The index of GW Numbers contains all given GW numbers in logical sequence.
Processing Status
Fixed GW numbers range from Volume 1 through to Volume 11 (work catalogue ‘Hord, Jobst’). In this section, titles not regarded as incunabula have numbers that look like this: ‘2 Sp. 114b.’ The ‘2’ refers to the second volume, the ‘114’ to the corresponding column and ‘b’ the second non-incunable in column 114.
Descriptions in the work catalogues ‘De horis canonicis dicendis’ to ‘Hypsiclès’ have preliminary numbers that look like this: ‘n0320’. They will be converted into GW numbers by 2010. You can find the GW numbers corresponding to more recent preliminary numbers in
Konkordanz von Interims-Nummern und GW-Nummern. The GW numbers and manuscript-numbers there are hyperlinks to the corresponding descriptions.
Descriptions in the work catalogues ‘Jaʽaqōb Bāruk Ben-Jehūdāh Landau’ to ‘Zwickau’ have ‘manuscript-numbers’ that look like this: ‘M12028’. These will remain unchanged until they become fixed GW numbers.
Sorting and Grouping
The GW numbers are divided into 24 groups. The first 11 groups correspond to printed GW volumes, the others to fictitious volumes. The numbers appear in the same sequence as in the volumes.
Where Do Hyperlinks Lead to?
The GW numbers in a group are hyperlinks to the corresponding descriptions.