28 Bl.
A– D⁶E. 2 Sp. 29 Z. Typ.
5:95G. Rubr. 4 Hlzs. DrM
Tit. Holzschnitt. Darunter ⁌ Mons perfectionis/ otherwyſe in Englyſſhe/ the hylle of perfeccyon. Bl. 1b Holzschnitt. Bl. 2a ⁌ Exhortacio facta Car-tuſientibus et alijs religi-oſis ꝑ venerandū in xo patrem et dm dominū Iohannē Alcok Elienſ. epiſcopū. (I⁵)N mōte te ſaluū fac. (Ge .xx. xvi. capľo. ⁌ Thyſe wordes were ſayd vnto Loth by an angell … Sign. b vite ne utilius quid aīo … Endet Bl. 27a
(Veni aīa mea dilecta mea a libano . veni acceptaui penitencias tuas . veni coronaberis) AMEN. Bl. 27b ⁌ Enprynted at Weſt-meſtre by Wynkin de worde/ the yere of our lorde M.CCCClxxxxvij. and in the yere of reygne of mooſt vyctoryous prynce our mooſt naturell ſo-uerayne lorde Henry the ſeuenth/ at the Inſtaunce β the reuerende relygy-ous fader Thomas Pry-our of the houſe of ſaynt Anne ordre of the Chartrouſe . And fynyſſhed the xxiij. daye of the moneth of Maye in the yere abo-ue ſayd. Darunter Holzschnitt. Bl. 28a Holzschnitt. Bl. 28b Druckermarke.
HC 622.
Duff-Hellinga 13.
Pr 9706A.
BMC XI 210.
Oates 4128.
ISTC ia00366500.
Cambridge UL (def.).
Edinburgh NL (Bl. 28 fehlt).
London BL.
Manchester RylandsL (Fragm. Bl. E4, vermisst).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 4 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.