10966 Gossuin de Metz: L’Image du monde, engl. von William Caxton. [Westminster: William Caxton, nach 8.III.14
100 Bl. a–m⁸n. 29 Z. Typ. 2*:135G. Min. f. Init. 38 z.T. schem. Hlzs., dar. Wdh.
Bl. 1 leer. Bl. 2a m. Sign. a2 Here begynneth the table of the rubrices of this pꝛeſente volume named the Mirrour of the world oꝛ thymage  of the ſame  … Bl. 4a m. Sign. a4 Z. 5 Pꝛologue declaryng to whom this book apperteyneth  Hlzs.  Daneben (c²)Onſideryng  that woꝛdes ben  periſſhyng/ vayne/ ⁊  foꝛgeteful/ … Bl. 6a Hier begynneth the book callid the myrrour of the woꝛlde/  And treateth firſt of the power and puiſſaunce of god  capitulo pꝛimo.  Hlzs.  Daneben (w)E ought  to knowe  that whan  our loꝛd  god made  the woꝛld … Sign. b Wherfoꝛ god made not the man/ ſuche as he myght not  … Endet Bl. 99b Z. 12 … that  we may be bꝛought ⁊ receyuyd in to his bleſſyd gloꝛye in  heuene vnto the bleſſyd Trynyte. ffadcr. Sone. and holy  goſt/ whiche lyueth and regneth without ende in ſecula  ſeculoꝛum/ Amen/  (a²)Nd where it is ſo/ that I haue pꝛeſumed and empꝛi-ſed this foꝛſayd tranſlacion in to our engliſſh and  maternal tongue/ … Bl. 100a Z. 11 … whiche book I began firſt to trāſlate the  ſecond day of Ianyuer the yere of our loꝛd .M.CCCC..lxxx. And fynyſſhyd the viij day of Marche the ſame  yere/ And the xxj yere of the Regne of the moſt Cryſten  kynge/ kynge Edward the fourthe/ … Z. 23 … And after this ſhort ⁊ tranſitoꝛye lyf he bꝛynge  hym and vs in to his celeſtyal blyſſe in heuene Amen  Bl. 100b leer.
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 3. Res.Publ. Unit 49. Cambridge UL (Digitalisat). London BL (Digitalisate) (Ex. 1), (Ex. 2). Oxford Bodl (Digitalisat). Washington (D.C.) LC (Digitalisat).
HC 11656. Klebs 531.1. Duff-Hellinga 401. Pollard-Redgrave² 24762. De Ricci: Census of Caxtons 94. Ce³ M-883 u.Suppl. Pr 9638. BMC XI 121. Bod-inc I-002. Kind: Göttingen 775. Oates 4074. ISTC im00883000.
Austin UL
. Blackburn M
. Cambridge UL (Bl. 1–3 u. 8 fehlen, Bl. 9 def.). Göttingen *SUB
. London BL
(2 Ex.). Manchester RylandsL
(2 Ex., 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.). Minneapolis BellL
. New Haven CenterBritArt
. New York ButlerL (Fragm. 1 Bl.), MorganL
. Oxford Bodl
. Princeton ScheideL
. San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL
. Toledo (Ohio) MArt
(def.). Washington (D.C.) LC
. Windsor Chapel.  — Van Kampen (Orlando) (def.).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 18 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen und mindestens 1 Exemplar in Privatbesitz nachgewiesen.
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendrucke • © 1990 Anton Hiersemann, Stuttgart • https://gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de/docs/GW10966.htm • Letzte Änderung: 2011-12-14