40 Bl.
a–e⁸. 2 Sp. 38–39 Z. Typ.
11:99G. Init.
l. Rubr.
γ. 29 Hlzs., dar. 5 z.T. mehrmalige Wdh. DrM
Tit. ⁌ Thyſtoꝛye of the right noble and woꝛthy knyght parys and of the fayꝛe vyenne the dolphyns doughter of vyennoys. Hlzs. Bl. 1b Hlzs. Bl. 2aα m. Sign. aij ⁌ Here begynneth thyſtoꝛie of the noble ryght vaylliaūt ⁊ woꝛthy kni‑ght Parys/ ād of the fayꝛ Vyēne … Z. 9
(I⁵)N the tyme of kynge Charles of Fraūce the yere of our loꝛd Iheſu criſt … Sign. b and the thꝛe jewellys that ben in thē … Endet Bl. 40bα Z. 8 … that in ſuche wiſe we may accompanye them in the perdurable gloꝛye of heuen/ (A¹)men β
(T¹)hus eyndeth thyſtoꝛye of the no‑ble and vaylyaunt knyght parys. ād the fayꝛ vyēne doughter of the doulphyn of vyennoys/ tranſlated out of frenſſhe in to Englyſſhe by Wylliam Caxton at weſtmeſtre/ ⁊ pꝛentyd by me Gerard Leeu in the towne of an‑dewarpe In the yere of our loꝛd .M.CCCC. fowꝛe ſkoꝛe and twelve: ād fynyſſhed the xxiij. day of Iuyne DrM
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Gesamtüberlieferung: 1 Exemplar/Fragment in öffentlichen Einrichtungen.