35 Z. Typ.
1:113R. Min. f. Init. Rotdr. Marg.
1. Opuscula et orationes.
72 Bl. +⁶a–g⁸h⁶i.
2. Epistolae CXXXIII.
Inhalt: Bl. a3a: De tolerandis adversis (Quoniam cum saepe alias tum nuper maxime efflagitare …). — c7b: De gerendo magistratu iustitiaque colenda. — e7a: De honesto cultu feminarum. — f8a: Oratio in die azymorum. — g2a: Oratio II. in beata cena Domini. — g5b: Oratio in magni Aurelii natalem. — g8b: Oratio in laudem sanguinis Domini. — h3a: Oratio in Omnium Sanctorum. — h6b: Oratio I. in beata cena Domini.
Anm. Christie’s (London) Yates, Thompson and Bright: A Family of Bibliophiles (16.VII.2014) Nr 301.— Christie’s (New York) Illuminated Manuscripts and Early Printed Books from the Collection of Elaine and Alexandre Rosenberg (23.IV.2021) Nr 54.
HC 3669.
CBB 845.
Ce³ B-1045.
CIH 790.
IBE 1154.
IBP 1214.
IDL 1006a.
IGI 2022.
Pell 2782.
CRF II 112.
CRF XI 260.
CRF XIX 316.
VB 2757.
BSB-Ink B-762.
CIBN B-732.
Pr 6597.
BMC VI 826.IB 28906.
Bod-inc B-490.
Günther 460.
Madsen 843.
Oates 2493.
ÖNB-Ink B-602.
Raffel: Weimar 111.
Walsh: Harvard 3208. 3209.
ISTC ib01045000.
Aberystwyth NL.
Amsterdam UB.
Arezzo BCiv.
Bamberg SB.
Barcelona BU.
Benevento Erzbisch.
Bergamo BCiv (2 Ex.).
Berlin *
SB (2 Ex., 1. Ex.†).
Besançon BMun (2 Ex.).
Bologna FondazCassaRisp, Gy (2 Ex.).
Boston (Mass.) CountwayLMed.
Brescia BQuerini.
Brussel BR.
Bryn Mawr GoodhartL.
Cambridge CorpChristC, UL.
Cambridge (Mass.) HoughtonL.
Casale Monferrato Sem.
Cesena BMalatest (2 Ex.).
Chatsworth L.
Chicago NewberryL.
Città del Vaticano BVat (2 Ex.).
Claremont HonnoldL.
Cremona BStat.
Dallas BridwellL.
Durham UL.
El Escorial RB.
Fiesole Sem.
Firenze BN (2 Ex.).
Genova BDurazzo, BU, Kapuz.
Geras Präm.
Glasgow UL.
Göttweig Benedikt.
Gotha ForschB.
Güssing Franzisk.
Innsbruck ULB.
København KglB.
Lampeter UL.
Leeds UL.
Leipzig BuchM,
UB (2 Ex.).
Liverpool Cathedr.
London BL (2 Ex., 1. Ex. def.), CPhysicians, MiddleTemple, WellcomeMedL.
Lyon BMun.
Madrid BN.
Manchester RylandsL.
Memmingen StB.
Messina BUAnnunziata.
Milano BAmbros, BNBraid.
Modena BEst.
Mons BU.
Montpellier BU (def.).
Montréal BN.
München SB (2 Ex.).
Napoli BN (2 Ex.).
Nelahozeves Lobkowitz.
New Haven UL.
New York ehem. ManhattanC.
Novara Sem.
Oxford Bodl.
Padova BAnton, BCap, BU.
Palermo BRegion.
Paris BN (4 Ex.).
Parma BPalat (2 Ex.).
Pavia BU.
Perugia BAugust.
Pesaro BOliveri.
Philadelphia FreeL.
Piacenza BCom.
Ravenna BClass (2 Ex.).
Reggio Calabria BCom.
Roma BAngel, BCasanat,
BCorsin (2 Ex.).
Salzburg UB.
San Francisco PL.
San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL.
San Sepolcro BCom (def.).
Sankt Petersburg NB.
Seo de Urgel Bisch.
Sevilla BU.
Siena BCom.
Stuttgart LB.
Toledo BP.
Torino Accad.
Treviso BCom.
Trino BCom.
Venezia BNMarc (2 Ex., 1. Ex. def., 2. Ex. def.).
Verona BCap, BCiv (3 Ex.), Sem.
Viterbo BCom.
Washington (D.C.) LC (2 Ex.).
Weimar HerzoginAnnaAmaliaB.
Westmalle Trapp (def.).
Wien NB (2 Ex.).
Windsor RL.
Würzburg UB. — Holkham Hall (Norfolk). Ehem. Rosenberg (New York) (def.).
Gesamtüberlieferung: 129 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen und mindestens 1 Exemplar in Privatbesitz nachgewiesen.