Englischer Kartäuser um 1340.
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26 Bl.
A–C⁶D⁸. 30 Z. Typ.
5:95G. Init. Rubr.
β. 3 Hlzs. DrM
Tit ⁌ Here begynnethe a lytyll treatyſe whiche is called the .xii. profytes of trybulacyon. Hlzs. Bl. 1b Hlzs. Bl. 2a
(H²)Ere begȳneth a lityl ſhorte treatyſe yͭ telleth how there were .vii. mayſters aſſembled togyder … Sign. b rith a grete clerke caſiodorus … Endet Bl. 25b ⁌ It behouyth vs by many trybulacyons to entre in to the kyngdome of heuen/ He brynge all vs that ſuffred dethe/ oure lorde Iheſus. AMEN. ⁌ Thus endeth this treatyſe ſhewynge the .xii. ꝓfytes of trybulacyon. Enprynted at Weſtmyſter in Caxtons hous. By me Wynkyn the worde. DrM Bl. 26a Hlzs. Bl. 26b leer.
Bamburgh Castle L.
Manchester RylandsL.
Gesamtüberlieferung: 2 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.