M41819, M41820 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), M41827 (5 Ex.), M41835, M41836 (2 Ex.), M41840 (2 Ex.), M41842, M41844, M44599, M42042, M42117, M42136, M42190 (2 Ex.), M42210, M42215, M42288, M42451, M42496 (2 Ex.), M42508, M42790, M42813 (Fragm.), M42830 (2 Ex.), M42916, M42951, M4295210, M42954, M43022, M43110, M43216, M43220 (def.), M43264, M43268, M43274 (2 Ex.), M43372, M43451, M43481, M43484, M43485, M43489, M43619, M43778, M43835, M43900 (2 Ex.), M43901, M43904, M43908, M43909, M43948, M44052 (def.), M44069 (2 Ex.), M44090, M44184, M44195, M44198 (2 Ex.), M44242 (def.), M44253 (def.), M44256, M44268 (2 Ex.), M44275, M44388, M44435, M44486 (Fragm.), M44538, M44560, M44676 (2 Ex.), M44712, M44730, M44736, M45246 (3 Ex. 3. Ex. def.), M45260, M45280, M45269, M45465, M45481 (2 Ex.), M45495, M45539, M45548, M45563, M45577, M45612 (Bl. a1/8, c7 u. c8 fehlen), M45676, M45682, M45722, M45728, M45731, M45748, M45769, M45784, M45787, M45797 (2 Ex.), M45800, M45801 (3 Ex.), M45804, M45815, M45817, M45818, M45823, M45831 (2 Ex.), M45869, M45871, M45920, M45925, M45928 (2 Ex.), M45940, M45975, M46029, M46042, M46053, M46065 (2 Ex.), M46073 (2 Ex.), M46075, M46082, M46087, M46089, M46090, M46098, M46104, M46118, M46119, M46123 (2 Ex.), M46128, M46129, M46148, M46154, M46206, M46211, M46228 (Fragm.), M46296, M46305, M46306 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1), M46330, M46333 (2 Ex.), M46338, M46341 (2 Ex.), M46343, M46346, M46359 (2 Ex.), M46365, M46367, M46369, M46374, M46376 (2 Ex.), M46378, M46381, M46382, M46385, M46390, M46394 (2 Ex.), M46403, M46436, M46440 (6 Ex. 3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def., 5. Ex. 1, 6. Ex. 1-4), M46454, M46459 (2 Ex.), M46461, M46464, M46467 (2 Ex.), M46470, M46472, M46480, M46499, M46504, M46509, M46556, M46563 (2 Ex.), M46568 (2 Ex.), M46581, M46585 (2 Ex.), M46615 (2 Ex.), M46672 (3 Ex.), M46726 (3 Ex.), M46733, M46769 (3 Ex. , [2. Ex.], [3. Ex.]), M46800, M46802 (2 Ex.), M46804, M46805, M46808, M46810, M46831, M46918 (2 Ex.), M46921, M07711, M46954, M46955, M47021, M47037, M48151, M47221, M24965, M24970 (2 Ex.), M24971 (2 Ex.), M47335 (2 Ex.), M47350 (2 Ex.), M47352 (3 Ex.), M47364 (2 Ex.), M47391, M47393, M47523, M47533, M47540, M47544, M47550, M47578 (2 Ex. , [2. Ex.]), M47588, M47590, M47594, M47624, M47670, M47756, M47787, M47806, M47828, M47836, M47841 (1-4), M47867 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 62. Ex. 1), M47874, M47882 (4.5.7), M47911, M48014, M48033, M48053, M48058, M48115, M48120, M48133 (4 Ex.), M48163, M48164, M48167 (2 Ex.), M48192 (2 Ex.), M48194 (3 Ex.), M48196, M48206, M48217 (3 Ex.), M48219 (5 Ex.), M48221, M48254, M48275, M48279, M48286, M48299, M48330, M48334, M48339, M48347 (4 Ex.), M48845, M48846, M48910, M48965, M49094 (4 Ex.), M4908530 (Fragm.), M49166, M49170, M49179, M49180, M49185, M49188, M49248, M49311 (2 Ex.), M49319, M49325, M49396 (2 Ex.), M49399, M49414, M49497, M49523, M49670, M49757, [M49792], M49803, M49812, M49817 (2 Ex.), M49821, M49853, M49865, M49872, M49940, M49944, M49960, M49967 (2 Ex.), M49979, M50042 (def.), M50049 (def.), M50052, M50089, M50150, M50190, M50194, M50226, M50229 (2 Ex.), M50230, M50232 (2 Ex.), M50233 (2 Ex.), M50235 (2 Ex.), M50236, M50238, M50255 (3 Ex.), M50257, M50261 (2 Ex.), M50262 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M50264, M5033550, M50381, M50382, M50399, M50551, M50558, M50560 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), M50576 (2 Ex.), M50582, M50587, M50625 (2 Ex.), M50639, M50612 (2 Ex.), M50617, M50705 (3 Ex.), M50709 (def.), M5070910 (Fragm. Z. [10–26], def.), M5076310, M50865, M50870, M50876, M50877, M50879 (2 Ex.), M50880, M50886, M50892 (def.), M50927, M50987, M50988 (3 Ex.), M51028 (2 Ex.), M51105, M51107, M51116, M51121, M51125, M51127, M51188, M51314 (2 Ex.), M51310, M51405, M51410, M51413, M51416, M51536 (2 Ex.), M51611, M51614, M51618, M51629 (2 Ex.), M51651, M51676, M51694 (3 Ex.), M51696, M51699, M51707, M51720, M51724, M51725, M25627 (2 Ex.), M25619, M52028 (Fragm.), M52081, M52122, M52126
NM — Národní muzeum, Knihovna: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 584 Ausgaben: 00307 (def.), 00409, 00471, 00550, 00769, 00780, 00782 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 00582, 00602, 00605, 00699, 00734, 00784, 00785, 00844, 00867 (2 Ex.), 00871, 00884, 01512, 01309, 0136440N, 01602, 01690, 01697, 01706, 01735, 01929, 02036, 02065 (2), 02187 (3), 02191, 02072, 02210, 02211, 02216, 02275 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 42, 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 42), 02324, 02351, 02353, 02472, 02477, 02610, 02745, 02753, 02758, 02838, 02932, 02937, 02945, 02955, 03013, 03031, 02885, 02887, 02888, 02889, 02906 (2 Ex.), 02909, 02911, 02915, 02926, 03057, 03058, 03061, 03114, 03127, 03214, 03222, 03256, 03326, 03340, 03394, 03404, 03408, 03677, 03678, 03866, 03907, 03944 (3 Ex.), 04126, 04134, 04138, 04142, 04148, 04159, 04218, 04252 (Fragm.), 04255 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04263, 04264, 04268, 04270, 04283, 04284 (4), 04288, 04293 (3.4), 04294 (1), 04298, 04299, 04301 (Fehldruck Bl. 112a/119a), 04303, 04304, 04323 (9 Ex.), 04324 (3 Ex.), 04337, 04391, 04483, 04537, 04559, 04563, 04754, 04886, 04994, 05062, 05065, 05068, 05075 (2 Ex.), 0508210N (def.), 05415, 05425 (2), 05432, 05434, 05435, 05578, 05784, 05793, 05807, 05939, 05993, 06023, 06043, 06133, 06160, 0633850N (Bl. 18 fehlt), 06546, 06553, 06625, 06741, 06768, 06784, 06908, 06934, 06958, 07047, 07097 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07117, 07159 (2 Ex.), 07217, 07223 (2 Ex.), 07230 (2 Ex.), 07231, 07247 (def.), 07248 (2 Ex.), 07258, 07284, 07287 (3 Ex.), 07422, 07424, 07608, 07612, 07621, 07667, 07672, 07689, 07691, 07717, 07740, 07764, 07784, 07799 (2 Ex.), 07802, 07887, 07890 (2 Ex.), 07991, 08201, 08247, 08383, 08411, 08424, 08478, 08481, 0854610N, 09103 (def.), 09140, 09157, 0923910N, 09287, 09343, 09346, 09353, 09355 (2 Ex.), 09392, 09433, 09447, 0948920 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 09529, 09628, *09734 (Lage a), *09735 (Lage a fehlt), *09829, 09838, *09840, *09841 (1.3), 09846, 09874, 09881, 09882, 09885 (2 Ex.), 10073, 10074 (2 Ex.), 10201, 10211, 10218, 10313, 10407, 10427, 10453, *10592, 10601, 10715, 10736, *10745, *10786 (hsl. Eintr. 1488), 10818, 10894, 10943, 10945, *11050, 11079, 11134, 11269, 11346, 11356 (2 Ex.), 11357, 11366, 11368, 11382, 11386, 11393, 11403 (2 Ex.), 11405, 11415, 11427, 11429, 11431, 11434 (2 Ex.), 11437, 11439 (def.), 11447, 11458, 11463 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 11466, 11502, 11546, 11567, 11696, 11726, 11863, 11864, 11867, 11896, 11905, 11908, 11910, 11931, 11959, 11967, 11971 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 10 Sp.504b, 12052, 12117, 12218, 12233 (def.), 12270, 12300, 12326, 12352, 12378, 12431 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1.2), 12436, 12451, 12463 (def.), 12471, 12472 (def.), 12589, 12885 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 12929, 12931, 13458, 13474, 11 Sp.759b, 13571, 13578 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), 13631, *13673, 13675, 13696 (Besitzv. 1493 u. 1496), 13702, 13708 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 13843, 13877, 13878, 13879 (def.), 13899, 13902, 13961, 14004 (def.), 14015 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 14027 (def.), 14032, 14033, 14034, 14041, 14074 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 14099 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 14100 (7 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def., 5. Ex. def., 6. Ex. def., 7. Ex. def.), M12480 (2 Ex.), M12482 (def.), M12484, M12496, M13116, M13174 (4 Ex.), M13471, M13279 (2 Ex.), M13297, M13305, M13353, M09756, M09757 (def.), M09764, M09766 (2 Ex.), M13622, M13796, M14179, M14181, M14225, M07810, M07816, M07817, M07820, M07828, M14408, M12737, M14592, M14646, M14701, M14759, M14782, M14827, M14900, M14920, M15272, M15293, M15254, M15260, M15712, M1599910 (Fragm.), M16095, M16426, M16432, M16444 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), M16553, M16563 (def.), M16583, M16921 (2 Ex.), M17060, M11364 (def.), M11424 (Winterteil, def.), M17663, M17807 (def.), M17875, M18225, M18318, M18409 (def.), M18486, M18683, M09400 (def.), M19215 (def.), M19227 (2 Ex.), M19776, M19837, M01844, M20301, M20695, M20808, M20810 (2 Ex.), M20819, M21065, M21067, M21095, M21287, M21406, M21419 (2 Ex.), M21422, M21425, M21445, M21488 (2 Ex.), M21807, M19890, M19893, M22648 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. 2.32. Ex. 2.33. Ex. 2.3), M22652 (1), M23054, M23059 (2 Ex.), M23140, M23281, M24879 (def.), M24633, M24638 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), M24644 (def.), M25112 (2 Ex.), M25188, M25279, M26241, M26271, M26301, M26304, M26307, M26424, M17947, M26502 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 3), M26513 (1.3), M26810, M26839, M26845, M26854, M26863, M26958, M26961, M27101, M27104, M27393 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M27397, M27694, M27741 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 270 fehlt, 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 50), M27842, M28115, M28126, M28462 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M28639, M28799, M28901, M28921, M28971, M29023, M29126, M29695, M29841, M29866, M29974, M29936, M30524, M30537, M31090, M31309, M3136710, M31539, M31612, M31779, M31860, M32176, M32466 (2 Ex.), M32527, M32586, M32724, M32770, M32853, M32968, M32969, M32997, M33027, M33692, M33695, M33699 (2 Ex.), M33717, M33748 (2 Ex.), M33881, M33918 (2 Ex.), M34321, M34335, M34374, M34506 (def.), M34591, M34727, M34988, M35389, M36028, M36271 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Bl. 1 u. 348 fehlen, 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 19, 67, 81, 110, 111, 155 u. 250), M36300, M36921, M36924 (1), M36944, M36966 (2 Ex.), M37273, M37420, M37445, M37450, M37503 (Fragm.), M37590, M37887 (2 Ex.), M37909, M37913, M37939, M37942, M38030, M38166, M38458, M38721 (3 Ex.), M38723, M38725 (2 Ex.), M38741, M39504 (2 Ex.), M39747, M4046910, M40521, M40643, M40718, M40784 (3 Ex.), M40786 (2 Ex.), M40796, [M40779], M40809, M4085020 (Bl. 7 u. 12 fehlen), M41062, M41242, M41759, M41835, M41885, M42068, M42763, M42827, M43378, M43392, M43467, M43909, M44098 (2 Ex.), M44230, M44253, M45238, M45246, M45485 (2 Ex.), M45490, M45577, M45593 (def.), M45682 (3 Ex.), M45785, M45802, M45871 (2 Ex.), M46062, M46090, M46296, M46436 (def.), M46440, M46464, M46726, M46904, M46964, M47223, M47257, M47259, M47594, M47651, M48217, M48254, M48299, M48347 (3 Ex.), M48846, M49194, M49855 (def.), M50194, M50625, M50639 (1), M5075110, M50866, M50869, M50879, M50880, M51097, M51314 (def.), M51405, M51697, M51705, M51741, M52126 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.)
NM(Kinsky) [ehem. Kinsky] — Národní muzeum, Knihovna Kinských; verwaltet von Praha NM : Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 11696, 13722, 14018, 14042
NM(Nostiz) — Národní muzeum, Majorátní knihovna hrabat z Nostic a Rienecka; verwaltet von Praha NM : Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Präm — Klášter premonstrátů na Strahově: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 218 Ausgaben: 0021010N (def.), 00282, 00356 (Bl. 114 fehlt), 00367 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 01127, 01460, 01396, 01854, 02032, 02305, [02576], 02577, [02683], 03915, 04285 (2 Ex.), 04323 (3 Ex.), 04324 (2 Ex.), 05050 (Bl. 37 u. 40 fehlen), 0508210N, 0517205N, 06530 (def.), 07248, 07590, 07751, 08419 (def.), 09265, 09268, 09277, 09334 (2 Ex.), 09428, 09433, 09534 (2 Ex.), 09629, 09649, 09822, *09836 (1), 09840 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 3), *09841 (3), 09874, *09875 (2 Ex.), 09877 (2 Ex.), 09885 (2 Ex.), 09886 (2 Ex.), 09889, 10221, 10329, 10426, 10644, 10674, 10679, 10688 (2.3), 10691, 10715, 10716, 10717 (3), 10738, 10756, 10812, 10826, 10828, 10832, 10857, *10869, 10891 (def.), *11252, 11264, 11352, 11353, 11363, 11372, 11375, *11380 (a), 11386, 11403 (2 Ex.), 11415 (2 Ex.), 11427, 11431, 11434, 11437 (3 Ex.), 11439, 11447 (2 Ex.), 11451, 11459, 11463, 11465, 11472, 11487, 11488, 11491, 11501, 11538 (2 Ex.), 11543, 11548, 11558, 11560, 11581 (2 Ex.), 11599, 11814 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 11815 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 11864, 11866 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Kaufv. 1493), 11876, 11888, 11893, 11937 (Bl. 1 u. 71 fehlen), 11940, 11943, 11952, 11963, 11965, 11971, 11973 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11979 (2 Ex.), 12004, 12011 (def.), 12116, 12145, 12189, 12206, 12225, 12226 (def.), 12228, 12234, 12241, 12247, 12254, 12273, 12275, [12349], [12353], [12471], 13468 (2 Ex.), 13548 (def.), 13550, 12 Sp. 11a, 13557 (2 Ex.), 13570 (def.), 13571, 13573 (Besitzv. 1491), 13574, 13575 (def.), 13578 (2 Ex.), 13579, 13590, 13631 (2 Ex.), 13632, 13667 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 13696, 13716, 13790, 12 Sp.250a, 13881 (2 Ex.), 13882, 13883, 13884 (2 Ex.), 13901, 13903, 13910, 13938, 13961 (def.), 13984, 13999 (def.), 14000, 14008 (def.), 14009 (def.), 14012 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 14015 (def.), 14018 (def.), 14032 (def.), 14041 (def.), 14100 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 14102 (def.), 14106 (def.), 14107 (def.), 14121, 14129, M12143, M12471, [M12619], M09751 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M09766 (def.), M09739, M09741 (def.), M13661, M13766, M16057, M11388 (def.), M11407 (def.), M11410 (def.), M09400, M21807, M19893, M22821, M24638, M24644, M27158, M27393, M28253, M28251, M29695, M33615, M33748, M36275, M36417, M36906, M38708, M39480, M40784, [M40786], M41177, M45679, M45682, M46053, M46386, M46467, M46904, M48347 (2 Ex.), M5170750 (def.)
[Strahov] — [Strahovská knihovna]; s. Praha DenkmalNLit und Praha Präm
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M21726
Prato (Firenze)/Italien
BCicognini — Biblioteca del Convitto Nazionale Statale Cicognini
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 07826, 12432 (def.), M26565
BRoncioni — Biblioteca Roncioniana
Sem — Biblioteca Seminario
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 07967
Preetz (Schleswig-Holstein)/Deutschland
PredigB — Predigerbibliothek
Prešov [Eperjes, Preschau]/Slowakei
KollB [ehem. SKnC] — Kolegiálna knižnica; verwaltet von Prešov SKn
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 11389, 12323, 13470
K [ehem. SKnEparch] — Kniznica rímskokatolíckeho farského úradu, Eparchiálna knižnica
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 11389, 12471
SKn — Štátna vedecká knižnica
Erfasster Bestand 10 Ausgaben: 08377 (2 Ex.), 09437, 11389 (2 Ex.), 12323, 12471, M15267, M18498, M39602, M45567, M49180
Preston (Lancashire, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
PL — Preston Harris Library
Erfasster Bestand 13 Ausgaben: 02189 (5), 02890, 02929, 04248, 07087, 09826, 10597, 11809, M23008, M23301, M29866, M33692, M34639
RecordOff — Record Office
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M1625610 (Perg.)
Prettin (Sachsen-Anhalt)/Deutschland
PfarrArch — Pfarrarchiv; verwaltet von Magdeburg LKArch
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 00599, 02034, 02890, 02929, 11971, M20796, M26845, M49166
Princeton (New Jersey)/Vereinigte Staaten
ArtM — Princeton University Art Museum
IAdStud — Institute for Advanced Study
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 00837, 03344, 04586, 09428, 1060910, M15529, M17974
ScheideL — Princeton University, John H. Scheide Library
Erfasster Bestand 262 Ausgaben: 00194 (Fragm. Bl. 20), 00312, 00515, 00700, 00936XVIIb (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 37), 01287 (def.), 01293, 01554 (2 Ex.), 01563, 02018, 02048, 02177, 02085, 02333, 02334, 02367, 02597, 02752, 02764, 03037, 03039, 02871, 02872, 02873, 02875, *02883, 02903, 03182, 03403, 03928, 03935, 04201 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Fragm. 1 Bl., def. Gruppe Mons-Trier II:1), 04202 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. P.1, Bl. 1–266, 2 def.. White: Provenances S. 432 Nr 10 [Ex. Würzburg Schottenkloster], 2. Ex. Fragm. 2 Bl., 3. Ex. Perg. Fragm. 1 Bl.), 04203, 04204 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Perg., 2. Ex. Fragm. 6 Bl.), 04205, 04207 (1), 04208, 04209, 04210 (1), 04211, 04213 (2), 04218, 04219, 04222, 04224, 04225, 04236, 04241, 04243, 04282, 04283 (1), 04285 (3), 04295, 04296, 04297, 04298 (Probedr.), 04299, 04300, 04301, 04302, 04303, 04304, 04305, 04306, 04307, 04308 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 04309 (2 Ex.), 04311 (def.), 04313, 04318, 04321, 04323, 04324, 04431, 04480, 04483, 04586, 04739, 04823, 04848 (Perg. def.), 05062, 05101, 05600, 05737, 05796, 05863, 0591610N, 05939, 06164, 06222, 06556 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 7. Druck, 2. Ex. hsl. ausgefertigt 22.X.1454, ehem. Fischer (Freiburg). Fragm. Z. 12–21, def. 4. Druck), 06686 (Bl. 1, 53, 69 u. 70 fehlen), 06688, 0703310N, 07041, 06727, 06885, 06922 (Perg.), 06954, 07178, 07223, 07418, 07420, 07594, 07954, 07958, 07969, 08321, 08348 (Bl. 155–164), 08524, 08625, 08682 (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 6 u. 9), 08693 (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 2 u. 11), 08713 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl 4/7 def.), 08720 (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 3 def.), 0874910 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 2/7, def.), 0876910 (Perg. Fragm. 1 Bl., def.), 0879810 (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 4), *08809 (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 9/14, def.), 08977, 09101 (Perg.), 09428, 09462, 10270, 10329, 10432, 10728, 10733, 10754, 10765, 10767, 10774, 10779, 10809, 10812, 10825, 10826, 10828, 10830, 10843, 10966, 11542, 11563, 12225, 12410, 12426, 12451 (7.9), *12468, *12469 (Bl. 1–25 u. 382–398 fehlen), 12471, 12895, 12942, 12986 (Fragm. Lagen l u. m), *13158 (Bl. 32, 54 u. 102 fehlen), *13310 (Perg. Bl. 65–70 fehlen), 13396 (B), 13548, 13674, 13904, 13912, 13914, *14048 (def.), M13174, M13476, M13326, M13986, M14758, M16098, M16541, M16542, M16546, M17107, M17449, M19626, M19702, M20099, M21753, M23908 (Perg. def.), M24087 (Perg.), M25737, M26523 (1-5), M26574, M26873, M26876, M26903, M26931, M26968, M27086, M27226, M27683, M28443, M29439, M29659 (def.), M29816, M29905, M32468, M32830, M33583, M33650, M33717, M34233, M34312, M34342, M34477, M34876, M34978, M36133, M36179 (2 Ex.), M36241, M36246, M36286 (Perg. def.), M36379, M36388, M36729, M36818 (def.), M36972, M37359, M37837, M38455, M38511 (def.), M38729, M39062, M39081, M39452, M40360, M40610, M40669, M40671, M40676, M40784, M40796, M43632, M43701, M43761, M43825, M44085, M44168, M45689, M45710, M46216, M46416, M46467, M46483, M46490, M46568, M47031, M47578, M48252 (Bl. 3 fehlt), M48263, M49166 (Bl. 151–160 fehlen), M49384, M49412, M49736, M50381, M50904, M50913 (def.), M50994, M51073, M51425, M51783, M51786
Sem — Princeton Theological Seminary
UL — Princeton University Library
Erfasster Bestand 664 Ausgaben: *00347, 00348 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 00349 (Fragm. Bl. 1), 00350 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 00409, 1 Sp.188a, 00504, 00579, 00616 (Rubr. 1473), 00643, 00680 (Rubr. 1473), 00703, 00707, 00785 (def.), 00836, 00837, 00863, 00876, 00936XVI (Perg. Fragm. Doppelbl. 29/30), 0093920N (Fragm., Lage E), 00975 (Probedr. Lage f, einseitig bedruckt), 01257 (2 Ex.), *0125980N (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 01267 (1), 0126705N (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 01574, 01589 (Kaufv. 1478), 01633, 01661, 01667 (Bl. 61–66 fehlen), 01673 (Fragm. Doppelbl. x3/x6), 0185620N, 01924 (Kaufv. 1489), 01937, 01951, 01954, 02033, 02048, 02186 (1–4. Kaufv. 1481), 02195, 02083, 02103 (2 Ex.), 02132, 02247 (Bl. 37–40 fehlen), 02271, 02290, 02291, 02301, 02302, 02305 (def.), 02309, 02333 (2 Ex.), 02334 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1.3.5), 02342 (1), 02521 (def.), 02574, 02610, 02754, 02852, 02953, 02864, 02875 (def.), 02885, 02892, 02897, 02901, 02902, 02914, 02920 (1-5), 02925, 03053, 03130, 03164, 03203, 03211, 03218 (def.), 03352, 03357, 03382, 03386, 03413, 03414, 03424, 03473 (def.), 03612, 03613, 03756, 03852, 03887, 03908, 04007, 04126 (Fragm. 12 Bl.), 04143, 04175, 04201 (Perg. Fragm. 1 Bl. White: Dresden Group I:195), 04205 (def.), 04208 (def.), 04222 (2 Ex.), 04238, 04245, 04248 (def.), 04253 (def.), 04269, 04276 (def.), 04280 (def.), 04282, 04290 (1), 04303, 04306 (def.), 04379, 04392, 04398 (def.), 04425, 04430, 04471 (def.), 04476 (def.), 04478, 04491, 04502, 04551, 04563 (2 Ex.), 04569, 04586, 04601, 04602, 04511 (1, def.), 04526, 04652, 04671, 04695 (def.), 04705, 04758, 04781, 04933, 04936 (Bl. 9 u. 16 fehlen), 04952, 05054, 05057 (2 Ex.), 05063, 05068, 05075, 05392 (def.), 05577, 05600, 05612, 05617, 05793, 05825, 05864, 05868, 05871, 05884 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 06051, 06080, 06129, 6 Sp.205a, 06145, 06167, 0617350N, 06222, 06280, 06284 (2 Ex.), 06396, 06461, 06484, 06585 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 06648, 06675, 06688 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. 3 Bl.), 06698, 06746, 06765, 06766, 06767, 06796, 06806, 06807, 06820, 06844, 06890, 06903 (1-5), 06922 (Perg.), 06926, 06938, 06982, 07044, 07057, 07079, 07156, 07177, 07178, 07179, 07217 (2 Ex.), 07223, 07231, 07287, 07422 (2 Ex.), 07509, 07571, 07774, 07814 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.>1-- Copy 1 lacks the blank (t8), copy 2 is somewhat more imperfect, lacking i8, H1, and the blank t8 -->), 07873, 07875, 07883, 07919, 07964, 07966, 08278, 08291, 08327, 08375, 08386, 08390, 08411, 08426, 08427, *0871750N (Perg. Fragm. Bl. 11, def.), 0884350N (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 08864 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 08898, 08903 (Fragm. 1 Bl.), 08923 (Perg. Fragm. 1 Bl.), 09069, 09074 (3.4), 09103 (def.), 09104 (def.), 09120 (def.), 09167, 09294 (Z. 28 def.), 09295, 09367, 09428, 09433 (3 Ex.), 09436, 09439, 09440, 09443, 0957650N (Fragm. 2 Bl.), 0966670N (Fragm. 2 Bl., def.), 09731, 09851, 09862, 09929, 10009, 10069, 10071, 10173, 10324 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 10329 (2 Ex.), 10435, 10442, 10454, 10460, 10562, 10596, 9 Sp.351a, 9 Sp.383a, 10690, 10732, 10750, 10772, 10773, 10816, 10898, 10902, 10944, 10945, 11597, 11863, 11885, 12033, 12055, 12222, 12246, 12310, 12321, 12322, 12323, 12333, 12419 (1), 12431, 12435, 12451 (1), 11 Sp.201a (1), 12858, 12889, 12895 (2 Ex.), 12911, 12928, 13251 (Fragm. 55 Bl.), *13253 (Perg.), *13294 (Perg. Bl. 25, 41 u. 73 fehlen), *13303 (Perg.), *13307 (Bl. 1–7 fehlen), 13452, 13454, 13457, 13458, 13459 (2 Ex.), 13461, 13462, 13463, 13467, 13468, 13469, 11 Sp.754a, 13474, 13483, *13484, *13498, 13502, 13507 (Bl. 1 u. 8 fehlen), 13631, 13678 (2 Ex.), 13757 (def.), 13850, 13909, 13912, 13961, 13976 (def.), 13982 (Fragm. Bl. 386), 13987 (Fragm. Bl. 266), 13992 (def.), 14024 (def.), 14048 (Fragm. Bl. 216), 14050 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm. 5 Bl., 2. Ex. Fragm. 3 Bl.), 14104, 14109, *14114 (1–4, def.), 14118 (Fragm. Bl. a2), 14121, 14125 (2 Ex.), 14126 (Fragm. Bl. 179), 14128 (Fragm. Bl. 202), 14146, M12156, M12473, M12647, M13174, M13305, M13309, M13640, M13839, M14223, M14244, M14405, M14644, M14655, M14701, M14717, M15168, M15282, M15291, M15333, M15250, M15564, M15633, M15634, M15637, M15712, M15936, M16057, M16115 (def.), M04420, M16464, M16537, M16541 (def.), M16544, M16553, M16555, M16561 (def.), M16783, M16905, M17107 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Bl. 157 def., Bl. 165 u. 166 fehlen), M17160, M17441 (def.), M17449 (Fragm. 2 Bl.), M11402 (Fragm. Bl. 32, 206 u. 207), M11407 (Fragm. Bl. 114), M17805, M17908, M18010, M18351 (2 Ex.), M18360, M18467, M18631, M18856, M18954, M09347 (Bl. 24 fehlt), M19142, M19226 (def.), M20103, M20449, M20967, M21259, M21274, M21426, M21659, M22253, M22259, M22439, M22468, M22498 (def.), M22502, M25113, M25188, M25944, M26225, M26252, M26448, M26565, M26818 (def.), M26898 (Bl. 10 fehlt), M26995, M27047, M27164, M27225, M27381, M27842, M28390, M28408, M28416, M28420, M28443, M28512, M28599, M28693, M28704, M28799, M28930, M28990, M29037, M29570, M30025, M30113, M30230, M30234 (2 Ex.), M30241, M31030, M31373, M31505, M31546, M31627, M31635, M31765, M31877, M31932, M32170, M32176, M32480, M32509 (3), M32527 (2-4), M32561 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 1.22. Ex. 1), M32574, M32586, M32726, M32889, M33645, M33692, M33881, M33883, M33974, M33990, M34001, M34010, M34306, M34312 (2 Ex.), M34324, M34326, M34367, M34604, M34727, M34800, M34861, M34875, M34876, M34879, M35018, M35125, M35485, M35529, M35851, M36010, M36248 (2 Ex.), M08113, M36372, M36374, M36379, M36388, M36411, M36636, M36739 (Lage A-D), M36818, M36820, M36990, M37436, M37523, M38120, M38123 (2 Ex.), M38455 (2 Ex.), M38480, M38498, M38721, M38741 (2 Ex.), M38743, M38963, M39264, M39267, M39546, M39550, M39568, M39604, M39623, M39625, M39648, M40333, M40373, M40387, M40428, M40429, M40434, M40448, M40565, M40610, M40784 (4 Ex.), M40796, M40888, M41065 (def.), M41240, M41247, M41287, M41347, M41547, M41511, M41802, M41877, M41882, M41885, M44616, M42001, M42117, M42466, M42823, M42828, *M42846, M44009, M44085, M44090, M44098, M44100 (2 Ex.), M44129, M44184, M44221, *M44513 (Fragm. Z. 1–26), M44644, M4469710, M44698, M45229, M45481, M45495, M45516 (def.), M45533 (2 Ex.), M45787, M45800, M45831 (2 Ex.), M45853, M46029, M46073, M46129, M46148, M46411, M46415, M46568, M46615, M46672 (2 Ex.), M46818, M46915, M47021, M47037, M47697, M47759, M48014, M48122, M48133, M48203 (2 Ex.), M48282, M48900, M49192, M49197, M49339, M49579, M49649, M49718, M49733 (Perg.), M49744, M49748, M49754, M49757, M49762, M49767, M49769, M49773, M49781, M49786, M49792, M49800 (2 Ex.), M49806, M49811, M49817, M49821, M49829, M49833, M49836 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M49845, M49872, M49897, M49904, M49915, M4991610, M49932, M49940 (4 Ex.), M49944, M49947, M49950, M49957, M49960, M49963, M49967, M49979 (2 Ex.), M50007, M50009 (def.), M50010, M50021, M50028, M50042, M50052, M5006010 (Bl. 46 fehlt), M50062, M50067, M50070, M5007810, M50082, M50084, M50085 (2 Ex.), M50104 (2 Ex.), M50117, M5011810, M50128, M50131 (def.), M50136 (def.), M50229, M50235, M50261, M50402, M50576, M50705 (Fragm.), M50872 (def.), M50876, M50882, M51377, M51410, M51634, M51638, M51890
Privas (Ardèche)/Frankreich
Arch — Archives départementales de l’Ardèche
BMun — Médiathèque municipale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Prostějov [Proßnitz]/Tschechien
M — Muzeum Prostějovska
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 07248
Providence (Rhode Island)/Vereinigte Staaten
ABrownL — Annmary Brown Memorial Library; verwaltet von Providence HayL
Erfasster Bestand 597 Ausgaben: 00003, 00115, 00406, 00769, 00596, 00614, 00700, 00721, 00844, 01226, 01605, 01606, 01611, 01667 (def.), 01708, 01714, 01729 (3), 01773, 01923, 02018, 02203, 02068, 02075, 02082, 02088, 02093, 02098, 02156, 02174, 02232, 02290, 02292, 02294, 02295, 02332, 02382 (def.), 02481, 02749, 02764, 02852, 02932, 02938, 02949, 02994, 03003, 03013, 02871, 02874, 02877, 02879, 02890, 02895, 02897 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. Probedr. Bl. c5), 02901, 02929, 02931, 03077, 03086, 03170, 03218, 03237, 03321, 03342, 03411, 03414, 03450, 03473, 03545, 3 Sp.558a, 03753, 03805, 03830, 03864, 03913, 03924, 03928, 03937, 03947 (1), 04032, 04057, 04059, 04066, 04071, 04177, 04183, 04217, 04286 (def.), 04358, 04360, 04424, 04476, 04502, 04537, 04540, 04574, 04594, 04511 (1), 04739, 04811, 04814, 04817, 04820, 04952, 04968, 05062, 4 Sp.656a (def.), 05321 (1-3), 05600, 05606, 05612, 05787, 05867, 05941, 05942, 05950, 05976, 05993, 06076, 06085, 06149, 06318, 06389, 06463, 06540, 06542, 06688, 06740, 06784, 6 Sp.612a, 06923, 07061, 07085, 07164, 07249, 07411, 07418, 07423, 07424, 07704, 07723, 07813, 07820, 07821, 07846, 07883, 07884, 07887, 07889, 08073, 08086, 7 Sp.327c, 08226, 08245, 08327, 08383, 08399, 08414, 08423, 08425, 08426, 08430, 08436, 08580, 08590, 09082, 09308, *0931210, 09392, 09426, 09428, 09433, 09434, 09436, 09440, 09442, 09446, 09450, 0948920, 09493, 09511, 09540, 09662, 09697, 8 Sp.307c, 09765, 09783, 09864, 09879, 09982, 10197, 10243, 10270, 10431, 10437, 10562, 10596, 10669, 10693, 10740, 10765, 10777, 10797, 10869, 10886, 10898, 10947, 10976, 11351, 11401, 11402, 11411, 11416, 11417, 11418, 11423, 11430, 11438, 11441, 11449, 11451, 11457, 11503, 11597, 11600, 11730, 11768, 11779, 11793, 11824, 11835, 11865, 11866, 11894, 11895, 11948, 12048, 12109, 12117, 10 Sp.622a, 12215, 12219, 12222, 12233 (3 Ex.), 12270, 12279, 12292, 12299, 12310, 12311, 12312 (def.), 12409, 12426, 12427, 12430, 11 Sp. 56a, 12451 (2.3), 12885, 13548, 13679, 13680, 13705, 13807, 13887, 13889, 13894, 13907 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 13935, 13957, 14006, 14088 (2), 14128, M12065, M12132, M12201 (2 Ex.), M12370, M12676, M13073, M13471, M13476 (5), M13269, M13319, M13341, M13983, M14013 (def.), M14438, M14654, M14655, M14657, M14691, M14707, M14717, M14751, M14755, M15185 (2 Ex.), M15282 (def.), M15258, M15505, M15634, M15787, M16537, M16541, M16546, M17067, M17160, M17243, M17639 (Kaufv. 29.IX.1473), M17646, M17665, M17800, M17915, M18010, M18035, M18338, M18351, M18355, M18353, M18409, M18666, M18672, M18705, M18848, M18952, M19022, M19072, M07940, M19630, M19695, M19878 (2), M20095, M20099, M2037834, M20449, M20519, M20529, M20534, M20793, M20827, M21274, M21472, M21715, M21728, M21753, M22468, M23035, M23036, M23059, M23062, M23230, M23273, M23287, M23409, M23804, M24864, M25212, M25718, M25719, M26179, M26216, M26225, M26523 (4.5), M26574, M26810, M26818, M26845, M26854, M26878, M26900, M26903, M26932, M27101, M27327, M27333, M27816, M27823, M27824, M28056, M28126, M28420, M28517, M28522, M28570 (1), M28891, M29306, M29464, M29573, M29967, M29904, M30324 (def.), M30412, M30569, M30939, M30950 (1), M30958, M31239, M31249, M31505, M31618, M31730, M31746, M31768, M31807, M31846, M31865, M31954, M32090, M32151, M32214, M32426, M32478, M32509 (1.2), M32712, M32724, M32760, M32842, M32858, M32864, M32865, M32892, M32946, M32948, M32995, M33042, M33594, M33660, M33800, M00817 (2 Ex.), M33887, M33895, M34143, M34304, M34306, M34351, M34412, M34416, M34435, M34461, M34492, M34553, M34604, M34760, M34978, M34983, M34894, M35439, M36219, M36372, M36379, M36431, M36435, M36972, M37395, M37511, M37517, M37523, M37614, M38173, M38458, M38460, M38463 (def.), M38498, M38513, M38545 (def.), M38558, M38635, M38637, M38678, M38680, M38684, M38685, M38687, M38689, M38693, M38695, M38696, M38698, M38704, M38708, M38711, M38715, M38721, M38723, M38725 (def.), M38727 (2 Ex.), M38729, M38732, M38735, M38738, M38741, M38745, M38760, M38815, M39062, M08074, M39143, M39146, M39264, M39416, M39747, M39824, M39838, M39961, M40784, M40786, M40940, M41205, M41240, M41242, M41253, M41287, M41292, M41344, M41485, M44604, M42288, M01025, M42770, M42823, M43054, M43081, M43345, M43394, M43456, M43459, M43481, M44069, M44085, M44098, M44100, M44167, M44233, M44355, M44437, M44531, M44551, M44730, M45477, M45710, M45785, M45805, M45841, M45911, M46047, M46208, M46287 (def.), M46353, M46386, M46411, M46415, M46416, M46481, M46498, M46535, M46560, M46647, M46650, M46742, M46805, M46909, M46952, M47024, M47188, M48151, M24944, M47516, M47550, M47560, M47566, M47570, M47649, M48133, M48190, M48203, M48206, M48211, M48225, M48271, M48347, M48736, M48786, M48928, M48989, M49412, M49414, M49497, M49518, M49573, M49593, M49661, M50384 (def.), M50971, M51333, M51403, M51741, M51849, M51914, M51987, M52111
Athen — Athenaeum
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 00866, 02186 (1), 02072, 04234, 09537, M13305, M15160, M36379 (def.)
C — Providence College
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 05218, M24173, M35537
HayL — Brown University, John Hay Library
JCBrownL — Brown University, John Carter Brown Library
PL — Public Library
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: *11232
SchDesign — Rhode Island School of Design
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 07223
Provins (Seine-et-Marne)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
Provo (Utah)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL — Brigham Young University Library
Erfasster Bestand 393 Ausgaben: 00550, 00769, 00595, 00596, 00603, 00612, 00706, 00840, 00844, 00861, 00865, 00867, 00872, 01612, 01690, 01727, 2 Sp.251e, 01900, 01925, 02203, 02070, 02105, 02125, 02132, 02209, 02215, 02290, 02305, 02317, 02333, 02339, 02355, 02402, 02739, 02932, 02936, 02949 (def.), 03005, 02867, 02872, 02876, 02877, 02879, 02880, 02886, 02895, 02909, 02915, 02920, 02922, 02924, 02929, 03050, 03051, 03078, 03287, 03308, 03322, 03341, 03423 (def.), 03449, 03509, 03756, 03862, 03907, 03942, 03945, 04048, 04053, 04054, 04071, 04126, 04132, 04219, 04228, 04243, 04269, 04275, 04285 (3), 04287, 04289 (3), 04291 (Fragm.), 04410, 04476, 04477, 04562, 04734 (Roce), 04963 (def.), 05733, 05939, 06032 (1), 06063, 06066, 06071, 06111, 06162, 06163, 06164, 06280, 06405, 06546, 06736, 06760, 06850, 06887, 07059, 07212, 07571, 07748, 07814, 07828, 07968, 08246 (Fragm. 12 Bl.), 08305, 08376, 08381, 08383, 08384, 08399, 09075 (2-4), 09104, 09110, 09120, 09130, 09137 (def.), 09331, 09368, 09426, 09429, 09433, 09437, 09439, 09443, 09444, 09446 (def.), 09450, 09454, 09457, 09542, 09851, 09981, 09982, 10277, 10299, 9 Sp.209a, 10438, 10456, 10562, 10600, 10698, 10714, 10738, 10825, 10902, 11362, 11374, 11427, 11437, 11438, 11440, 11447, 11488, 11542 (def.), 11544, 11862, 11864, 11870, 11871, 11885, 11940, 12079, 12118, 12188, 12226, 12266, 12422, 12430, 12437, 12451, 12779, 13396, 13458, 13555, 13569 (Bl. 1–170 fehlen), 13579, 13678, 13865, 13916, 13942, 13999, 14101, 14104, 14107, 14118 (1–3), 14130, 14146, M12065, M13476 (4), M13282, M13549, M07729, M07810, M14608, M14635, M14654, M14655, M14751, M14759, M15182, M15295, M15267, M15634, M15637, M15652, M15692, M16095, M16555, M16557, M16561, M16694, M16715, M17096, M17882, M17891, M17903, M17922, M18351, M18467, M18461, M18457, M18486, M18498, M18666, M18702, M18852, M18856, M18865, M19059, M19210, M07949, M20799, M20819, M20827, M21304, M21464, M24641, M24847, M24853, M25307, M25521, M25986, M26246, M26312, M48244, M25196, M26485, M26489, M26574, M26590, M26636 (2), M26700, M26912, M26953, M27062, M27218, M27220, M27232, M28104, M28124, M28134, M28390, M28408, M28420, M28561 (def.), M28799, M29020, M29866, M30260, M30431, M30502, M31353, M31505, M31541, M31618, M31641, M31696, M32028, M32268, M32478, M32480, M32527, M32579, M32847, M33112, M33680, M33688, M33697, M33873, M33883, M34306, M34342, M34477, M34727, M34970, M35537, M35560, M36921, M36978, M38137, M38141, M38373, M38424, M38695, M38725, M38729, M39144, M39213, M39600, M40034, M40360 (def.), M40425, M40434, M40448, M40452, M40627, M40658, M40784, M40786, M40888, M41240, M41245, M41289, M41292, M41783, M42824, M42830, M43136, M44071, M44242, M45485, M45533, M45831, M45925, M45966, M45976, M46033, M46273, M46305, M46340, M46390, M46440, M46563, M46568, M46570, M46804, M46812, M46964, M47024, M47225, M47233, M24970, M47533, M47559, M47566, M47759, M47992 (22), M48115, M48190, M48192, M48328, M48900, M48945, M49170, M49173, M49280, M49317, M49334, M49872, M49940, M49979, M50400, M50570, M50635, M50617, M50768, M50876, M50880, M50894, M50964, M51123, M51416, M25619, M25642
Bisch — Biblioteka Diecezjalna
Kap — Biblioteka Kapitulna
M — Muzeum Historii Miasta Przemyśla
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M33695
Reform — Biblioteka OO. Reformatów
[Bern] — [Biblioteka OO. Bernardynów]; z. T. in Kraków Bern
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: ehem. 13575
Ptuj [Pettau, Poetovio]/Slowenien
[Domin] — [Dominikanski samostan]: Verbleib unbekannt
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: M48799
StudKn — Knjižnica Ivana Potrča Ptuj, Študijski oddelek
Der Bestand von 4 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 03937, 04216, M24005, M30564
Puebla [Puebla de Zaragoza] (Puebla)/Mexiko
BPalafox — Biblioteca Palafoxiana
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 02879, 10615, M30909, M34727, M40784, M49029
BU — Benemérita Universidad Autónoma, Biblioteca Histórica José María Lafragua ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
Pukanec [Bakabánya, Pukanz]/Slowakei
K — Knižnica rímskokatolíckeho farského úradu
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: M24741, M46436
Pullman (Washington)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL — State University of Washington Library
Purchase (New York)/Vereinigte Staaten
C — Manhattanville College Library
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 12426, M00865, M27224, M46802, M49449
Québec (Québec)/Kanada
[BU] — [Bibliothèque de l’Université Laval]; in Quebec MCivil : Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
MCivil — Musée de la civilisation: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 14009, 14032
Franzisk — Couvent des Franciscains, Bibliothèque Antonienne
Erfasster Bestand 11 Ausgaben: 03238, 09065, 10221, 10544, 11339, 11437, 11438, 11913, 12235, 12429, 13580
Assembl [ehem. Legislat] — Assemblée nationale du Québec, Bibliothèque
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 03907, 05955, 14146, M28408, M46422, M46454
Quedlinburg (Sachsen-Anhalt)/Deutschland
[Gy] — [Gymnasialbibliothek]; in Quedlinburg M
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: *ehem. 00681, [00844], *ehem. M24181
M — Schlossmuseum, Historische Bibliothek
Erfasster Bestand 11 Ausgaben: 01165, 03942, 04284, 04963, *05349, 09135, 12433, 13464, M12484, M17060, M29375
Querfurt (Sachsen-Anhalt)/Deutschland
StArch — Stadtarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 09256
Quimper (Finistère)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M16731
Quincy (Illinois)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL [ehem. C] — Quincy University Library
BN — Biblioteca Nacional Eugenio Espejo
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 04283, 08409, 09843 (3), M17910, M34317, M34727, M40784
Domin — Convento dei Domenicani
Racibórz [Ratibor]/Polen
[Gy] — [Staatliches Gymnasium]: Verbleib unbekannt
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: ehem. 00467, *ehem. M12484
K — Wniebowzięcia Najświętszej Marii Panny
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M22634 (1, def.)
M — Muzeum
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M46087
[PfarrB] — [Katholische Pfarrkirche]; z. T. in Kraków Domin
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: *ehem. 11826
Ragusa (Ragusa)/Italien
BCiv — Biblioteca Civica Giovanni Verga: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 16 Ausgaben: 05615, 06948, 10038, 13469, M14655, M18859, M21638, M30270, M33049, M35391, M41409, M41542, M43274, M45524, M46273, M47037
Rájec nad Svitavou [Raitz]/Tschechien
ZamKn — Zámecká knihovna; verwaltet von Praha NM : Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 09980, M31873
Rajhrad [Raigern]/Tschechien
Benedikt — Klášterni knihovna benediktínů: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 153 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 00713, 00877, 01700 (def.), 01926, 02188 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 1-4), 02072 (def.), 02210, 02213 (def.), 02377 (Besitzv. 26.II.1500), 02750 (def.), 02906 (def.), 02909 (def.), 02912 (def.), 03065 (def.), 03223 (def.), 03325 (def.), 03412 (def.), 03866 (2.3, def.), 03937 (def.), 03944 (def.), 04048, 04158, 04262 (def.), 04268 (def.), 04289 (4, def.), 04293 (def., 1), 04296 (def.), 04867 (def.), 04882, 04905, 05578 (def.), 06032 (def.), 06050, 06078, 06079, 06084 (def.), 06762, 07094 (def.), 07105, 07232, 07284, 07287, 07422 (def.), 07573, 07696, 07735, 08305 (def.), 08402, 09126 (def.), 09140 (def.), 09437, 0948920 (def.), 09840 (def.), 10600, 10898, 11372 (def.), 11374, 11379, 11421, 11475, 11480, 11818, 11952 (def.), 11955 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 11975, 12011 (def.), 12329 (def.), 12349 (1), 12359 (def.), 12381 (def.), 12428 (def.), 12885, 13579 (def.), 13580, 13631 (def.), 14004 (def.), 14032 (def.), 14034 (def.), 14116 (3 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.), 14129 (def.), M12496 (Fragm. 4 Bl.), M12655 (def.), M14891 (def.), M14946 (def.), M15120 (def.), M18650, M20103, M20538, M22648 (def.), M22662 (def.), M22724 (def.), M24052 (def.), M24257 (def.), M24582 (def.), M24586 (def.), M24849 (def.), M26502 (1, def.), M26845, M27813 (def.), [M27851], M29375, M30437 (def.), M31505, M32461 (def.), M32482 (def.), M32489, M32794, M32796, M33699 (Fragm. 4 Bl.), M33881, M34724, M34884, M35396 (def.), M36796, M36924 (def.), M37887, M37907 (def.), M37947 (def.), M38030, M38738 (Fragm., Bl. 2–5, 13, 14, 17, 32, 34–39 u. 41–46 fehlen), M39969, M40796 (def.), M41245, M41771 (def.), M41796, M41806, M41835, M41836, M42190 (def.), M43909, M46029, M46202, M46436 (3, def.), M46464 (def.), M46474 (def.), M46584 (def.), M46818 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm. 4 Bl., 2. Ex. Fragm. 4 Bl.), M47024 (def.), M24968, M47335 (def.), M47578, M47992 (1-6), M48133 (def.), M48194 (def.), M48221 (def.), M49180, M49270, M49393 (hsl. „Presens materia impressa in alma universitate anno domini 1491“), M50274, M50876 (def.), [M51101], M51121, M51314 (def.)
Ramat Gan/Israel
UL — Bar-Ilan University, Wurzweiler Central Library
Rapallo (Genova)/Italien
Somaschi — Instituto San Girolamo Emiliani dei Padri Somachi
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M36820
Rapperswil (Sankt Gallen)/Schweiz
Kapuz — Kapuzinerkloster; verwaltet von Luzern Kapuz : Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 12 Ausgaben: 10716 (2), 10840, 11366, 11449, 11541, 11894, 12052, 12436, 12887, 13569, 13939, M38507 (def.)
Rastatt (Baden-Württemberg)/Deutschland
Gy — Ludwig-Wilhelm-Gymnasium, Historische Bibliothek: Bestand über INKA erschlossen. Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Erfasster Bestand 164 Ausgaben: 00772, 00681, 00871, 00884 (Bl. 3, 4, 153, 155, 156 und 163–170 fehlen), 01052, 01085, 01438, 01675, 01921, 01924, 01932, 02253, 02337, 02502, 02597, 0265105N, 02750, 02824, 02956, 02863, 02868, 02911, 02925, 0321205N, 03402, 03410, 03491 (2 Ex.), 03509, 03525, 03539, 03605 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1, Bl. 1 u. 242 fehlen), 03616 (2 Ex.), 03631, 03635, 03663, 03780, 03944, 04094, 04180, 04213 (Fragm.), 04284, 04292 (2 Ex.), 04293, 04334, 04335, 04628, 04660, 04754, 04813, 04885, 05052, 05106, 05805, 06057, 06499, 07116, 07410, 07413, 07422, 07571, 07612, 07824, 08247, 08266 (Fragm.), 08407, 08435, 08655, 09107, 09114, 09426, 09440?, *09637, 09699, 09806, 09808, *09825, 09874, 09883, *10339, 10507, 10602, *10667 (def.), 11352 (Fragm.), 11366, 11390, 11405, 11463, 11815, 11893, 12436, 12475, 12753, 13574, 13631, 13868 (Bl. 9 u. 10 fehlen), 13952 (Bl. 70 def.), 14043 (Bl. 1, 8, 234, 235 u. 292 fehlen), M07821, M07867, M14408, M14687, M15290, M15291, M15263, M15563, M16139, M16602, M18126 (Fragm.), M18675 (2 Ex.), M18976, M19176, M19837, M21488, M21647, M21651, M22076, M22155, M22293, M22648, M22634 (unvollst.), M23228, *M23634, M25372, M26299 (2 Ex.), M26435, M26911, M26943, M26961, M28115, M28126, *M22120, M32028, M3235010, M32352, M32482, M32486, M32574, M34135, M34477, M35371, M35774, M35776, M37488, M37655 (2 Ex.), M37907, M38921, M39504, M39747, M40947, M41240, M41759, M41789, M44435, M44990, M46148, M47043, M47240, M48029, M48505 (def.), M48531 (1.2. 1 def.), M48739, M48966 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M51413, M51812
Ratzeburg (Schleswig-Holstein)/Deutschland
DomB — Dombibliothek
Erfasster Bestand 13 Ausgaben: 01707, 02851, 03683, 06032, 08226 (2 Ex.), 13467, 14033, M31407, M33748, M33835, M41439, M47335, M25627
Ravenna (Ravenna)/Italien
BClass — Biblioteca Classense
Erfasster Bestand 683 Ausgaben: 00112, 00314, 00397, 00428 (def.), 00571, 00751, 00769, 00779 (2 Ex.), 00585, 00586 (3 Ex.), 00588, 00589, 00595 (2 Ex.), 00611, 00613, 00677, 00682 (3 Ex.), 00683 (3 Ex.), 00685, 00688, 00716, 00717 (3 Ex.), 00784 (def.), 00796, 00867, 00940a, 00942a, 01601, 01662 (2 Ex.), 01729, 01732, 01923, 01928 (def.), 01934, 01963, 02016, 02185 (4), 02187 (1.2), 02194, 02195 (2 Ex.), 02198 (2 Ex.), 02073 (3), 02075, 02106 (2 Ex.), 02131, 02133, 02159 (def.), 02168, 02174, 02204, 02214, 02216, 02260 (3 Ex.), 02290, 02295, 02302, 02305, 02321, 02329, 02338 (1), 02350, 02377, 02421, 02452, 02525, 02682, 02739, 02769, 02834, 02835, 02861, 02999, 03004, 03018, 02863, 02864 (def.), 02866 (2 Ex.), 02875, 02879, 02880 (3 Ex.), 02882, 02892, 03054, 03057, 03104 (2 Ex.), 03130, 03131, 03201, 03237, 03238, 03246 (def.), 03253, 03260, 03287, 03302, 03308, 03322, 03325 (3 Ex.), 03326, 03340, 03344, 03400, 03449, 03703, 03819, 03845, 03849, 03850, 03870 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03879, 03935, 04061, 04130, 04132, 04138, 04140, 04183 (2 Ex.), 04216 (def.), 04222 (Perg.), 04223, 04238, 04241 (def.), 04254 (2 Ex.), 04280, 04283, 04286 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 2-4), 04314 (Fragm. Lagen a–n), 04317, 04355, 04423, 04464, 04478, 04479, 04482, 04505, 04565, 04566, 04511, 04730, 04848 (Perg.), 04851, 04876, 04952 (def.), 04956, 04958 (2 Ex.), 05054, 05099, 05204, 05554, 05555 (def.), 05603, 05604, 05617, 05657, 05659, 05772, 05777, 05806, 05807, 05939 (2 Ex.), 05941, 05943, 05949, 05993, 06004, 06016, 06017, 06018, 06029, 06032 (1.4), 06039, 06041 (def.), 06047 (2 Ex.), 06051, 06052 (2 Ex.), 06062, 06064 (2 Ex.), 06068 (def.), 06072 (def.), 06080, 06083, 06091 (def.), 06108, 06110, 06115, 06128 (2 Ex.), 06132, 06218, 06219, 06222 (def.), 06226, 06397, 06438, 06534, 06623, 06700 (def.), 06708, 06729, 06735, 06740, 06742, 06761, 06796, 06902, 06903, 06908, 07068, 07103, 07186, 07192, 07195, 07196, 07202, 07223, 07350, 07608, 07812, 07871, 07872 (def.), 07876, 07884 (2 Ex.), 07964 (3 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 07965, 07966, 07967, 07968, 07969 (Bl. 1–11 fehlen), 07970, 07971 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 11), 07972, 07973 (2 Ex.), 08036, 08103, 08188, 08250, 08370, 08375, 08376, 08379, 08381, 08384, 08399 (2 Ex.), 08410, 08423, 08424 (def.), 08426, 08506, 08650 (1), 09072, 09076 (5), 09077, 09093, 09119, 09151 (1), 09331, 09333, 09367, 09392, 09426, 09428 (2 Ex.), 09429, 09433, 09436 (2 Ex.), 09437 (3 Ex.), 09443, 09464, 09466 (def.), 09530, 0973050N, 09782, 09826 (2 Ex.), 09861 (def.), 09865 (def.), 09872 (2 Ex.), 09881, 09886, 09888, 09943, 09953, 09981 (def.), 09997, *10022, 10029, 10039, 10040 (1), 10096, 10277, 10279, 10325, 10410, 10562 (2 Ex.), 10597, 10657, 10661, 10665, 10667, 10669, 10716, 11341, 11354 (def.), 11361, 11401 (2 Ex.), 11407, 11422, 11436, 11438 (def.), 11446 (2 Ex.), 11464, 11558 (2 Ex.), 11595, 11799, 11802, 11805, 11862, 11869, 11870, 12109, 12278, 12313, 12409, 12429, 12430, 12437 (def.), 12466 (def.), 12479, 12483, 12889, 13037, 13177, 13579, 13580, 13637, 13677, 13679, 13815, 13824, 13832, 13930, 14082, 14105, 14118 (1–3), 14125 (def.), 14128 (def.), 14130, 14146, M12496, M12957, M13145, M13341, M13349, M13409, M13992 (2 Ex.), M14079 (2 Ex.), M14179, M14649, M14654 (2 Ex.), M14657, M14732, M15175, M15185 (3 Ex.), M15272, M15267, M15564, M15589, M1560010, M15621, M15634, M15772, M15801 (def.), M16537, M16552, M16555, M16561 (2 Ex.), M16715, M17107, M17102, M12993 (def.), M17905, M17926, M18351 (2 Ex.), M18457, M18486, M18859, M18913, M1891310, M19056, M19142, M19206, M19329, M19331, M19553, M07943, M19656, M19788, M20049, M20103, M20459, M20635, M20649, M20819 (3 Ex.), M20820, M21074, M21077, M21192, M21265, M21272, M21276, M21287 (def.), M21294, M21304 (2 Ex.), M21307, M21447, M21494, M21495 (2 Ex.), M21530, M21548, M21883, M22468 (def.), M22735, M22908, M23008, M23301, M23978, M24162 (def.), M25307, M25321, M25737, M25749 (def.), M25935, M25944, M25953, M26156, M26210, M26252, M26257 (2 Ex.), M26263, M26523, M26546 (3), M26553, M26624, M2679920, M26925, M27054, M27065, M27098, M27202, M27204, M27220, M27225 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. 12. Ex. 1), M27233, M27428, M27708, M27716, M27816, M27822, M28131, M28419, M28561 (1, def.), M28570 (1), M28580, M28601 (2), M28701, M28821, M28889 (def.), M28909, M28913, M28930, M29170, M29830, M29967, M30113, M30164, M30234, M30270, M30290, M30298, M30304, M30313, M30352, M30357, M30376, M30379 (def.), M30474, M31086, M31227, M31261, M31373, M31407, M31618, M31696 (2 Ex.), M31846 (2 Ex.), M31872, M32009, M32092, M32478, M32627, M32774, M32864, M32878, M32901, M32908, M32995, M32997, M33031, M33051, M33092 (2 Ex.), M33521, M33540, M33604, M33635, M33657, M33688, M33697, M33780 (2 Ex.), M00807, M00831, M33883, M33887, M33918, M34310, M34312 (Perg.), M34317 (3 Ex.), M34326, M34342 (def.), M34351 (def.), M34357, M34362, M34374 (def.), M34395, M34400, M34448 (Tab. fehlt), M34480 (2 Ex.), M34558, M34727 (2 Ex.), M34819, M34865 (def.), M34875, M34879, M34891, M35382, M35529, M3591950 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M36340, M3619650 (Perg.), M36248, M36372 (def.), M36411, M36559, M36652, M36796, M36798, M36815, M36818, M36823 (def.), M36944 (2 Ex.), M36988, M36908 (def.), M37479, M37523, M37614 (2 Ex.), M37978, M37986, M38036, M38077, M38185, M38498 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M38729 (2 Ex.), M38735 (3 Ex.), M38741, M39255, M39264 (2 Ex.), M39456, M39625, M39670, M40325, M40345, M40368 (def.), M40414, M4046910, M40471, M40544 (def.), M40571 (def.), M40585 (def.), M40608, M40661, M40686 (def.), M40752, M40784 (2 Ex.), M41055, M41059, M41235, M41240, M41245 (2 Ex.), M41247, M41287, M41292, M41687, M41873, M44604 (def.), M42109, M42117 (def.), M42160, M42220, M42288, M42824, M42830 (2 Ex.), M43134 (4 Ex.), M43172, M43264, M43268 (2 Ex.), M43274, M43686 (def.), M43788, M44090, M44093, M44198 (2 Ex.), M44213, M44225 (2 Ex.), M44242 (2), M4425410, M44538, M44712, M45555, M45325, M45329, M45769, M45831 (2 Ex.), M45901, M45920, M45925, M45985, M46023, M46151 (def.), M46154 (2 Ex.), M46195, M46340, M46455, M46464, M46474 (def.), M46477, M46491, M46494 (2 Ex.), M46509, M46568, M46570, M46810, M46816, M46820, M46874, M46952, M47031, M47180, M47193, M47992 (4-7), M48011, M48016, M48275, M48282, M48739, M48799 (def.), M49315, M49343, M49342, M49457 (def.), M49461, M49593, M49601, M49633, M49676, M49753, M5038010, M50384 (def.), M50398, M50402, M50566 (2 Ex.), M50593 (2 Ex.), M50639 (2 Ex.), M50621 (3 Ex.), M50669, M50954 (def.), M50964 (def.), M51861, M25619 (2 Ex.)
Erzbisch — Biblioteca Diocesana San Pier Crisologo
Franzisk — Centro Dantesco dei Frati Minori Conventuali
Sem — Seminario Arcivescovile dei SS. Angeli Custodi
Erfasster Bestand 8 Ausgaben: 02910, 03938, 04283, 04287 (1.2), 04291 (4), M26483, M26485, M34345
Ravensburg (Baden-Württemberg)/Deutschland
Kap — Kapitelsbibliothek: Bestand über INKA erschlossen. Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: M46087
StB — Alte Stadtbibliothek, Stadtarchiv Ravensburg
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: [12423], M45583 (def.)
Ravenstein (Noord-Brabant)/Niederlande
StudCentr — Studiecentrum Klooster Soeterbeeck, Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen; Depositum in Nijmegen UB
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 05243
Reading (Berkshire, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
MeteorologSoc — Royal Meteorological Society
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M31968
UL — University of Reading Library
Recanati (Macerata)/Italien
BBenedettucci — Biblioteca Padre Clemente Benedettucci
Bisch — Biblioteca Diocesana
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 02187 (1-3), 14126 (def.), M33990
BLeopardi — Biblioteca del Centro Nazionale Leopardiani
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M15801
Regalbuto (Enna)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 15 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 01939, 02185, 03325 (def.), 04565, 05073, 06059, 07203, 11902, M15220 (def.), M17905, M20823, M26280, M36973 (def.), M36988, M49431
Regensburg (Bayern)/Deutschland
AlteKapelle — Kollegiatstift Unserer Lieben Frau zur Alten Kapelle; Depositum in Regensburg BischZB
BischZB [ehem. Ord] — Bischöfliche Zentralbibliothek
Erfasster Bestand 187 Ausgaben: 00503, 00603, 00871, 00886, 01510 (Fragm.), 01926, 01933, 02185 (2), 02187 (4), 02194, 02197, 02198, 02200, 02757, 02887, 02920 (1-5), 02926, 03193, 03201, 03222, 03410, 03944, 03977, 04093, 04132, 04227, 04282, 04289 (1-3), 04306, 04340 (1), 04430 (def.), 04503, 04504, 04648, 04812, 04867, 05100, 05765, 05805, 05861, 05932, 06015, 06022, 06032 (2), 06040, 06050, 06053 (def.), 06057, 06078, 06284 (def.), 06615, 06618, 06948, 07287, 07581, 07595, 08409, 09037 (def.), 09068, 09073 (1), 09074, 09104, 09111, 09123 (def.), 09131, 09260, 09435, 09442, 09537, 09665 (ehem. Alte Kapelle)?, 09789, 09808, 09837 (3), 09841 (2), 09998, 10329, 10715 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 3.Inv., 2. Ex. 3.Inv., def.), 10739 (2), 11352, 11358, 11363, 11366 (def.), 11403, 11415, 11417, 11427, 11447, 11472, 11486, 11541, 11690, 11864, 11955, 11960, 11965, 12225, 12227, 12255, 12293, 12339, 12369, 13576, 13580, 13631, 13842, 14027 (def.), 14107, M12662, M12677, M13054 (1), M13305 (2 Ex.), M13306, M14405 (2 Ex.), M14960, M14965 (1), M14969, M13449, M16552 (def.), M16911, M17916, M18672, M18701, M19176, M14304, M20099, M20819, M21074, M21087, M21426 (2 Ex.), M21494, M22132, M22916, M2340310, M24650, M25879, M48244, M26624, M27098, M27924, M28413, M28684, M29432, M29815, M29830, M30141 (def.), M30260, M31505, M32060, M32083, M32344 (def.), M32482, M32489, M32509 (3), M33071, M33622 (def.), M33680 (Fragm.), M33692, M33918, M34321, M34362, M36201, M36304 (2 Ex.), M36979 (def.), M37942, [M38269], M38721, M38723 (def.), M40752, M41325 (nur De moribus), M41816, ehem. M42451 (vermisst), M42954, M43485, M43489, M43835, M44032, M44137, M45533, M45799, M46119, M46129, M46382, M46455, M46464, M47352, M48194, M51410
HB — Fürst Thurn und Taxis Hofbibliothek und Zentralarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 231 Ausgaben: 00303, 00407, 00523, 00534, 00769, 00706, 00867, 01547 (Fragm.), 01599, 01602, 01924, 01927, 01933, 01938, 02032, 02185, 02852, 02854, 02937, 02888, 02905, 02909, 02911, 02915, 02916, 02928, 03184, 03307, 03394, 03406, 03413, 03631, 03683, 3 Sp.587a, 03867, 03882, 03886, 03926, 04094, 04333, 4 Sp.479a, 04963 (vermisst), 04986, 04987, 04990, 05057, 05075, 05263 (def.), 05268, 05737 (2 Ex.), 05795, 05797, 06162, 06277, 06463, 06466, 06729, 06877, 06964, 07730, 07799, 07815, 07832, 08131, 08232, 08268, 08356, 08444 (def.), 09087, 09117, 09334, *09343, [09445], 0948920, 0948925, 09511, 09537, 09542, 09698, *09824, 09870, 10074, *10229 (def.), 10231, 10243, [10266], 10329, 10330, 10503, [10524], 10603 (Fragm.), *10659, [10665], [10716], 11002, 11369, 11373, 11405, 11406, 11427, 11447, 11448, 11466 (2 Ex.), 11488, 11540, 11541, 11542, 11544, 11553, 11728, 11816, 11817, 11864, 11866, 11891, *11897 (def.), 11908, 11924†, 11930, 11946, 11971, 11979, 12015, ehem. 12185 (def.), 12188, 12189 (2 Ex.), 12193, [12218], 12219, 12250, *[12255], 12256, 12268 (def.), 12313, [12314], 12327, 12335, 12344 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), 12348, 12352, 12360, 12364, [12369], 12373, 12405, 12407, 12419 (Fragm.), 12442 (2 Ex.), 12471, 12751 (def.), 12777, 12894, [12935], 13468, ehem. 12 Sp. 11a, 13576, 13649 (2 Ex.), 13652, 13674, 13696, 13716, 13842, 13877, 13881, 13902, 13908 (2 Ex.), 13910, 13914, 13982, 14007, 14024, 14032, 14104 (2 Ex.), 14107, 14109, 14125 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. def.), 14127, 14128, 14146, M12152, M12443, M09751, M09746, M07835, M16243, M16325, M17060, M18010, M20171, M20695, M21490, M23527, M23609, M24229, M47405, M26030, M26130, M26019, M26631, M26853, M29936, M31022, M32794, M32796, M33478, M35774, M36002, M36028, M36179 (Fragm. 1 Bl.), M36219, M36428, M12025, M37685, M39327, M40784, M40796 (2 Ex.), ehem. M41167 (vermisst), M41349, M41516, [M42549], M42663, M44438, M44766, M48434, M49129, M50038, M50389, M51296, M51074, *M51125, M51313
HistV — Bibliothek des Historischen Vereins für Oberpfalz und Regensburg
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: [M40796]
Karm — Karmelitenkloster St. Joseph
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M26513
[MusB] — [Bischöfliche Musikbibliothek]; in Regensburg BischZB
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 10329, 10435
SB [ehem. KrB] — Staatliche Bibliothek
Erfasster Bestand 982 Ausgaben: 00144, 00147, 00215 (2 Ex.), 1 Sp. 91a, 00303†, 00414, 00547 (3 Ex.), 00764, 00770, 00586, 00597, 00600, 00602, 00603, 00681, 00683, 00699 (2 Ex.), 00702, 00704, 00706, 00713, 00714 (2 Ex.), 00728, 00785, 00867, 00998, 01002, 01126, 01196, 01560, 01574, 01578 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 2 Sp.114b, 01592, 0163910N, 01662, 01683, 01710, 01716, 01733, 01805, 01853, 01855a, 01927, 01934, 02002, 02003, 02036, 02179, 02185 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 02188 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 02190 (Tab.), 02200, 02203 (def.), 02071, 02074, 02097, 02112, 02130, 02132, 02137, 02210 (2 Ex.), 02211, 02212, 02215 (2 Ex.), 02216, 02252, 02260, 02291, 02324, 02335 (4), 02401, 02403, 02407, 02411, 02432, 02438, 02445, 02471, 02503, 02644, 02671, 02711, 02745, 02746 (2 Ex.), 02747, 02751, 02757, 02845 (2 Ex.), 02852, 03002 (4 Ex.), 03005, 03006, 03013, 03030, 02864, 02882, 02885 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 02923 (def.), 02927, 03054 (2 Ex.), 03085, 03103 (def.), 3 Sp.223a (3.4), 03114 (3.5), 03121 (3 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 03127, 03129, 03188, 03192, 03203, 03214, 03215, 03216, 03221, 03322 (2 Ex.), 03325, 03349, 03400, 03409, 03411, 03426, 03459, 03460, 3 Sp.447a, 03478, 03543, 03744 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03757, 03758, 03762, 3 Sp.620a, 03858 (def.), 03867, 03882 (2 Ex.), 03886, 03888 (4 Ex.), 03902, 03926, 04032, 04084, 04094 (2 Ex.), 04095, 04100, 04107, 04205 (1, def.), 04215 (def.), 04219, 04232, 04234, 04236 (def.), 04239, 04246, 04252 (def.), 04255, 04257 (2 Ex.), 04264, 04269, 04275 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04277, 04282, 04284 (, 04288 (1.4), 04289 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04292 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04293, 04295, 04298, 04303, 4 Sp.195a, 04333, 04334, 04336, 4 Sp.200a, 4 Sp.201a, 04340 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04400, 04420, 04478, 04479, 04537, 04556, 04644 (1, def.), 04647, 04648 (1), 04654 (def.), 04656, 04730, 04745, 04758, 04801, 04813, 04871, 04879, 04905, 04964, 04994, *05046, 05055, 05434 (3 Ex. 2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.), 05435 (9 Ex. 7. Ex. def.8. Ex. def.9. Ex. def.), 05436 (1), 05442, 05147, 05149, 05180 (def.), 05215, 05223, 05262, 05268 (def.), 05548 (def.), 05595 (def.), 05689, 05805, 05807, 05808, 05817, 05830, 05869, 05872 (2 Ex.), 05896 (2 Ex.), 05904, 05975, 06039 (def.), 06040, 06042, 06043 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 06053, 06057, 06073, 06074, 06078, 06080 (2 Ex.), 06083, 06085, 06113, 06130, 06131, 06132, 06133 (3 Ex.), 06162, 06167, 06277 (def.), 06315, 06512, 06543 (2 Ex.), 06547 (2 Ex.), 06551 (3 Ex.), 06753, 06901, 06954, 06958, 06966, 07097, 07101, 07194, 07201, 07204, 07211, 07213, 07262, 07287, 07288 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 07335, 07396, 07408 (2 Ex.), 07410, 07413, 07419, 07420, 07509, 07573, 07635, 07807, 07849, 07850 (2 Ex.), 07864, 07903, 07991, 08126, 08207 (def.), 08208 (def.), 08210, 08306, 08337, 08358, 08382, 08384, 08419 (2 Ex.), 7 Sp.474a, 08481, 08503 (def.), 08558 (4 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.), 08640, 08655, 08656, 09046 (2 Ex.), 09066, 09069, 09074 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 09075 (2 Ex.), 09077 (1), 09117, 09150 (2, def.), 09154 (2), 09173, 09207, 09251, 09334 (2 Ex.), 09355, 09365, 09451, 0948920, 09534, 09536, 09648, 09653, 09656, 09657, 8 Sp.278a, 09735, 09829 (2), 09832, 09806, 09811, 09818, 09826, 09837 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), 09846 (2), 09874, 09885, 09980, *10112, *10116, 10204, *10207, 10214, *ehem. 10220, 10224, *10255, 10270 (def.), 10311, 10331, 10505, 10674, 10677, 10682, 10683 (2 Ex.), 10698, 10713 (3), 10714 (3, def.), 10748, 9 Sp.546a, 10869, 10895, 10899, 10903 (Bl. 1–33 fehlen), 10923, 10961, ehem. 10998, 11002, *ehem. 11010, *ehem. 11206, *ehem. 11246, [11360], 11366, [11380 (a)], 11403 (3 Ex. , [1. Ex.]), 11415 (2 Ex. , [1. Ex.]), 11421, [11422], [11426], 11427 (2 Ex.), 11447, 11448, 11449, 11487, 11488, 11491, 11503, 11540, 11543, 11544, 11545, 11546, *11548, 11551, 11553, 11556, 11557, [11561], 11815 (2 Ex.), 11816, 11817, 11822 (2 Ex.), 11862, 11866, 11869, 11870 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 11871, 11897, 11910, 11912, 11916, 11939, 11940, 11946, 11956, 11957, 11958, 11968 (2 Ex.), 11970, 12004 (def.), 12015, 10 Sp.504a, 10 Sp.504f, 12037, 12051 (def.), 12054, 12055 (2 Ex.), 12080, 12097, 12117, 12187 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. Bl. 1 fehlt), 12189, 12190, 12225, 12226, 12227 (Kaufv. 1483), 12232 (4.5., beide def.), 12233 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 3–5, 2. Ex. def.), 12244, 12246, 12251, 12255, 12303 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 12327 (2 Ex.), 12328, 12334, 12335 (2 Ex.), 12339, 12343, 12359, 12360, 12362, 12374, 12387, 12403, ehem. 12406, 12408, 12419, 11 Sp. 86a, 12471, 12475, 12885, 12887, 12890, 12894, 12928, 12931, 12934, 12941, 11 Sp.461aP, 13466, 13467, 13569, 13570, 13574, 13575, 12 Sp. 39a (def.), 13580, 13621 (2 Ex.), 13649, ehem. 13666, 13679, 13703 (3 Ex.), 13708, 13712, 13715, 13716, 13722 (6 Ex.), 13729, 13842, 13876, 13877 (2 Ex.), 13878, 13884, 13890, 13894 (2 Ex.), 13910, 13916, 13942, 13948, 13984, 13993, 13999, 14008, 14010, 14013, 14024, 14035, 14040, 12 Sp.M1130510, 14107 (Bl. 206 fehlt), 14113 (1), 14116 (4), 12 Sp.M11637, 14128, 14129, 14130, 14146, *M12014, M12061, M12065, M12156 (def.), *[M12166], M12370, M12443, M12471 (2 Ex.), M12473, M12480, M12482, M12496 (2 Ex.), M12625, M12647, M13054, M13116, M13471 (2 Ex.), M13306, M13529, M13586, M13587, M13987, M13990 (4 Ex.), M14079, M14223, M07820, M07828, M14405, M14407 (2 Ex.), M14408, M14438 (2 Ex.), M14646, M14654, M14687, M14717, M14751 (2 Ex.), M14882, M14890 (def.), M14900, M14920, M14941, M14943, M14965 (2), M14969 (2), M14980, M15005, M15092 (def.), M15125, M15120 (def.), M15293, M15801, M15819, M15936 (2 Ex.), M16057 (3 Ex.), M16245, M16432, M16572, M16768, M16773, M16775, M16771, M16781 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M16784, M16921, M17060, M11386 (2), M11394 (2), M17908 (def.), M17919, M17922, M18010, M18007, M1811110 (def.), M18384, M18629, M18662, M18666, M18683, M18859, M18865, M19220 (2 Ex.), M07947, M19829 (2 Ex.), M19837, M19842 (2 Ex.), M20099, M20103, M20480, M20536, M20538, M20803, M20807 (2 Ex.), M20808, M20810, M20813, M20967, M21095, M21135, M21160 (3.4), M21276, M21419, M21422, M21425, M21426, M21433, M21435, M21488 (2 Ex.), M21718, M21759, M19890, M22457, M22448, M22461, M22468, M22506, M22511, M22634 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M22705, M22719, M22725, M22726 (2 Ex.), M22996 (def.), M23054, M23131 (def.), M23134, M23412, M23969, M24052, M24037, M24178, M24655, M24660, M25019, /M25043/, M25112 (2 Ex.), M25213, M25332, M25372, M25858, M25879 (2 Ex.), M25986, M25995, M26041, M26044 (def.), M26253, M26263, M26274, M26301, M26302, M26303, M26304 (2 Ex.), M26307, M26308, M26312, M48242 (2 Ex.), M48244 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M48247 (def.), M26406 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M26437 (2 Ex.), M26444 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26489, M26502, M26631, M26700 (2 Ex.), M26809 (2 Ex.), M26845, M26856, M26903, M26937, M26958 (2 Ex.), M27004, M27056, M27098, M27104, M00523, M27220, M27327, M27397 (3 Ex. , 3. Ex. def.), M27410, M27450, M27507 (def.), M02762, M28115, M28126, M28413, M28458 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. Fragm.), M23202, M23217, M29305, M29380, M29385, M29387, M29388, M29474, M29479 (2 Ex.), M2956310, M29564, M29604, M29594, M29606, M29841, M30021, M30141, M30260, M30270, M30290, M30316, M30552 (def.), M30564, M30913, M30915, M31140 (def.), M31353, M31407, M31546, M31800, M31867, M32060, M32061, M32083, M32085, M32225, M32271, M32301, M32303, M32343, M32344, M32376 (2 Ex.), M32409, M32461, M32480, M32482, M32509 (5), M32527 (4 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.), M32561 (3.4), M32705, M32696, M32722, ehem. M32726 (vermisst), M32965, M32969, M32998, M33049, M33071, M33073, M33154, M33292 (2 Ex.), M33465, M33699 (2 Ex.), M33883, M33990, M34077 (def.), M34110 (def.), M34333, M34488, M34639 (def.), M34884 (2 Ex.), M34937, M35068, M3509210, M35268, M35421, M35774 (2 Ex.), M36002, M36031, M36304, M36394, M36734, M36960, M36964, M37168, M36911, M37248, M37420 (2 Ex.), M37423, M37436, M37503, M37515, M37517, M37523, M37533 (def.), M37614, M37866 (3 Ex.), M37887, M37901, M37904, M37907, M37909, M37913, M37914, M37945 (2 Ex.), M37947, M38173, M38687, M38688, M38689, M38704 (2 Ex.), M38715, M38721, M38725, M38735, M38863, M38963, M39202, M39213, M39300, M39442, M39502, M39537, M39600, M39824, M39954, M39967, M39971, M40359, M40503, M40796, M40888, M40942, M41133 (def.), M41240, M41271, M41340, M41388, M41516, M41624, M41627, M41633, M41638, M41640, M41644 (5 Ex.), M41646, M41650, M41759, M41774, M41784, M41802, M41806, M41813, M41817, M41820, M41836, M44599, M44604, M44616, M42160, M42190, M42537 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Fragm., 2. Ex. Fragm.), M43134, M43138, M43274, M43372, M43485 (2 Ex.), M43857, M43883, M43901, M44061 (2 Ex.), M44065, M44098, M44242, M44432, M44518 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M44538, M44551 (2 Ex.), M44560 (2 Ex.), M45246, M45516, M45539, M45728, M45818, M45977, M46073, M46075, M46118, M46128, M46129 (2 Ex.), M46161, M46179, M46305, M46367 (2 Ex.), M46374, M46382, M46390 (2 Ex.), M46440 (def.), M46470, M46472, M46477, M46509, M46540, M46568, M46615 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46672, M46726, M46800, M46802, M46812, M46913, M47225, M47229, M47289, M24971, M47341, M47364, M47394, M47540, M4754550, M47560, M47570 (2 Ex.), M47578, M47800 (6), M47806 (5 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.3. Ex. def.4. Ex. def.5. Ex. def.), M47867 (2), M48011 (def.), M48133, M48190, M48203, M48219 (2 Ex.), M48221, M48271, M48279, M48299 (1), M48745, M48799, M49060 (2 Ex.), M49180, M49197 (def.), M49319, M49940, M50180, M50203, M50206 (2 Ex.), M50293, M50295, M50215, M50225, M50226, M50227 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M50229, M50230, M50233 (2 Ex.), M50235, M50236, M50242, M50243 (def.), M50257 (2 Ex.), M50261, M50262, M50275, M50551 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. def.), M50560, M50570, M50582 (3.4), M50635, M50612, M50617 (def.), M50888, M50899 (def.), M51118 (def.), M51309, M51346, M51350, M51405, M51413, M51416 (def.), M5153510, M51592, M51680, M51682, M51694, M51989, M52066 (2 Ex.)
StArch — Stadtarchiv
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 00844
UB — Universitätsbibliothek
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: [M41240]
Reggio Calabria (Reggio Calabria)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Pietro De Nava: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Lyz — Liceo Classico T. Campanella
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 06738
Sem — Seminario Arcivescovile: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 02033, 14128
Reggio Emilia (Reggio Emilia)/Italien
ArchS — Archivio di Stato
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 09430, M29053
BMun — Biblioteca Municipale Panizzi: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 419 Ausgaben: 00113, 00270, 00338, 00445 (def.), 00532, 00589 (def.), 00609, 00682 (def.), 00685, 00688, 00716, 00790, 00835 (def.), 00840, 00844 (def.), 00864, 00867, 0095010N (def.), 01258, 01573 (def.), 01611, 01666, 01901 (def.), 01925 (def.), 01934 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 01987, 02015, 02033 (def.), 02086, 02106 (def.), 02107, 02136, 02139, 02166 (def.), 02169, 02174 (def.), 02217 (def.), 02219 (def.), 02247 (def.), 02290 (1), 02292 (2 Ex.), 02294 (2 Ex.), 02390, 02757 (def.), 02835, 02838, 02951 (def.), 02972 (def.), 02999 (def.), 02863, 02867 (def.), 02869, 02889 (2 Ex.), 02892, 03052, 03056 (def.), 03062, 03130 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 03188 (def.), 03237, 03275, 03276 (def.), 03304, 03325, 03342, 03387 (def.), 03456 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 03828, 03907 (def.), 03908, 03938, 03945 (def.), 04033, 04048, 04052, 04081 (def.), 04083 (def.), 04091 (def.), 04126, 04131, 04135, 04143, 04148, 04158, 04186 (def.), 04271 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 04283, 04286, 04291, 04419, 04423, 04476 (2 Ex. 2. Ex. 1, def.), 04559, 04565 (def.), 04511 (1), 04512, 04611, 04612 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 04649, 04650, 04657 (def.), 04795 (def.), 04937, 04938, 05054 (def.), 05548, 05612, 05650 (def.), 05657, 05765, 05804, 05807, 06039 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), 06043 (2 Ex.), 06059, 06083, 06096, 06098, 06128, 06132, 06133, 06162, 06218, 06219, 06226, 06402, 06739 (def.), 06763, 06796, 06903 (2-4, def.), 06954, 07842 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), 07881, 07973, 08375 (def.), 08377, 08381, 08382 (def.), 08410, 08424 (2 Ex.), 09076 (3.4), 09077 (1-3), 09086, 09087, 09089, 09091, 09094, 09392 (def.), 09432, 09536 (def.), 09874, 09876, 09981 (Bl. 185–376), 10040, 10263 (def.), 10423 (2 Ex.), 10663, 10952 (def.), 10961, 11331 (def.), 11339, 11341, 11401, 11404, 11411, 11422, 11436, 11437 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. Fragm.), 11438 (def.), 11480, 11482, 11506 (def.), 11582, 11804, 11808, 11909, 11913, 11916, 11919 (2 Ex.), 12054, 12109, 12268 (Fragm.), 12278 (def.), 12310, 12344, 12429 (def.), 12430 (def.), 12435, 11 Sp. 56a, 12890, 13458, 13580 (def.), 13646, 13680 (def.), 14116 (4), 14117 (2), 14118 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 3), 14127 (def.), 14131 (def.), 14146, M12957 (def.), M13174 (B), M13406 (def.), M13992, M14076, M14083, M14635 (def.), M14644, M14657, M14661, M15200, M15272 (def.), M15767, M15775, M16563 (def.), M16694 (def.), M16707, M17910 (def.), M18480 (def.), M18518, M18852, M18913, M1891310, M18976 (def.), M19115, M19191 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. 2), M19206, M19383 (def.), M19385, M19705, M19707, M19776, M19835, M19842, M19849, M20104 (def.), M20103, M20552, M20617, M20679, M20819, M20823 (def.), M20824 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M20826 (def.), M20827, M20831, M20868, M21269, M21279 (def.), M21287, M21304 (def.), M22468 (def.), M22511, M22908, M23013, M23455, M23707 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M24085, M25332, M25512, M25521 (def.), M25677, M25749 (def.), M25858, M26228 (def.), M26249 (def.), M26263, M26546 (2.3), M26553 (def.), M26574 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M26590, M26597 (def.), M27202, M27204, M27216, M27453, M02762 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M02767, M28104, M28124, M28128, M28134, M28580, M28642, M28675, M28696, M28795, M28805 (def.), M29023, M29053 (6 Ex.), M29064, M29066, M29072 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M29145, M29147, M29244, M29307 (def.), M29841, M30155, M30290, M30313, M30316, M3039510, M31084, M31105, M31225, M31226 (def.), M31249, M31276 (def.), M31351, M31366, M31416, M31420, M31505, M31618 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M31768 (def.), M31846, M32088 (def.), M32414, M32426 (def.), M32473, M32744, M32830, M32901, M33031 (def.), M33177, M33660 (def.), M33756 (def.), M00836, M33893, M33905, M33974 (def.), M34302 (def.), M34324, M34335, M34343, M34466, M34526, M34814, M34873, M35371, M35398, M35527, M35529 (2 Ex.), M0458010, M35539 (def.), M3575510 (def.), M3591950 (Bl. 1, 3 u. 4 fehlen), M36372, M36394, M36590, M36988, M37388, M37395, M37986 (2 Ex.), M38002, M38042, M38358, M38642, M38729, M38732, M38738 (def.), M39253 (hsl. März 1494), M39975, M40511, M40704, M41055 (2 Ex.), M41059 (2 Ex.), M41062 (3 Ex.), M41439, M41442, M41444 (def.), M41815, M44604 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M42160, M42283, M42827, M43144, M43268, M43274, M43792, M44093, M44124 (def.), M44198, M45544, M45769, M45831, M45954 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M45988, M46023 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.), M46104 (def.), M46109 (def.), M46260 (2 Ex.), M46340 (def.), M46343, M46347, M46382, M46615 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M46732 (def.), M46812, M46874 (def.), M47017 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. def.2. Ex. def.), M47024, M47037, M47213, M47628 (2), M48279, M48296, M48799 (def.), M49007 (def.), M49142, M49313, M49315, M49431, M49947 (def.), M5038010 (def.), M51346, M25645, M52098
Osped — Arcispedale di S. Maria Nuova
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 03117 (1.2.5), M22996, M39363
[SchBibliogr] — [Scuola di Bibliografia italiana]: Es handelt sich um die Privatsammlung von Angelo Davoli: Verbleib unbekannt
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 07842
Sem — Seminario Vescovile
Erfasster Bestand 18 Ausgaben: 02033, 02195, 02970, 02888, 02928, 03321, 03459, 06095, 09113, M15200, M17653, M25213, M28390, M36322, M36984, M46560, M48292, M50669
Reichenbach (Hessen)/Deutschland
K — Kirchenarchiv
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 00468 (Fragm. 1 Bl. Perg.)
Reichenfels (Thüringen)/Deutschland
M [ehem. AltV] — Museum Reichenfels
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M40796
Reichersberg (Oberösterreich)/Österreich
Aug — Augustiner-Chorherrenstift
Reigate (Surrey, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
CranstonL — The Cranston Library
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 02909, 02920, 13459, 14025, M28693, M46098
Reims (Marne)/Frankreich
BVille — Bibliothèque de Reims: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 205 Ausgaben: 00107 (2 Ex.), 00227, 00752, 00795, 01574, 01618, 2 Sp.256b, 02202, 02248, 02290 (2), 02302, 02392, 02500, 03003, 03044, 02931, 03053, 03322, 03340, 03404, 3 Sp.562a, 03722, 04184, 04234, 04286 (def.), 04287 (3. Perg.), 04419, 04433, 04478, 04553, 04574, 04587, 04658, 4 Sp.416a, 04730, 04956, 05079, 05526, 5 Sp.554d, 06032 (3), 06075, 06128, 06162, 6 Sp.221a, 06166, 06205, 06459, 06539, 06838, 07061, 07223, 7 Sp. 26a, 07506, 09120, 09390, 09533, 09640, 8 Sp.412a, 8 Sp.470a, 10092 (3 Ex.), 10438, 10449, 10562, 10717, 10729, 10733, 10734, 10746, 10755, 10764, 10767, 10774, 10800, 10810, 10825, 10828 (def.), 10830 (def.), 10831, 10838, 10843, 10896, 10921, 11440, 11554, 11555, 11738, 11911, 11912, 11916, 12266, 12336, 12359, 12375, 10 Sp.778a, 12895, 12930, 13094 (Perg.), 13598, ehem. 13848, 13859, 13860, 13937, 13940, 14009, 14014 (def.), 14038, 14128, M12471, M12957, M13260, M14345, M14759, M14907, M15125, M16110, M16115, M16555, M16561, M16694, M17887 (def.), M18473, M19204, M19697, M19878 (2), M19996 (1), M20541, M21054, M21307, M22818, M23246, M23254, M24673, M26842, M26867, M26891, M26927, M26943, M26967, M27047, M29170, M29866, M30132, M30164, M31739, M32643, M32865 (2 Ex.), M33075, M33284, M33695, M33699, M00817, M33918, M34295, M34374, M35018, M38463 (def.), M38488, M38708, M38729, M38756, M39081, M39264, M39565, M40697, M40726, M40784 (3 Ex.), M41430, M41752, M41771, M41816, M42001, M42298 (2 Ex.), M42959, M43034 (def.), M44040, M44071, M44090, M45790, M46335, M46340, M46568, M46615 (2), M36858 (def.), M46702, M46737, M46780, M24982, M47578, M48203, M48225, M48690, M49068, M49183, M49206, M49488, M50558, M50560, M50570, M50576, M50625, M50617, M19240, [M19242], M51017, M51432
Rein (Steiermark)/Österreich
Zisterz — Zisterzienserstift ▶ Inkunabelkatalog oder -liste online
Erfasster Bestand 153 Ausgaben: 00776, 00600, 00681, 01927 (Bl. 1, 2, 5, 6 u. 304–310 fehlen), 01932, 02032, 02185 (2.3,1), 02106 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), 02210, 02337 (def.), 02753 (def.), 02865, 02885, 03050, 03122, 03409, 03426, 03937, 04241, 04263, 04284 (2.4), 04290 (1.2), 04303 (Bl. 1–295 fehlen), 04333, 04340, 04419, 04648, 04739, 04849, 04899, 05054, 05550, 05657, 05793 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 05806, 05808 (Bl. 348–353 fehlen), 05904, 06047, 06062, 06131, 06160, 07217, 07420, 07662, 07701, 07708, 07735 (Bl. 1–3 fehlen), 07887, 08308, 09072, 09077, 09123, 09444, 09445, 0948920 (Bl. a1–c4 fehlen), 09530, 09841, 10228, 10714, 10717 (3 fehlt), 10894, 11379, 11382 (b), 11450, 11459, 11495, 11545, 11551, 11560, 11816, 11940, 11960, 11965, 12014, 12323, 12451 (6), 13248 (Perg.), 13468, 13575, 13712, 14043, M12471, M12647, M13306, M13592 (Bl. 14 fehlt), M13596, M14732, M14759, M14890, M14945, M14946 (Bl. 1 fehlt), M17908 (Bl. 1–10 u. Bl. 301–313 fehlen), M18672 (def.), M19215, M19218, M20691, M21428 (Bl. 1 u. 2 fehlen), M21832, M22662 (1.3), M22665 (Bl. 1 u. 242–250 fehlen), M23134, M24165, M26233, M26301, M26308, M26809, M26845, M28416, M23205, M29377, M29379, M29474, M29479, M30412, M30564, M32180, M32303, M32527, M00811, M34727, M35439 (Bl. 1, 6, 8 u. 193–197 fehlen), M37523, M39039, M39255, M39537, M40796, M41644, [M41711], M41836 (2 Ex.), M43129, M43900, M45196, M45485, M45731, M45805, M46023, M46053, M46563, M46672, M47335, M47346, M47841 (def.), M47874, M47992 (def.), M48192, M48292 (1 Bl. fehlt), M49188, M50551, M50560, M50635 (1. Kaufverm. 1476), M50617, M50888, M51403
Reisach (Bayern)/Deutschland
[Karm] — [Karmeliterkloster]; in München SB
Erfasster Bestand 14 Ausgaben: 04340 (4), 04993, 06840, 07288, 12347, 13712, M13830, M29385, M41759 (2), M41774, M41844, M44483, M45481, M48219
Remiremont (Vosges)/Frankreich
BMun — Médiathèque
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 09445, 09877, 10055, 12825
Rendsburg (Schleswig-Holstein)/Deutschland
K — Evangelisch-lutherische Kirchengemeinde St. Marien, Gudesche Bibliothek; Depositum in Rendsburg KArch
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: 00780, 03413, 09107, M12662, M24866
Rennes (Ille-et-Vilaine)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale
BU1 — Bibliothèque universitaire 1
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 02377, 02915, 09980, M17805, M26898 (def.), M26931
BU2 — Bibliothèque universitaire 2
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M33284
Reno (Nevada)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL — University of Nevada Library
Rensselaer (New York)/Vereinigte Staaten
Franzisk — Friars Minor Conventuals
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 02863, 03326, M46445 (def.)
Retz (Niederösterreich)/Österreich
Domin — Dominikanerkonvent
StArch — Stadtarchiv
Reus (Tarragona)/Spanien
ArchHist — Archivo Histórico Municipal
Erfasster Bestand 17 Ausgaben: 02206, 04503, 04504, 05100, 05806, 06022, 07348, 07393, M15275, M18701, M07943, M21087, M21192, M21205, M21537, M32271, M39830
CentreLectura — Centre de Lectura
Reutberg (Bayern)/Deutschland
Franzisk — Franziskanerinnen-Kloster
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 04293 (2)
Reutlingen (Baden-Württemberg)/Deutschland
StArch — Stadtarchiv
StB — Stadtbibliothek: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden. Bestand im ISTC vollständig erfasst
NUL — Landsbókasafn Íslands - Háskólabókasafn / National and University Library of Iceland
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 09121, M16566, M30298, M45868, M46073, M49197
Ribeauvillé [Rappoltsweiler] (Haut-Rhin)/Frankreich
DivinProviden — Couvent de la Divine Providence: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 16 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 00778, 02033, 02190 (4), 02911, 02920 (6.7), 04289 (def.), 07216, 12330, 12930, 13993 (def.), M13252, M13280, M13295, M21833, M32463 (def.), M46330
Richardson (Texas)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL — University of Texas at Dallas Library
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 12278
Richmond (Virginia)/Vereinigte Staaten
PresbytSem — Union Presbyterian Seminary
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 04233, 04238, 04241 (def.), 04340 (1), 12435, 14024 (def.), M46457
SL — Library of Virginia
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: M34342, M40784
UL — University of Richmond, Boatwright Memorial Library
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 02214, 05807, M26903
Richtenberg (Mecklenburg-Vorpommern)/Deutschland
K — Kirchenbibliothek St. Nikolai
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: *02865 (def.)
Rickmansworth (Hertfordshire, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
Sch — Merchant Taylors’ School
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M35404
Riedlingen (Baden-Württemberg)/Deutschland
Kap — Kapitelsbibliothek; Depositum in Heiligenkreuztal Bildungswerk : Bestand über INKA erschlossen. Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden.
Der Bestand von 9 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 04276, 04551, 10736, 12188 (2 Ex.), 12189 (2 Ex.), 12218, M13353, M34076, M46296
Riegersburg (Steiermark)/Österreich
PfarrB — Pfarrbibliothek
Der Bestand von 1 Ausgaben ist vollständig erfasst: 03460 (def.)
Rieti (Rieti)/Italien
ArchS — Archivio di Stato
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 11454 (Perg. Fragm. 10 Bl.)
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Paroniana: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Bisch — Archivi Unificati e Biblioteca della Curia Vescovile
Akad [ehem. StB] — Latvijas Akadēmiskā Bibliotēka: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 199 Ausgaben: 00140, 00773, 00785, 00871 (3.4), 00874, 00877, 01578, 01599, 01610, 01675, 01735, 01925, 02186, 02187 (Fragm. 1 Bl.), 02072, 02137, 02295, 02753, 02938, 02969, 03002, 02864, 02868, 02905, 02908, 02920, 03182, 03341, 03410, 03413, 03867 (1.3), 03888, 03944, 04250, 04254, 04270, 04284 (, 04285 (1-7), 04294 (3.4), 04393 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. Probedr., 2. Ex. Probedr.), 04550, 04563, 04602, 04644, 04648, 04716, 04718, 04849, 06050, 06054, 06071, 06079 (2 Ex.), 06523, 07110, 07258 (2 Ex.), 07573, 07655, 07887, 08648, 08726 (2 Fragm. von Bl. 3, Perg.), 09070, 09075, 09111, 09137, 09261, 09343, 09659, 09829, 09808, 09840, 10330, 10714 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–4, 2. Ex. 2), 10894, 10925, 11356, 11403, 11415, 11427, 11447, 11502, 11545, 11817, 11876, 11888, 11924 (1), 12030 (Bl. 1 fehlt), 12033, 12225, 12232 (1–4., alle def.), 10 Sp.657b, 12253, 12254, 12346, 12356 (Bl. 325–530 u. ein weiteres Bl.), 12425 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def. Perg., 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 204 u. 322. Perg.), 12928, 13467, 13625 (2 Ex.), 13631 (1), 13635, 13722, 13976, 14111, 14113, M13114, M13174, M13587, M13766, M07837, M14407, M14691, M14945, M14946, M14980, M15123, M15120, M15168, M15198, M16057, M16546, M16553, M11407 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.), M11506 (def.), M17797, M17886, M18486, M18664, M19215, M19227, M20649, M20694, M20697, M21276, M21411, M22463, M22657 (1.3), M23075, M23131, M2340310, M24831 (Perg.), M25366, M26220, M26238, M26299, M26416, M27023, M28696, M30524, M32009, M32023, M32085, M32176, M32376, M32473, M32606, M33699, M00821, M3420010, M34212, M35776, M36929, M37453, M38721, M38727, M40786, M41275, M41287, M41316, M41644, M41794, M41840, M43902, M44071, M45196, M45221, M45731, M45788, M46087, M46200, M46306, M46333, M46359, M46367, M46376, M46382, M46440 (1.2), M46445, M46556, M46563, *M47132 (def.), M24948, M47339, M47806 (1,1.2), M49050, M49819, M50560, M50582, M50625 (2 Ex. , 2. Ex. 2), M50617
NB [ehem. ValstsB] — Latvijas Nacionālā bibliotēka: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
UB — Latvijas Universitates bibliotēka
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 14032
Rijeka [Fiume]/Kroatien
AkadIHistSoc — Zavod za povijesne i društvene znanosti
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 06729
UKn — Sveučilišna knjižnica
Erfasster Bestand 13 Ausgaben: 02340, 08247, 08377, 11436, 11476, 13980 (def.), M14635, M15267, M19705, M20104, M31618, M33695, M49185
Rimini (Rimini)/Italien
BCiv — Biblioteca Civica Alessandro Gambalunga
Erfasster Bestand 325 Ausgaben: 00129, 00313, 00776, 00795, 00844, 00894, 01268, 01596, 01901, 01923, 01924 (2 Ex.), 01934, 02185 (1.2), 02187 (1), 02198, 02074 (2.3), 02113, 02136 (2 Ex.), 02138, 02209 (2 Ex.), 02214 (3 Ex.), 02215 (2 Ex.), 02352, 02355, 02428, 02452, 02650, 02709, 02757, 02834, 02861 (2 Ex.), 0294910, 03003, 03005 (def.), 03007, 02869, 02877, 02879, 02882, 02910, 03103 (def.), 03154, 03193, 03201, 03304, 03344 (def.), 03407, 03809, 03819, 03908, 03935, 04048, 04114, 04223, 04253, 04255, 04278 (2 Ex.), 04283 (4), 04291, 04475, 04569, 04649 (2 Ex.), 04657, 04871, 04875, 04901, 05661, 05777, 06031, 06032 (3), 06043, 06045, 06047 (2 Ex.), 06082, 06129, 06133, 06221, 06225 (def.), 06391, 06456, 06458, 06499 (2 Ex.), 06545, 06699, 06752, 07101, 07102 (2 Ex.), 07110, 07219 (2 Ex.), 07608, 07813, 07881, 07964 (def.), 08383, 08397, 09072, 09077 (4), 09090, 09093, 09115, 09130, 09133, 09136, 09432, 09440, 09444, 09456, 09457, 09843 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. 1–3, 2. Ex. 1–3), 09981 (Bl. 185–376), 09982 (2 Ex.), 10229, 10325, 10563, 10646, 10664, 10982, 11360, 11380, 11385, 11437, 11438, 11460, 11464, 11494, 11505 (2 Ex.), 11556, 11558, 11727, 11797, 12237, 12319, 12426, 12430, 12432, 12435 (3 Ex.), 11 Sp. 56a, 12929, 13580, 13680 (def.), 13986, 14026, 14042, 14125, 14129, 14146, M14635, M14661, M14691, M14732, M15153, M15185, M15272, M15247, M15564, M15648, M15652, M15783, M16537, M16555 (def.), M16696 (2 Ex.), M17099, M17118, M17807, M18913, M19191, M19834, M19842, M20016, M20042, M20826, M21830, M22409, M22453, M22448, M22468, M22509, M22511, M23540, M25933, M25935, M26263, M26485, M26546, M26553 (def.), M00868, M27222, M27233, M28131, M28410, M28701, M29305, M30031, M30290, M30304, M30313, M30357, M30365, M30370, M30379 (2 Ex.), M30474, M30518, M30557, M31087, M31546, M31680 (2, def.), M31867, M32005, M32082, M32092, M32412, M32489, M32864, M32900, M33086, M33521, M33635, M33676, M33688, M33697, M33780, M00813, M00836, M33887, M33963, M34304, M34480, M34488, M34526 (def.), M34528, M34620, M34657, M34727, M34847, M35406, M35453 (def.), M35678, M35697, M36372, M36924 (def.), M36944, M36988, M37517, M38366, M38373, M38498 (def.), M38623, M38642, M38655, M38729 (2 Ex.), M38735 (2 Ex.), M38738, M38961, M39838, M40387, M40407, M40448 (def.), M40534, M40550, M40784, M41292, M41687, M41759 (1), M41813, M42117 (2 Ex.), M42160, M42194, M42210, M42322, M43136, M43138 (def.), M44217, M45966 (def.), M45990, M46023 (3 Ex.), M46033, M46041, M46042, M46101 (2 Ex.), M46114 (def.), M46154, M46161, M46201, M46367 (2 Ex.), M46382, M46394, M46445 (1), M46464, M46470, M46477, M46491, M46509, M46615 (3), M46732, M46810, M46812, M46860 (def.), M47011, M47017, M47024, M47223 (def.), M47233, M47624, M47992 (1.2.4-6), M48296, M48799, M49412, M49414, M49416 (2 Ex.), M49431, M49450, M49573, M49821 (def.), M50402, M50566, M50576 (def.), M50593, M50639, M50612, M50621, M50950, M50987, M51346, M51350, M51868
Rio de Janeiro/Brasilien
BN — Biblioteca Nacional: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 209 Ausgaben: 00006, 00113, 00414, 01262, 01267, 0126710N (def.), 01604, 01975, 02185, 02144 (def.), 02236, 02302, 02304, 02338 (2), 02350, 02475, 02518, 02932, 02997, 0301110N (Bl. 62 fehlt), 02888, 02918, 03052, 03111, 03131 (def.), 03288, 03303, 03313, 03340, 03344, 03404, 03925, 04204 (2 Ex. 1. Ex. Perg.2. Ex. Perg.), 04245, 04246 (def.), 04255, 04269 (def.), 04436, 04584 (Teil 1 Bl. 1 fehlt), 04649 (def.), 04952, 05054 (2 Ex.), 05612, 05658, 05941, 06016, 06057, 06153, 06163, 06553, 06619, 06621, 06849, 06962, 06965, 07122 (Fragm. Bl. 37-52), 07173 (B), 07597, 07604, 07879, 08272, 08376, 08409, 08428, 09070 (def.), 09329, 09433, 09438, 09535 (def.), 09630, 09631, 09889, 09890, 09997, 10336, 10655, 10772, 11844, 11886, 12322, 12436, 12450, 12890 (nur De imputabilitate), 12894, 13464, 13469 (2 Ex. , 1. Ex. def.), 13470, 14002, 14004, 14126, 14128, M12676, M12959, M13149, M13992, M07737, M14697 (def.), M14701, M15272, M15544, M15541, M15621, M15642, M15726, M16537, M16553, M16563, M16781 (def.), M18829, M18865, M18868, M18954 (def.), M19226, M19228, M19707, M19822, M20365, M20799, M20820, M20827, M21054 (def.), M21253, M21279, M22138, M22409, M22468, M23111, M23292, M24064, M24284, M25321, M25813, M25858 (2 Ex.), M25879, M26252, M26932, M28443, M28588, M30234, M31242, M31505, M31656, M31698, M31867, M32145 (Tit. fehlt), M33177, M33276, M33284, M33680, M33745, M33753, M33883, M34006, M34302, M34333, M34335, M34351 (def.), M34497, M34604, M34727 (def.), M34862, M34876 (def.), M35127, M35382, M36374, M36646, M36820, M37386, M37423, M37462, M38498, M38526, M38729, M08074, M39607, M39862, M3990710 (Bl. 10, 157, 162 fehlen), M40586, M40622, M40784, M40796, M41253, M41359, M41685, M42113, M44098, M44198, M44211, M44217, M44543, M45481, M46029, M46123, M46154, M46440, M46810, M4689610, M47233, M47703, M49007, M49029, M49148, M49170, M49940, M50128, M50596, M51948, M17204, M52117
BU — Universidade Federale
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M34343
FundacBarbosa — Fundação Casa de Rui Barbosa
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 07966
MinExter — Ministério des Relações Exteriores
Erfasster Bestand 6 Ausgaben: 07609, 11346, M14602, M14657, M37523, M44052
Riofrío (Ávila)/Spanien
Arch — Archivo Municipal
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 09760 (Variante)
Riom (Puy-de-Dôme)/Frankreich
BMun — Bibliothèque municipale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
M — Musée Mandet: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 2 Ausgaben: 06677, M40784 (Fragm.)
Rio Piedras (Puerto Rico)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL — University of Puerto Rico Library
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 02224, 03253, M34873, M42827
Ripatransone (Ascoli Piceno)/Italien
BCom — Biblioteca Comunale Aldo Gabrielli
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 06736 (def.), M12159 (def.), M29306, M51996
Ripoll (Gerona)/Spanien
BP — Biblioteca Pública Lambert Mata: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
KArch — Archivo-Museo Parroquial
Erfasster Bestand 9 Ausgaben: 04897, 05603, 06131, M26620, M30164, M32480, M39255, M39900, M48900
Ripon (North Yorkshire, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
Cathedr — Cathedral Library; Depositum in Leeds UL
Riudecanyes (Tarragona)/Spanien
CastilMonast — Castillo Monasterio de Escornalbou, Biblioteca Eduard Toda
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M30033 (def.)
Riverside (California)/Vereinigte Staaten
PL — Public Library
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: 03187
UL — University of California Library
Roanne (Loire)/Frankreich
BMun — Médiathèque de Roanne: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Roanoke (Virginia)/Vereinigte Staaten
UL [ehem. Hollins College C] — Hollins University Library
Rochdale (Greater Manchester, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
PL — Central Library
Rochefort-sur-Mer (Charente-Maritime)/Frankreich
BMun — Médiathèque municipale: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 5 Ausgaben: M31275 (Fragm.), M33286 (def.), M40784 (Fragm.), M44093, M44198
M — Musée de la Marine
Erfasster Bestand 1 Ausgaben: M23033
ServHistDef — Service historique de la défense: Aktueller Inkunabelkatalog vorhanden
Erfasster Bestand 3 Ausgaben: 03104, 11582, M23033
Rochester (Kent, England)/Vereinigtes Königreich
Cathedr — Cathedral Library
Erfasster Bestand 4 Ausgaben: 04289 (1), 04294 (1), 04511, M26416
Rochester (Minn.) (Minnesota)/Vereinigte Staaten
HistMedL — Mayo History of Medicine Library
Erfasster Bestand 7 Ausgaben: 03410, M23032, M23095, M34329, M34335, M40784, M41691
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