308 Bl.
a¹⁰a–z&A–Ik⁸LM¹⁰N⁶. Gez. [12]III–CCXCVII[1]. Text von Komm. umg. 46 bzw. 61 Z. Typ.
11:180G. Init.
q. Min. f. Init. 100 Hlzs., dar. einige Wdh. KolTit. Marg.
(D)anthe alighieri fiorentino. Bl. 1b COMENTO di chriſtophoro Landino fiorentino ſopra la comedia di Danthe alighieri poeta fiorentino. … Bl. 11a leer. Bl. 11b in Leiste Hlzs. Bl. 12a in Leiste CANTO PRIMO DELLA PRIMA CANTICA OVERO COMEDIA DEL DIVINO POETA FIORENTINO DANTHE ALEGHIERI. CAPITOLO PRIMO. … Sign. b Di quella humile italia fia ſalute … Endet Bl. 307a m. Blz. CCXCVII Z. 24 Fine del comento di Chriſtoforo Landino Fiorentino ſopra la Comedia di Dāthe … Z. 27 … Impreſſa in Venetia per Piero de zuanne di quarengii da palazago bergamaſco. Del M.CCCC.LXXXXVII. Adi .XI. octubrio. α Qui comincia il credo di Danthe. … Endet Bl. 307bγ Z. 35 Che a noſtra fin paradiſo ci doni. A M E N. Bl. 308a Reg. in 5 Sp. Endet ε Z. 31 da lo exilio F I N I S Bl. 308b leer.
Anm. 1. “A reprint of Capcasa’s 1493 Commedia (GW 7971). The Toulouse copy given as a variant of the present edition (Pell 4119A) was apparently merely perfected with fols 11–12 (numbered I–II) of GW 7971” (ISTC). Anm. 2. Zu den Ex. San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL: “There are two settings in quire 2a, which is the beginning of the Inferno. These affect at least sheets 4.5 and 3.6, on the evidence of Huntington 86691 and 86692 and the digitized BSB and Biblioteca Cantonale Lugano copies. A distinguishing feature is the size of the type used in the headline, which in setting A is 3mm and in setting B is 4mm (noticeably larger than the text type). Elena Fogolin (…) has been investigating this and also found an offset from setting B on our copy of A, showing that the larger headline came later but the two settings were in the printing shop at the same time. Setting B is found on sheets 4.5 and 3.6 of Huntington 86691 and BSB, and on sheet 3.6 alone at Lugano. We have not found variation in the two outer sheets of the quire (though BSB online has those two sheets supplied from ISTC id00034000). So on the evidence so far, this quire was printed from the inside out, earlier than the preliminaries (as expected), and the edition size was raised very early in the run” (Mitteilung von Stephen Tabor, HuntingtonL, 5.VIII.2019).
H 5945.
HC 5953.
Sander 2316.
CBB 1227.
Ce³ D-35.
CIH 1137.
IBP 1839.
IBPort 564.
IDL 1465a.
IGI 366.
IJL² 148. 149.
Kaplan 180.
Pell 4119.
CRF III 295.
CRF XI 373.
VB 4449.
BSB-Ink D-11.
CIBN D-18.
Pr 5482.
BMC V 513.IB 24171.
Bod-inc D-018.
Borm: IG 875.
Finger: Düsseldorf 328.
Madsen 1335.
Montagner 1.
Mendes: Lisboa 414.
Rhodes: Cini D7.
Rhodes: Oxford 655.
Schlechter-Ries 570.
Schüling 320.
Sheehan: Vaticana D-16.
Walsh: Harvard 2492.
ISTC id00035000.
Amsterdam UB.
Arezzo BCiv.
Baltimore ArtM.
Bergamo BCiv, IMus.
Berlin KunstB.
Bloomington LillyL.
Bologna BU (def.), Gy.
Bonn ULB.
Brescia BQuerini.
București BAcad.
Budapest BAcadSci, BN (def.).
Cambridge (Mass.) HoughtonL.
Cesena BMalatest.
Chapel Hill UL.
Chicago NewberryL.
Città del Vaticano BVat (4 Ex.).
Cortona AccadEtrusc.
Cuneo BCiv (def.).
Delaware UL.
Dublin KingInn.
Dubuque C (def.).
Düsseldorf ULB (def.).
Edmonton UL (def.).
Ferrara BCom.
Firenze BN, BRidolfi, SocDante (3 Ex.).
Forlì BCom.
Frankfurt (Main) UB.
Genova BBerio, BU.
Giessen UB.
Grosseto BCom.
Heidelberg UB (def.).
Hightstown Sch.
Hino UL.
Iesi BCom.
Ithaca UL.
København KglB.
Köln UStB (def.).
Kórnik Akad.
Kyoto ForeignStudUL.
Leipzig BuchM (2 Ex., 2. Ex. Fragm. Bl. 11).
Lisboa BN (def.).
Lonato BComo.
London BL.
Lugano BCant, Bisch.
Lyon BMun (def.), UCathol.
Manchester RylandsL.
Mantova BCom (2 Ex.).
Milano BNBraid, BTrivulz.
Mino ehem. OAJuniorC (2012 verkauft).
Modena BEst (3 Ex.).
Montecassino Benedikt.
München SB.
Napoli BN (3 Ex.), ehem. Orat, TheolF (def.).
New Brunswick UL.
New Haven UL.
Notre Dame UL.
Novara BCiv.
Oberlin C (def.).
Oxford Bodl, HughC, KebleC (2 Ex.), TaylorI.
Padova BCiv (3 Ex.).
Palermo BRegion.
Paris BN, DominSaulchoir, IFrance.
Perugia BAugust.
Philadelphia UL.
Piacenza BCom.
Poppi BCom.
Przemyśl Bisch.
Ravenna BClass, Franzisk.
Roma BAngel (def.),
BN (def.), CasDante, CKapuz, FondazBesso.
San Juan CasaLibro.
San Marino (Calif.) *
HuntingtonL (2 Ex.).
Sankt Florian Aug.
Sankt Petersburg NB (2 Ex., 1. Ex. def.).
Siracusa BCom.
South Hadley C.
Stanford UL.
Stresa Rosminiani.
Sydney UL.
Torino BCiv (def.), BR.
Toronto TrinityC.
Toulouse BMun.
Trento BCom.
Treviso BCom.
Trieste BCiv.
University Park UL.
Urbana UL.
Urbino BU (def.).
Venezia BNMarc (def.),
Verona AccadFilarmon, BCap, BCiv.
Washington (D.C.) LC.
Wien NB (2 Ex.).
Williamstown ChapinL.
Wolfenbüttel HerzogAugustB.
Gesamtüberlieferung: 136 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.