What is shown is either a description or a work catalogue. If a description is shown, the focus is on the beginning of it or on the beginning of a single work within it. Matching search words within the text are not highlighted. To see the work catalogue to which the description is assigned to, click on the title.
Full-Texts Are Displayed In Two Different Ways
If images are attached to a document — as is the rule for the work catalogues ‘I(o) priego la divina maiestade’ to ‘Zwickau’ — then the document is displayed in two columns. The left column contains the text of a description, the right thumbnails of the images on a scale of 1 to 10. If you click on a thumbnail, a new window opens with the image displayed in full size. For more details, go to: Display of Images in Full Size.
Documents without images are displayed in a full-width window.
References Are Hyperlinks
References to other descriptions and work catalogues are hyperlinks leading to work catalogues.
Rows In Indexes Are Hyperlinks
Large work catalogues such as ‘Hieronymus’ and ‘Historia’ often start with one or more indexes, e.g. of short titles, incipits, printer names, bibliographic references. If rows of these indexes end with GW numbers, then the highlighted parts of the rows are hyperlinks. They lead to descriptions or groups of works within the current work catalogue.
Location References May Be Hyperlinks
Location references may be hyperlinks iff there are catalogue records or electronic facsimiles online, referring to these copies. In this case, the holder’s sigle is slightly highlighted as in the following example in Stuttgart LB and Ulm StB:
… Salzburg Sem, UB. Segovia Catedr. Stuttgart LB. Ulm StB (2 Ex.). Uppsala UB. …
For example, if you follow the hyperlink on LB, then a new window opens, containing a structured list of hyperlinks to online resources:
Catalogue records are marked by the bibliographical reference in GW style, electronic facsimiles by the word „Digitalisat“. — The online resource may describe all copies of the holder, particular copies or particular volumes, indicated in the list by the words "Bestand", holdings, "Exemplar", copy, or "Band", volume. The following example shows the structured list for the eight copies of the seven-volume incunable GW 4285, owned by the Bavarian State Library.