02185 Antoninus Florentinus: Summa theologica. Mit Beig. von Franciscus Moneliensis. Venedig: Nicolas Jenson, 1477–80. 
2 Sp. 55–56 Z. Typ. 5:93G, 6:75G, 7:150G. KolTit.
1. Pars I. 15.XII.1479 [vielmehr 1478(?)]. 
254 Bl. a¹⁰b–o⁸p⁶q–t⁸u⁶yz⁊A–F⁸G⁶. 
2. Pars II. 28.VI.1480. 
323 Bl. a–d¹⁰e–z⁊ꝝA–L⁸M¹⁰N⁹. 
3. Pars III,1. 1477. 
352 Bl. Teil 1: a¹²b–z⁊ꝝA–F¹⁰G⁸H¹⁰I⁶K⁸. Vereinzelt Min. f. Init.
4. Pars III,2. 1477. 
320 Bl. a¹²b¹⁰–e¹⁰f¹²g¹⁰–n¹₀o¹²–q¹²r¹⁰–z¹⁰⁊¹⁰¹⁰ꝝ¹⁰A¹⁰–E¹⁰.  Min. f. Init.
5. Pars IV. 18.IV.1480. 
374 Bl. a¹²b–h¹⁰ik⁸l¹⁰m⁸n¹⁰op⁸q¹⁰r⁸s¹⁰t⁸u¹⁰x⁸yz⁊ꝝA–K¹⁰L⁸MN¹⁰. 
Zur Datierung vgl. BMC V 180 zu Pars I: “According to Boerner’s Auktionskatalog 121 (Nov., 1913) a copy of this book from the library of E. Oppler has a MS. note stating that it was bought by Abbot Paul of Lilienfeld ‘Anno domini Mᵒ ccccᵒ septuagesimo octauo … cum ligatura pro iij fl ’. It therefore appears that the date of the colophon must be interpreted as ‘15 Dec., 1478’.”
Anm. Christie’s (New York) The Estelle Doheny Collection from St. Mary’s of the Barrens, Perryville, Missouri: Fine Printed Books and Manuscripts (14.XII.2001) Nr 103 m. Prov. Perryville Sem.
Reproduktionen: Res.Publ. Unit 62. München SB (Digitalisate) (1), (2), (3), (4), (5). Valencia BValenc (Digitalisat).
HC 1243. H 1259(4). CBB 266 u.Suppl. Ce³ A-872. CIH 250. IBE 435. IBP 418. IBPort 137. IDL 353. IGI 690. Pell 878. CRF I 95. CRF III 67. CRF IV 27. CRF V 56. CRF VI 155. CRF VIII 37. CRF XI 63. CRF XII 60. CRF XIII 211. CRF XIX 92. VB 3672.8. 3674. 3676. BSB-Ink A-595. CIBN A-453. Pr 4102. 4123. 4124. 4126. BMC V 177.IB 19699. 179.IB 19734. 181.IB 19735. 181.IB 19736. Bod-inc A-342. A-343. Altés-Olivar 14. Borm: IG 180. Collijn: Stockholm 77. Collijn: Uppsala 130. Ferraglio: Brescia 2. Finger: Düsseldorf 62. Juntke: MarienB 32. Longhi: Milano 3. Mendes: Lisboa 108–110. Oates 1645. ÖNB-Ink A-355. Ohly-Sack 207–211. Scardilli-Venezia 24. Voulliéme: Trier 1815. 1835. 1836. Walsh: Harvard 1585. Zedler: Nassau 54. ISTC ia00872000.
Admont Benedikt. Albany SL (1). Amberg ProvB (4). Ann Arbor UL (2). Ansbach Gy (1.4), SB (2). Ascoli Piceno BCom (3). Assisi BCom (3.4), Franzisk1 (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 2-4, 2. Ex. 3.4), Franzisk2 (2). Augsburg Sem (2.4), UB
(1.2.4). Austin UL (1). Avellino BProv (1.2.4). Ávila BP. Baltimore ArtM (1), GarrettL (2). Bamberg SB (2 Ex., 1. Ex. def.). Barcelona BPBisch, BU, Catedr (4), Franzisk (4). Bari BN (2.3). Basel UB (3 Ex.). Bassano del Grappa BCiv (2.4). Bergamo BCiv (2.4). Berlin *SB
(2 Ex., 1. Ex.† 1.2.4, 2. Ex.† 4), UB† (4). Beuron Benedikt (1.2). Bologna BProvFranzisk (3), Gy (2 Ex., 2. Ex. 1-3). Brescia Sem
(2 Ex., 1. Ex. 2, 2. Ex. 2). Brussel BR. Bryn Mawr GoodhartL (1.4). Budapest Piar
(2, def.). Busto Arsizio BCap (4). Cagliari BU (2 Ex.). Cambridge UL (1). Cambridge (Mass.) HoughtonL (3). Canterbury Cathedr (2). Castellón de la Plana BP (4). Chapel Hill UL. Chicago LakesidePress (3), NewberryL (1.2.4). Città del Vaticano BVat (4 Ex., 3. Ex. 2, 4. Ex. def.). Ciudad Real BP (3.4). Coburg LB. Collepardo Abt (4). Columbus UL (def.). Como BCom (4). Coral Gables UL (3). Corleone BCom (1). Cortona AccadEtrusc (3). Cosenza BCiv (4). Cuneo BCiv (2). Darmstadt ULB (def.). Dettelbach Franzisk (1.2). Deventer StB
. Dole BMun
(1–4, 2 def.). Düsseldorf ULB (4). Eichstätt UB (1.2). Erfurt Bisch. Erlangen UB (1.4). Fabriano BP (4, def.). Faenza BCom (3). Ferrara BCom (3 Ex., 1. Ex. 1-3, def., 2. Ex. 1-3, def., 3. Ex. 1-3, def.). Firenze BMarucell (2), BN (2 Ex.), BRiccard (2), Domin. Foligno BCom (2.4). Fossano Sem (3.4). Fossombrone BCiv (2, def.). Frankfurt (Main) UB (5 Ex., 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def., 5. Ex. def.). Fulda HLB (1.2.4). Gallarate Jes (2). Genova BFranzon (4, def.), BU (1). Glasgow UL
(3). Göttingen SUB. Göttweig Benedikt
(4). Gotha ForschB
(4). Graz UB. Haag KglB
(1). Halle MarienB
(3,1). Hanover DartmouthC (2). Heilbronn StArch (2-4). Hongkong UL
. Innsbruck Kapuz
(1.4), ULB (1-3). Ithaca UL (4). Jena ULB (2, def.). Klagenfurt Bisch, UB. Koblenz Gy (1-3). Köln Erzbisch (def.). Langres SocHist. Leipzig BuchM
(2). Licata BCom (1). Lilienfeld Zisterz
(1). Lille BUCathol
(2). Limburg BischB
(1.2). Linz LB (4). Lisboa BN (3 Ex., 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def.). Livorno BLabron (4). London BL
(4 Ex.), VictoriaAlbertM (1), WellcomeMedL (1). Los Angeles UCaliforniaL. Lucca BCap (1.4), BStat (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 2-4, 2. Ex. 4), Kapuz (3, def.). Lyon BMun (2 Ex., 2. Ex. 3). Madrid AcadHist (2), BN, CAbogad, Galdiano (def.). Mahón BP (3). Mainz GutenbergM
(2 Ex., 2. Ex. def.). Mantova BCom. Maria Laach Benedikt (def.). Mazzarino Kapuz (4, def.). Mestre Kapuz (3.4). Mexico City BN (2). Milano BAmbros (2 Ex., 2. Ex. 3), BNBraid (3 Ex., 2. Ex. 3, 3. Ex. 4), BServ (3.4), Kapuz
. Modena BEst. Mondoñedo Sem (def.). Montefalco BCom (3). Montepulciano BCom (2). Montserrat Benedikt (2.4). Morgantown UL (def.). München SB
(14 Ex., 1. Ex. 1–5, 2. Ex. 1–3.5, 3. Ex. 1.2.5, 4. Ex. 1.2.5, 5. Ex. 1, 6. Ex. 2.5, 7. Ex. 1.2), UB
(3 Ex.). Münster ULB. Nantes BMun. Napoli BN (5 Ex., 3. Ex. 3.4, 4. Ex. 4, 5. Ex. 4), BU (2 Ex., 2. Ex. 1.4). Nelahozeves Lobkowitz. Neuburg SB (1). New Haven UL (def.). New London C (4). New Orleans HowardL
(2). Newton Centre TheolSch (def.). New York ButlerL (4), MorganL (3.4). Nürnberg StB
(1.4). Orvieto BCom (2). Oviedo ArchCap (1.2). Oxford Bodl (3.4). Padova BU (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 1-4. 2 def., 2. Ex. 1.3.4). Palazzolo sull’Oglio BCiv (2). Palencia BP (1.2.4). Palermo BRegion (2-4). Paliano Passion (1, def.). Palma de Mallorca BP. Paris BN (4 Ex., 1. Ex. Perg. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. 2), BU (def.), Mazarin (def.). Parma BPalat (1.3.4). Pavia BU (2.4). Perryville ehem. Sem (2). Perugia BAugust (3, def.). Pesaro BOliveri (4). Philadelphia FreeL (4). Piacenza BCom (2), Sem
(2–4). Pietraperzia BCom
(4). Pinerolo Sem (3.4). Pistoia BForteguerri (2), Franzisk (2). Poppi BCom (2.3). Praha NKn (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 2, 2. Ex. 4). Puebla BU
(4). Québec BU (4). Ravenna BClass (4). Regalbuto BCom
. Regensburg AlteKapelle (def.), BischZB (2), HB, SB (2 Ex., 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.). Rein Zisterz (2.3,1). Retz Domin. Rimini BCiv (1.2). Rio de Janeiro BN. Roanne BMun (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 4, def., 2. Ex. def.). Rodez BMun (2). Roma BAngel (3), BCasanat (def.), BCorsin
(1.3.4), BN
(2 Ex., 2. Ex. 1.3), IConserv (2), Redempt (2). Salzburg BenediktPeter (1.3–5), Franzisk (1.4), UB (1.2). Sankt Florian Aug. Sankt Petersburg NB. San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL (3 Ex., 1. Ex. 1.2.4, 2. Ex. 1, 3. Ex. 1). São Paulo BMun (def.). Schenectady C (2). Schweinfurt StB (3, def.). Segorbe Sem (3.4). Segovia Catedr (1.4). Siena BCom (2.4). Solothurn ZB
. Sondrio IPiazzi. Spezia BCiv (1.2). Stockholm KglB (1). Strasbourg BNU (4). Stuttgart LB
(3 Ex.). Subiaco Benedikt (1.2.4). Taormina BCom (2). Tarazona Catedr (def.). Terni BCom (1). Todi BCom (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 1, 2. Ex. 1). Toledo BP (4). Torino BCiv (4, def.), BNU. Toulouse BMun (2). Trento BCap (4). Treviso BCom (3). Trier DomB (4), StB (1.3.4). Trieste BCiv (3). Tübingen UB
. Turku Akad
. Uppsala UB (4). Urbino BU (1). Valencia BValenc
(5), Catedr (1.3.4). Valladolid Aug (1.2.4). Valognes BMun (3). Venezia BNMarc (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 1-3, 2. Ex. 1). Ventimiglia BApros (2 Ex., 1. Ex. 3, 2. Ex. 3). Vercelli BAgnes. Verona BCiv (1.2). Vic Bisch
(unvollst.). Vicenza BBertol (1), Sem (1). Vigo Alfageme (4). Viterbo Aug
(2), BCom (2), Franzisk (2). Volterra BGuarnacci (2-4). Washington (D.C.) LC (2 Ex., 2. Ex. 4). Wesel MartiniK (1.3.4). Wien NB
(5 Ex., 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. 1, 3. Ex. 1, 4. Ex. 3,2), Sem
( Wiesbaden LB
(def.). Wolfenbüttel HerzogAugustB
(1.4). Worthington C (def.). Würzburg UB
(4 Ex., 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def., 3. Ex. def., 4. Ex. def.). Xanten Stift (2.4). Zaragoza BU (1), Catedr (4).  — . Casagrande (San Donà) (2, def.). Fuhrmann (Elmhurst) (4).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 330 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen und mindestens 1 Exemplar in Privatbesitz nachgewiesen.
Gesamtkatalog der Wiegendruckehttps://www.gesamtkatalogderwiegendrucke.de/docs/GW02185.htm • Letzte Änderung: 2022-01-13