Berlin SB, Inc 2870†
M41425 Seneca, Lucius Annaeus: Tragoediae. [Ferrara: Andreas
Belfortis, zwischen 30.IX. und 17.XII.1478]. 2° Inhalt: Hercules furens (Soror tonantis hoc enim solum mihi nomen relictum est semper alienum Iovem …). — Thyestes. — Phoenissae. — Phaedra. — Oedipus. — Troades. — Medea. — Agamemnon. — Hercules Oetaeus. — Pseudo-Seneca, Lucius Annaeus: Octavia. Zur Datierung: Zu Datierung und Auflagenhöhe ISTC: “The partnership formed with the bookseller Pellegrino Sillano on 30 September 1478 for printing the book in 500 copies was dissolved on 17 December: E. Peverada in Analecta Pomposiana, 19 (1994), p.183”. HCR 14662. Ce³ S-433. CIH 3067. IBE 5197. IBP 4991. IGI 8905. Pell 10442. VB 2870. BSB-Ink S-270. CIBN S-200. Pr 5731. BMC VI 603.IB 25621. Bod-inc S-145. Chantilly 1786. Collijn: Stockholm 976. Deckert 590. Madsen 3680. Oates 2237. Rhodes: Oxford 1606. Scardilli-Venezia 257. Walsh: Harvard 2765. ISTC is00433000. Berlin SB† . Bologna Gy (2 Ex.). Cagliari BU (def.). Cambridge UL. Cambridge (Mass.) HoughtonL. Chantilly MConde. Chatsworth L. Città del Vaticano BVat . Cologny BBodmer. Dresden SUB (def.). Firenze BLaur, BN, BRiccard. Glasgow UL . København KglB. Kraków BU. London BL . Manchester RylandsL . Modena BEst. München SB . Nelahozeves Lobkowitz. New Haven UL. New York MorganL. Nicosia BCom (def.). Oxford Bodl, CorpChristC, NewC. Padova BCap, Sem. Palermo BRegion (def.). Paris BN. Parma BPalat. Philadelphia RosenbachM. Roma BCorsin . Salamanca BU. San Marino (Calif.) HuntingtonL. Sopron Gy. Stockholm KglB (def.). Taggia Domin. Venezia BNMarc. Washington (D.C.) LC. Wien NB . Windsor RL. — Holkham Hall (Norfolk) (2 Ex.). Gesamtüberlieferung: 44 Exemplare/Fragmente in öffentlichen Einrichtungen und mindestens 1 Exemplar in Privatbesitz nachgewiesen. |