4 Bl. [a]. 32 Z.
Bl. 1a
(S⁵)Eoꝛ poꝛ que ſe que aureis plazeꝛ dela grand victoria que no ſeoꝛ me ha dado en mi vyaie vos eſcriuo eſta poꝛ la ql ſabꝛeys coo ē xxxiij dias paſe alas jndias cōla armada que los iuluſtriſſimos Rey ⁊ reyna nos ſeores meroi … Endet Bl. 4b Z. 22 … fecha a .xiiij. dias de marco. Eſta carta embio Colon a le ſcriuano Deracion delas Iſlas halladas en las Indias. Contenida a otꝛa De ſus Altezas.
Vorlage: Faks.
Anm. Fälschung laut Auskunft von Paul Needham (Princeton, 27.VII.2011): „Gen. Brayton Ives, former owner of the Scheide B42, bought this forgery from the (unwitting) firm Ellis & Elvey, then later brought a law suit against them … which had some decidedly farcical elements – the jury ignored all the best expert advice, and decided the forgery was genuine“. Vgl. Anm. zu Nr 0717210N. Faks. Ellis & Elvey, London 1889.