Though it is possible to use the search engine Advanced Search to search for printer names, places and dates of printing, there is a special search engine for printing data. It uses a special printers index and is faster than the advanced search. However, it is not as versatile: the three search criteria are linked solely by the Boolean AND . Data types and search criteria are linked solely by the operator enthält , ‘contains’. Useful operators like vor , ‘before’, and nach , ‘after’, are not (yet) available.
Apologies, but there is no English version of the search engine available yet.
The Search Mask
Type your search criteria into the search fields on the left! Empty search fields are ignored. The listboxes on the right, Liste von Druckorten and Liste von Druckernamen , reflect current database content. The numbers in parentheses right of the names reflect the number of times the name appears in the database. As an alternative to typing, you can click on a name to copy it to the search field. This overwrites the content of the search field.
The listbox Treffer pro Seite (‘hits per page’) enables you to determine the length of each individual page of results. For more detailed information, go to Search Basics!
Special Characters
For information on the input of special characters, go to Special Characters.
List of Search Results
Results are given as lists of descriptions. For more information on the details listed, go to Search Results.