Alcock, John
Legum Doctor, Bischof 1472 von Rochester, 1476 von Worcester, 1486 von Ely, † 1500.
Abbey of the Holy Ghost (nicht von John Alcock)
Constitutio pro festis sanctoram in dioecesi Eliensi celebrandis
Desponsatio virginis Christo
Exhortatio facta Cartusiensibus et aliis religiosis
Exhortation made to religious sisters in the time of their consecration
Hill of perfection
Sermo in die innocentium
00846 Alcock, John: Gallicantus. Daran: Constitutio pro festis sanctorum in diocesi Eliensi celebrandis. [London]: Richard Pynson, [nicht vor 25.IX.1498]. 
26 Bl. A⁸B– D⁶. 30 Z. Typ. 7:95G. Rubr. 3 Hlzs, dar. 1 Whd. DrM III.
Bl. 1a Holzschnitt. Darunter ⁌ Gallicantus Iohannis alcok ei Elienſis ad cōfratres ſuos curatos in ſinodo apud Bernwell.  xxv. die menſis Septembris . Anno milleſimo.CCCC. nonageſimo octauo.  Bl. 1b Holzschnitt. Bl. 2a Holzschnitt. Daneben Apprehendite dilectiſſimi filii diſci-plinam patris veſtri : nequando iraſcatur dominus ⁊ pereatis devia iuſta. … Sign. b dum ⁊ ab oī cuiuſlibet negociatōis ingenio vel cū- … Endet Bl. 24b. Bl. 25a ⁌ Conſtitutio Iohannis Elie.  ei .pro feſtis ſanctoꝝ infraſcriptoꝝ in dioceſi ſua celebrādis.  … Endet Bl. 26a Z. 26 … Dantes et cōcedentes cunctis predi-ctoꝝ feſtoꝝ veneratoribꝯ de pctīs ſuis cōtritis ⁊ cōfeſſis quadraginta dies indulgentie ꝓpetuis temporibus futuris duraturis. Amen.  ⁌ Finit feliciter.  Bl. 26b Druckermarke.
Anm. Hain und Dibdin zählen 30 Bl. Beide schreiben zudem am Anfang: … alcock ei Elienſis  ad cōfratres …
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 93. Manchester RylandsL (Digitalisat). Oxford Bodl (Digitalisat).
H 624. Duff-Hellinga 11. Pr 9800. Bod-inc A-159. ISTC ia00365500.
Cambridge CorpChristC. Manchester RylandsL
. Oxford Bodl.
Gesamtüberlieferung: 3 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
28 Bl. a– d⁶e. 28 Z. Typ. 5:95G. Rubr. δ(?). 3(?) Hlzs.
Bl. 1a Holzschnitt. Darunter ⁌ Mons perfeccionis . otherwyſe in  englyſſhe/ the hyll off perfeccōn  Bl. 1b Holzschnitt. Bl. 2a ⁌ Exhortacio facta Cartuſientibus et aliis re-ligioſis ꝑ venerandū in xo patrem et dm domi-nū Iohēm Alcok Elienſ. epiſcopū.  (I)N monte te ſaluū fac : ⁌ Genes. xx.  xviᵒ capľo.  ⁌ Thiſe wordes were ſayd vnto Loth by an angell … Endet Bl. 28a Z. 27 ⁌ Enprynted at Weſtmeſtre by Wynkyn the Worth :   yere of our lorde .M.CCCC.lxxxxvi.  Bl. 28b and in the yere of the reygne of the mooſt vyctory-ous prynce our mooſt naturell ſouereyn lorde Hen-ry the ſeuenth/ at the Inſtaunce of the ryght reue-rende relygyous fader Thomas Pryour of  houſe of ſaynt Anne the ordre of the Chartrouſe/ And  fynyſſhyd the .xxii. daye of the moneth of Septembre in the yere aboueſayd.  Darunter Holzschnitt.
Faks. Norwood (New Jersey) 1975. (The English Experience. 706.).
Duff-Hellinga 12. Ce³ A-366. Mead 5260. ISTC ia00366000.
Bamburgh Castle L. San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL.
Gesamtüberlieferung: 2 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
28 Bl. A– D⁶E. 2 Sp. 29 Z. Typ. 2:114G, 5:95G. Rubr. 4 Hlzs. DrM I.
Tit. Holzschnitt. Darunter ⁌ Mons perfectionis/ otherwyſe  in Englyſſhe/ the hylle of perfeccyon.  Bl. 1b Holzschnitt. Bl. 2a ⁌ Exhortacio facta Car-tuſientibus et alijs religi-oſis ꝑ venerandū in xo  patrem et dm dominū  Iohannē Alcok Elienſ.  epiſcopū.  (I)N mōte te  ſaluū fac.  (Ge .xx.  xvi. capľo.  ⁌ Thyſe  wordes were ſayd vnto  Loth by an angell … Sign. b vite ne utilius quid aīo  … Endet Bl. 27a (Veni aīa mea dilecta  mea a libano . veni acceptaui penitencias tuas . veni coronaberis)  AMEN.  Bl. 27b ⁌ Enprynted at Weſt-meſtre by Wynkin de worde/ the yere of our lorde  M.CCCClxxxxvij. and  in the yere of  reygne of   mooſt vyctoryous prynce our mooſt naturell ſo-uerayne lorde Henry the  ſeuenth/ at the Inſtaunce  β the reuerende relygy-ous fader Thomas Pry-our of the houſe of ſaynt  Anne  ordre of the Chartrouſe . And fynyſſhed the  xxiij. daye of the moneth  of Maye in the yere abo-ue ſayd.  Darunter Holzschnitt. Bl. 28a Holzschnitt. Bl. 28b Druckermarke.
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 49. London BL (Digitalisat).
HC 622. Duff-Hellinga 13. Pr 9706A. BMC XI 210. Oates 4128. ISTC ia00366500.
Cambridge UL (def.). Edinburgh NL
(Bl. 28 fehlt). London BL
. Manchester RylandsL
(Fragm. Bl. E4, vermisst).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 4 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
28 Bl. a– d⁶e. 2 Sp. 29 Z. Typ. 6:115G, 7:95G. Rubr. 1 Hlzs. DrM III.
Tit. Holzschnitt. Darunter ⁌ Mons perfectionis . Otherwyſe called  in Englyſſh/ The hylle of perfectyon  Bl. 2a m. Sign. aii Exortatio facta Car-tuſientibus ⁊ aliis religi-oſis ꝑ venerādū in criſto  patrem ⁊ dm dominu  Iohanne Alkok Elienſ.  epiſcopum.  (I²)N monte te ſaluū  fac. Ge .xx.xvi. capitulo. ⁌ Theſe wordes  were ſayd vnto Loth by  an angell … Sign. b vite ne vtilius. quid aīo  … Endet Bl. 27aβ Z. 24 … Veni anima  mea dilecta mea a liba-no . veni acceptaui peny-tentias tuas / veni coro-naberis. Amen.  ⁌ Finis.  Bl. 27b ⁌ Here endeth the treatyſe called Mons  perfectionis . Emprynted by Rycharde  Pynſon in the .xiii. yere of our ſouerayne lord Kynge Henry the .vii.  Bl. 28a leer. Bl. 28b Druckermarke.
HC 621. Duff-Hellinga 14. Ce³ A-367. Pr 9791. BMC XI 291. ISTC ia00367000.
Boston (Mass.) PL. London BL
(def.). Manchester RylandsL
Gesamtüberlieferung: 3 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
12 Bl. ab⁶. 2 Sp. 29 Z. Typ. 3:136G, 5:95G. Rubr. 1 Hlzs. DrM I.
Bl. 1a In die Innocencium ſermo pro  Epiſcopo puerorum.  Bl. 1b leer. Bl. 2a ⁌ Laudate pueri do-minum. pſalmo Centeſi-mo .xiiᵒ. et pro huius col-lacionis fundamento.  (P²)Rayſe ye childern  almyghty god as  the phyloſophre ſayth in  dyuerſe places. … Sign. b Almeſdedes freely with- … Endet Bl. 11bβ Z. 8 (Delectat) ſc ſpūaliter  (delet) venialia (vegetat)  ſc ſenſus (paſcit) ſc animā (quo terret) ſc de-mones.  Darunter Druckermarke. Bl. 12a Holzschnitt Bl. 12b leer.
Anm. Vgl. O’Mara, Veronica: A Victorian Response to a Fifteenth-Century Incunabulum: The ‘Boy Bishop’ Sermon and how it was First Edited. In: Preaching the Word in Manuscript and Print in Late Medieval England: Essays in Honour of Susan Powell. Hrsg. Martha W. Driver u. Veronica O’Mara. Turnhout 2013. (Sermo. 11.) S. 351–392 (m. Ausg.).
Duff-Hellinga 16. Ce³ A-368. BMC XI 217. Mead 5261. Rhodes: Oxford 50. ISTC ia00368000.
London BL
. Oxford CorpChristC. San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL.
Gesamtüberlieferung: 3 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
12 Bl. ab⁶. 2 Sp. 28 Z. Typ. 5:95G. Rubr. δ(?).
Bl. 1a ⁌ In die Innocenciū mo pro epiſcopo pueroꝝ  Bl. 1b leer. Bl. 2a Laudate pueri dm.  pſalmo Centeſimo .xijᵒ.  et pro huiꝯ collacōnis fūdamento/  (P³)Rayſe ye chilďn  almyghty god  as  phyloſopre  ſayth in dyuerſe places.  … Sign. b teche man his pryncipal  … Endet Bl. 12aβ Z. 15 (Delectat) ſciľt ſualiť ( delet) venialia (vegetat)  ſciľt ſenſus (paſcit) ſciľt  aīam (quo terret) ſciľt  demones. Bl. 12b leer.
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 49. London BL (Digitalisat).
C 3299. Duff-Hellinga 15. Pr 9740. BMC XI 208. ISTC ia00368100.
London BL
Gesamtüberlieferung: 1 Exemplar/Fragment in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
26 Bl. a–c⁶d⁸. 29 Z. Typ. 3:136G, 5:95G. Rubr. 2mal ders. Hlzs. DrM II.
Bl. 1a Holzschnitt. Darunter Sermo Iohʼis Alcok epī Elie  Bl. 1b Holzschnitt. Bl. 2a Iheſus clamabat (Qui habet au-res audiendi audiat) Luc. viij.  (T)HYSe Wordes ben wryten in the  goſpell of this daye/ And thus to be  englyſſhyd (Ihʼu our ſauyour made  a proclamacōn with a highe ⁊ gre-te voyce to the people that came to  here him. … Sign. b ſacramentoꝝ) ⁌ She wold be baptizyd as her Sone  … Endet Bl. 26a Z. 24 … nor hert can thynke . nor tonge can ſpe-ke/ to the whyche god brynge all. Amen  ⁌ Enprynted at Weſtmeſtre bi Wynkin the Worde  Bl. 26b Druckermarke.
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 93. Manchester RylandsL (IISTC). Manchester RylandsL (Digitalisat).
Duff-Hellinga 17. ISTC ia00368150.
Manchester RylandsL
Gesamtüberlieferung: 1 Exemplar/Fragment in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
26 Bl. A–C⁶D⁸. 29 Z. Typ. 3:136G, 5:95G. Rubr. DrM II.
Bl. 1 leer? Bl. 2a Iheſus clamabat (Qui habet aures  audiendi audiat) Luc .viij.  (T)Hyſe wordes ben wryten in the go-ſpell of this daye . And thus to be  englyſſhed . Ihʼu our ſauyour made  a proclamacōn with a hyghe ⁊ gre-te voyce to the people that came to  here hym/ … Sign. b Sacramētoꝝ) ⁌ She wold be baptyſed as her ſone  … Endet Bl. 26a Z. 24 … nor herte can thynke/ nor tonge can  ſpeke/ to the whiche god brynge all. Amen.  ⁌ Enprynted at Weſtmynſtre  by Wynken de worde.  Bl. 26b Druckermarke.
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 49. Peterborough Cathedr (Digitalisat).
Duff-Hellinga 18. ISTC ia00368200.
Peterborough Cathedr
Gesamtüberlieferung: 1 Exemplar/Fragment in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
10 Bl. A⁶B. 28 Z. Typ. 3:136G, 5:95G. Rubr. 2 Hlzs. DrM II.
Bl. 1a Hlzs.  Deſponſacio virginis xpriſto.  Spouſage of a virgyn to Cryſte.  Bl. 1b Hlzs.  Bl. 2a ⁌ An exhortacyon made to Relygyouſe ſyſters in  the tyme of theyr conſecracyon by the Reuerende  fader in god Iohan Alcok byſſhop of Ely.  ⁌ I aſke the banes betwix the hyghe and mooſt  myghty prynce kyng of all kynges ſone of almyghty god and the virgyne Mary in humanyte Cryſte  Iheſu of Nazareth of the one partye. … Endet Bl. 9a Z. 17 … ye may receyue this noble crowne  I beſeche almyghty god for his grete mercy Amen.  ⁌ Here endeth an exhortacyon made  to Relygyous ſyſters in the tyme  of theyr conſecracyon by the Reue-rende fader in god Iohan Alcok  byſſhop oſ Ely. ⁌ Enprynted at  Weſtmynſtre by Wynken de worde.  Bl. 9b DrM  Bl. 10 leer?
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 49. Cambridge UL (Digitalisat).
HC 623. Duff-Hellinga 19. Oates 4143. ISTC ia00368250.
Bamburgh Castle L (def.). Cambridge UL (def.). Wells Cathedr (Fragm.).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 3 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
10 Bl. A⁶B. 28 Z. Typ. 5:95G. Rubr. δ(?). 1 Hlzs.
Bl. 1 leer(?). Bl. 2a ⁌ An exhortacyon made to Relygyous ſyſters in  the tyme of theyr conſecracyon by the Reuerende  fader in god Iohan Alcok byſſhop of Ely.  ⁌ I aſke the banes betwix the hyghe and mooſt  myghty prynce kyng of all kynges ſone of almyghty god and the virgyn Mary in humanyte Cryſte  Ieſu of Nazareth of the one partye. … Sign. b without theyr cloyſter is deed in theyr ſoules . Re- … Endet Bl. 9a Z. 17 … ye may receyue this noble crowne  I beſeche almyghty god for his grete mercy Amen.  ⁌ Here endeth an exhortacyon made  to Relygyous ſyſters in the tyme  of theyr conſecracyon by the Reue-rende fader in god Iohan Alcok  byſſhop of Ely. ⁌ Enprynted at  weſtmynſtre by Wynken de worde  Bl. 9b Hlzs.  Bl. 10 leer(?).
Faks. Amsterdam 1974. (The English Experience. 638.).
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 48. Oxford Bodl (Digitalisat).
Duff-Hellinga 20. Pr 9724. Bod-inc A-160. ISTC ia00368300.
Oxford Bodl (def.).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 1 Exemplar/Fragment in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke • Letzte Änderung: 2011-12-14