Bl. 1a Hlzs. Deſponſacio virginis xpriſto. Spouſage of a virgyn to Cryſte. Bl. 1b Hlzs. Bl. 2a ⁌ An exhortacyon made to Relygyouſe ſyſters in the tyme of theyr conſecracyon by the Reuerende fader in god Iohan Alcok byſſhop of Ely. ⁌ I aſke the banes betwix the hyghe and mooſt myghty prynce kyng of all kynges ſone of almyghty god and the virgyne Mary in humanyte Cryſte Iheſu of Nazareth of the one partye. … Endet Bl. 9a Z. 17 … ye may receyue this noble crowne I beſeche almyghty god for his grete mercy Amen. ⁌ Here endeth an exhortacyon made to Relygyous ſyſters in the tyme of theyr conſecracyon by the Reue-rende fader in god Iohan Alcok byſſhop oſ Ely. ⁌ Enprynted at Weſtmynſtre by Wynken de worde. Bl. 9b DrM Bl. 10 leer?
HC 623.
Duff-Hellinga 19.
Oates 4143.
ISTC ia00368250.
Bamburgh Castle L (def.). Cambridge UL (def.). Wells Cathedr (Fragm.).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 3 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.